Arch linux lxc in debian host.

Hi. I have been playing with lxc recently. Im running them on a debian host. I have created a couple of debian lxc and a centos lxc inside the host. Now im trying to create an arch lxc. There is an arch linux template provided by the debian package but it requires pacman installed on the host system in order to work. This is a production server and i dont want to install binaries untracked, so compiling pacman with make, is not an option.
I decided to create an Arch linux chroot as the wiki says by dowloading a tarball.
Im able to chroot sucessfully to it and install some packages. I have created the lxc dev/  files by following the arch wiki, and reading the archlinux template. Then i created a config file for the linux container and a fstab file. I got these from the archlinux template and copying other lxc config and fstab files (debian and centos one).
However hen i try to boot the container with lxc-start i got
lxc-start: File exists - failed to symlink '/dev/pts/ptmx'->'/dev/ptmx'
lxc-start: failed to setup the new pts instance
lxc-start: failed to setup the container
lxc-start: invalid sequence number 1. expected 2
lxc-start: failed to spawn 'arch'
So i remove /dev/ptmx  into the lxc.
Then i got:
lxc-start: No such file or directory - failed to exec /sbin/init
lxc-start: invalid sequence number 1. expected 2
lxc-start: failed to spawn 'arch
And here im trapped, i cant find /sbin/init, it doesn't exist, in a normal arch installation /sbin/init is pointing to /lib/systemd/systemd .
What to do now?? Is it impossible to setup a lxc with arch inside  a systemv hosts system?????
here is my config file:
lxc.cgroup.devices.deny = a
# /dev/null and zero
# /dev/null and zero
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:3 rwm
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:5 rwm
# consoles
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 5:1 rwm
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 5:0 rwm
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 4:0 rwm
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 4:1 rwm
# /dev/{,u}random
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:9 rwm
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:8 rwm
# /dev/pts
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 136:* rwm
# rtc
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 254:0 rwm
and fstab
proc proc proc nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0
sysfs sys sysfs defaults 0 0

I'm not sure if you've tried Docker yet, but it took about 3 minutes to have a working Arch Docker container on my Ubuntu 12.04 server:
# docker pull base/arch
# docker run -i -t base/arch /bin/bash
[root@c21eea45fb46 /]# pacman -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
core 106.7 KiB 617K/s 00:00 [###############################################] 100%
extra 1533.7 KiB 2.15M/s 00:01 [###############################################] 100%
community 2.1 MiB 2022K/s 00:01 [###############################################] 100%
:: Starting full system upgrade...
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...
Packages (11): archlinux-keyring-20140220-1 curl-7.35.0-1 e2fsprogs-1.42.9-1 gcc-libs-4.8.2-8 glibc-2.19-2 libgcrypt-1.6.1-1
libldap-2.4.39-1 libsasl-2.1.26-7 linux-api-headers-3.13.2-1 pam-1.1.8-3 util-linux-2.24.1-1
Total Download Size: 14.53 MiB
Total Installed Size: 60.52 MiB
Net Upgrade Size: 0.35 MiB
:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
:: Retrieving packages ...
archlinux-keyring-20140220-1-any 432.6 KiB 968K/s 00:00 [###############################################] 100%
curl-7.35.0-1-x86_64 471.5 KiB 2.19M/s 00:00 [###############################################] 100%

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    let me know what you think. … linux.html
    I tried to get it added to list in distrowatch and linuxtoday (emailed both, but nothing )
    nevermind, noticed someone else already linked to this.
    just wish i could delete this topic!
    Last edited by SyXbiT (2008-07-18 02:48:34)

    i don't see it.
    here, you can see the reviews linked next to the iso release (or year)
    i don't see mine

  • Incorporating both Arch Linux and a package repository onto one DVD.

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    No niin, tervetuloa arch-mailmaan.
    Ok, I better stop at one sentence before someone gets mad at me :roll:.
    To answer your question, yes. It is quite possible to put something like that together, heck I think someone suggested we should distribute those some time, but we decided not to (don't quote me, I'm too lazy to read the archives right now) since in most cases pacman will get the job done will job done with less bandwidth waste, and distributing huge snapshots isn't really too conducive to the whole rolling-release thing.
    You might want to check out archiso [1], the install scripts [2], and one of my sample archiso configurations [3] that effectively creates an install CD. Now, keep in mind that archiso isn't the *current* way installers are created, but I think it's much more straightforward to work with than what we're using right now. That said, we currently use archboot to create the CDs, so that may be worth taking a look at as well. There is also a really old installer remastering wiki article [4], though not terribly relevant, you could still use a similar technique to pull apart one of our recent install iso's and remaster it with whatever packages you want. Anyhow, if you'd like help with this, I'd be more than happy to give you a hand (I need some more test-cases for archiso...), or if you look at it and go "gee, this is dumb", don't be afraid to send patches. Just get in touch with me through email, jabber, irc, or whatever.
    Good luck
    [1] … a=summary)
    [2] … ;a=summary
    [3] … stall-conf
    [4] … nstall_ISO

