Attempting to purchase an APP under VPP

Attempting to purchase an APP under VPP and keep getting "We are currently experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later." this has been all day

I just got off the phone with Apple Support and there is a known issue that they thought was resolved last week. I was told to email [email protected] for help with this issue.
Thanks for your help,

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  • Crash when user attempts to purchase in-app product

    hi all,
    I didn't use to get any crash reports before introducing in-app purchase. I have approx. 30 downloads a day and 5 crashes a day now which doesn't sound right.
    Please could you help me find out why this is?
    Here is the crash info. It seems like something goes wrong when the user presses the 'Buy Product button' and it looks like it's got something to do with the async/awaiting business. I'm very new to this and don't really understand.
    Frame Image Function Offset
    0 System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess 0x0023a00e
    1 System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification 0x0000003a
    2 System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter_1[[System.__Canon,_mscorlib]].GetResult 0x0000001c
    3 BACanglais.WhatsIncluded+_Button_Click_d__2.MoveNext 0x000000b8
    4 System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore._ThrowAsync_b__0 0x00000036
    my code behind the "Buy Product button" is as follows:
    async private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    // go to the buy product page
    var listing = await CurrentApp.LoadListingInformationAsync();
    var product1 =
    listing.ProductListings.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Value.ProductId == "33333" && p.Value.ProductType == ProductType.Durable);
    if (CurrentApp.LicenseInformation.ProductLicenses[product1.Value.ProductId].IsActive)
    myVersionLine.Text = "FULL Version";
    myUpgradeButton.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
    MessageBox.Show("You already own this product");
    receipt = await CurrentApp.RequestProductPurchaseAsync(product1.Value.ProductId, true);
    catch (Exception ex)
    MessageBox.Show("Purchase did not take place");
    thanks for your help. I'd hate to think that those 5 crashes a day are 5 potential buyers! what's strange is that no-one contacted me to say there was a problem.
    anyone ran into a similar problem or has any idea?
    many thanks!

    I can suggest to use the following strategy.
    Define listing outside the Button_Click event
    private ListingInformation listing = null;
    and try to load the listing information before the user can tap on the button and you can enable the button after the listing has been loaded. For example, in the Loaded event of your page you can:
    Task.Run(async () =>
    listing = await CurrentApp.LoadListingInformationAsync();
    catch { }
    Button.IsEnabled = (listing != null);
    In the Button_Click event verify that listing is not null, otherwise try to reload it.

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    Sorry Duane..
    Apple does not support the merging of accounts >   Frequently Asked Questions About Apple ID
    messaged edited by cs

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    See Here... ask to speak with the Account Security Team...
    Apple ID: Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security
    Or Here  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact

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    If you click View, Show Sidebar you will see the other libraries under Shared in the left hand column. Click on the Library you want and you can expand it to select Music, Movies etc. Select whatever items you want and click import if you want to move them to your Library.
    You will have to have all computers authorised with the relevant Apple ID's
    Store  >  Authorise this computer...
    This is separate from the Home Sharing username and password and is to allow playing of DRM Movies, TV shows etc from the other computer.
    If both Computers use the same apple id this step is not required.

  • I have 2 Apple IDs. How can I move all my purchased (paid-for) apps under only 1 of my Apple IDs?

    Long ago I bought several, relatively expensive, apps under a old Apple ID.
    I then purchased many more paid-for apps under a new Apple ID.
    I was unaware that the purchased apps are tied to the Apple ID which I happen to be logged in with, at the time of the purchase: I thought they'd be tied to my authorised PC(s).
    Now I'm absolutely sick of having to constantly switch between IDs, even just to CHECK for updates.
    What I want to do is move all the paid-for apps which I bought under the old Apple ID to the new Apple ID. Both ID demonstrably belong to me.
    Having all my apps under 1 only Apple ID would allow me to update them easily, and no longer be FORCED to switch IDs all the time.
    In short I want to use only 1 Apple ID for the future.
    If the Apple Store locks the apps to the Apple ID (as it does) instead than to the authorised PC (as it should do), then it should also PREVENT a user from creating a second Apple ID (at least, from the same iTunes installation on the same PC!), or at the very least display a HUGE warning that any paid-for apps purchased under another, older Apple ID will be unavailable under the new Apple ID! The apple Store, and iTunes, do neither thing,
    Then the Apple Store and iTunes should at the very least allow a user to put all apps under the same Apple ID!
    After all, the Apple Store and iTunes on my PC and iTunes on my Iphone can all "see" that I own TWO legitimate Apple IDs (with purchases and updates): it must be possible to move these apps from one ID to the another ID, at least once! They're MY OWN purchases, paid: can I manage them a bit easier?

