At the moment to compile i have a error

the error that send me is Note: uses or overrides an deprecated API.
why... what can i do...

the error that send me is Note: uses or overrides an
deprecated API.
why... what can i do..."run javac with -deprecated for details" at least that's what my compiler tells me to do...
theSparko strikes again!

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  • My B+Tree can compile but have runtime error ... i can't tink why ...

    Sorry to bother anyone ... i have spent almost 3 weeks trying to debug the problem...
    My B+ Tree can compile but can't run as it throw invalid Null pointer Exception ..
    I suspected the error is in the split (int order ) method in the BTreeNode class but i can't remedy for it
    This my program code
    public class BTree {
    * The order of the B-Tree. All nodes of the B-Tree can store up to 2*order key values.
    private int order;
    * The number of key (with associated data values) stored in the B-Tree.
    private int count;
    * The root node of the B-Tree
    private BTreeNode root;
    * The first leaf node in the B-Tree. This field is used to give the starting point for sequential
    * access to the keys and data stored in the leaf nodes.
    private BTreeNode first;
    * The last leaf node in the B-Tree. This field is used to give the starting point for reverse
    * sequential access to the keys and data stored in the leaf nodes.
    private BTreeNode last;
    * A change count that can be used to invalidate iterators. This field is updated whenever a key plus data pair
    * is added to the B-Tree (or the data associated with a key is changed), or when a key plus data pair are
    * deleted from the B-Tree.
    private int changeCount = 0;
    // You will loose marks if you add additional fields to this class. The fields above are all that
    // you need. If you need a variable in a method, use a local variable. I have seen too many
    // assignments where students add fields rather than create local variables. Hopefull the threat
    // of loosing (quite a few) marks will help reduce this habit.
    * A general exception class for errors when constructing or manipulating a B-Tree. Use the string
    * parameter to the constructor to say what the error really is.
    public class BTreeError extends RuntimeException {
    public BTreeError(String reason) {
    * A constructor that creates an empty B-Tree of the given order.
    * <p/>This is the only constructor provided at the moment for this BTree class. Could consider
    * adding the equivalent of a 'copy constructor' that creates a new BTree object from an existing
    * BTree object.Constructor
    * creates the root of a btree
    * A constructor that creates an empty B-Tree of the given order.
    * <p/>This constructor need to copy the order parameter to the field of same name, and initialise the
    * root, cound, first and last fields of the BTree object.
    * @param order The order of the BTree.
    public BTree(int order) {
    count = 0;
    this.order = order;
    root = new BTreeNode(true, null, -1, null, null);
    first = root;
    last = root;
    * A method to return a SequentialIterator object that is positioned just before the first key
    * of the BTree object.
    * <p/>Do not modify this method.
    * @return A SequentialIterator object.
    public SequentialIterator iterator() {
    return new BTreeIterator();
    * A mehtod to return a SequentialIterator object that is positioned at a key found through a call
    * to the searchFor() method.
    * <p/>Do not modify this method.
    * @param position A SearchPosition() object that usually has been returne by a call to the searchFor() method.
    * @return A SequentialIterator object initialised to start at particular key in the BTree.
    public SequentialIterator iterator(SearchPosition position) {
    return new BTreeIterator(position);
    * A method to return a string representationo the BTree.
    * <p>The format of the string is:
    * <pre>BTree: Order=<digits>, size=<digits>, root=<BTreeNode string></pre>
    * <p/>Do not modify this method.
    * @return A string to represent the BTree
    public String toString() {
    StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer("BTree: Order=");
    s.append(order).append(", size=").append(size()).append(", root=").append(root.toString());
    return s.toString();
    * Method to determine the number of records stored in the B-Treee.
    * <p/>Do not modify this method
    * @return the number of records in the B-Tree.
    public int size() {
    return count;
    * method to return the order of the B-Tree.
    * <p/>
    * <p>This is the smallest number of key values for all nodes
    * except the root node. The maximum number of key values in a node is 2*order, and the maximum number
    * of child nodes for a node is 2*order+1.
    * <p/>Do not modify this method.
    * @return The order of the B-tree.
    public int order() {
    return order;
    * Insert a key plus data value into the BTree.
    * <p/>This method needs to locate the leaf node in which the key + data value should be
    * inserted, and then call the insertLeaf() method of BTreeNode to do the insertion.
    * <p/>This method will always result in a change to the BTree, so it should increment
    * the change count.
    * <p/>The method may result in only the data associated with an existing ke being changed,
    * so incrementing the count field should be done in the BTreeNode method (if needed).
    * <p/>This is one of the method you need to complete for assignment 5.
    * @param key The key associated with the data value to be added to the B-Tree
    * @param data The data value to be added (with it's associated key) to the B-Tree.
    public void add(Comparable key, Object data) {
    // you need to add the code for this method
    // i added
    BTreeNode btNode = root;
    while (!btNode.isLeaf) {
    int i=0;
    while(key.compareTo(btNode.keys) > 0) {
    if (i == btNode.numberOfKeys) break;
    btNode = btNode.childNodes[i];
    if (root.numberOfKeys == order*2-1) root.split(order);
    * insert a object with the given key into the tree
    //KeyNode keyNode = new KeyNode(key, data);
    // BTreeNode keyNode = new BTreeNode(key,data);
    BTreeNode btNode = root;
    while (!btNode.isLeaf) {
    int i=0;
    while(key.compareTo(btNode.key(i)) > 0) {
    if (i == btNode.numberOfKeys())
    btNode = btNode.child(i); }
    btNode.insert(key,data );
    if (root.numberOfKeys == order*2-1)
