Applescript/Automator help needed.

I attempting to create an Automator Folder Action that will do two things.  First, when an image is added to the “Upload” folder, a new mail message will be created.  Second, it will run an applescript that allows me to select from a list of album names.  This value will go into the title field of the new email.  Here’s what the Automator Folder Action looks like so far:
1.  Automator Action:  Get Selected Finder Items - this will get the item just added to the “Upload” folder. 
2.  Automator Action:  Set Value of Variable - Since I don’t see a way to save the image itself as a variable, I store the image name here and call it “Image Name.”
3.  Automator Action:  Run AppleScript - When run, this will bring up a list of album names.  I click on the one I want and click OK.
4.  Automator Action:  Set Value of Variable - set the value that holds the album name from step 3.
5.  Automator Action:  Get Value of Variable - gets the value stored in step 2.
6.  Automator Action:  New Mail Message - Fills out the To: field, populates the Subject: field with the Album name.  But here’s where it fails.  It populates the message field with the name of the path where the image is located, not with the image. 
Note the first and last actions are disabled.
It seems this would work if I could pass the image itself as a variable, but I see no way to do that.  I apparently can only pass the name of the image.
Any ideas how I can fix this? Thanks!

There is an error in the AppleScript.  It should read...
on run {input, parameters}
          set the_list to {"Album 1", "Album 2", "Album 3"}
choose from list the_list
          set album_name to result
          return album_name
end run
But the problem is still there.

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    Sorry, I agree. It will update Style Library and other out of the box ones. Include the library titles in a collection and run the update against them provided these libraries are common across all sites. If not, you will have to first get an extract of
    all such libraries in all sites say in a CSV file and then update the script below to refer to the CSV records.
    Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -ErrorAction Stop;
    #List of Libraries to be updated.
    $Libraries = @("Shared Documents","My Document Library");
    $spAssgn = Start-SPAssignment;
    $site = Get-SPSite http://site -AssignmentCollection $spAssgn
    #Walk through each site in the site collection
    $site | Get-SPWeb -Limit ALL -AssignmentCollection $spAssgn |
    ForEach-Object {
    #Enumerate through all document libraries
    $_.Lists|Where{$_.BaseTemplate -eq "DocumentLibrary" -and $Libraries -contains $_.Title}|Foreach-Object{
    #Get the list in this site
    $list = $_;
    #Create a version each time you edit an item in this list (lists)
    #Create major versions (document libraries)
    $list.EnableVersioning = $true
    #Create major and minor (draft) versions (document libraries only)
    $list.EnableMinorVersions = $true
    #Keep the following number of versions (lists)
    #Keep the following number of major versions (document libraries)
    $list.MajorVersionLimit = 7
    #Keep drafts for the following number of approved versions (lists)
    #Keep drafts for the following number of major versions (document libraries)
    $list.MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit = 5
    #Update the list
    Stop-SPAssignment $spAssgn;
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Slalom.

  • Automator help needed

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    Can some one help?