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    disk lp wheel uucp locate rfkill games network video audio optical floppy storage scanner power users vboxusers
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    vboxpci 14581 0
    vboxnetflt 17612 0
    vboxnetadp 18355 0
    vboxdrv 264794 5 vboxnetadp,vboxnetflt,vboxpci
    I must also note that the net-tools package is installed.
    Now, I get the ip adress of my host :
    % ip addr
    1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
    valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
    valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    2: enp9s0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state DOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ether f0:4d:a2:48:5b:38 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    3: wlp4s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 5c:ac:4c:09:d3:f3 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global wlp4s0
    valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::5eac:4cff:fe09:d3f3/64 scope link
    valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    Then I try to ping it from my Debian guest.
    user@debian:~% ping -c 3
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=63 time=0.961 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=63 time=0.722 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=63 time=0.680 ms
    --- ping statistics ---
    3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2001ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.680/0.787/0.961/0.127 ms
    Now I get the ip adress of my guest :
    eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 08:00:27:77:0e:48
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    inet6 addr: fe80::a00:27ff:fe77:e48/64 Scope:Link
    RX packets:69 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:93 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:11577 (11.3 KiB) TX bytes:15395 (15.0 KiB)
    lo Link encap:Local Loopback
    inet addr: Mask:
    inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
    UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
    RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
    RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
    And I try to ping my guest from my host :
    % ping -c 3
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    --- ping statistics ---
    3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2007ms
    There. I hope I didn't give too much information.
    I don't really understand what's going on there, usually that workfow works immediately in all the distributions I tried before, and on windows as well. I think I followed all the steps to make this work and yet it doesn't, and I'm not sure this problem is related to VirtualBox itself.
    Thanks in advance for any tip or comment on that.
    Last edited by Marneus68 (2014-01-24 10:19:39)

    What I do for all my VB guest VM's is to set 2 network interfaces, one the normal (default) NAT, and the other a host-only interface. That way your guests are completely hidden from the local lan which may be desirable if e.g., your host is a laptop which you move around various places. The guests can access anything outbound and you can still ssh to them from the host (and also, using ssh ProxyCommand via that host if you want to access them remotely).

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    Thanks for your help.

    I'm not sure if you've tried Docker yet, but it took about 3 minutes to have a working Arch Docker container on my Ubuntu 12.04 server:
    # docker pull base/arch
    # docker run -i -t base/arch /bin/bash
    [root@c21eea45fb46 /]# pacman -Syu
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    core 106.7 KiB 617K/s 00:00 [###############################################] 100%
    extra 1533.7 KiB 2.15M/s 00:01 [###############################################] 100%
    community 2.1 MiB 2022K/s 00:01 [###############################################] 100%
    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    Packages (11): archlinux-keyring-20140220-1 curl-7.35.0-1 e2fsprogs-1.42.9-1 gcc-libs-4.8.2-8 glibc-2.19-2 libgcrypt-1.6.1-1
    libldap-2.4.39-1 libsasl-2.1.26-7 linux-api-headers-3.13.2-1 pam-1.1.8-3 util-linux-2.24.1-1
    Total Download Size: 14.53 MiB
    Total Installed Size: 60.52 MiB
    Net Upgrade Size: 0.35 MiB
    :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
    :: Retrieving packages ...
    archlinux-keyring-20140220-1-any 432.6 KiB 968K/s 00:00 [###############################################] 100%
    curl-7.35.0-1-x86_64 471.5 KiB 2.19M/s 00:00 [###############################################] 100%

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    I can apt-get source openssl from other machine.  But I don't know what's the correct step to build it into Arch Linux' structure.
    Solution: refer brebs's PKGBUILD hint.
    Last edited by dlin (2013-02-26 09:44:16)

    The source is not hard to find. Look on Debian packages - each package has 2 files, the ".orig", and Debian's diff (which is sometimes not a diff, these days, thankfully because just having a simple "debian/patches" subdirectory available is a little bit easier for us).
    Edit: Here ya go, convenient links: … ian.tar.gz
    Last edited by brebs (2013-02-26 09:42:10)

  • OpenVZ based Arch Linux VPS's off-line at several hosting providers

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    My hosts would not upgrade and or spoof their kernel on my node so to solve my situation I restored an older backup and followed these directions ( ignoring upgrades to glibe (IgnorePkg), installing a custom build of glib and then applying regular updates. My systems back online and I have learned my lesson about pacman -Syu cron jobs. Sure does make you think that Xen-HVM hosting might be worth the minimal additional cost.

  • My Arch Linux review

    If someone is interested in reading a review of Arch Linux, you can find one written by me here: . Please feel free to comment, criticism is welcome as it is my first review of an operating system. I am currently testing a free hosting so tell me if it works for you.

    It's a nice article, but I want to comment on one quote you made, so there is no discouragement among new users.
    tarantoga wrote:A small flaw – the repositories could be richer, package quantity is not as impressive as (for example) in Debian.
    This is not a flaw. It's actually an advantage to the way Arch works. Probably 1/3 or more of packages you see in Debian are split packages such as the "*-devel" packages, which can be among the same variety of packages you would already have installed without them. In Arch, everything comes inside the package to simplify the installation/removal of packages with a more clear overhead on what's in the system. Rarely there is a need to split any, but they would all come as a dependency if needed. Every package you would ever want is in the repositories. If there is a package you cannot find, you are not limited as you already know. 99.8% of the time, they can be found in the AUR already setup with pre-made pkgbuilds and install scripts maintained by users, that can be downloaded and installed with an AUR helper (such as yaourt, packer, bauerbill, slurpy, etc.) or done manually with makepkg. If an upsupported package gains enough popular votes, it can move to the community repo maitained by a TU to make sure you get update the latest package updates possible without having to intervene with the AUR or the pkgbuilds. At the same time this would allow the Arch developers to focus more on the main repos, making sure you get the bleeding edge. When it comes to Arch, quality is always better than quantity.
    Last edited by Acecero (2010-02-10 05:55:35)