    * This method searches the B-Tree for an occurence of the key in a leaf node and returns the result
    * of the search in a SearchPosition object.
    * <p/>Note that the key may occur in an interior node of the BTree without occuring in the leaf
    * nodes. This can be the result of a deletion operation. This method need to search down to the
    * leaf node that should contain the key if the key and associated data is in the B-Tree, and then
    * scan through the keys in the leaf node for the search key.
    * <p/>The result of the search is returned as a SearchPosition object, as this allow the return
    * of the success or failure of the search, as well as the data belonging to the key. It also
    * allows position information to be returned so that an interator can be initialised with the
    * key as the starting position for subsequent sequential access to adjacent keys.
    * <p/>This is one of the method you need to implement.
    * <p/>Implementation nodes:<br>
    * You need to find the leaf node that may contain the key (same code as for add()), then
    * scan the leaf BTreeNode for the search tree. You can do this within this method, as you
    * have total access to the fields and methods of BTreeNode (as BTreeNode is an inner class
    * of BTree). If you find the key, construct and return a SearchPosition object with the appropriate
    * details of the position, otherwise construct add return a SearchPosition object that indicates the
    * search failed.
    * @param key The key to search for in the BTree
    * @return A SearchPosition object returning the data and position information for the search
    public SearchPosition searchFor(Comparable key) {
    // You need to add the code for this method. The code below simply creates a
    // SearchPosition object which indicates an unsuccessful search.
    return new SearchPosition(false, null, -1);
    * A method to delete a node from the BTree.
    * <p/>The method should return the data object that was deleted when the key plus data object pair
    * are deleted from the B-tree.
    * <p/>The method should throw a BTreeError exception (with an appropriate reason string) if the
    * key is not found in the B-tree.
    * <p/>This is a method you can implement for bonus marks in Assignment 5.
    * <p/>Implementation notes:<br>
    * The easiest way to proceed is to use searchFor() to determine if they key is in the BTree, and
    * (if it is in the B-tree) to return position information about the key. Throw an exception if the
    * key is not in the B-tree, otherwise keep a copy of the data assocaited with the key (to return),
    * then for the leaf node containing the key (a BTreeNode object), call the deleteLeafNodeKey() method,
    * passing across the leaf key index of the key (so you don't have to find it again in the leaf node).
    * After this method deletes the key, return the data you saved as the method result.
    * @param key The key to delete (along with it's associated data) from the B-tree.
    * @return The data associated with the key that was deleted.
    public Object delete(Comparable key){
    // You need to add the code for this method.
    return null;
    * The inner class BTreeNode is used to represent the nodes in the B-Tree.
    * <p/>The nodes in the BTree are of two types:
    * <ol>
    * <li>Leaf nodes that contain the keys and associated data values, stored in ascending key order.<br>
    * These leaf nodes have next and previous pointers to adjacent leaf nodes to allow an easy
    * implementation of an iterator class to provide bi-directional sequential access to the keys stored
    * in the BTree nodes.
    * <li>Interior nodes that contain keys and links to child nodes (that are either all internal nodes
    * or all leaf nodes), organised as the node of a multi-way search tree. The interior nodes have
    * one more child node link than keys. The child node link at index k is to a node with keys that
    * are all less than the key at index k in this node. The link at index k+1 is to a child node
    * with keys that are all greater than or equal to the key at index k.
    * </ol>
    * The BTreeNode class allows you to create these two 'types' of nodes, depending on the parameters
    * passed to the constructor.
    * <p/>There are methods that should only be called for leaf nodes and methods that should only be
    * called for interior nodes. These methods should throw an exception if called by the wrong node
    * type. This class should really be designed using inheritance to mimic the pascal/C++ variant
    * record structure, but this design is relatively easy to understand and to implement.
    * <p/>Note that this class is an inner class of BTree, and so all objects will have an implict
    * reference to the BTree container object. This class has direct access to all the fields of the
    * BTree contaner object. In particular, the order of the BTree is available, hence this class
    * does not need to keep a copy of the order as a field.
    * <p/>Skeleton class provided for Objects and Algorithms Assignment 5
    * <p/>Only modify the methods where the JavaDoc indicates that you need to provide code.
    * @author a.sobey
    * @version 1.0
    * Date: 16/05/2005
    public class BTreeNode {
    * The actual number of key values stored in the BTreeNode. <br>Note that the BTree node has an implicit
    * reference to the containing BTree object, and the maximum number of nodes that can be stored in a
    * a BTreeNode (except temporarily during the split operation) is twice the <i>order</i> of the BTree.<br>
    * This field is valid for both internal and leaf nodes.
    private int numberOfKeys = 0;
    * The array of pointers to child nodes of this node. Only <i>(numberOfKeys+1)</i> are valid if <i>numberOfKeys</i>
    * is non-zero.<br>
    * This array is only valid and created for internal nodes - this array is not created for leaf nodes.<br>
    * There is space in the array created for one additional child node link - this makes the coding for
    * splitting of an internal node easier to implement.
    private BTreeNode[] childNodes;
    * A reference to the parent node of this node.<br>
    * This link is null if this node is the root node of the tree of BTreeNodes.<br>
    * This node is valid for both internal and leaf nodes.
    private BTreeNode parent;
    * The index in the parent node's array of links (the <i>childNodes</i> array) for the link to this node.<br>