    OS X can print everything.
    But not by AppleScript without using the GUI Scripting (simulated keyboard and mouse, I use this when there is not any other solution), It's generally slow, not very reliable and the user can not touch the keyboard, mouse or trackpad during the execution of the script..
    It's possible directly in some applications ("Microsoft Word", "Pages"), but Pages does not open HTML files.
    It's possible in Safari by using a virtual printer :
    AppleScript can change the printer in Safari and create a PDF in the default folder, but it can't change the destination folder.
    There are command line utilities that can be use in an AppleScript, but requires Terminal knowledges to install or make it executables ( or ).
    Here is my solution (this AppleScript uses cocoa frameworks in python shell):
    set x to quoted form of POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "Select the source folder")
    set destFolder to quoted form of POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "Select the destination folder")
    set pythonScript to "import os, sys, Foundation, AppKit, WebKit
    class AppDelegate (Foundation.NSObject):
      def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, aNotification):
         wview = aNotification.object().windows()[0].contentView()
    class WebkitLoad (Foundation.NSObject, WebKit.protocols.WebFrameLoadDelegate):
      def webView_didFailLoadWithError_forFrame_(self, wview,error,frame):
      def webView_didFailProvisionalLoadWithError_forFrame_(self, wview,error,frame):
      def openFileIn(self, wview):
         fPath = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()
         if (fPath == \"\") : AppKit.NSApplication.sharedApplication().terminate_(None)
         tPAth = Foundation.CFStringCreateWithCString(None, fPath, Foundation.kCFStringEncodingUTF8)
         self.filePath = tPAth
         url = Foundation.CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(None, tPAth, 0, False)
         wview.window().setContentSize_((400, 200))
         wview.setFrame_(Foundation.NSMakeRect(0,0, 400, 200))
         if not wview.mainFrame().provisionalDataSource(): self.openFileIn(wview)
      def webView_didFinishLoadForFrame_(self, wview, frame):
         if (frame == wview.mainFrame()):
           view = frame.frameView().documentView()
           rect = view.bounds()
           dirPath, t = os.path.split(self.filePath)
           fName = os.path.basename(dirPath)
           pdfData = view.dataWithPDFInsideRect_(rect)
           if (pdfData.writeToFile_atomically_(self.destF + fName + \".pdf\", False)): os.remove(self.filePath)
    app = AppKit.NSApplication.sharedApplication()
    delegate = AppDelegate.alloc().init()
    rect = Foundation.NSMakeRect(0,0,100,100)
    wind = AppKit.NSWindow.alloc()
    wind.initWithContentRect_styleMask_backing_defer_ (rect, AppKit.NSBorderlessWindowMask, 2, False)
    wview = WebKit.WebView.alloc()
    loaddelegate = WebkitLoad.alloc().init()
    loaddelegate.filePath = \"\"
    loaddelegate.destF = Foundation.CFStringCreateWithCString(None, sys.argv[1], Foundation.kCFStringEncodingUTF8)
    do shell script "/usr/bin/find " & x & " -type f -name 'index.html' -print | /usr/bin/python -c " & (quoted form of pythonScript) & " " & destFolder
    display dialog "Done"
    If the script creates the PDF file, the HTML file will be deleted, otherwise the HTML file will remain in the folder.
    Another solution : the "Paparazzi!" application (Donation Ware).
    With this script:
    set x to quoted form of POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "Select the source folder")
    set destFolder to POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "Select the destination folder")
    -- get all "index.html" files and his parent name
    set r to do shell script "/usr/bin/find " & x & " -type f -name 'index.html' |/usr/bin/perl -pe 's:.*/(.*?)/.*:$_\\1:'"
    if r is not "" then
        set tFiles to paragraphs of r
        set TC to count tFiles
        repeat with i from 1 to TC by 2
            set tFile to item i of tFiles
            set folderName to item (i + 1) of tFiles
            tell application "Paparazzi!"
                capture tFile delay 0
                repeat while busy
                    delay 0.1
                end repeat
                save as PDF in (destFolder & folderName & ".pdf")
            end tell
            --do shell script "/bin/rm -f " & (quoted form of tFile) & " > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
        end repeat
        quit application "Paparazzi!"
        display dialog "Done"
    end if
    The HTML files will not be changed, if you want to remove it, uncomment this line :  --do shell script "/bin/rm -f " & (quoted form of tFile) & " > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
    Another solution that I would use:
    The script move the HTML files and it change the relative paths to absolute paths in the HTML files.
    It's not very complicated, but it requires to know the tags of your HTML files.

