Audio Editing Workflow

Can anyone suggest a brief workflow outline for editing audio? I can then look up the details on my own.
BTW: The audio in question was recorded using Logic into 9 tracks, with ten songs done sequentially. So, I have one song file with a very long arrange window. (Not recorded w/a click-track & don't need it for this project).
How does this sound?
I plan on creating & saving channel strip settings for each audio source; saving the main song file as a project; then doing a 'save as song', one for each of the takes; then open each song file, remove unwanted audio & mix. Perhaps there's a better way to do this, but that's where I stand now.
Now, on to editing & mixing.
Here's my guess at a workflow:
1. Clean the tracks in sample editor:
- remove noise & silence unwanted audio
- replace bad sounds (like bass & drum misses, etc). Is there a way to say, move a bass hit left or right?
- normalize? if so, how many db of headroom does one normally leave for effects.
2. Overdubs: I imagine some magical use of folders to take the best overdubbed bits of each track and mix down into one good take.
3. Finalize effects & Use automation to mix volumes, etc.
4. Bounce / Done.
5. Give project to a professional to do properly.
Any help would be very greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
BTW. I have found the Logic ref manual quite like reading the Korg Triton manual - not very helpful for getting started, but great for paper airplanes. Other softwares have whole help sections on workflows, like photoshop's "how-tos". Again, thanks.

Hi Mark,
A few notes here:
- normalize? if so, how many db of headroom does one normally leave for effects.
Normally, I would not unless it was a gain adjustment for an entire track which had really low levels, then I would do this for the same amount of gain for each file of the same track - so the mix template could be easily reused. A mix template will save a lot of time in this case.
Is there a way to say, move a bass hit left or right?
Yes, though you'll often want to do this after you have divided the sessions per song, usually there is not enough resolution in the Arrange for the job if your several song .lso is 60 minutes, for example.
Search copying Audio Configurations, and remember to use the same Audio objects (track) for each instrument so the mix template transfers without hitches. Then of course, mix to taste.

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    In FCP, go to the menu Sequence > Render and make sure all the conditions are checked.
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    Line: 207
    Char: 5
    Code: 0
    URI: http://<hostname>/xlWebApp/richclientlauncher.jsp?app=xlWebApp/<chosen+resource>
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 30
    Char: 6
    Code: 0
    URI: http://<hostname>/xlWebApp/richclientlauncher.jsp?app=xlWebApp/<chosen+resource>
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    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
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    at java.util.HashMap.writeObject(
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor13.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    <Feb 7, 2012 10:56:48 AM PST> <Error> <Cluster> <BEA-000126> <All session objects should be serializable to replicate. Check the objects in your session. Failed to replicate non-serializable object.
    java.rmi.MarshalException: failed to marshal update(Lweblogic.cluster.replication.ROID;;Ljava.lang.Object;); nested exception is: com.thortech.xl.webclient.workflowutil.ImageGenerator$Field
    at weblogic.rjvm.BasicOutboundRequest.marshalArgs(
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicRemoteRef.invoke(
    at weblogic.cluster.replication.ReplicationManager_1035_WLStub.update(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
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    at java.util.HashMap.writeObject(
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor13.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
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    Please suggest.
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    In AE, select the clip and control click and choose interpret footage.  Choose the correct parameters and then output.  Kind of a pain.  You can also retime in compressor by setting the desired frame rate the the encoder panel:  video and then in frame controls setting the appropriate timing.
    Studio X is a wse man and he's probably right, but I also ran your crash log thru digital rebellions's crash analyzer and this it what it says
    ProKit Framework
    This crash seems to have been caused by the ProKit framework. A common cause for this crash is a mismatched framework version. Make sure you have the correct version of ProKit for your version of Cinema Tools.
    If you upgraded your operating system, you may have still have older pro user interface elements installed instead of the ones compatible with your current OS. If this is the case, you will need to either update ProKit (if an update is available) or reinstall Final Cut Pro from scratch.
    Suggested Actions
    Update Final Cut Studio and ProKit.
    Remove Final Cut Studio and reinstall.
    Relevant Line
    6 0x003b2e79 _DoProSplashWithPath + 153
    Report generated by Crash Analyzer in Pro Maintenance Tools

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    2:05-2:15 Video back at max, audio at 50%
    Is there a way to do this?

    The Ducking feature will suppress every other track by the percentage you specify. For this reason, you don't want to Duck two clips at the same time.
    It would be more straightforward for you to just adjust the volume levels rather than use the ducking.
    As of iMovie 11, you can select a range within your audio clip and apply a volume (rather than apply the volume to the whole clip).  So I would do it that way.
    See the video at this link called "All new audio editing".

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    andynick wrote:
    … I find this rather klunky - the keyframes are never in the right place for me using the Range Tool.
    funny - I find your method more than complicated: switching to the range tool is a single click operation, and then just dragging - done.
    precision is accomplished a) by magnification, b) by setting in/out traditionally with I and O, c) shifting the 'rough selection' manually, or, at last d) first setting Markers and snap the Range Tool to it.
    don't miss Marc Spencer's advice on this topic
    5:15 shows the Range tool in action ......