    * This value should be set to -1 if this node is the root node (and so has no parent node).<br>
    * This field is valid for both internal and leaf nodes.
    private int parentIndex;
    * A link to the next leaf node in the B-tree, provided to allow easy sequential access of the keys
    * and values stored in the B-tree.<br>
    * This field is only valid if the node is a leaf node. For non-leaf nodes set the value to null.<br>
    * For leaf nodes, set the value to null if this node is the last leaf node in the B-tree.
    private BTreeNode next;
    * The link to the previous leaf node in the B-tree, provided ot allow easy reverse sequential access of the keys
    * and values stored in the B-Tree.<br>
    * This values should be set to null if this node is a leaf node but is the first leaf node in the B-Tree, or
    * if this node is not a leaf node.<br>
    * This field is only used in leaf nodes.
    private BTreeNode previous;
    * An array of comparable key objects that are stored in this node of the B-tree.<br>
    * Only the first <i>numberOfKey</i> values in the array are valid.<br>
    * The maximum number of keys in a node is 2*<i>order</i>, however there is space in this array
    * for one additional value to make the coding of the node splitting operation easier to implement.<br>
    * This field is valid for both internal and leaf nodes.
    private Comparable[] keys;
    * An array of data values associated with the keys stored in this leaf node of the B-tree.<br>
    * Only the first <i>numberOfKey</i> values are valid.<br>
    * The maximum number of data values in a node is 2*<i>order</i>, however there is space in this array
    * for one additional value to make the codingof the leaf node splitting operation easier to implement.<br>
    * This field is only valid for leaf nodes - for interior nodes this array is not created.
    private Object[] data;
    * A boolean value to indicate if the node is a leaf node or not. The structure of the remainder of the node
    * depends on this value (would be nice to have variant records in Java ...).<br>
    * This field is valid for both leaf and internal nodes.
    private boolean isLeaf;
    private int order;
    * The constructor for a BTreeNode.
    * <p/>The code for the constructor is provided - do not modify this constructor.
    * @param isLeaf True if this node is a leaf node.
    * @param parent A link to the parent node or null if this node is the root node of the B-Tree
    * @param parentIndex The index of the link in the array of child node linkes in the parent node that points to this node.
    * @param previous A link to the previous leaf node for sequentail access, or null if not a leaf node or no previous leaf nodes.
    * @param next A link to the next leaf node for sequential access, or null if not a leaf node or the last leaf node.
    public BTreeNode(boolean isLeaf, BTreeNode parent, int parentIndex, BTreeNode previous, BTreeNode next) {
    this.parent = parent;
    this.parentIndex = parentIndex;
    this.previous = previous; = next;
    this.isLeaf = isLeaf;
    if (isLeaf)
    data = new Object[2 * order + 1];
    childNodes = new BTreeNode[2 * order + 2];
    keys = new Comparable[2 * order + 1];
    public BTreeNode( int order, BTreeNode parent)
    this.order = order;
    this.keys = new Comparable[2*order-1]; = new Object[2*order-1];
    this.childNodes=new BTreeNode[2*order];
    * Returns the number of keys in this BTreeNode. Note that within the code in BTree you have access
    * to all the fields of BTreeNode, so this method is not strictly necessary.
    * @return The number of keys in this BTreeNode object.
    public int numberOfKeys() {
    return numberOfKeys;
    * Returns the container BTree object for this BTreeNode object. You may like to check that container objects
    * are the same when manipulating two BTreeNode objects.
    * @return the containing BTree object.
    public BTree container() {
    return BTree.this;
    * A private method to return a string representation of the array <i>keys</i>. This method is used in
    * the toString() method for this class.<br>
    * Do not modify the code provided for this method.
    * @return A string representation of this nodes array of keys.
    private String keyString() {
    StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer("{");
    for (int index = 0; index < numberOfKeys; index++)
    s.append(index > 0 ? "," + keys[index] : keys[index]);
    return s.append("}").toString();
    * A private method to return a string representation of the array of data values stored in a leaf node.<br>
    * This method is used in the toString() method of BTreeNode. The method does not check if this node is a
    * leaf node, as it is not intended to be called directly from outside of this class, and the toString()
    * method only calls this method if the node is a leaf node.<br>
    * Do not modify the provided code for this method.
    * @return a string representation of the data values array of a BTreeNode.
    private String dataString() {
    StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer("(");
    for (int index = 0; index < numberOfKeys; index++)
    s.append(index > 0 ? "," + data[index] : data[index]);
    return s.append(")").toString();
    * A private method to return a string prepresentation of the array of child node links in an interior node.<br>
    * This method is used in the toString() method. This method does not check if this node is an interior
    * node, so you must take care to only call this method for interior nodes.<br>
    * Do not modify the provided code for this method.
    * @return A string representation of the array of child nodes of this BTreeNode.
    private String childString() {
    StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer("<");
    for (int index = 0; index < numberOfKeys + 1; index++)
    s.append(childNodes[index] + (index == numberOfKeys ? "" : ","));
    return s.append(">").toString();
    * The toString method provides a string representation of a BTreeNode.<br> This particular method does not
    * include the details of all the fields of a BTreeNode. While debugging your code, you may like to include
    * more information (such as the parentIndex value), but in your final submission you must have the code
    * as provided in the skeleton BTreeNode class provided to you.
    * @return A string representation of a BTreeNode.
    public String toString() {
    if (isLeaf)
    return (new StringBuffer("[")).append(numberOfKeys)
