Appleworks opening failure

AW was locking up when simple WP files were open so I decided to reinstall it. I dragged the old folder to the trash and emptied the trash. Then I reinstalled AW6 again. Repaired permissions and restarted. I also installed the AW update.
Now AW won't open at all. I get the splash screen, then a message that "The file is locked or already in use." When clicking OK (IT's NOT OK!) AW tries to continue to open for a few more seconds then shuts down with the "unexpected close" error box.
I've discarded the appleworks.plist file and repaired permissions and restarted but continue to get the error.
What file is blocking the opening sequence and how do I get it working again?

Dave and Peggy,
Thanks for the suggestions. I replaced the dock icon right after the reinstallation. I've tried opening AW from an AW file (double clicking the file) and from double clicking the application itself (Appleworks 6). Same result.
Peggy, I know about locking files and giving read and write permissions. The problem here is that I cannot tell what file it is that AW is trying to open. When I click on the application icon, it should not be trying to open any file in particular. I've deleted the "recent files" and also the com.appleworks.plist in the preferences folder. I still get the locked file error message.
Here is one hint. I had a file open and got a spinning beach ball while that file was open. It was this problem that caused me to decide to reinstall AW (AW locking up when files were open). I had used the forced quit to stop AW, then deleted AW and the plist and the recent files and reinstalled. It might be that AW is trying to open some ghost of the file that was open the last time it was running. That file is on the hard drive in the same folder and with the same name as it had before, but maybe there is a file out there somewhere that indicates it was open at the time of the lockup/force quit. Maybe THAT ghost file is what I am looking for. Cannot imagine where to look for it though.
Thanks for the help so far ... wish it had worked!

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    kirxblog   |   Web   |   Fireside

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    If your program is able to run sucessfully on other systems, then I doubt there's anything wrong with your code.  I've seen this error before with bad installations of VISA.  The explanation of the error is "The specified configuration either does not exist or could not be loaded. VISA-specified defaults will be used." 
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    If you don't get an error when launching MAX, double check the resources and make sure they are identical to you other systems.  Verify that resource names and addresses are the same.  I hope this information helps.
    Michael Chaney
    Systems Engineer - TestStand
    National Instruments

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    OSX 10.7.5
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    12 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 ECC
    ATI Radeon HD 5770 1024 MB
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    The application "Appleworks" could not be launched because of a shared library error:
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    Macintosh HD:System folder:Extensions:CarbonLib
    the current version is FU1-1.6.1
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    I've followed these suggestions, but there was no Appleworks folder or a file named when I looked in the Home -> Library -> Preferences folder.
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    I recently installed AppleWorks 6.0.4 on my G4 running 10.4.11 and don't get the described behavior.
    May you check the contents of the MacOS folder which you saw in the application's package.
    I know that some old users emptied it when they used the program under MacOS 9.
    Its normal contents is:
    AppleWorks 6
    and three aliases:
    AppleWorks Essentials
    Starting Points
    They are pointing to:
    <startupVolume>:Applications:AppleWorks 6:AppleWorks Essentials
    <startupVolume>:Applications:AppleWorks 6:Clippings
    <startupVolume>:Applications:AppleWorks 6:Starting Points
    which are three required folder (with their contents).
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE dimanche 31 août 2008 11:24:53)

  • AppleWorks opens slowly

    I am troubleshooting a friend's iMac Bondi Blue. He uses AppleWorks and Photoshop 7 for pro photography, and cannot launch AppleWorks. I have taken the following steps to try to troubleshoot the problem:
    Deleted the file
    Updated to Mac OS X 10.2.8
    Updated to AppleWorks 6.9.2
    Reinstalled AppleWorks with a retail CD
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    it seems that I understood wrong.
    In fact I understood that you didn't encounter problem before the last three years.
    Just remember that english is not my first language
    For me recent items is not a problem, a script of mine trash every "recent item alias" just when it is created.
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE jeudi 17 novembre 2005 21:14:01)

  • Canon MP Navigator EX 4.1 opener failure message

    Hello community,
    yesterday i try to use the Canon MP Navigator EX 4.1 for my MX410. The actual Canon drivers are installed.
    Everytime i get the same failuer message:
    MP Navigator EX kann nicht gestartet werden. Überprüfen Sie die folgenden Punkte:
    1. Diese Software unterstützt folgende Modelle. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Modell aufgelistet ist.
    Canon MP493 series
    Canon MX360 series
    Canon MX410 series
    Canon MX420 series
    Canon MX880 series
    Ist Ihr Modell nicht aufgelistet, installieren Sie die entsprechende Software MP Navigator oder MP Navigator EX.
    2. Ein Ihr Modell unterstützender MP-Treiber/Scanner-Treiber ist installiert.
    3. Ihr Modell ist ordnungsgemäß mit dem Computer verbunden und die Spannungsversorgung gegebenenfalls eingeschaltet.
    4. Entfernen Sie gegebenenfalls das USB-Kabel und schließen Sie es wieder an.
    Any idea how to fix this?

    Maybe it´s a little bit old, but maybe I can help someone with this
    You only had the MP Navigator Software installed. You need to additionally install Scan_LiDE_110.aspx?DLtcmuri=tcm:83-956668&page=1&type=download

  • Appleworks bounces but will not open

    Please help! my appleworks applic. seems to have died! It's still there, but only 'bounces' as if opening and then nothing. I deleted the package and re-installed it with my friends, directly fire-wired from his laptop, but still it won't work. I have installed a Word package to use, but that just 'bounces' too. I have installed an iwork package (pages & keynote) which works ok but i can't use this for a lot of the things I need appleworks for nor can I open any of my appleworks docs which i need.
    I have run checks on my hardware & software, but it says it's all fine.
    I think the error occured after plugging in my supposedly mac-friendly walkman phone which crashed my ibook, when I had appleworks open. I have consulted a number of 'experts' but no one has any solutions.
    Ibook, G4, 12inch   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

    Welcome to Apple Discussions Nona
    I doubt deleting the AppleWorks preferences would help here, although it can't hurt. Same answer I just posted in response to dansyoung:
    You have run into the most complained about bug in AppleWorks 6 - known as the "Recent Items bug." There are three user tips in the User Tips Library dealing with Recent Items.
    Dale Gillard - AppleWorks slow? Spinning ball appears?
    Dale Gillard - Recent items not visible/updated
    Yvan Koenig - No More Recent Items

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