  • Looking for AppleScript / Automator Help

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    All due respect to Camelot, working with Excel is not so bad, you just need to work around its limitations.  the following should work, without the need of creating a tab-delimited file:
    tell application "Microsoft Excel"
      -- use the correct range for your data, obviously
              set theSpreadsheetPeople to value of range "A1:C2000" of worksheet 1 of document 1
    end tell
    repeat with thisPerson in theSpreadsheetPeople
              set {userid, email, pass} to items 1 thru 3 of thisPerson
              tell application "Mail"
                        set newMess to make new outgoing message at end of outgoing messages with properties {subject:"This is the Subject line", sender:"[email protected]", visible:true}
                        tell newMess
      make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:email}
                                  set content to "Text string with email contents, including user id: " & userid & " and password: " & pass
                        end tell
      -- uncomment the following line to send automatically
      -- send newMess
              end tell
    end repeat
    test it a few times on a short list of data lines (say 4 or 5 lines) with the send command commented out, so that you can make sure that the email is being structured properly and looks the way you want it to.  Once you're satisfied, you can uncomment the send line and use visible:false in the make new outgoing message line.  that will let Mail create and send the emails invisibly.  but again, make sure the emails are being created correctly before you uncomment that send line - nothing worse then sending out a bulk message with errors in it.

  • Applescript/Automator help entering text

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    killall Dock
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    Try using:
    do shell script "defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{tile-data={}; tile-type=\"spacer-tile\";}'"
    do shell script "killall Dock"

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    I would greatly appreciate some assitance.

    Hi, David. Automator is perfectly suited for this task. In fact, you're in luck. Apple has written an excellent easy-to-follow guide that walks you through precisely the project you describe!
    Good luck, and happy automating.
    PowerMac G5 (June 2004) 2x1.8GHz 1.25GB, PowerBook G4 (12-inch DVI) 1x1GHz 768MB   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

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    Anyone know what OS/Unix process is being called for such a command?

  • Help needed to tether Canon EOS T1i to IMac with Aperture

    Hello out there,
    Will someone kindly help me IN BABY STEPS AND EASY-To-READ instructions how to (if it is even possible) how to:
    Tether my Canon EOS Rebel T1i to my Imac that is using Aperture.
    I tried to use the instructions in Aperture but nothing worked.
    Thanks and have a nice day,
    Stacey Bindman (Mr.)
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada

    Tethering is only supported on specific camera models. Tethering in Aperture doesn't work with the T1i. Apple implements it based on a standard which Canon only implemented on some cameras (and it seems like none of the new models support it).
    You can get around this by using an Automator workflow downloadable here:
    You use the tethered shooting mode in the Canon EOS Utility to capture the photos to a folder and this workflow grabs any image that shows up in the folder and imports it into an Aperture project.
    This gives you the functionality of tethering although the extra steps and workflow have a short delay before the image shows up.
    Download the utility. Since it's really an Applescript / Automator workflow you might want to drop it into the "Applications" -> "AppleScript" folder on your Mac.
    Since you wont want Aperture to auto-start and attempt an import when your camera is connected, you should probably start Aperture, select "Aperture" -> "Preferences..." -> "Import" then set the value of "When a camera is connected, open:" to "No Application" (meaning it wont attempt to do anything.) Close the Preferences window (no need to restart anything... the change takes effect immediately.)
    Now you can connect your camera via the USB cord without fear that Aperture will try to grab control of it. Run the Canon "EOS Utility" (it's probably in the "Applications" -> "Canon Utilities" folder).
    At the top, make sure "Control Camera" is selected, then below click on "Camera settings/Remote shooting".
    You'll see a panel showing some camera settings, but up near the top, just below the battery icon is a field that shows the folder that it intends to put your images in as you shoot. To the right of this is a tiny folder icon. Click this and you can select the folder of your choice. I created a folder named "Tethered" inside my user account's "Pictures" folder (e.g. in my case it's /Users/tim/Pictures/Tethered )
    NOW start the "Aperture Hot Folder" script (if you saved it where I suggested then it's in "Applications" -> "AppleScript" -> "Aperture Hot Folder")
    The script will walk you through a few steps. First it will ask you to select the folder where your EOS Utility is saving the tethered shooting images. e.g. in my case this is the /Users/tim/Pictures/Tethered folder I mentioned earlier.
    Next, it'll ask if you'd like to create a "New" project in Aperture or use an "Existing" project. The choice is yours. I happened to create a project named "Tethered" just for testing.
    Lastly, it'll ask if you'd like the images to be imported as managed images (stored inside the Aperture Library) or referenced images (only meta-data is stored in the Aperture Library). "Managed" is easier because Aperture does the work, but "Referenced" offers you more control -- assuming you are willing to set up a scheme to organize your photos and manage them yourself.
    It'll also explain how to end the "Hot Folder" session when you're finished (bring it to the foreground -- usually by just clicking it's icon down in the dock, then use the menu to select "Aperture Hot Folder" -> "Quit Aperture Hot Folder". You can then quit the EOS Utility to end your remote shooting session.)
    With the EOS Utility, Aperture, and the Aperture Hot Folder script running, you can now start shooting and the images will (after a few seconds delay) show up in the Aperture project you selected earlier.
    Message was edited by: Tim Campbell1