    // .append(',').append(parentIndex) // uncomment this line if need to check parentIndex values
    return (new StringBuffer("[")).append(numberOfKeys)
    //.append(',').append(parentIndex) // uncomment this line if need to check parentIndex values
    * Returns the key with the given index in this node. Throws a BTreeError exception if the index is not valid.<br>
    * Do not modify this provided code.
    * @param index The index of the key.
    * @return The key value at the given index.
    public Comparable key(int index) {
    if (index < 0 || index >= numberOfKeys)
    throw new BTreeError("Key index out of range - value = " + index);
    return keys[index];
    * Returns the child node at the provided index into the childNodes array.<br>
    * A BTreeError exception is thrown if the node is not an internal
    * node or if the index is not valid.
    * <p/>Note that the child node returned will have keys that are all less than the key stored
    * in the <i>keys</i> array of this node at the given index value (except the last childNode
    * at index numberOfkeys, as this node has keys that are all greater than or equal to the last
    * key value stored in this node).<br>
    * Do not modify the provided code for this method.
    * @param index The index into the array of child nodes for this internal BTreeNode object.
    * @return The child node link.
    public BTreeNode child(int index) {
    if (isLeaf) throw new BTreeError("child() called for a leaf node");
    if (index < 0 || index > numberOfKeys)
    throw new BTreeError("Child node index out of range - value = " + index);
    return childNodes[index];
    * Returns the data value associated with the key at the given index. An BTreeError exception is thrown if the
    * node is not a leaf node or if the index is invalid.
    * <p/>Do not modify the provided code for this method.
    * @param index The index of the key assocaited with the data value.
    * @return The data value associated with the key with given index.
    public Object data(int index) {
    if (!isLeaf) throw new BTreeError("data() called for an internal node");
    if (index < 0 || index >= numberOfKeys)
    throw new BTreeError("Data index out of range - value = " + index);
    return data[index];
    * This method is used to determine if this node is a leaf node.
    * @return True if this node is a leaf node.
    public boolean isLeaf() {
    return isLeaf;
    * Inserts the (key, data) pair into this BTreeNode object.
    * <p/>You must supply the code for this method.
    * <p/>Implementation notes:<br>
    * <ol>
    * <li>Throw an exception if this node is not a leaf node.
    * <li>Scan the keys array for index of the key greater than or equal to the insertion key.
    * <li>If the key at the index is equal to the insertion key, update the data field and return - you are done.
    * <li>Otherwise shuffle the keys values from the insertion index along to make a hole for the insertion key,
    * and insert the insertion key into the keys array. Do the same for the data array values to insert the
    * new data value into the data array at the insertion index.
    * <li>increment the number of keys, and increment the container BTree object's count field.
    * <li>If the number of keys in the node is now no more than 2*order, you are done, so simply return.
    * <li>Otherwise the node has (2*order+1) key values, and need to split. The split operation leaves the first
    * <i>order</i> keys and data values in this node (and so the node's numberOfKeys value will become
    * <i>order</i>, and moves the remaining (order + 1) keys and data values to a new BTreeNode leaf node
    * that you need to create.<br>
    * You need to fix up the previous and next fields of this leaf node and the new leaf node you have created.<br>
    * Two sub-cases:
    * <ol>
    * <li>If this node is the root node (i.e., it does not have a parent node), the split of this node will create
    * a new root node, with a single key (the key at index (order+1)) and this node and the new BTreeNode as
    * the child nodes. In my solution I used a call to the method newRootNode to do this. The newRootNode()
    * method will also be used when a split of an interior node creates a new root node. See the JavaDoc for
    * details of what the newRootNode() method should do. Once the new root node has been created, and all
    * the fields updated due to the split, you are done.
    * <li>Otherwise we need to insert in this node's parent node the middle key (at index (order+1) and the
    * new node that we created. This is done by the method insertInterior(). The method is passed the
    * key to insert (at location this.parentIndex in the keys array of the parent node), the index to
    * to insert the key (this.parentIndex), and the new leaf node (that will be inserted at index
    * (this.parentIndex+1) in the parent node's child links array).
    * </ol>
    * </ol>
    * @param key The key to insert into the leaf node.
    * @param data The key's corresponding data value.
    public void insertLeaf(Comparable key, Object data) {
    // You need to provide the code for this method.
    // BTreeNode temp = new
    int size =;
    int counter = 0;
    this.keys[size] = key;[size] = data;
    public int compareTo(Comparable o2) {
    // Integer o1 = (Integer) o2;
    return (((Integer)o2).compareTo(this));
    *Splits a node into to nodes. This can only be done, if the node is full
    *The midlest key go up into the parent, the left ones of them rest in
    *this node, and the right ones go into a new node.
    private BTreeNode split(int order) {
    if (numberOfKeys == order*2-1) {
    BTreeNode right = null;
    if (parent == null) { // algo for the root-node
    BTreeNode left = new BTreeNode(order, this);
    right = new BTreeNode(order, this);
    for (int i=0; i<order-1; i++) {
    left.keys[i] = keys[i];[i] = data[i];
    right.keys[i] = keys[order+i];[i] = data[order+i];
    if (!isLeaf()) {
    for (int i=0; i<order; i++) {
    left.childNodes[i] = childNodes[i];
    left.childNodes[i].parent = left;
    right.childNodes[i] = childNodes[order+i];
    right.childNodes[i].parent = right;
    left.isLeaf = false;
    right.isLeaf = false;
    } else isLeaf = false;
    keys[0] = keys[order-1];
    numberOfKeys = 1;
    left.numberOfKeys = order-1;
    right.numberOfKeys = order-1;
    for (int i=1; i<order*2-1; i++) {
    keys[i] = null;
    data[i] = null;
    childNodes[i+1] = null;
    childNodes[0] = left;
    childNodes[1] = right;

