Apple TV Not Responding - Repost -  AGAIN!

Dear Discussions Group,
in the hope to find a solution I am reposting this topic. It has been posted several times. So I apologize for the re-post, but there is no fix yet and I am hoping to perhaps find one.
My ATV is giving me the Port 3689 message.
I have done pretty much everything that others have suggested. Factory Restore, taking the plug out for over 30 seconds, changing the firewall setting (as much as they can....) in System Prefs etc etc
So, what I would like to ask, HOW can I change settings on the 3689 port?? any Ideas??
And can perhaps someone form Apple finally address this? So many are having the problem.

Thanks for all the replies!
To recap for all:
- The problem does not lie with my wireless network, as other computers (both mac and windows) can connect to the ATV and communicate.
- My MBPro does not have 3rd party firewall software on it.
- I have disconnected the ATV from my itunes, I have done several factory restores (even with oldest factory firmware, I get the 3689 message!) and have done anything and everythign that has been suggested here with the firewall (only one option there anyway!) or itunes prefs.
It is clear that it is my MBpro and that somehow the port(s) allowing incoming traffic from other devices (can not share my files, i-tunes library etc) but I have no idea how to fix that...
I have no experience in code or using the terminal, so I have left my hands off that for now. But if there is someone who can tell me how to check if the firewall is blocking this and how to turn that off using the terminal I;d give it a shot.
I have so much media and can not use the ATV. it;s driving me absolutely insane!
PS. Update: Just completed yet another factory restore, and now my ATV will not connect to the wireless network AT ALL... Nothing has been changed to the network and it was connected to the network about 10 minutes ago!!
Also the remote has been unpaired, and I cant pair that back either. it worked up until the network connection attempt. Now the ATV is blinking amber when i click the remote (and there was an "unpair"-looking icon on the screen)

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    The problem is not with the router nor the firewall. And with you having the issue on a PC and I having it on a Mac, this rules out the OS. That leaves a networking problem in either iTunes or the AppleTV. Or most likely a dropped packet of information between the two.
    Using NetBarrier I have watched the interaction between my Mac and the AppleTV. The sync occurs in three separate phases. The first phase initiates communications via port 3689 and a few high order ports (49xxx - 6xxxx). After this is finished about a dozen ports are opened by the AppleTV (all high order) for a couple of minutes. When these ports close and after a substantial wait, the AppleTV opens a whole s**t-load of ports (well over 200) and the actual sync occurs. It is this third phase that fails when I fail the sync. Or iTunes gets stuck waiting for a response from the AppleTV. I think that the AppleTV is dropping the ball and failing to respond properly.

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    Please read
    -try some steps such as changing browsers and turning off your firewall
    -also flush your browser cache so you are starting with a fresh browser ip/
    A chat session where an agent may remotely look inside your computer may help
    Creative Cloud chat support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues)

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    Message was edited by: james_bellanca

    Don't worry you're not the only one to wonder if they've lost the plot. My ATV seems to sync when it wants to not when I want it to. It appears and disappears from the Devices list and I am constantly checking to ensure it can see my wireless network. Even when it is in the Devices list sometimes it will sync, sometimes it will not.
    Signal strength shows as 2/3 out of 5 on the ATV, whereas my laptop shows stronger when I place it adjacent to the ATV, and connects to internet fine. I downloaded the latest ATV software, V2 I believe last night successfully, so it must have been networked OK. I get the port 3XXX message quite frequently but I have the firewall OFF on the iMac so it cannot be this either.
    Currently the ATV is sitting in the devices list but refusing to sync an iPhoto file, and I have run out of logical ideas. I am hoping for a repeat of the 5.2 earthquake (huge for the UK) that occurred last night on the illogical basis that we may have a repeat performance of the thing actually working.
    My router operates dynamic DHCP with the IP address regularly changing, should I provide a fixed static IP address for the ATV?
    Run out of logical ideas, has anyone got any logical or illogical ideas that I might try?

  • Apple TV not responding error message

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    However, I had this problem after it as well, so I fiddled and rebooted our reasonably new AEBS (the latest model), and also the ATV and it started working.
    However syncing was incredibly slow, it took about an hour and a half to sync a one hour movie (1.8GB). Even a week ago it wasn't like this!
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    So I thought the issue was solved, and went into the movies tab and selected about ~20 movies to sync to the ATV, and then it gave me the message.
    I'm not sure what the problem is can anyone help?

