Audio cutting out on apple tv 2?

All was working fine but today on stuff streamed from home Sharing audio would cut out occasionally

Have you tried connecting via ethernet, that will help to verify any wifi issues. Make sure DNS is set to automatic (settings - general - network).
To get a proper indication of the network you need to go to istumbler (Mac) or netstumbler (PC) and get a report, look for signal strength and noise.

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  • Audio cutting out on Apple TV?

    The audio on my Apple TV (3rd Gen) has begun to cut out during playback. The problem occurs both in my iTunes content, iTunes trailers and within Netflix.
    I have managed to narrow the problem down to the Apple TV. My network is fine, iTunes is fine and Netflix is fine... I am able to watch movies etc. on my other devices without a problem.
    Does anybody have a solution for this problem? It seems to be pretty common. And please don't hit me with the usual reset, turn on/off suggestions... I've tried the lot!
    On a general note. If anybody out there is listening - Apple, you are slipping big time. Recently I have had constant nagging problems with my devices. The Apple TV has given me many problems. Frankly, I think it just ain't acceptable and it's just not the Apple way.
    I'm a major Apple fan-boy too, so this just makes these nagging issues all the more frustrating. Then when it comes to trying to resolve your problems; it's a case of fix it yourself!!!

    Have you tried connecting via ethernet, that will help to verify any wifi issues. Make sure DNS is set to automatic (settings - general - network).
    To get a proper indication of the network you need to go to istumbler (Mac) or netstumbler (PC) and get a report, look for signal strength and noise.

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    May start my own thread, but I'm having similar issues.
    I've been using an old iMac (running 10.7.5) and Apple TV for years with no issues. Last week I bought a new Macbook Pro running Yosemite and have had audio issues multiple times. The weird thing is that sometimes it works flawlessly, other times (like now) I spend half an hour just trying to get a song to play.
    My issues are: When I got to "computers" in Apple TV to stream my music, my music is sometimes chopper or intermittent, and I seen to know when it's going to happen based on the status wheel just before it plays. When I choose a song, the status wheel will spin for an unusually long time, usually an indicator that the audio is either not going to work, or stutter.
    When it does finally pull up a song, the playhead sits at the beginning of the song for a good 3-5 seconds before actually playing. Then, when it starts playing, it's all downhill. It will play a few seconds, drop out, play a few more seconds, drop out, and then ultimately the playhead will keep moving across the song as if it's playing, but there's no audio.
    Again, this is a new phenomenon never experienced by me. I've tried everything I could think of, some of them all at once:
    • restart Apple TV
    • restart Macbook Pro
    • quite iTunes/open
    • turn off Home Sharing on iTunes then reconnect it
    • unplugging and cycling both my modem and router
    None of these have alleviated the problem.
    The odd thing is, like this morning, the audio started up perfectly and never gave me any issues. It wasn't until later in the day that it started. Perhaps after the macbook pro had been put to sleep? Not sure.
    Regardless, this is an annoying trait, one that's new to me and my system (as stated, worked flawlessly until my new purchase), and is 100% limited to either a) the macbook pro b) Yosemite or c) both of them.

  • I have been watching a rental movie and the audio cut out half way through, tried restoring the apple TV now I've lost the rental.

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    Hi David.
    This must be a glitch in the movie file on the iTunes server because my husband and I just reached the same point in he film (The Adjustment Bureau) and no audio! Totally cuts out and doesn't come back in. We tried the same - turned off, signed out, and also couldn't see the rental in the menu... Sign out, sign back in and click 'Check for rentals' in the 'General' menu just under where you signed in.
    It may come up with a negative 'no more rentals can be found' or similar but go back to the main screen and check anyway. It should be there.

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    Disk Warrior fixed some volume errors,
    Anyone have any ideas to try?

    I'm using a motu828. I disconnected the firewire connection, and ran audio from the headphone jack to the motu, and VOILA, no problems... Last year, I went thru two motu units, not really sure if they are the issue.
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    I also put a firewire 800 card in my system.
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    For now, I'm running audio out of headphone jack, using all virtual instruments, so I know it will sound better when I get firewire audio up and running, but I got tired of it cutting out every 3 - 30 minutes. I'm thinking about the apogee duet unit. But again if it's connected via firewire, I don't know where that leaves me..
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  • Audio cuts out most of the way through an iDVD image

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    I believe I've found the cause of the problem! Within Final Cut Express, I found a system setting for output buffer size, set by default to 2Gbyte. I also found that the default 'Convert to Quicktime' setting is for Internet Fast Start. I increased the buffer size from 2Gbyte to 3Gbyte and unchecked Internet Fast Start, and I have no more audio drop out!
    I think that iDVD has a bug when multiple file segments are linked together in the Quicktime file (because of the smaller FCE output buffer size). Note that the iDVD preview did not experience the problem, so that part of the iDVD app seems to handle multiple file segments correctly, whereas the part that processes the file segments while creating the DVD image seems to have the bug. Increasing the buffer size masked the iDVD bug.
    So if anybody from Apple is listening, please fix your iDVD bug please!
    Concerning the ZR85, I do re-use tapes quite a lot and have never experienced problems. I do clean the ZR85 heads periodically. However, I shall consider using new tapes more often.

