ARGENTINA E Invoicing - ANNEXUARE 3 - 0 bytes has been transverd of 1106.

Can any one help me in the argentina electronic invoicing ?
I customized the settings in proto type client just for testing i made all the required customization. But i am not able to genrate the authorization request file (ANNEXURE III). When i tried to run the program by bypassing it, it is giving me an message saying that 0 bytes has been transverd of 1106.
I dont know what coule be the error ? The table J_1ACAE is also not getting updated...
Can any one please suggest me if they ever worked in this kind of country specific customization.
I will appreciate you guys if you can help me...
Best Regards,

Hola Gilberto,
would you please indicate exact error you receive?
br, Guido

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    My workaround is to wrap the inputstream by a BufferedStream. As only a real "read" can determine if there is any data exist, you must do so. However, you do not want the read to be blocking, so the only way is to perform a pseudo read, timeout the read asap and reset the stream for your original program.
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         try {
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    if this is a normal practice in your organization, then you can do the following:
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    Oss notes applied:
    OSS Note     Description
    858287     AR: Short dump during new official number group generation
    1131831     Note Assistant: Activating objects after termination
    1256910     Electronic Invoice for Argentina
    1273338     Argentina Electronic Invoice - Part 2
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    1413253     Electronic Duplicate Invoice Functionality for Argentina
    1421109     AEI: Sales organization not accepted when running annexure3
    Thanks in advance for any response on that.
    5511 5088-5152

    Hi Ulisses Martine,Shankar,Carlos Daniel,Renan correa,Rudolf  and Victor,
    I need you guys help.The below is my clients requirement for number ranges for Invoices in SAP ECC 6:
    They have different Points of sales (POS) and they want different invoice number ranges from different point of sales.
    As you know SAP is having the Issuing branch concept and I have done below basic configuration for this but not able to get the number range for different issuing branch.
    Define Issuing branches
    Define document class
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    Maintain Number groups
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    After the above configuration also I am not getting the different number range for invoice from different issuing branch.
    Please let me know if any one is having any suggestion for this or user exit or SAP note i need to follow.
    If you have any document please sent to [email protected], it would really help me.
    Thanks in advance.

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    <br />
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    <br />
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    <br />
    Please let us know your sugessions on this<br />
    <br />
    Thanks in advance ... Ramesh S
    Dear Ramesh,
    Your thread has been moved to Globalization forum.

    HI Ramesh,
    "Please maintain the text-fields and the message texts in Spanish and
    english language by logging in the respective languages.
    First, please login using 'ES' language and maintain all text-fields and
    message texts and data elements descriptions in Spanish and similarly
    login in 'EN' and maintain the text fields and message texts and others"
    Madhu M

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    Hi Surya,
    Try the below approach, i think this is better than the previous approach and takes care of the print from "text menu" as well
    select from z table.
    if sy-subrc eq 0.
      call "SMARTFORM_COPY"
    While calling the smartform, make sure you import the "JOB_OUTPUT_INFO" parameter,
    and after you call the smartform,
    job_output_info = w_job_output_info
    If sy-subrc eq 0.
      if w_job_output_info EQ 'X'.
        update the Z table.
        do not update the z table

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    RSEG is the "Document Item: Incoming Invoice" table. In this table, Look for the field LFBNR , LFGJA, LFPOS.
    LFBNR - Refernced GR Number
    LFGJA - Year
    LFPOS - Ref Doc Item
    Hope this helps
    Vinodh Balakrishnan

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    Thanks for the help
    Rajendra Prasad

    Try and click delivery completed in sale order and check MD04.
    This will not appear.

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    I use work flow to release MM invoice parked by MIR7. But I get trouble with PO with many GR line items (example: PO shipment cost, PO stationery ...) where we need to match consecutive many invoices from one PO. Normally, when matching invoice by MIRO, amount an quanlity will be minused, we can continue to match invoice by exist line items. But now, when we parked first invoice  to one line item (invoice not be released), amount and quanlity also display old value in second invoice  for this line item, user cannot distinguish what line item has been mached invoice and waiting released, this is difficult to working. Please give me solution to distinguish what line item has been parked invoice in t-code MIR7?

    I think what you describe is standar system behaviour. You nee to re-think how you use Invoice Parking  workflow - it is meant to manage incomplete documents, not for invoice release. You need to first post invoice doucument, only than open invoice qunatities will be updated and depending on tollerance limits and other setting release invoice for payment.

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    I am currently having an issue with a down payment not clearing even though the invoice has been fully paid. to my understanding, once the order is fully invoiced- down payments should be cleared as well, am i correct?
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    if you are doing vendor manual payment program then you clear down payment as below.
    T-Code-F-44 Clear down payment
    Select special gl indicator
    then press enter and clear down payment against invoice.

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    Hi Gopi,
    Please check below links.
    Queries off the Change Log
    Query for Change Log
    In above links, You can Modify Query as per your requirement.
    Hope this help
    Atul Chakraborty

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    Hi SCNT,
    Check in MIR6
    You can always use transaction SE16 on table BKPF, provide the document date & fiscal year and then click on the tab "Number of entries" in the top, the system throw the number of invoices in the system for that selection.

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    Kindly Table VBFA.It is sales document flow table containing data from the begining of sales order till the invoice.
    VBTYP_N = 'M'  invoice

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        there is an income invoice which has been entered, how I can view it ?  which T-code should I use?
    Thank you very much

    Hi,tcode mir4

Maybe you are looking for

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