    That's what I meant when I said I formatted the ATV, I restored it to factory settings. The issue still persists after that, that's how I figure it's not the ATV Flash.
    I either get a "Not responding" message, or it just goes ridiculously slow.
    At the moment, I'm syncing 36 movies over and it fits in that latter category, I'll have to wait and see if makes any progress or is just stuck.
    According to activity monitor, 500KB/s is being sent over the network.
    I've noticed a big slow down with the internet while this is going on though, took me like 10 seconds to open, and it's bad enough that a game I want to play shows that I'm not connected to the internet!
    //Actually I think the game is just getting maintenace
    Only a short while ago we moved the AEBS to a better location - it was behind a 30" ACD, so it's been moved and has improved the WiFi signal strength down the end of the house (which isn't too far).
    But even when it was behind the 30" the ATV never had any issue before.

  • Apple TV not responding-Port 3689

    I have been syncing with my Apple TV for almost 2 years. My only recent changes have been the upgrade to Snow Leopard. When I tried to sync today and clicked on the more info I received the following response:
    Once you have synced or paired the Apple TV to your Mac to establish a syncing or streaming connection, iTunes may say "The Apple TV [Name] is not responding. Check that any firewall software running on this computer has been set to allow communication on port 3689."
    Firewall is not enabled presently. Any help would be appreciated.

    AZWally wrote:
    .............. I received the following response:
    *Once you have synced or paired the Apple TV to your Mac to establish a syncing or streaming connection, iTunes may say "The Apple TV [Name] is not responding. Check that any firewall software running on this computer has been set to allow communication on port 3689."*
    Is that the message you get, or are you saying you have re-linked the library (pass code) as a troubleshooting step and then get the message: "The Apple TV [Name] is not responding. Check that any firewall software running on this computer has been set to allow communication on port 3689."

  • Apple TV not responding

    I've recently bought Apple TV and an iMac using the latest software. When trying to sync (from iTunes) the following error message appears: "Apple TV is not responding Check that any firewall software running on this computer has been set to allow communication on port 3689" All solutions refer to older Mac OS X versions. Any ideas? Much appreciated.

    ozdude wrote:
    Unfortunately that solution does not help the Apple TV issue.............
    But it answers the OP's question.
    The OP was looking for documentation that related to Snow leopard and its firewall, which I have provided. Whether or not this resolves the OP's error message is another matter.
    The particular error the OP has encountered may be due to network issues or software installed on the host computer.
    The article above describes what might cause this problem, but it relates to earlier OSX releases when it discusses firewall options, I assume the OP has read this and was looking for the documentation for SL and its firewall.
    ......... it should be made clear to anyone who just goes and wastes a few hundred dollars on this lemon.
    Excluding a faulty unit, this is not an tv problem but rather a problem with your particular set up.

  • Apple TV Not Responding - Firewall Port 3689?

    I just purchased the Apple TV, and went through the setup. Everything seemed to go smoothly until I tried to sync through iTunes and I got an error saying:
    Apple TV is not responding, check that any firewall software is set to allow communications on port 3689
    Any idea what is going on? Could I have entered the password to my Airport Extreme wrong? I am on a Macbook Pro under 10.5.4.

    Well I say hijack because if the ATV connected to wireless, nothing else could. The computer sharing my iTunes library would stay connected for about 20 minutes, then whatever I was watching would freeze and then connection was lost. Had to reboot everything to get the connection back up. To figure it out I just realized that when the ATV was connected, it was the only thing connecting. iphone, desktop pc, mac mini, and laptop pc would all lose connection. I think I jumped the gun posting I got it working though, because after I set the reserves in DHCP it worked long enough to get my hopes the other devices still have connections, but iTunes stops sharing about 20 minutes into whatever I'm watching. Very frustrating. Other forums are telling me to buy an airport, i may try it just to see if it works, but think its pretty shady if thats what I have to do to get this working right.
    BTW I'm using a Linksys WRT160N ( orWrapper) router. WEP enabled for now but was and will use WPA TKIP.

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