    * Don't post that much code. There should never be a reason to. You should be able to break your code down into small enough pieces that you can post a small example that demonstrates your problem.
    * When you do post code, use [code] and [/code] tags to make it readable. You can use the code button on the message entry page.
    * The stack trace will tell you which line the NPE occurred on, where it was called from, where that was called from, etc. You can use that to help you find your error. Look at the line it's complaining about. What references are on that line followed by a dot, and what arrays do you try to access the elements of. One of those must be null.
    * Now that you know what[b] is null, put in a bunch of print statements to track [b]how it got to be null.

  • I have been trying to reinstall iTunes but have been getting error messages. One says I need file MSVCR80, one says I have error 7 and the last one says I have windows error 126.

    I have been trying to reinstall iTunes but I have been getting error messages. One says I need a fileMSVCR80.dll, one says error 7 and the last one says windows error126.
    This problem started yesterday when I tried to download the newest iTune update.
    The error message suggested trying the download again and i have tried over ten times and i get the same messages and error numbers.

    iTunes 11.1.4 for Windows- Unable to install or open - MSVCR80 issue
    Solving MSVCR80 issue and Windows iTunes install issues.
    Thanks to user turingtest2 for this solution.
    Solving MSVCR80 issue and Windows iTunes install issues.
    If the above doesn’t do the trick entirely, then use the instructions in the following as it applies to the version of Windows you are using:
    HT1925: Removing and Reinstalling iTunes for Windows XP
    HT1923: Removing and reinstalling iTunes for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
    You may be required to boot into safe mode to complete the folder deletion process.



    Has you iPad been jailbroken?
    These errors typically occur when security software interferes with the restore and update process. Follow Troubleshooting security software issues to resolve this issue. In rare cases, these errors may be a hardware issue. If the errors persist on another computer, the device may need service.
    Error 1604
    This error is often related to USB timing. Try changing USB ports, using a different dock connector to USB cable, and other available USB troubleshooting steps (troubleshooting USB connections. If you are using a dock, bypass it and connect directly to the white Apple USB dock connector cable. If the issue persists on a known-good computer, the device may need service.
    If the issue is not resolved by USB isolation troubleshooting, and another computer is not available, try these steps to resolve the issue:
    Connect the device to iTunes, confirm that the device is in Recovery Mode. If it's not in Recovery Mode, put it into Recovery Mode.
    Restore and wait for the error.
    When prompted, click OK.
    Close and reopen iTunes while the device remains connected.
    The device should now be recognized in Recovery Mode again.
    Try to restore again.
    If the steps above do not resolve the issue, try restoring using a known-good USB cable, computer, and network connection.
    Error 1600, 1601, 1602
    Follow the steps listed above for Error 1604. This error may also be resolved by disabling, deactivating, or uninstalling third-party security, antivirus, and firewall software. See steps in this article for  details on troubleshooting security software.
    Also do a Google search using iPad error 1602 & you'll get many other suggestions.
     Cheers, Tom

  • I had to replace the hard drive on my computer.  I am now trying to download Adobe Photoshop CS6, previously purchased.  I get an error that files are missing after waiting for the whole download.  I have Windows7

    I had to replace the hard drive on my computer.  I am now trying to download Adobe Photoshop CS6, previously purchased.  I get an error that files are missing after waiting for the whole download.  I have Windows7

    The error msg said that the file archive part of Adobe photoshop CS6 is missing and that I need all parts in the same folder.

  • Error Level 10: I have this error where a plugin broke that I had to remove because it was not finding it. How do i install it back so it functions?