  • Arch Linux Labor & Dependability

    At the moment I am trying decide which Linux distro to switch to. Preferably after I finish a build I would rather everything to automatically update without human intervention. I prefer a very minimal maintenance environment. Windows has been nothing except a maintenance pig, so you can see why I don't want to deal with that in another OS. I've heard that the Arch community can be unpredictable. Arch Linux + Xfce has grabbed my interest for some time. I have researched it a lot already. I'd like to get some opinions from the people who actually use it before I switch over to it.
    Desktop Rig
    Antec 300 Chassis
    BFG 550W Modular PSU
    Asus M4A88TD-V EVO/USB3
    AMD 1090TBE CPU
    Corsair 8GB DDR3 1600MHz RAM
    Ati 4670 1GB DDR3 GPU (Overclocked)
    WD 500GB 7,200rpm HDD
    LG DVD/CD Drive
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (Primary) w/ Linux Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit (Secondary)
    Lenovo X120e Laptop
    8GB PC3 10600 RAM (upgraded)
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
    Replacing Windows 7 entirely on my laptop with a solid Linux distro.
    Does Arch Linux in your opinion meet what I am looking for? Is it labor/maintenance intensive even after a final build? Can it be a virtually maintenance free environment once you've configured everything? Sorry for the broad questions.
    These systems no longer exist.
    Last edited by carolinabranden (2013-08-03 17:11:46)

    Gullible Jones wrote:Frugalware obsoletes its stable branch every six months. I wouldn't recommend it.
    They do test upgrading from one release to another though, and provide instructions detailing any steps required beyond just updating the packages.
    That said, I don't have first hand experience performing such an upgrade, so I'm just speculating based on the documentation.
    Gullible Jones wrote:As for Zenwalk. It's pretty nice, but it's also a very small project, and it shows. Many of the packages in its repo are broken, or have missing dependencies or dodgy install scripts. I love the idea of it, but I don't think it's ready for prime time yet.
    Ahh that's sad to hear, because I really like the look of it too... so much so that on a couple of occasions in the past i've come close to trying it on my main workstation.
    toad wrote:I'd definitely stick to the rolling release principle.
    I definitely wouldn't. In fact, it's basically the only thing I dislike about Arch.
    Right now my local (Debian) server is hosting a snapshot of the entire Arch repo (well, core/extra/community) taken on 2011-02-24 and I've stopped regularly pacman -Su 'ing against a normal Arch mirror. I made another repo section in addition to core, extra and community that sits ahead of them in pacman.conf and place fixed versions of any packages I find usability bugs/issues with in there.
    I've never been happier, and doing this has stopped the looking at other distros that I had started feeling the need to do.
    At some point i'll take a new snapshot and do it again (i.e. usual non-rolling release model).
    I'm most likely going to make these repos publicly accessible and take 'fixed package' submissions from anyone interested in the near future... the main thing holding me back is concerns regarding hosting/bandwidth requirements.
    Last edited by Korrode (2011-03-25 21:47:41)

  • [SOLVED]System Hang in Arch Linux

    I have tried distributions like ubuntu and fedora in hope for finding a stable system . So I move on to Arch Linux
    But this problem also exist on Arch. While using my Arch Linux (including ubuntu and fedora) my system hangs with a black screen with something written on the whole screen which cannot be pasted here as my system hangs and I have to push power button to restart.
    So I check my errors.log file and found these errors
    Jul  8 22:59:24 localhost kernel: [    1.680013] ata3: softreset failed (device not ready)
    Jul  8 22:59:24 localhost kernel: [    7.298612] SP5100 TCO timer: mmio address 0xfec000f0 already in use
    Jul  8 22:59:31 localhost kdm_greet[792]: Cannot load /usr/share/apps/kdm/faces/.default.face: No such file or directory
    I have a HCL K21 pdc notebook
    Note: In Ubuntu my notebook start with ata1: softreset failed error at boot time
    Most often this error occur while watching videos or listening music with VLC
    Last edited by Manuj19 (2011-07-09 10:13:24)

    ewaller wrote:It might be better to just post the output of lspci -nn  It will tell us a great deal more about the hardware related to the PCI bus, including specific chip set identifiers.
    Thanks for suggestion
    Here is output of lspci -nn
    00:00.0 Host bridge [0600]: ATI Technologies Inc Device [1002:5a31] (rev 01)
    00:01.0 PCI bridge [0604]: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 PCI Bridge [1002:5a3f]
    00:04.0 PCI bridge [0604]: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 PCI Bridge [1002:5a36]
    00:05.0 PCI bridge [0604]: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 PCI Bridge [1002:5a37]
    00:06.0 PCI bridge [0604]: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 PCI Bridge [1002:5a38]
    00:07.0 PCI bridge [0604]: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 PCI Bridge [1002:5a39]
    00:12.0 SATA controller [0106]: ATI Technologies Inc SB600 Non-Raid-5 SATA [1002:4380]
    00:13.0 USB Controller [0c03]: ATI Technologies Inc SB600 USB (OHCI0) [1002:4387]
    00:13.1 USB Controller [0c03]: ATI Technologies Inc SB600 USB (OHCI1) [1002:4388]
    00:13.2 USB Controller [0c03]: ATI Technologies Inc SB600 USB (OHCI2) [1002:4389]
    00:13.3 USB Controller [0c03]: ATI Technologies Inc SB600 USB (OHCI3) [1002:438a]
    00:13.4 USB Controller [0c03]: ATI Technologies Inc SB600 USB (OHCI4) [1002:438b]
    00:13.5 USB Controller [0c03]: ATI Technologies Inc SB600 USB Controller (EHCI) [1002:4386]
    00:14.0 SMBus [0c05]: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 SMBus Controller [1002:4385] (rev 13)
    00:14.1 IDE interface [0101]: ATI Technologies Inc SB600 IDE [1002:438c]
    00:14.2 Audio device [0403]: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) [1002:4383]
    00:14.3 ISA bridge [0601]: ATI Technologies Inc SB600 PCI to LPC Bridge [1002:438d]
    00:14.4 PCI bridge [0604]: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 PCI to PCI Bridge [1002:4384]
    01:05.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200M] [1002:5a62]
    02:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter [168c:001c] (rev 01)
    08:01.0 CardBus bridge [0607]: Ricoh Co Ltd RL5c476 II [1180:0476] (rev b3)
    08:01.1 FireWire (IEEE 1394) [0c00]: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C552 IEEE 1394 Controller [1180:0552] (rev 08)
    08:01.2 SD Host controller [0805]: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C822 SD/SDIO/MMC/MS/MSPro Host Adapter [1180:0822] (rev 17)
    08:01.3 System peripheral [0880]: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C592 Memory Stick Bus Host Adapter [1180:0592] (rev 08)
    08:07.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ [10ec:8139] (rev 10)
    Last edited by Manuj19 (2011-07-09 07:20:08)