    No, it seems you don't (want to) understand. I see 2 things very wrong with your explanation.
    1. The move would only need to happen between "accounts" demonstrably and legitimately belonging to the same user. In fact, I'm still using both the old one (for updates only, no new purchases) and the new one (updates and purchases -- actually no morep urchases until Apple solves this). And unless I'm mistaken, I can already have my apps on more than one iDevice at the time: eg. on 1 iPhone and1 iPad. I don't ask for apps to be moved between unrelated accounts: only between accounts belonging to the same "person". And I do not see how changing what is effectively just a "label" embedded in the binary files residing on my hard disk (or in the cloud), which can be verified as legitimately belonging to me thru two ID registered on the same authorised PC could possibly allow anyone to cheat the system. The apps' files have embedded an old label before, and a new label after the operation, both belonging to me, associated to my payment details. That's not rocket science.
    In fact, both my Apple ID were at some point linked to the same credit card. And in fact, I only created a second one because at some point I managed to forget my Hotmail EMAIL password, not my Apple STORE password!
    The two passwords needn't be the same, adding to the confusion. For months I used that account to buy apps, and never checked the email, since I was not interested in marketing from Apple, and I could see the payments from my credit card statements: that's how I forgot my Hotmail EMAIL password for that Hotmail email address.
    Since Microsoft wouldn't allow me to access my Hotmail account anymore (and rightly so, becuase I managed to exhaust all possibilities, and even forgot the security question), and so I could not check my Apple Store emails, I then decided to create a new account, this time with a Live! email address, and this time I used the same password for both the Live! EMAIL and the Apple STORE authentication.
    For more than TWO years I used the old Hotmail Apple ID to get updates, without during all that time being able to read the email or access that Hotmail account: this should tell you how stupid this system is! And for the same time, and until last month (I no longer buy anything), I used the new ID for both NEW purchases and their updates.
    Now after getting both a new iPhone (only because the old one was unfortunately stolen on my holiday) and a new PC, i NO longer want to be forced to use both IDs, which forces me to constantly switch between them, and also carries the risk that I inadvertently purchase something with the old one, to which EMAIL address I no longer have access: so I can't even check invoices. But most of all, I don't want to be inconvenienced like this by Apple.
    Since the Apple ID is such an important concept, forever ID tied to your purchases, it should NOT be an email address, which are disposable by their own nature. When creating it, one is naturally driven to think it'll only be needed to check Apple Store's emails and newsletters and the such. Why should people be forced to FOREVER use an email address, perhaps linked to a job or relationship they had years earlier, to update their purchases?
    The thing is, Apple made the Apple IDs as email addresses simply to ensure that as many people as possible can at any time buy as many apps and songs as possible: just create a new Apple ID: after all, it is (seems) just an email address! and you're done. But they DON'T telly you they'll tie FOREVER your purchases to it. So you're reasonably entitled to think they'll tie them to your payments details, until you discover otherwise the hard way.
    And since most Apple users feel humbled by Apple (the "genial" idea of calling "Genius" the support guys at the stores, wo usually don't have a clue on anyhting less than trivial, is part of this) and fear of feeling "stupid" for getting wrong soemthing with what are supposed to be the most user-friendly company and products, they will simply buy the apps again under the new ID, bringing more profits to Apple. This also can't be casual.
    My apps are available, under both Apple IDs at the same time, to iTunes: be it on my PC on in the iCloud. The same mechanism that physically "embeds" that Apple ID in the app file when I first buy it, can surely be used to change it afterwards. It's just a matter of willing to do so. This content (apps, songs, etc) may be digital (that is, files) rather than traditional (eg. books), but I assure you that the disk blocks taken by the app or song files in the iTunes directory on my PC or in the iCloud are as physical as a book or a mp3 player: they CAN be changed in a perfectly safe and trackable way, without risk of cheating. Ever heard of MAC addresses? Or other unique info that can easily be gathered from the PC's operating system or BIOS? or credit card details, already available?
    2. The policy of inconveniencing (punishing) the huge majority of users (citizens) to prevent a tiny minority from misbehaving can be good for sheep, but not for rational people. It's typical of unimaginative, monopolistic companies (oppressive governments), not of progressive, modern and innovative ones. The cost of protecting their proficts from those who would steal from them is theirs (the company's), not ours (the users'). They should be more creative and inventive, in finding solutions to stop 10 people who would misuse their system, rather than annoying the 10 million who won't. I would never do so (mostly because I thing it's morally wrong, but also because I can't be bothered), but I understand why people invent ways to circumvent this gratuituos, bullish constraints.
    Also, CAN'T you REALLY see the difference between these TWO options:
    - allowing a user to change an app's associated account ONCE IN A LIFETIME, even only ONCE per app
    - FORCING a user to switch Apple IDs EVERY TIME (DAY, OR WEEK) FOREVER, to check and/or update
    ??? Am I talking to a person, or to a robot, or to a undercover Apple employee here?
    Both things are possible. The second is more convenient financially for Apple, that's all.
    But it's also so clearly unfair to their customers. No more, thanks.
    To finish, many if not almost all of the issues in threads like (like husband and wife sharing a PC with two iPhones, or kids' gifts, etc) really boil down to this issue, despite being often complicated by sloppy explanation (when they say "password" , do they mean the Apple ID's or the Email account's?, and so on) and unreasonable requests (like having the same app, only paid once, available under two IDs, even if on the same PC: this is not what I ask, and it's unreasonable) -- and could be solved by the concept of a "master" ID and "secondary" ID: if you read well, the real issue is almost always for everybody having to switch between "old" (or "wife's", "kids'") and new (or "husband's", "dad's") Apple IDs: and this must be done on BOTH the iTunes application on the PC or Mac, and on the devices themselves.