    8/29/2014 7:15am
    It seems to me that if Microsoft's platform can not fix it with the troubleshooter that the troubleshooter sucks.  It does not know when errors are thrown so your developer sucks on creating software for errors that are popping up in your software?
    if a error is thrown in Windows 8 it should catch it upon a thrown error in programming? This hsould be a level 1 ticket. Since when I call you support for error in your product no one wants to address problems in your software and get mea tech to resolve
    The question now is how do I fix this and why is it causing me an internal error 500 for my web server install?
    I may have other issues but I need access to my web server through my browser I used fsocketopen to troubleshoot it?
    It gets back a internal 500 on Gecko process in firefox and on IE it just won't serve out the document in my web server abyss or apache? So the question is what service is broken so I can't serve my [web server] pages out? Let me go through all the event
    logs that I have with errors below?
    Under Applications:
    1) Failure to load the application settings for package microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_8wekyb3d8bbwe. Error Code: 10
    2) LMS Service cannot connect to Intel(R) MEI driver. Error level 1
    3) Failure to load the application settings for package microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_8wekyb3d8bbwe. Error Code: 3
    4) SearchIndexer (3476) Windows: The database engine attached a database (1, C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Windows.edb). (Time=0 seconds)
    5) Internal Timing Sequence: [1] 0.000, [2] 0.000, [3] 0.125, [4] 0.000, [5] 0.000, [6] 0.000, [7] 0.000, [8] 0.000, [9] 0.000, [10] 0.000, [11] 0.000, [12] 0.000.
    Saved Cache: 1 0: Evenet Id level 326.
    6) SearchIndexer (3476) Windows: The database engine started a new instance (0). (Time=0 seconds)
    7) Internal Timing Sequence: [1] 0.000, [2] 0.000, [3] 0.000, [4] 0.000, [5] 0.000, [6] 0.000, [7] 0.000, [8] 0.000, [9] 0.000, [10] 0.000. eveent level 105
    8) SearchIndexer (3476) Windows: The database engine (6.03.9600.0000) is starting a new instance (0). Error Level 102
    Under Security:
    1) We might want to check this out here User Account Management changed?
    Under Setup: no errors.
    Under System below:
    1) Name resolution for the name timed out after none of the configured DNS servers responded.Event level  1014
    2) Intel(R) 82567LM-3 Gigabit Network Connection
     Network link is disconnected.
    3) The system has returned from a low power state.
    Sleep Time: ‎2014‎-‎08‎-‎29T05:10:07.602701000Z
    Wake Time: ‎2014‎-‎08‎-‎29T13:13:47.945773100Z
    Wake Source: Device -USB Root Hub : Error level 1
    4) The browser has forced an election on network \Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{58565081-3013-43B6-AE07-CC89C71F6036} because a master browser was stopped. Event Id 8033.
    5) The driver \Driver\WudfRd failed to load for the device SWD\WPDBUSENUM\_??_USBSTOR#Disk&Ven_EPSON&Prod_Storage&Rev_1.00#7&2d369789&0&533536503532383375&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}. Event error 219.
    6) The driver \Driver\WudfRd failed to load for the device SWD\WPDBUSENUM\{3c83e4cf-28e9-11e4-827b-b8ac6f8aec21}#0000000000004000. Error Level Id 219.
    7) The UMDF reflector was unable to complete startup because the WUDFPf service was not found.  This service may be started later during boot, at which point Windows will attempt to start the device again. Error Id 10114.
    8) Unable to bind to the underlying transport for [::]:80. The IP Listen-Only list may contain a reference to an interface which may not exist on this machine.  The data field contains the error number. Event Id 15005.
    9) The supersafer64 service failed to start due to the following error:
    The system cannot find the file specified. Event ID 7000.
    10) The SNMP Service encountered an error while accessing the registry key SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SNMP\Parameters\TrapConfiguration. Error: 1500.
    11) The SAS Core Service service failed to start due to the following error:
    The system cannot find the file specified. 7000
    12 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not register the URL prefix http://*:80/ for site 1. The site has been disabled. The data field contains the error number. 1004
    13) The driver \Driver\WudfRd failed to load for the device SWD\WPDBUSENUM\_??_USBSTOR#Disk&Ven_EPSON&Prod_Storage&Rev_1.00#7&2d369789&0&533536503532383375&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}. Error level 219
    14) Name resolution for the name timed out after none of the configured DNS servers responded. Error level 1014.
    Now I need help with all these error since Windows 8 with maybe 15 applications is failing after no setup errors? What would cause these we need to find out? Since I can not use your product with so many developer errors? and to put out a products that doesn
    work is pointless? So please call me and have some help me through the errors and tell your support to stop ignoring the errors that broke the products?
    Sincerely, William Dunlap {removed} N. Academy blvd, 201, Colorado Springs, CO 80910 http:\\
    {removed}.  I need a tech to help me get my web server up?