  • [SOLVED] Ndiswrapper, NetworkManager 0.7 and 64-bit Arch Linux

    Hi there!
    I am having problems configuring my wireless card. I know I have to use Ndiswrapper, and this is what I have tried to do; however, it didn't go quite well.
    This is rather odd because it worked perfectly in the 32-bit version of Arch Linux, but now it doesn't work.
    So, here comes the code.
    valandil ~ $ lspci | grep Network
    0b:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)
    I really use ndiswrapper and have already installed what I think is the proper driver (it seems that the list the official ndiswrapper site had has somehow disappeared.
    sudo ndiswrapper -l
    bcmwl5 : driver installed
    device (14E4:4311) present (alternate driver: ssb)
    Here's iwconfig:
    valandil ~ $ iwconfig
    lo no wireless extensions.
    eth0 no wireless extensions.
    wmaster0 no wireless extensions.
    wlan0 IEEE 802.11bg ESSID:""
    Mode:Managed Frequency:2.412 GHz Access Point: Not-Associated
    Tx-Power=0 dBm
    Retry min limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr=2352 B
    Power Management:off
    Link Quality:0 Signal level:0 Noise level:0
    Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
    Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0
    I use NetworkManager 0.7 and have configured properly:
    # /etc/rc.conf - Main Configuration for Arch Linux
    # LOCALE: available languages can be listed with the 'locale -a' command
    # HARDWARECLOCK: set to "UTC" or "localtime"
    # USEDIRECTISA: use direct I/O requests instead of /dev/rtc for hwclock
    # TIMEZONE: timezones are found in /usr/share/zoneinfo
    # KEYMAP: keymaps are found in /usr/share/kbd/keymaps
    # CONSOLEFONT: found in /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts (only needed for non-US)
    # CONSOLEMAP: found in /usr/share/kbd/consoletrans
    # USECOLOR: use ANSI color sequences in startup messages
    # MOD_AUTOLOAD: Allow autoloading of modules at boot and when needed
    # MOD_BLACKLIST: Prevent udev from loading these modules
    # MODULES: Modules to load at boot-up. Prefix with a ! to blacklist.
    # NOTE: Use of 'MOD_BLACKLIST' is deprecated. Please use ! in the MODULES array.
    #MOD_BLACKLIST=() #deprecated
    MODULES=(fuse ndiswrapper fglrx !b44 !mii bcm43xx !snd_pcsp snd-mixer-oss snd-pcm-oss snd-hwdep snd-page-alloc snd-pcm snd-timer snd snd-hda-intel soundcore !pcspkr)
    # Scan for LVM volume groups at startup, required if you use LVM
    # HOSTNAME: Hostname of machine. Should also be put in /etc/hosts
    # Use 'ifconfig -a' or 'ls /sys/class/net/' to see all available interfaces.
    # Interfaces to start at boot-up (in this order)
    # Declare each interface then list in INTERFACES
    # - prefix an entry in INTERFACES with a ! to disable it
    # - no hyphens in your interface names - Bash doesn't like it
    # DHCP: Set your interface to "dhcp" (eth0="dhcp")
    # Wireless: See network profiles below
    #eth0="eth0 netmask broadcast"
    INTERFACES=(lo !eth0 !wlan0)
    # Routes to start at boot-up (in this order)
    # Declare each route then list in ROUTES
    # - prefix an entry in ROUTES with a ! to disable it
    gateway="default gw"
    # Enable these network profiles at boot-up. These are only useful
    # if you happen to need multiple network configurations (ie, laptop users)
    # - set to 'menu' to present a menu during boot-up (dialog package required)
    # - prefix an entry with a ! to disable it
    # Network profiles are found in /etc/network.d
    # This now requires the netcfg package
    # Daemons to start at boot-up (in this order)
    # - prefix a daemon with a ! to disable it
    # - prefix a daemon with a @ to start it up in the background
    DAEMONS=(@stbd httpd !network syslog-ng netfs crond alsa hal dhcdbd networkmanager fam gdm)
    hosts file :
    # /etc/hosts: static lookup table for host names
    #<ip-address> <> <hostname> localhost.localdomain localhost cipher
    # End of file
    GNU nano 2.0.9 File: /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf
    I hope you can solve this problem; wireless is really crucial.
    Thanks for any help,
    Last edited by valandil (2012-05-02 18:27:09)

    I think I will write a new rule for myself to follow :
    Thou shalt never use ndiswrapper again.
    Thanks a lot, wonder, and thanks to you too, Xyne.
    FYI, I tried to use something else than ndiswrapper before, but it didn't yield satisfying results. Anyway, thanks.