  • When I attempt to upgrade an app in iTunes for windows, I get an error:  "Could not purchase.  An unknown error occurred (11111).  There was an error in the iTunes Store.  Please try again later"

    When I attempt to upgrade an app in iTunes for windows, I get an error:  "Could not purchase.  An unknown error occurred (11111).  There was an error in the iTunes Store.  Please try again later"
    I am running the latest iTunes for Windows 7.
    This error occurs if I try to either update the app or if I delete it and attempt to redownload.
    I have an iPhone and an iPad.  I am unable to update the apps or install the apps from within the App Store on iOS.
    I do not have an AOL ID, as is a common issue with this type of error.
    From what I can tell, my Apple ID account seems fine.  I logged in, changed some information, and ensured my credit card is valid and updated.
    I can download new apps just fine.  I am unable to update or install apps I have purchased in the past.

    After 30 minutes this morning, no resolution. Then another tech support call this afternoon, 15 minutes in, was escalated to a Tier 2 (Senior) advisor. He said something similar to the above ("this is one of the strangest things I've seen"). He was chatted with iTunes guys and took all my info into the case and was escalating it over to engineering. Said they would be in touch.
    So, no solution...yet.
    Just to clarify:
    iTunes on Windows7: trying to update an existing app, or re-download a prior app, gives the (11111) error. Downloading a new (free) app worked fine.
    App Store on iPhone5, iOS 6.0.1: click on UPDATE, switches to INSTALLING...for a second, then switches back to UPDATE. No error message (and nothing in Diagnostic data).
    App Store on iPad 3, iOS 6.0.1: same as iPhone 5.
    Definitely account related.
    I have cleared the store cache, signed out and back in, deleted the credit card data, and re-added, rebooting PC and iPhone...nothing works.
    Will post if I hear anything back from Apple.

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    Help, I can't sync my apps on my 3GS phone to the newest iTunes software. On top of that, my purchased apps under my apple ID seem to have disappeared! I want to transfer them to an iPhone 4S I just inherited, but I can't! Thanks!