  • Bluetooth audio cutting out

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    Try booting into the Safe Mode using your normal account.  Disconnect all peripherals except those needed for the test. Shut down the computer and then power it back up after waiting 10 seconds. Immediately after hearing the startup chime, hold down the shift key and continue to hold it until the gray Apple icon and a progress bar appear, and then again as you log in. The boot up is significantly slower than normal. This will reset some caches, forces a directory check, and disables all startup and login items, among other things. When you reboot normally, the initial reboot may be slower than normal. If the system operates normally, there may be 3rd party applications which are causing a problem. Try deleting/disabling the third party applications after a restart by using the application un-installer. For each disable/delete, you will need to restart if you don't do them all at once.
    Safe Mode - Mavericks
    Safe Mode - About

  • Phone audio cutting out

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    Yes! I have the same issue too with me Motorokr s9 stereo BT headset and my Jawbone Icon -- This happens both when playing music via the iPod app OR when speaking on the phone. I can't put the phone in my pocket or else this happens!!! I also can't put it on the desk then walk around my 12x12 office without the dropouts. Having to hold the phone close to the headset kinda defeats the purpose. BTW, my 3GS worked almost flawlessly with these devices. I know, early-adopter syndrome but REALLY! I really rely on the BT headsets
    Just got off the phone with Apple Support -- they were ver nice and helpful. They've scheduled me a Genius appt for tomorrow morning so they can run diags on the iPhone. They've also asked me to bring the headsets.
    Message was edited by: Eric Balch1
    Message was edited by: Eric Balch1

  • Why is my audio cutting out in iMovie when I do green screen?

    I am creating a newscast in iMovie using green screen.  As I get farther into the movie, the audio cuts out of the scene.  Why is this happening?

    The audio from both background and green screen foreground clips should play simultaneously but you should be able to adjust the tracks individually.  
    see:   and

  • Audio cuts out for a few seconds

    I'm not sure if anyone is experiencing this but it happens to me all the time and it's so so annoying.
    When playingback the timeline on CS6 the audio cuts out at random places and then it comes back, then it goes again for a few seconds then back again,..while video keeps on playing.....this is just random and it can happen as soon as you press play or after a few seconds and it happens when audio is stereo, mono, mp3,wav,aif, you name it.
    Also, it happens regardless of playback quality or timeline render status (red, yellow or green). My computer is quite fast + 24gb RAM so I dont think the PC is a problem, It also happens on a different computer within our studio.
    Needless to say that editing under these circumstances is becoming impossible/frustrating and I'm even considering finding other software to edit with! I've found others with this same problem at cretive cow
    If anyone from Adobe reads this, please help!!!
    thanks in advance

    Unfortunately there's no fix for this problem that plagues Classic since release. Considering that a new generation appeared I guess we have no reason to expect a fix anymore.
    I also have the problem and it makes the iPod Classic less desirable to be used as a music player than a generic $10 (no name) usb stick.

  • Why does audio cut out 10-15 minutes into iTunes movie? Using Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bit

    My audio cuts out in any completely downloaded iTunes movie (SD or HD) 10-15 minutes into watching it in iTunes how can I fix this?
    I have to shut down iTunes completely and restart it again to get the audio to come back. 10-15 minutes later the audio disapears again.
    I am running a Windows 8.1 Professional 64-bit on a PC, 8 GB RAM, ADM Athlon II X2 265 Processor, 3.30 GHz
    Running iTunes application version
    Quicktime 7.7.4 (1680.86)
    I tried uninstalling and reinstalling iTunes already.
    Any ideas?

    Hi  RonaldRenaud,
    If my understanding is right, this RDP issue only occur in the connection between Windows 8.1 and Server 2008.
    Please check if you have installed the update kb2984006.
    To resolve this issue caused by update 2989039, install update rollup 2984006. For more information, please refer to the following KB.
    Best regards,
    Fangzhou CHEN
    Fangzhou CHEN
    TechNet Community Support

  • Audio Cuts out after a few minutes.  IChat AV 2.1

    I have surfed and have not found any topics like this yet. Audio is cutting out after chatting with another Mac - AV user. Both microphones still appear to work in the preferences, but the person can not hear on the other side. Video works fine, but now audio. Any help or suggestions would be helpful. Virex 7 has already been removed. This solved the video problems. Merry Christmas.