    So now you don't release the security breaches in windows 8. You mean to tell me that you can use Powershell - Using WMI to breach security in VB apps on the web by getting my file structures?
    What is this all about?
     1 Set VPN NIC Settings
        2 Get Network Data from servers
    Set VPN NIC Settings
    $error.clear | out-null
    $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
    if ( $Args.Count -ne 1 ) { "
    Not enough arguments
    Usage :
        script.ps1 server
    "; exit }
    $server = $Args[0].ToLower()
    "We are working with $server"
    $netAdapt = get-wmiobject -class Win32_NetworkAdapter -computer $server
    if (!($netAdapt)) {  
        "Failed to connect to the target server!"
    foreach ($card in $netAdapt) {
        IF (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($card.NetConnectionID))) {
            if ($card.NetConnectionID.CompareTo("VPN Virtual NIC") -eq 0) {
                $myID = $card.DeviceID
    $NAC = [wmi]"\\$server\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration.index='$myid'"
    "Setting DNS Toggles"
    $dnsToggle = $NAC.SetDynamicDNSRegistration(0,0)
    if ($dnsToggle) {
        } else {
    $strShowNicKeyName = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\$guid\connection"
    $reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $server)
    $regKey= $reg.OpenSubKey("$strShowNicKeyName",$true)
    $showIcon = $regKey.GetValue("ShowIcon")
    if (!($showIcon -eq 1)) {
        "The icon is hidden.. Setting it now"
        $setIcon = $regKey.SetValue('ShowIcon',1,'DWORD')
       } else {
        "The icon is visible already."
    "Script Ends"
    Get Network Data from servers
    $myfile = get-content servers.txt
    echo "Server    IPs    Subnet    GW" | out-file "Results.txt" -Append
    foreach ($server in $myfile) {
        Write-Host "Looking at $server"
        $colitems = Get-WmiObject win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -computer "$server" -Filter 'IPEnabled = "True"' | select ipaddress,ipsubnet,index,defaultipgateway
        foreach($objItem in $colItems) {
        Write-Host ""
        $myip = $objItem.IPAddress -join " "
        $mySubnet = $objItem.IPSubnet  
        $myGW = $objItem.DefaultIPGateway
        $temp = $objItem.index
        $myid = Get-WmiObject win32_NetworkAdapter -computer "$server" -Filter "index = $temp" | select  netconnectionid
        $myid = $myid -replace "@{netconnectionid=",""
        $myid = $myid -Replace "}",""
        echo "$server    $myip    $mySubnet    $myGW    $myid"
        echo "$server    $myip    $mySubnet    $myGW    $myid"  | out-file "Results.txt" -Append
    Is this possible on any machine with power shell and if so how is access done?
    William Dunlap

  • Create a BOE Server Definition have an error

    today  i  install and configure the BO with BI 7.0 following ingo's doc,everything is right ,but when Create a BOE Server Definition i have an error !
    when i click Verify BOE Definition ,there is an error "unable to call out destination,Verrify destination in sm59"! i test my RFC Connection ,it's all right.

    Hi ingo,
        thanks for your quick reply and sorry for my yesterday's disappear because of my bad network.
    - is the BW publishing service started ?
    yes, i have started the  BW publishing service on the BOE Server Side  from the CCM.
    - did you configure the SAP Authentication on your BusinessObjects system ?
    yes,i have Configured the SAP Authentication including "Enable SAP authentication","Configure Global Options for the SAP Authentication" and "Import SAP Users and Roles" the three steps on my  BusinessObjects system. and the role that imported to BOE is created as the pdf -"BusinessObjects XI Integration for SAP Solutions Installation and Administration Guide"  in BI 7.0 system. even i have give the role sap_all ,i think the Authentication is no problem and they work well.
    - when you go to SM59 and run a connection test on your destination - does everything work ?
    yes, i have tested  the connection on my destination and it work well ,30 kb only need 7 second. the programid is the same with the BW Publish Service.
    and before installing BusinessObjects XI Integration, there are something need to  alert:
    - SAP Frontend Installation? i have installed sapgui710 as the doc!
    - SAP Java Connector? i have downloaded jco 2.1.8 for 32 bit because my BOE Server Side  is 32 bit.
    - SAP Transports?i ask for sap basis  importing  them to BI 7.0 system.
    - SAP Single-Sign-On? the two tickets have configured on  BI 7.0 system.
    - BOE Server Side requirements? i have added the saplogon.ini file to the saplogon_ini_file environment   variable.
    as to eliminate the error ,i have configured something else:
    - "Configuring the SAP HTTP Request Handler" have no error!
    - "Configure the SAP Source Parameters" have no error!
    at last, i have some puzzles:
    - now i use the program id that configured by others.whether it need to be seted only for BOE connect BI 7.0?and how to set the program id?
    - the pdf -"BusinessObjects XI Integration for SAP Solutions Installation and Administration Guide" tell me there are two ways to configure BW publisher ,Configuring the BW Publisher as a service now we are using and the other way is configure BW publisher with a local sap gateway.
    is there  one possibility   :maybe my BW system now are seted not to support using the first way- "Configuring the BW Publisher as a service "but the second way.
    thanks for a lot

  • Have a error when active Catch Weight Managerment

    I have a DEV server ( oracle 10.2 g, SAP ECC 6.0 SR3) with 3 software component :  SAP_APPL, SEM-BW, IS-CWM is not the same level. I want to test function Catch Weight Management in client 100 of system and  I have two case
    Case 1:
    I update 3 software component above the same level to active Catch Weight Management with Tcode SFW5 and SPRO -> active OK . But my system is freshly. Therefore,  i don't have any configuration to demo -> I don't like this case
    Case 2
    With purpose to have configuration to demo
    I decide to take configuration of client 101 from another DEV system ( this client 101 is actived Material Ledger) by export / import client with Tcode SCC8 and SCC7
    Then I import configuration of client 101 into client 100
    After import into client 100 successfully and I have a client 100 which configured. Then  I active function Catch Weight Management with Tcode SFW5 and SPRO ( I updated 3 software component above the same level too) ->  Not Active
    -> the system check compatible and have a error :
    "Error in component Inventory Accounting (ACC-INV) SEM BW "
    "Inventory Accounting cannot be actived : material ledger is actived "
    My question : I don't understand above errors while I do right
    Please help me on this issue
    Thanks in advance

    To activate catch management  there should not abe any stock, and material price should be S and material ledgerr should not be active.
    Hope this will help you..