    How did you get iOS 6 with an iPhone 3GS?  I need help updating my software on my iPhone I have iOS 4 and can't figure out what to do.

  • I am not able to purchase apps, I'm not getting any error alerts. I just get no response when I attempt to purchase. Also when I attempt to use a search engine to find a itunes app I just get redirected.

    I am not able to purchase itune apps. I do not receive a error message.
    I do not get a response when I attempt to purchase.
    When I use a search engine to find a app and it is to be
    Found at the itunes site I get redirected.

    Have you tried resetting and restarting >  iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Turning off and on (restarting) and resetting
    Or restoring >  iTunes: Restoring iOS software

  • If I already have a particular app under one apple Id and I purchase the same app under a different Id for the same device, will it overwrite or replace the previous or will I have two of the same app on the same device??

    If I already have a particular app under one apple Id and I purchase the same app under a different Id for the same device, will it overwrite or replace the previous or will I have two of the same app on the same device?? 
    I'm asking because I purchased an app with an id that has been cancelled so I cannot update that particular app. I can purchase the app with my new id but I don't want to do so if its going to erase all the data I have with the previous purchase...

    Figured it out. Thanks.

  • My husbands password was used to download Extreme 777 app. I would like to change the name and purchase point under my password, but it won't let me without purchasing new app. If I do this , I must delete current app and lose all my credits and start ove

    My husband's password was used to download app. ( Extreme 777) onto my ipad 2. I have now changed  the apple ID to my own, but I cannot use my $20.00 credit in itune on this app. It says app. was purchased under another ID and i must purchase app. in my ID. I tried going back to his ID to redemm $ 20.00, but gift cards were redeemed under my new ID, therefore leaving 0 balance under his ID. If I purchase app again, I will lose all current credits on this app. Anyway to change the name on original download or transfer credits to new app?. Thanks

    Apps are forever tied to the AppleID used to download them.
    You cannot use your AppleID to add credit to an app purchased
    under your husband's AppleID. You must either download the
    app under your AppleID (in effect starting over) or add credit to
    his account.

  • Since updating my IPhone 4 to IOS 6, I am unable to pull up the list of Purchased apps under the Apps/Updates.

    Since updating my IPhone 4 to IOS 6, I am unable to pull up the list of Purchased apps under the Apps/Updates.  I suspect I am too low on RAM to load the entire list of purchased apps.  Any solution?

    Hi Urs
    I searched a lot and maybe found a part of the reason for this high data traffic.
    I'm synchronizing my contacts, calendar & reminder with iCloud & my mail with Hotmail.
    When push is activated for Hotmail, that doesn't matter, but when push is activated for iCloud, the amount of data nearly explodes. So I turned iCloud to manual and let Hotmail on push.
    Contacts, calendar & reminder are synchronizing when opened (I think this is enough).
    Also I do a backup on iCloud and than I deactivate the function (I do not delete the last backup, I only deactivate the option for automatic backup).
    It seems, that the backup functionality also generates traffic when not on WiFi - especially at night!!
    The battery life has been getting better, when I deactivated the support for automatic time zone changes (location services were always on).
    The battery finaly got MUCH BETTER since the update on iOS 5.0.1.
    My traffic is actually higher than on iOS 4 but not so high as before I deactivated some services...
    I hope this info is a little help for you!!
    Let me know if this works for you, ok?
    Best regards,

  • HT204053 I just purchased more storage space(10gb) for   iPAD, but when I attempted to download an app An error message appeared prompting me to buy more storage. according to my ICloud  I have 15gb available. Does anyone have any suggestions

    I purchased more storage space(10gb)for my IPAD,but when I attempted to download an app an error message prompted me to purchase more storage.According to my ICloud I have 15gbavailable Any suggestions Help!!!

    If you are trying to download an app and get an error about not enough memory, it's talking about memory on your iPad, not in iCloud.  I don't know what you mean by purchasing more storage space for your iPad, you can't add more memory to a device.  You may have bought more memory in iCloud, but that's not going to fix your current problem.  You need to delete songs or video, or some other large files from your iPad to make room for a new download.

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