  • How do I restore Automated Help from a Device/thumbdrive?

    I re-installed Yosemite fresh after upgrading to a new hard drive and then migrated all my files over.  However, the automated help file did not come over.  So I went to a website that had a collection of the files:
    There is found the correct version of the hardware test for my Macbook and then download a dmg file that created a device on my desktop (similar to when you plug in a thumbdrive) from which I could restore the .diagnostic file.  I don't have hidden files turned on so I can see it in the folder but its the right directory structure:  System/Library/CoreServices.  The website says to restore this file but I don't know how to do that.  I can't copy it without changing the set up to show hidden files, which I don't want to do and I am not sure that's the right way to do it.  So what is the easiest way to restore that to the Coreservices folder on my computer?  I could copy it to a thumbdrive if need be as well.  I have used the terminal but not real familiar with syntax so if I have to copy it that way please provide the exact syntax.  The full name of the device created on my desktop is:  "AHTBThree/System/Library/CoreServices/".  It appears as though there is nothing showing in Coreservices folder but as noted it is because the file is hidden.

    Well I figured it out so let me give step by step instructions in case anyone else has the same issue whereby you Apple Diagnostics file is missing or corrupted.
    First, you need to start terminal and enter the following command, which will make hidden files visible (don't worry you can change it back by giving the same command and substituting "FALSE" for "TRUE" once you are finished):
    defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
    Then go to this site:  to find the missing or corrupted ".diagnostics" folder.  As explained there, run EACH of these commands separately to determine the correct model and board number:
    sysctl hw.model | awk '{ print $2 }'
    ioreg -l | grep board-id | awk -F\" '{ print $4 }'
    The first will give you the model of your Mac (in my case, "Macbook 7,1") and the second will give you the board number (in my case, Mac-F22C89C8).  With those two identifiers you find your particular Mac product heading in bold on the page ((in my case a MacBook) and click or double click on the matching model and board number combination--this will download the ".diagnostics" folder you need including the complete folder structure (i.e., "System/Library/CoreServices/" in my case).  Navigate to the ".diagnostics" folder and copy it to the corresponding folder on your Mac (i.e., "System/Library/CoreServices/") in my case.  Then follow the instructions here:  Using Apple Diagnostics - Apple Support.

  • Help Needed - Even after lodging "Presidential Complaint"

    Help needed please!!To make a long story short I have been through nothing but aggravation the past week trying to get my phone working. Service call on 7/6 to install Fios Internet, TV and phone. Internet and TV work fine, but Phone has no dial tone, going on a week and a half now. Tried contacting the account rep who set up my account, her supervisor as well as tech support on numerous occassions. 
    They set a dispatch for yesterday, and when the tech called me to say he was here, he was at an address i moved out of 4 years ago, in another state.I get a call from someone saying the service request was being closed and I need to call in with the correct address, after telling that rep I would not do that, that Verizon should make the updates based on my TV/Internet records, she hung up on me. Called back into Tech Support and the best they could do was an appointment for tomorrow. I then called the Corporate number and spoke with someone who opened a "Presidential Complaint" and requested an expedited call.. well i have heard nothing since then other than an automated call earlier today sayin my original service request will be kept. Needless to say I'm very upset that after a week and a half I still have no phone service and it doesn't seem like anyone is real willing to help me. I'm sure I'll get billed in full even though one of the 3 services I'm paying for hasn't been working in a week and a half.. 

