ATT: Add feature to disable Landscape Mode like Nano

Hello, APPLE!
Please ADD an option to enable users to DISABLE LANDSCAPE MODE!
You already have that feature in the Nano so please bring it into the iTouch!!
It's very frustrating having the screen rotate everytime even with a slight rotation of the iTouch!!
Thank you!

Not on any regular basis, no. The Discussions Hosts try and scan the posts, but they're primarily doing "housekeeping". There are thousands of new posts every week, so suggestions are quite likely to be missed. The feedback forms are the recommended way to submit comments and suggestions to Apple.

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    No, there is not.
    You can submit feedback to Apple:

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    Too generic...
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    I haven't found a way to display the whole month in landscape view on my iPhone 6. May not exist. You can send feedback to Apple about this here:

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    To be honest, I can't tell you specifically why Google won't work in landscape mode - but I have some good suggestions.
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    Get a free DropBox account.
    Drag the files into DropBox and you can get a link to send to your friend to download.
    Another option with DropBox is to use a Shared folder. If you share files a lot with your friend, setup a Shared folder and everything in the folder will be shared. Obviously they also need to setup a free DropBox account (works on Windows). Just keep the folder size under the 2GB free limit.
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    Using Firefox 31.1.0 on CentOS 6
    various HP Laserjet printers
    Cant print in Landscape mode. Firefox is on the server and users connect to the server via LTSP thin clients and we prefer to use Firefox for this. One of our users needs to print in Landscape mode several times a day. We used to have Firefox 10 and this was not an issue.
    Have tried multiple drivers from CUPS and none have let me print in Landscape. When printing in Landscape, it acutally prints out in Portrait mode but the right side of the page is cut-off. In terminal, as root, we went to system-config-printer, right click on printer, properties, and orientation is set to automatic rotation. When changing to landscape here, it prints in landscape but the top of the page is cutoff now, and that means that all the users connected to the server are going to print by default like this, because all using same CUPS.
    I have centos 6 on my stand-alone desktop (not connected to desktop LTSP server) and Landscape printing does not work on Firefox either. It works on Chrome flawlessly, but we much prefer Firefox for work use.
    Please help!

    Reset Firefox to its default state
    If you're having major problems which you can't resolve, start fresh with only your essential information.
    Troubleshooting Information
    This page contains technical information that might be useful when you're trying to solve a problem. If you are looking for answers to common questions about Firefox, check out our support website.
    Application Basics
    Name Firefox
    Version 31.1.0
    Update History
    User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0
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    Enabled Plugins about:plugins
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    browser.places.smartBookmarksVersion 7
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    Library Versions
    Expected minimum version Version in use
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    Experimental Features
    Name ID Description Active End Date Homepage

  • Disable clamshell mode via Terminal

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    Your English is much better than that of some native English speakers who post here.
    Your MBP's waking up immediately after being closed, without your doing something to cause it, is *not a feature of clamshell mode.* In clamshell mode, the expected behavior is that the machine will sleep when the display is closed, and you will then wake it and bring the external display into operation *by pressing a key on the external keyboard.* If you don't do that, it stays asleep. So clamshell mode doesn't need to be disabled to stop the behavior that's annoying you, because that behavior has nothing to do with clamshell mode.
    Instead, you need to determine which of the devices you are using with the MBP is interrupting sleep. This is nearly always caused by a USB device that doesn't understand sleep, and tries to communicate with the computer while it sleeps — which causes it to wake up. It may be your keyboard, your mouse, an external drive, a printer, scanner, ExpressCard device, Bluetooth cell phone, or even an SD card in the built-in card reader, if you have one. So first turn Bluetooth off and close the display to test for a change in behavior. If the MBP still wakes up a minute later, that wasn't the culprit. Disconnect your other peripheral devices one at a time, testing again after each disconnection, until you discover which device is responsible.

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