  • How do i transfer a compilation photo file from iPhoto consisting of canon(img) and lumix(p..) in the order i compiled them to a usb stick as at the moment it is putting all the lumix files after the canon files?

    I have a macbook pro 15 inch retina 16 gb 1600mhz 2.7intel i7 osx 10.8.5
    I have just put together an iPhoto file of wedding photos consisting of a compilation of images from my canon(img files) and lumix(p..files) I want to know how to transfer them to a usb stick in the order i compiled them as at the moment it is putting all the lumix files after the canon files which is not how i want to present them to the newlyweds?

    Files are ordered by the file-viewer being used.  What viewer are you using, and what data field are you sorting by?
    In Finder, as in most applications, you can select the data field to sort by clicking a column header.  Clicking the selected header will reverse the sort.
    This is the Aperture forum, but what applies to Aperture is likely also true for iPhoto:  if you want to be able to sort your files in a specific order in a file-viewer, you should give them names that allow for sorting in that order when the name field is selected as the data field to sort by.  In Aperture, one creates new files by exporting, and one uses a File Naming Preset to name the files.  The File Naming Preset can start with an ordinal count or a sequence number.  Either of which will allow you to retain your order when viewing your files in a file viewer.

  • In mail how do I get the latest entries to appear at the top automatically, at the moment I have to move the cursor from the bottom to the top to read the latest email?

    In mail how do I get the latest emails to appear at the top of the column automatically. At the moment I have to scroll up from the bottom oldest entires to find my latest mail arrivals

    What device are you using?
    I assume you are talking about something other than the iPad?
    Is there a sort order above the date column? Clicking on this can switch between Ascending and Descending order.

  • HT4914 I often record songs at a particular tempo, iTunes Match will then match it and send it back to me at the original tempo, is there anyway I can stop some songs from being matched. At the moment I have turned match off. But I would like to sync play

    I often record songs at a particular tempo, iTunes Match will then match it and send it back to me at the original tempo, is there anyway I can stop some songs from being matched. At the moment I have turned match off. But I would like to sync playlists.

    How old was this backup? It sounds like it was at least several weeks old.
    You can look directly in the TM backup for the music.
    1. Connect to the external HDD the backup is kept on.
    2. Open a Finder window and select the backup drive in the left hand panel. Double click into the folders until you see a list of folders with dates.
    These are the incremental backups. You can start at the top or the bottom of the list but I suggest you double Latest/<HDD Name>/Users/<Account Name>/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Music. From this location you can start looking for the "missing" music. When/if you find it you can simply drag-n-drop to ~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Music on the internal HDD.
    If the music is actually not in the backups (for whatever reason) then you've got a problem.
    You can download the uploaded files from the cloud by deleting the affected tracks from the iTunes library (but not the cloud!), highlighting multiple tracks at once, right-clicking and choosing "download."

  • How do i get my imac to remember my login details on my email and Facebook without remembering my passwords?? iAt the moment i have to type each time i visit my sites??

    How do i get my imac to remember my login details on my email and Facebook without remembering my passwords?? iAt the moment i have to type each time i visit my sites??

    Open Applications and the the Utility folder and then Keychain Access app. In there you will find all the usernames and password that have been saved. For some reason it is not saving those passwords and or not using the ones that have been saved.
    This is fairly common with Mac OS X as it happens for no apparent reason just all of a sudden.

  • HT4436 How do I set up a separate iCloud account ?, at the moment my wife and myself share the same iCloud account, even though we have different iTunes accounts on the computer.

    I'd like to have separate iCloud accounts for myself and my wife, at the moment any photos, calendars etc transfer to our iPhones &amp; iPads from each other. I'd rather not have this as its a nuisance when we receive items that one of us doesn't want!.

    Creating an iCloud account- Frequently Asked Questions
    Apple IDs and iCloud

  • How do I have a different apple ID and email for my sons iPod, because is using my apple ID and email at the moment which is a pain

    How do I change my sons iPod to his own Apple ID and Email Address because he is using mine at the moment and it is a real pain.

    Create a NEW account/ID for her using these instructions. Make sure you follow the instructions. Many do not and if you do not you will not get the None option. You must use an email address that you have not used with Apple before. You musg specify a birtdate that resule in an age of at least 13 years.
      Creating an iTunes Store, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store account without a credit card
    Use the new ID on her iPod but only for:
    Settings>Messages>Send and Receive
    and Settings>iCloud if you want her to have separate Contacts Calendar and some other things.    
    Continue to use the same/common Apple ID for Settings>iTunes and App stores so you can share purchases.
    - Apps are locked to the account that purchased them.
    - To update apps you have to sign into the account that purchased the apps. If you have apps that need updating purchased from more than one account you have to update them one at a time until the remaining apps were purchased from one account.

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