    Hi jkoen77,
    Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Before the agent can begin assisting you, they will need to collect further information from you. Please go to your profile page for the forum and look at the top of the middle column where you will find an area titled "My Support Cases". You can reach your profile page by clicking on your name beside your post, or at the top left of this page underneath the title of the board.
    Under "My Support Cases" you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information. The title of your post is the link. This should be checked on a frequent basis, as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions. To ensure you know when they have responded to you, at the top of your support case there is a drop down menu for support case options. Open that and choose "subscribe". Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.

  • How on EARTH to parameters work in AppleScript Automator Actions for SL?

    Prior to Snow Leopard, creating a new AppleScript Automator Action would create a template something like...
    on run{input, parameters}
    but now, on Snow Leopard, I get:
    on runWithInputfromAction_error(input, anAction, errorRef)
    where to I get the 'parameters' collection from? If I just reference 'parameters', without it being declared in some way, I get errors....
    I assume there is some new mechanism in SL, what is it??

    Sorry, I misunderstood what you said the first time around. I thought that you wanted to use the +Run AppleScript+ action within Automator but now I see that you are trying to create a new Automator action using applescript. Now that I try it in Xcode I to get the same method/handler signature. Tried to look at the [Mac Dev Center| onceptual/AutomatorTutorialAppleScript/Introduction/Introduction.html] but it hasn't been updated lately. Also tried looking at the [Automator Programming Guide| nceptual/AutomatorConcepts/Articles/ImplementScriptAction.html#//apple_ref/doc/u id/TP40001512] and the documentation for [AMBundleAction| cations/Reference/AutomatorFramework/Classes/AMBundleAction_Class/Reference/Refe rence.html] but can't figure anything out. Sorry I don't have much experience in Xcode, so can't help you much with that.

  • Are qt-tracks switchable per Applescript/Automator?

    my idea is the following scenario:
    I do have a containing TWO video tracks.
    What I'm looking for is a 'single button'-solution, which allows to switch between both tracks.
    possible? how?
    any ready-made scripts/actions avail?
    to give additional info about my project:
    I'm recording soccer games with two (... four) cameras simultanously.
    the team's coach needs a 'dumb' solution (no word about soccer-coaches! ) , to see the action from one or the other perspective.
    it's simple to stitch the two videos into a single mov, and I do know how to 'select tracks on display' in QT7pro.
    but he doesn't.
    my idea is, to create a (local, on usb-stick) website, offering that video. (and additional info)
    or, even better, a Pages/iBooks document .......
    plus a 'switch'-button, which is a kind-of applescript/automator action/whatever, which changes 'priority'. that way both videos are always in synch.-
    anybody any idea?
    thanks in advance