  • Troubles with HP OfficeJet 6500 E710n-z on Arch Linux

    Recently, I have tried to use my printer after five months break. It used to run smoothly on Arch Linux with hplip. However, now, I have not managed to make it print properly with hplip again. This is my configuration, as seen from the CUPS web interface:
        Driver: HP Officejet 6500 e710n-z hpijs, 3.12.11 (color, 2-sided printing)
        Connection: hp:/net/Officejet_6500_E710n-z?ip=
    After trying to print some test page, the jobs listing in the CUPS web interface showed me a error message "Filter failed". I deleted my .cups and .hplip directories in my home folder and reinstalled cups and hplip. The same symptoms appeared again after restarting and a fresh installation.
        HP_Officejet_6500_E710n-z-400     Unknown     Withheld     98k     Unknown     pending since Sat 05 Jan 2013 04:22:46 PM CET     "Filter failed"
    My Arch system is up-to-date. I heard that it might have become necessary to install the hplip-plugin somewhen in the last month for some HP printer models. If I understand the table at the bottom of … 10n-z.html correctly, then the hplip-plugin is neither required nor available for my printer model. I tested also installing it from AUR, just because it was worth a try (, but this made matters worse, having my printer to madly produce almost-empty paper with some crap characters at each page top. As expected, the hplip-plugin was a dead-end, and I uninstalled it to continue some experimentation with printing test pages (all on the same page, mind the trees!). Resuming the printer, CUPS prints
    ***** Unable to open the initial device, quitting.
    Looking at the number of hits on Google, this seems to be one of the favourite error messages. I looked at the output in /var/cups/error_log
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Spooler: cups
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Printer: HP_Officejet_6500_E710n-z
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Shell: /bin/bash
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] PPD file: /etc/cups/ppd/HP_Officejet_6500_E710n-z.ppd
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] ATTR file:
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Printer model: HP Officejet 6500 e710n-z hpijs, 3.12.11
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Job title: Leafpad job 5
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] File(s) to be printed:
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] <STDIN>
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Ghostscript extra search path ('GS_LIB'): /usr/share/cups/fonts
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Printing system options:
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Pondering option 'number-up=1'
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Unknown option number-up=1.
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Pondering option 'job-uuid=urn:uuid:ac6ebe82-17e5-3f8f-49ec-01820c35ea2e'
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Unknown option job-uuid=urn:uuid:ac6ebe82-17e5-3f8f-49ec-01820c35ea2e.
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Pondering option 'job-originating-host-name=localhost'
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Unknown option job-originating-host-name=localhost.
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Pondering option 'time-at-creation=1357400341'
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Unknown option time-at-creation=1357400341.
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Pondering option 'time-at-processing=1357400341'
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Unknown option time-at-processing=1357400341.
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Options from the PPD file:
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Pondering option 'InputSlot=Default'
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Pondering option 'Quality=FromPrintoutMode'
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Pondering option 'MediaType=Plain'
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Pondering option 'PageSize=Letter'
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Pondering option 'PrintoutMode=Normal'
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Pondering option 'DryTime=Zero'
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Pondering option 'Duplex=DuplexNoTumble'
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] ================================================
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] File: <STDIN>
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] ================================================
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Filetype: PDF
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] PID 28827 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf) exited with no errors.
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Storing temporary files in /var/spool/cups/tmp
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] File contains 1 pages
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Starting renderer with command: gs -dFirstPage=1 -q -dBATCH -dPARANOIDSAFER -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=ijs -sIjsServer=hpijs -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=612 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=792 -sDeviceManufacturer="HEWLETT-PACKARD" -sDeviceModel="HP Color LaserJet 2600n" -dDuplex=true -dTumble=false -r300 -sIjsParams=Quality:Quality=0,Quality:ColorMode=2,Quality:MediaType=0,Quality:PenSet=2,PS:MediaPosition=7 -dIjsUseOutputFD -sOutputFile=- /var/spool/cups/tmp/foomatic-3lyFKy
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Starting process "kid3" (generation 1)
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Starting process "kid4" (generation 2)
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Starting process "renderer" (generation 2)
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] JCL: %-12345X@PJL
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] <job data>
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] prnt/hpijs/hpijs.cpp 269: unable to set device=HP Color LaserJet 2600n, err=48
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] prnt/hpijs/hpijs.cpp 290: unable to set device=HP Color LaserJet 2600n, err=48
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] renderer exited with status 1
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] prnt/hpijs/hpijs.cpp 697: unable to read client data err=-2
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] Possible error on renderer command line or PostScript error. Check options.Kid3 exit status: 3
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] STATE: +connecting-to-device
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] PID 28828 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip) stopped with status 9.
    Indeed, some errors show up. I find it strange that ghostscript is called with a parameter -sDeviceModel="HP Color LaserJet 2600n" -dDuplex=true even though I clearly have an inkjet printer and no laser printer – and also specified the correct printer model. Also later, I can see the two lines
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] prnt/hpijs/hpijs.cpp 269: unable to set device=HP Color LaserJet 2600n, err=48
    D [05/Jan/2013:16:39:10 +0100] [Job 407] prnt/hpijs/hpijs.cpp 290: unable to set device=HP Color LaserJet 2600n, err=48
    which to the best of my knowledge indicates some internal mess. Raising the debug level in cups.conf did not tell me anything new.
    Notably, using the hpcups driver at least makes the printer print pages properly, but the wonderful (mind the trees) duplex-mode seems to only be available when using hpijs when selecting the PPD file in the add printer wizard. That is why I want to stay with the driver mentioned above.
    The trouble for me is that the printing pipeline is so complex and so many components are involved that I have no real good starting point to where exactly post bug reports. I would appreciate if some fellows with the same printer and the same errors could confirm my description. Or even point out how to get that organism to paint ink properly on the paper. Any ideas where to start? Or references to better resources regarding the combo of HP OfficeJet 6500 E710n-z and Arch? Is it just an regression bug and will be fixed? Is my system corrupted in some way? There is lots of open questions I don't quite feel able to answer all by myself. Any hints for troubleshooting appreciated!
    After some more reading and troubleshooting, I have filed the following two bug reports at hplip:
    Last edited by jeadorf (2013-01-05 19:30:19)