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    software, which while in use, plays back audio clips as you play
    different segments of a sound clip. When I try recording a
    demonstration, I can record my voice from my microphone, but I
    cannot capture the audio generated by the audio software. Anyone
    have any recommendations for how to capture the audio from the
    editing software?

    Apparently my sound card fits into the same category as
    yours, even though my system exceeds the system requirements for
    Captivate 3 (below). Have you seen any information on sound
    requirements for Captivate 3?
    System Requirements
    ● Intel® Pentium 4, Intel Centrino®, Intel
    Xeon®, or Intel Core™ Duo (or compatible) processor
    ● Microsoft® Windows XP with Service Pack 2,
    Windows 2000 with Service Pack 2, or Windows Vista™ Home
    Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise (certified for 32-bit
    ● 512 MB of RAM (1GB recommended)
    ● 700 MB of available hard-disk space (additional free
    space required during installation)
    ● DVD-ROM drive
    ● 800 X 600 screen resolution (1,024 x 768 recommended)
    ● Internet or phone connection required for product

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    Can anyone tell me a reliable way to deal with this, or suggest what I might be doing wrong or something different I can try, because this is making me crazy.  There has got to be an easier way.  Any help appreciated. 

    dont think ive ever been able to get cross dissolves on audio to work. I now use FCPX as I would Logic or ProTools and I overlap audio clips and put manual fades on them. Actually its worth the extra work coz the joins are usually better. and you have ore control.

  • Trasferring Audio Edits as AAF from Premiere to Nuendo and back

    Hello everybody,
    I'm a Sound Designer for video games, and also deal with cinematic sequences. I use Nuendo for audio editing / sound design, while the video editors work with Premiere. We share the same audio footage that is stored on our internal server, and we copy the footage manually (or over Perforce) on our local PCs. Basically to make sure we're always dealing with the same footage in a fixed and locked format during the entire production chain from capture to final render. This obviously makes an AAF with 'embedded' audio obsolete and in fact unwanted, as well as any other "work-in-progress" audio render from one platform to another.
    Situation 1: Premiere -> Nuendo
    In Premiere we have several Stereo audio tracks with stereo footage.
    AAF is exported from Premiere
    AAF is then imported into Nuendo
    Stereo tracks are imported wrong, because split into mono, which naturally duplicates the amount of tracks.
    Stereo footage is now duplicated too due to duplication of track amount.
    Stereo footage is still stereo, because manually copied from server.
    Stereo tracks should remain stereo without splitting or duplicating tracks.
    Situation 2: Nuendo -> Premiere
    In Nuendo there are several Stereo audio tracks with stereo footage.
    AAF is exported from Nuendo
    AAF is then imported into Premiere
    Stereo tracks are imported as Mono tracks (this time without duplicating the track number)
    Stereo footage is not accepted, due to mismatch with track format (Mono)
    Stereo tracks should remain stereo which then accept stereo footage
    It's really important for us that the audio footage doesn't change format during the production chain. So for instance splitting stereo into mono left / mono right is not a good option as we want the original footage to remain untouched from capture to final render. So we need stereo tracks to remain stereo and mono tracks to remain mono, just as the original edit.
    Using OMF instead of AAF causes the same problem, and adds more problems with the naming of the footage. So AAF is currently the best yet buggy method we have.
    In the past I have transferred AAF files from Protools into Nuendo, and it worked fine, which makes me tend to believe the solution has to be somewhere in Premiere.
    Any hints, tips and useful experiences are very welcome. Thanks a lot!

    This may be the kind of situation that can only be resolevd with a Feature Request.

  • Questions about a specific offline editing workflow with AVCHD Source

    I`m working on a imac i5 in FCS3 with ProRes422
    I got a Sony HDR XR 500 AVCHD Camera, i get the material in FCP with the Log & Transfer Window. In this way the material is going to render on the fly to the Target Codec ProRes422.
    In the editing workflow in FCP i recognize the system got a little problem with the big ProRes files which means that the workflow slows down by the data rates of ProRes in HD
    Now i think about offline Editing for months.
    I read about the workflow, but there`s is one part that i don`t understand.
    In every tutorial about this thread, they say that in the end of editing process you have to make your timeline files offline with the media manager, than recapture, reconnect from the tape with timecode.
    My source files are AVCHD, which every one starts by tc 00:00:00:00
    are the following thoughts possible, and how do i do this in detail?
    when i do Copy my ProRes422 full hd files with media manager, so the filenames are still the same like the original ones.
    in the copied project i start media manager again and turn the whole project in ProResProxy for offline editing. The file names are still the same.
    then i edit my project in this ProResProxy Project !
    At the end, shortly before i want to render out the whole movie in Full Resolution can i reconnect with the original sized full HD ProRes422 files that are sleeping in a folder on my machine??
    Can someone tell me something specific to this workflow, or a better one?