    I'm recording soccer games with two (... four) cameras simultanously.
    the team's coach needs a 'dumb' solution (no word about soccer-coaches! ) , to see the action from one or the other perspective.
    it's simple to stitch the two videos into a single mov, and I do know how to 'select tracks on display' in QT7pro.
    but he doesn't.
    Hi Karsten, it's been while since I last saw a posting by you here.
    Simplest approach would be to create a file containing side-by-side or over-and-under display of two angle cameras or a combination of the two to display four simultaneous camera angles. If you combine, align, and offset the video tracks in QT 7 Pro and then compress to your target diplay file, then the sync alignment of the source tracks will be locked in the combined frames of your final output file unlike individual source tracks each of which might drop frames independently during playback in a multiple video track standalone file. This, of course, means that all viwing angles are displayed simultaneously and the viewer must switch his or her attention to the specific angle of interest but does allow you to play the file in any compatible media player, on a web site or on any compatible mobile device without having to program track switching which may or may not be compatible will all of the viewing options previously mentioned.
    A second approach would be to key your video tracks to alternative language options and have the viewing angle (track) change when the associated language is selected. Unfortunately, this only works in apps/on devices which support built-in alternate languages and/or multiple video track control. For instance, it QT X and QT 7 will switch the video track when the appropriate language is selected but VLC has separate built-n video track switching controls and iTunes doesn't recognize alternative video tracks. Unfortunately, there is a secondary problem with this approach. Playback can sometimes become jittery after switching tacks. This problem can be correctly by momentarily stopping playback and then restarting it but this can be a pain.
    A third option might be the use of sprite buttons to script switching between tracks. Unfortunately, I can't say how difficult or successful this approach may be based on any personal experience.

  • Calendar triggered sending of emails via AppleScript / AutoMator

    Let us say that I have groups defined in my Contacts app.
    I want an AppleScript / Automator workflow that will send a predefined text (with placeholders for first name) a predefined number of hours (say 12 hours) before a calendar event / date (say Thanksgiving) one by one to each person in a specified group.
    I guess I could spend a few hours building this, but it sounds like something someone must have done before.
    Any pointers?

    Sorted it. I need to change addRecipient to setRecipient.

  • Troubleshoting help needed:  My iMac keeps crashing and restarting with a report detail: "spinlock application timed out"  What can I do to fix this?timed out"

    Troubleshooting help needed:  My iMac keeps crashing and restarting with a notice: "Spinlock application timed out"  What can I do?

    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the page that opens.
    Select the most recent panic log under System Diagnostic Reports. Post the contents — the text, please, not a screenshot. In the interest of privacy, I suggest you edit out the “Anonymous UUID,” a long string of letters, numbers, and dashes in the header and body of the report, if it’s present (it may not be.) Please don't post shutdownStall, spin, or hang reports.

  • Help needed for writing query

    help needed for writing query
    i have the following tables(with data) as mentioned below
    FK*-foregin key (SUBJECTS)
    FK**-foregin key (COMBINATION)
    1)SUBJECTS(table name)     
    2           02           Computer Science
    3           03           Physics
    4           04           Chemistry
    5           05           Mathematics
    7           07           Commerce
    8           08           Computer Applications
    9           09           Biology
    383           S1      9           4           2           3
    384           S2      4           2           5           3
    ---------I actually designed the ABOVE table also like this
    383           S1
    384           S2
    1               383          9
    2               383          4
    3               383          2
    4               383          3
    5               384          4
    6               384          2          
    7               384          5
    8               384          3
    Business rule: a combination consists of a maximum of 4 subjects (must contain)
    and the user is less relevant to a COMB_NAME(name of combinations) but user need
    the subjects contained in combinations
    i need the following output
    383     S1     Biology Chemistry      Computer Science Physics
    384     S2     Chemistry Computer Science Mathematics Physics
    or even this is enough(what i actually needed)
    COMB_ID     subjects
    383           Biology,Chemistry,Computer Science,Physics
    384           Chemistry,Computer Science,Mathematics,Physics
    you can use any of the COMBINATION table(either (2) or (3))
    and i want to know
    1)which design is good in this case
    (i think SUB_ID1,SUB_ID2,SUB_ID3,SUB_ID4 is not a
    good method to link with same table but if 4 subjects only(and must) comes
    detail table is not neccessary )
    now i am achieving the result by program-coding in C# after getting the rows from oracle
    i am using oracle 9i (also ODP.NET)
    i want to know how can i get the result in the stored procedure itsef.
    2)how it could be designed in any other way.
    any help/suggestion is welcome
    thanks for your time --Pradeesh

    Well I forgot the table-alias, here now with:
    As you need exactly 4 subjects, the columns-solution is just fine I would say.

Maybe you are looking for

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