    Hi Brian,
    Your title states that the audio cuts out during a chat but the post itself seems to imply that you do not have Audio after the chat.
    IF it is cutting out during a Video cut can you please tell us what connection speeds both ends have ?
    It should be a at least 100kbps up and down.
    If it is not you will have problems. You may find that a cable connection varies as the chat goes on and this might be part of the problem.
    Soemthings that might help:
    GO to System Preferences > Quicktime > Streaming tab and set the Connection sped to mathc the download speed at either end.
    GO to iChat > Preferences > Video > bandwidth Limit Drop Down and set this to NONE.

  • Is it possible to have the same audio clip be playing nonstop between menu's in idvd '11? I want to be able to go from one menu to the next without the audio cutting out on me. Thanks for any support! I have tried searching the forrums but no luck yet.

    Is it possible to have the same audio clip be playing nonstop between menu's in idvd '11? I want to be able to go from one menu to the next without the audio cutting out on me. Thanks for any support! I have tried searching the forrums but no luck yet.


  • Why does my facetime audio cut out?

    When I am facetiming with mac laptops running snow leapord after a period of time, the audio cuts out.
    What causes this and how to prevent it? It is very annoying.
    They can hear me but the audio from them is mute.

    If the iPod plays fine after you start the car, then most likely its fine and normal. If it doesn't, try contacting your dealer.

  • Touchsmart 9100 Audio Cuts Out

    I have Touchsmart 9100 with Realtek High Definition Audio running Win 7 Home Premium SP1, 8GB RAM (currently: 7.75GB Physical, 1.88GB Available, Total Virtual 13.7GB, Available Virtual 7.53); Dell 5650 5.1 surround sound with the three-to-one reducer connector plugged into the analog audio out port.
    Realtek Driver    
    c:\windows\system32\drivers\rtkvhd64.sys (, 3.53 MB (3,698,904 bytes), 2013-12-14 22:28)
    Audio Codecs
    c:\windows\system32\imaadp32.acm    Microsoft Corporation        OK    C:\Windows\system32\IMAADP32.ACM    6.1.7600.16385    21.50 KB (22,016 bytes)    2009-07-13 20:18
    c:\windows\system32\l3codeca.acm    Fraunhofer Institut Integrierte Schaltungen IIS    Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec    OK    C:\Windows\system32\L3CODECA.ACM    79.50 KB (81,408 bytes)    2009-07-13 20:22
    c:\windows\system32\msadp32.acm    Microsoft Corporation        OK    C:\Windows\system32\MSADP32.ACM    6.1.7600.16385    23.50 KB (24,064 bytes)    2009-07-13 20:18
    c:\windows\system32\msg711.acm    Microsoft Corporation        OK    C:\Windows\system32\MSG711.ACM    6.1.7600.16385    14.50 KB (14,848 bytes)    2009-07-13 20:18
    c:\windows\system32\msgsm32.acm    Microsoft Corporation        OK    C:\Windows\system32\MSGSM32.ACM    6.1.7600.16385    28.50 KB (29,184 bytes)    2009-07-13 20:18
    My streaming video audio will cut out for several seconds at a time then return to normal again.  I can, when the audio cuts out, turn up the manual volume on my surround sound to hear however when audio returns, I get blasted until I turn down the surround sound again.   High CPU utilization *may* be a contributor to this problem - currently averaging about 95%.
    What can I do to correct this problem?

    Hi MDS,
    Here are the possible HP products for a Touchsmart 9100. Both models do not list Win 7 Home Premium as an HP supported operating system. Did you upgrade from Vista to Win 7 or did you perform a clean install of Win 7 Home Premium?
    Both models also reflect this updated driver version ( for Realtek High Def Audio. You have driver version ( installed on your PC.
    You could try installing the version per the above link if you have Win 7 Pro 32 bit or 64 bit installed.
    Try checking your file system by opening an administrative command prompt and entering the following: sfc /scannow
    You may have to schedule this task to run at the next boot. Please reboot your system to run the task.
    Do you know which process is consuming all of your PC's CPU time?
    ****I am not an HP employee****
    Please give a" Kudos" if advice received is relevant or" Accept as Solution" if your problem has been solved.
    H8 1380t CTO, Intel i7 3820
    16 GB DDR3
    Pegatron Motherboard- IPIWB-PB (Pittsburgh), Radeon HD 7570 1GB. Win 7 Home Premium upgraded to Windows 8.1 Pro.
    Envy Phoenix 810-150se, Intel i7 4820k
    16 GB DDR3
    Pittsburgh2 Mainboard, NVIDIA GTX 645- 2GB GDDR5. Win 8.1 Pro.
    HP 560z CTO AMD Phenom II X6 1090T
    16 GB DDR3.
    Radeon HD 6570
    Win 7 Home Premium upgraded to Win 7 Pro.
    HP ENVY 17t-j000 CTO Quad Edition Notebook. I7 4702mq
    12 GB DDR3
    Nvidia Graphics
    Win 8 Pro
    Errare humanum est.

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