    I have an HP Photosmart 6500a Plus printer that is connected via USB to a less than 1 year old Dell XPS 8300 tower running Win 7 64bit Home Premium Edition.  The print function worked fine but scans would halt mid-way through the scan and eventually the software would indicate that it had lost connection with the scanner. 
    After EXTENSIVE testing, I determined that the problem was with the Dell tower and NOT THE PRINTER.  I hooked the printer up to a Dell Inspiron mni-tower running Vista and had NO PROBLEM scanning.  I hooked the printer up to a Gateway laptop running Win 7 Pro and had NO PROBLEM scanning.
    On a hunch, I inserted a POWERED USB hub in between the Dell XPS 8300 tower and the HP Photosmart 6500a Plus and was rewarded with a, first time ever on the XPS 8300, complete and flawless scan.
    I surmise that the HP Photosmart 6500a Plus was not getting the required voltage from the USB on the Dell XPS 8300 tower and that was causing the scan to fail.
    Been chasing this one for several months...

  • Progress on Unity under Arch Linux!

    See here for information about the new GNOME 3.12-compatible packages: … 3#p1404683
    I'm now on IRC! Come join us at #unityforarch on Freenode
    To install Unity from my repos:
    See the wiki: … mmended.29
    To install Unity from source:
    See the wiki:
    -- You probably don't want to read anything below --
    The story
    So...rather than wasting internet bandwith to download a new Ubuntu ISO to test out the new Unity features, I decided to try to make it work under Arch Linux. It took a whole lot longer than I expected to get it even partially working. So, here's my story:
    Knowing that Unity isn't in the main repositories, I went the AUR's website and looked for a user created Unity package. That didn't go too well. The Unity package hasn't been updated for 6 months. D'oh! I decided to download the existing PKGBUILD and modify it to work with the Unity 4.xx series. After changing the version number, I tried to "makepkg" it, and was greeted with a message about installing Compiz 0.9.x. I thought it would be an easy install. It was quite the opposite. Compiz's install prefix was set to /opt/unity, but FindCompiz cmake build file expected Compiz to be in /usr, so none of the Compiz packages, except for compiz-core would compile. Then, I tried reinstalling compiz-core, but this time, changing the prefix to /usr. The compiled package ended up being only a few kilobytes big. I guess the mouse wheel was invented for a reason. I looked at the PKGBUILD again, only to find that there was a line at the very bottom that ran "rm -rf ${pkgdir}/usr". That explains a lot! I ended up adopting all the compiz*-git packages and fixing them so they would compile and install.
    So, now that Compiz is working (restarted and tested just to make sure I didn't waste my time with something that didn't work), I went on to install the rest of the dependencies listed in the Unity PKGBUILD file. That went relatively well. I was so happy after seeing the progress counter go up after running "makepkg", but at about 8%, gcc spat out an error about an undeclared function (sorry, I forgot what the function was). Natually, I went to Google and searched the name of the function. 0 results! Exactly was I was looking for! I ended up downloading the Ubuntu 11.10 Alpha 3 ISO and running "find -type f /usr/lib | xargs objdump -T | grep the_function". The problem lied in the libindicator package. There was a newer version available which contained that function. I have no idea why a package that's only 0.02 versions ahead of the AUR package would contain new functions...
    Next! Utouch...ugh...great memories! Not! I was so glad that I had fixed the utouch packages earlier (for touchegg to work). I was too frustrated from compiz and libindicator to try to compile more stuff.
    Cmake. Whoever created the CMakeLists.txt file didn't list all the dependencies required. So after running "makepkg" 10 billion times, waiting for "somebodydidntputthisincmake.h not found" errors to appear, I finally got all the dependencies I needed installed...or so I thought. After installing and compiling all these dependencies, the cmake only continues 3% further before encountering another cryptic gcc error. This time, there no error about a file not being found. So not knowing what dependency was missing, I headed over to and downloaded the Unity DEB source to find the dependencies in then debian/control file. After install those few dependencies that I missed, I ran "makepkg" again, hoping that it would finally compile successfully. CMake went a little further--5% further to be exact--before running into another error. It complained about DndSourceDragBegin() having two return types. Sure, enough "./plugins/unityshell/src/ResultViewGrid.h" had the return type as boolean and "/usr/include/Nux-1.0/Nux/InputArea.h" had the return type as void. WTF? How the heck does this even compile under 11.10???
    After changing void to bool in "/usr/include/Nux-1.0/Nux/InputArea.h", I ran "makepkg" once again anxiously waiting to the see the line "Finished making: unity 4.10.2". CMake compiled about 35% before running into error about an undeclared gtk function. Nooooooooooooo!!! I wasn't brave enough to install the git version of gtk3, so I created a chroot, installed the base packages, and installed all of those dependencies fairly quickly (it gets a lot easier after doing it so many times).
    Moving on to gtk3. After cloning the ~200MB git repository, autotools spits out an error about cairo-gl missing. So, I proceeded to install the cairo-gl-git package, which failed to compile (it compiled successfully outside of the chroot...). GREAT. So, Unity fails to compile because GTK version is too old, and GTK failed to compile because cairo-gl is missing, and cairo-gl fails to compile because I'm in a chroot. GAHHH!!! While thinking about throwing the computer out of the window, I searched the AUR for other GTK3 packages. I just happened to find a package named "GTK3-UBUNTU"! That package was still at version 3.0, but it was pretty easy to get the patches and source code for 3.1 from the Ubuntu GTK source package.
    So, FINALLY, Unity compiles. I was so darn happy, I didn't even care if it ran or not. I logged out and logged back into the GNOME 3 fallback mode, and entered the chroot. After running "xhost +SI:localuser:chenxiaolong" to run X11 apps in the chroot, I crossed my fingers and ran "DISPLAY=:0.0 unity --replace". It failed with python 3 complaining about missing modules. That's okay, since the Unity launch script is written in python 2. I changed the shebang line in "/usr/bin/unity" to point to python 2 and ran "DISPLAY=:0.0 unity --replace". It didn't necessarily fail, but it didn't succeed either. It didn't print out any error messages. Weird... I thought I'd try enabling Unity from the compiz settings manager then. I ran "DISPLAY=:0.0 compiz --replace" and "DISPLAY=:0.0 ccsm" and enabled the Unity plugin. Unity runs! Although nothing shows on the screen, it runs! It shows up in the process list! Woohoo!
    And that's about how far I got. There were quite a few Vala errors during the compiling process (I forgot which package it was), which is probably why Unity won't appear. I'll try again later with the vala-devel or vala-git package and hopefully Unity will work then. Here are screenshots of what I've gotten working so far:
    By then way, I love the simplicity of pacman and the AUR. I can't imagine how long this would have taken with other package managers.
    Moderator edit:  Do not place large images in line.  If you want, you may embed links to thumbnails inside url tags.
    Last edited by chenxiaolong (2014-04-15 17:11:04)