    Folks, i've Found a Workflow in the web and tested it tonight - (it Works)!
    And this Way i can Archive my Final project later on DVD or BR in AVCHD Source Files which are much smaller as pro Res 422 or HQ...
    Here's the process in a nutshell. 
    - Backup your full cards. This needs to be done no matter what you do. 
    - Log and Transfer the footage as ProRes Proxy. 
    - Edit. 
    - When you lock picture, Media Manage the sequence using the MAKE OFFLINE option, choose the codec you want to reimport this footage as...ProRes 422. You will end up with a new sequence with only the footage used in the cut, with handles (yes, give yourself like 3 second handles). 
    - Use Log and Transfer to load all of the card backup folders. Just locate them...don't transfer again. You are telling FCP where the folders are. Close L&T. 
    - Highlight the sequence in the Browser, or all the clips in the MEDIA folder that is created, and choose BATCH CAPTURE. This will bring up the Log and Capture interface, but don't worry, it will now log and transfer the footage, and ONLY the small chunks of video you choose. It will recognize the IN and OUT points. 
    Do a small test and see for yourself. I have done this with AVCIntra P2 and it works well. 

  • Audio Editing Questions In Final Cut Studio 2

    Thank you all again for being here!, I have some quick questions about working with audio in fcp 6.02, and Soundtrack. first of all I am wondering if its easier and quicker just to work in fcp with audio, or export to Sound Track Pro? I have a wedding I shot and I had my cam recording 2 different source of audio, one from a balcony, and the other on the floor with different sounds to them. What is the best method to get them to sound nearly the same? In Fcp apply a "Normalization Gain"? I am new to audio editing, and somewhat with FCS, in general. Also in the timeline how can I get all audio clips in sync with the same volume? I was amazed with Soundtrack Pro's ability to take out ambient back ground noise and inference any other trick to get rid on unwanted inferences? Your Idea and experience are invaluable!!!
    Thank You All Again, Tim C.

    The reason you may not have gotten replies to your "quick questions" is because there are no quick answers. It is certainly easiest to just do the audio in FCP rather than export to STP. If your needs are simple just stay with FCP. However, you mention specialized tasks that STP can do but FCP can't. I am grappling with these same issues. I am a Logic Pro user and it gets very confusing about what tool to use when.
    My main message to you is that I just purchased the Apple Pro Training book FCP 6 Beyond the basics and there are 90 pages in two lessons devoted to exactly what you are interested in. I bought it just yesterday and it has already helped me in a number of areas.
    Good luck.

  • IMovie Audio Editing help?!!!!?

    im trying to edit in iMove, but whenever i add music in the timeline (theres is no video yet) it appears as a little square, that expands as i add video to show waveforms, i want it, when i drop it in, to be a long bar with the waveforms so i can manipulate- just like it appears in final cut pro (i would use FCP but i am very bad with the audio editing in that and i enjoy iMovies simplicity) !! help please on how to do this!!!!

    Add the audio clip AFTER video clip is in Timeline. I don't believe you can add an audio clip in an empty Timeline. I could be wrong, I've never tried it.

  • Audio editing across tracks after OMF/AAF import problems

    Hi there,
    I'm having difficulty getting my head around the way STP handles multiple-mono audio files.  I'm lucky enough in my job to have a choice of audio editing tools for what I'm working on.  For speech I use SADiE, for more complex projects involving automation I'll often use ProTools & for podcasting I find that STP is pretty good - especially for enhanced podcasts with pictures & web-links etc.
    So now to my problem.  I've brought an OMF project, from ProTools, home to work on in STP. The import went smoothly, every thing in the right place & sounds ok.  However, all the stereo audio files are now split across 2 tracks; 1 track for the left leg another track for the right leg.   I can't now edit the stereo content in any easy form.  I've tried using the 'blade all' tool to cut across the 2 tracks, but I can't then delete & ripple the audio.  This leaves me with a gap that I have to manually close.  Needless to say, I'm finding this frustrating as it's making what should be a simple process un-neccessarily long-winded.
    Both ProTools & SADiE allow me to group files like this so that they can be treated like a stereo file.  I've looked everywhere, but I can't see a function in STP that does the same.  Am I missing something obvious?  I can't be the only person who's had to deal with files like this can I?
    The only workaround I've found is to use the export command to bounce the 2 tracks to a stereo file, however, this loses any existing edits so I can't unpick them if there are problems.
    Any ideas anyone?  Can this be done or should I just stick to my other audio tools for this sort of thing?

    ProTools uses WAV, in fact it uses the Broadcast Wav standard. The problem is the way it handles files. It still splits stereo files into separate L & R files. It's just that it hides this from the user. When you drag a stereo file in from PT's region list (the equivalent of STP's bin) to the playlist, the two files appear as one as they should do. The downside is that OMF/AAF export still treats them as individual files.
    My problem is that I was halfway through an edit when I tried to move it from one system to another. If the edit was complete & just needed mixing, then it would have been less of an issue.
    But you're right, there's probably some tool on the net that will solve this issue

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