    City-busz: I'm getting a ton of Vala errors when I compile libunity (AUR version) with vala or vala-devel. libunity fails to compile with vala-git. I'll try your packages in a virtual machine and see how they work on 64 bit.
    In the meantime, Unity still fails to show up: I'll try out your PKGBUILDS and see how that works. I'm glad there are people who want to port Unity to Arch Linux
    EDIT: City-busz: Just to let you know, Unity will fail to compile at around 45% with GTK 3.0. Here's my source packaage for Ubuntu's GTK 3.1: It contains all of the patches in the Ubuntu source package. I'm not sure if all the patches are needed, but GTK compiles fine with all of them.
    EDIT2: Right now, I'm trying to compile Vala 0.10.4, then version used in Ubuntu 11.10. Hopefully that will eliminate some of the Vala errors.
    EDIT3: Vala 0.10 is too old. 0.12 and 0.14 are also in the Ubuntu repository. Trying those...
    EDIT4: 0.14 is actually 0.13.1. Gah... Vala takes longer to compile under VirtualBox than GTK3...
    EDIT5: VirtualBox "helpfully" became slow enough that I could read the error messages. The Vala error messages aren't actually error messages, but rather warnings about unused methods. I wonder what prevents Unity from running then...
    Last edited by chenxiaolong (2011-08-30 02:30:29)

  • Debtap - A script to convert .deb packages to Arch Linux packages

    I wrote this script in my free time to help people who, for any reason, want to convert a .deb to an Arch Linux package. It works in a similar way with alien (which converts .deb packages to .rpm packages and vice versa), but, unlike alien, it is focused on accuracy of conversion, trying to translate Debian/Ubuntu packages names to the correct Arch Linux packages names and store them in the dependencies fields of the .PKGINFO metadata in the final package. In other words, it won't only create an Arch package with the data of the original .deb package, but also it will try to create a valid and as accurate as possible .PKGINFO metadata file in the converted package. It uses pkgfile and pacman utilities to achieve this accuracy. The final package can be installed like any local Arch Linux package. Debtap is now available on AUR!
    Q: What "debtap" stands for?
    A: DEB To Arch (Linux) Package
    Q: Isn't better to download an official package or write a PKGBUILD in case I need to compile a package or convert a .deb package to an Arch Linux package?
    A: Sure it is, and I truely encourage you to do so. Debtap was written to create packages that either cannot be compiled (closed source packages) or cannot be built from AUR for various reasons (error during compiling or unavailable files), as a quick 'n' dirty solution and an extra option for creating Arch Linux packages for Arch Linux users.
    Q: So debtap will help me only in case I need to convert specific .deb packages to Arch Linux packages?
    A: No. In case you need to write a new PKGBUILD for a package that already exists in the Debian/Ubuntu distributions, by converting its .deb package to Arch package with debtap, thanks to the packages names translator function inside the script, it can help you determine which dependencies are needed for the package you write the PKGBUILD for and complete the necessary fields.
    Q: What are the minimum requirements to run this script?
    A: You need to have installed these dependencies: bash, binutils (provides ar utility for extracting .deb package), pkgfile, and fakeroot. You must run at least once (preferably recently) "debtap -u" to create/update pkgfile and debtap database (you do this with root privileges).
    Q: Debtap needs a lot of time to convert a package. So, why this is happening?
    A: Like I said, debtap is focused on accuracy. It won't just unpack a .deb package and then repackage its data to an Arch Linux package, ignoring metadata. Depending on the speed of your processor and the package itself, conversion can take from a few seconds to several minutes.
    Q: During conversion I get several warning messages, why?
    A: Debtap cannot be 100% accurate for several reasons,  the main reason for this is the complexity of packages names. If you want to check the freshly generated .PKGINFO and .INSTALL (this is optional file) metadata files or even fix the untranslated packages names inside .PKGINFO, debtap offers you the option to edit these files before compressing the final package.
    Q: How do I use debtap?
    A: The syntax is quite simple actually: debtap [option] package_filename
    For example: debtap world-of-goo-demo_1.0_i386.deb
    Any recommendations or questions for debtap are welcomed!
    Last edited by helix (2015-05-21 22:54:17)

    Hi helix. I've had trouble trying to use your script with ubuntu software from The Open University
    debtap OpenUniversity-ubuntu-
    ==> Extracting package data...
    ==> Fixing possible directories structure differencies...
    ==> Generating .PKGINFO file...
    debtap OpenUniversity-ubuntu-
    ==> Extracting package data...
    ==> Fixing possible directories structure differencies...
    ==> Generating .PKGINFO file...
    :: Enter Packager name:
    :: Enter package license (you can enter multiple licenses comma seperated):
    :: If you want to edit .PKGINFO file, press (1) For vi (2) For nano (3) For a cu                                                                                                    stom editor or any other key to continue:
    ==> Generating .MTREE file...
    ==> Creating final package...
    xz: unrecognized option '--1-any.pkg.tar'
    xz: Try `xz --help' for more information.
    mv: cannot stat ‘*.xz’: No such file or directory
    ==> Removing leftover files...
    ==> Package successfully created!
    The software is called NewPepper 2013 but i've not been able to find it online except on the ou website.

  • [Bounty] Free Macbook Pro to get Arch Linux running on Amazon's EC2

    First, the details:
    I will purchase a lowest–end Macbook Pro 13″ ($US 1,200 on Apple's store, new) for the first person to deliver to me a working set of step–by–step instructions for installing the latest Arch Linux on top of Amazon's EC2 platform.
    Caveats & Rules:
    - I don't care how long it takes you—there's a good chance I'm doing something absolutely stupid in my noobishness that's causing the problems I've been experiencing; if it takes you half an hour to make a working AMI, and produce instructions to do such… you just won yourself a Macbook Pro for half an hour's work. Booyah!
    - Again, I say, I don't care how long it takes you—if you don't produce a working set of instructions, there will be no payout, even if you spend 200 hours trying (as I already have!). It's a bounty, not a work contract d-:
    - You must provide me with instructions that work for me (as I don't intend to use your AMI, but rather modify the steps that worked for you a bit at a time until I arrive at an AMI configured exactly as I want it). If you arrive at a working AMI, and can reproduce your steps successfully locally, but they can't be made to work for me, I may be able to go about procuring alternative hardware for myself on which to preform the steps, or taking other measures to reproduce your environment; but the bottom line is I will not shell out until I can, personally, produce a working AMI running Arch Linux.
    - The instructions are considered to be "working" when I can successfully SSH into the root account on an instance instantiated from an AMI created by following the instructions using the key generated by EC2.
    - Your instructions must work both for x86_32 and x86_64 instance types; however, this shouldn't be too much of a problem, as (barring any weirdness) anything that works on x86_32 should be easily made to work on x86_64.
    - Instructions that involve instantiating an intermediate bundling host (say, a CentOS or Fedora Core instance) and then installing Arch to a loopback filesystem using a statically–built pacman are much preferred to instructions that involve me having to install and package Arch locally and then ship it up to S3, because my upstream is unimaginably slow and I eventually will need to create something between eight and twenty different AMIs (see below). But anything that works will be accepted.
    - If you don't want a Macbook Pro, alternative payment methods may be arranged, though you need to contact me before you start and arrange these, as there's only so much I can do.
    - If you are in any way confused or unsure of what I'm offering here, please contact me before you start (see below for contact info)
    I set up the first AMI for Arch Linux on Amazon, but unfortunately, I did some really stupid things (hey, I was completely new to Linux at the time, gimmie a break!). The root filesystem was limited to 1GB, there was a whole bunch of software that really was completely unnecessary (WiFi drivers? on a virtualized server? seriously?), there were no kernel modules provided… and so on.
    So, after running all my stuff on instances of that for a while, I finally got fed up and found the time to start setting up a newer, cleaner AMI. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of deleting my old AMI before starting work on the first. Now I find myself completely unable to create an AMI that will work whatsoever, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why.
    I've already invested 200 or so hours of my personal time since deleting my original, broken AMI; I'm very fed up and in badly need of working instances. I tried every method I could think of; running the Arch installer from a LiveCD locally and then bundling the running (and thus proved working) Arch install and shipping it off to S3; installing Arch on a loopback filesystem locally, cloning it to a local partition, booting to it to ensure it works, and shipping it off to S3; installing Arch on a loopback filesystem on a remote bundling host running CentOS or whatever and then shipping it off to S3… I've tried installing nothing but the essentials, I've tried installing everything the installer offers… I've tried to do my best to remember the exact steps I took the first time around, years ago, and reproduce them exactly… nothing has worked.
    If I take EC2 out of the equation, and install the images I've prepared locally, they work. If I take Arch out of the equation, and install, say, CentOS instead, and then ship it off to EC2, it works. The only time I have problems is when I attempt to install Arch Linux specifically on EC2 specifically; the exact use–case I need.
    I've run into a lot of problems along the way, and fixed them as I go, but I universally end up with an AMI that, once instantiated, does not successfully boot. Worse yet, I get absolutely no output from the console (provided by the ec2-get-console command–line tool) to help me debug the problem. I can't give you any more specifics beyond this to help you, because I don't want to insinuate some idea that will cause you to make some little stupid mistake that I also made, thus dooming the project.
    For more info of any sort, please hit me up on Google Talk or Jabber (… or any other XMPP–federated chat service, or AIM, or ICQ, or MSN, or whatever you like, they all use the same address anyway) at the following address:
    [email protected]
    Edit: I should point out that it would be good form to post here if you're going to make a stab at it, so interested parties know how many people are already making attempts.
    Last edited by elliottcable (2009-07-25 03:59:46)

    drtoki wrote:
    from fryguy
    Public AMIs aren't what I need, because I need to mass–produce quite a few AMIs with different custom configurations for different purposes; so I have to be able to start from scratch and arrive at a working AMI *myself*.
    As for the script, I'm sitting down to play with it now; it looks just about exactly like what I've been doing so far. Maybe there's some small thing he did differently that will make it work. Here's hoping it works for me; that'll be a real load off my chest.

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