Audio missing, doing very weird things

I am nearly finished with a project in iMovie 11 and several sections of audio are not playing properly, for no reason.  The original audio from the clips - some parts that I silenced (set to zero) are playing and parts I want to hear are not. Some sound effects that previously worked fine I am not hearing. I had problems with files showing up corrupt but I checked and there are currently no corrupt files. On one playback of a section, both the added music file was playing and the original audio (that I had set to zero) was playing as well.  Then, playing back the same section later, I couldn't hear either of them. There's no apparent reason why it's acting up like this.

Some trouble shooting:
Open Premiere while holding down shift+alt until welcome screen then
Clear out Media Cache database and remove remaining files in that folder manually.
See if that will help.

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    Some trouble shooting:
    Open Premiere while holding down shift+alt until welcome screen then
    Clear out Media Cache database and remove remaining files in that folder manually.
    See if that will help.

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    the battery won’t melt because of long connection to the AC charger, although that has the potential of reducing the battery’s life.
    Do you have access to a second 60 W AC charger to test with your MacBook Pro, or access to a second 13-inch MacBook Pro against which your AC charger could be tested?

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    Hi Lew,
    Not certain, but this can fix myriad Mail problems...
    Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup),  it will try to repair your Disk Directory while the spinning radian is happening, so let it go, run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, then move this folder & file to the Desktop.
    Move this Folder to the Desktop...
    Move this file to the Desktop...
    /Users/YourUserName/Library/Mail/Envelope Index
    If that doesn't do it and you can afford to redo all your Rules, try these & reboot...
    Note, in 10.5 & up /Users/YourUserName/Library/Caches/Mail/ may or may not exist.
    If it continues to happen...
    Open Console in Utilities & see if there are any clues or repeating messages when this happens.

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    -Cameron~!Message Edited by cameron200 on 05-09-20070:38 PM

    I (and many other people who own Creative products) had the same display issue that you are experiencing. I own a Creative Zen Micro. When I turned it on, the back blue light came on, but the screen was completely blank!? I could play my music, but could not see the menu, etc.
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    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    First your screen clearly shows a session of MS Windows on it, are you saying you are running it on an iMac. If you are it appears you are using Boot Camp and should repost on a Boot Camp forum. When you do please provide any additional information such as what computer , OS X version and what have done to trouble shoot the problem.
    You can find a Boot Camp forum at:
    Good luck,

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    I (and many other people who own Creative products) had the same display issue that you are experiencing. I own a Creative Zen Micro. When I turned it on, the back blue light came on, but the screen was completely blank!? I could play my music, but could not see the menu, etc.
    I first tried to do the reboot process, then I also upgraded the firmware. Nothing worked. After writing to Creative Labs tech support, they informed me that my MP3 player was one month beyond the warranty period. It would cost $85-$35 for tech support to fix the display problem. Ridiculous!? My techie friend told me that since it was already out of warranty, it would not hurt for me to pop open the back and see if maybe the connector from the main board to the display was loose. Well, I got even luckier than that. I openned the back, removed the battery, then I moved the back plate around trying to figure out how to pop it off. Since it was not as easy as my friend had said, I put everything back together to take it to him for help. I?turned the MP3 player on to make sure it still worked and the display was fixed!? I am thinking there must have been something loose or I just got really lucky. Anyway, it has been over 6 months and the display still works. Who knows, try what I did and maybe the same thing will happen to you. I feel for you. It is so frustrating when you spend money on something that breaks and find out it is a known issue. Good luck.

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    We just got a new high capacity battery for extra long run time for the iBook and it's great.
    Now, I just noticed that at start-up just before the Apple logo goes away and grey spinning circle stops spinning and the next screen (opening OS x appears) the Apple logo and the circle seem to jump/wiggle a little to the right on the screen and then it all proceeds as normal. It's done this twice out of the perhaps last 10 starts I've done.
    Does this mean computer death is imminent? Is there a quick fix if this is a problem? I don't have time to solve this if it is major.
    Mrs H
    Mrs H

    It could be symptomatic of an impending logic board failure:
    Or maybe not?
    If you want to be more certain of a working computer, I would recommend taking the MBP on your trip.
    Bon voyage!

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    Repairing permissions for “Macintosh HD”Permissions differ on “Applications/ x.html”; should be lrwxr-xr-x ; they are -rwxr-xr-x .Repaired “Applications/ x.html”

    1. From the Safari menu bar, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Privacy ▹ Remove All Website Data
    and confirm. Test.
    2. There are reports that this problem can be solved by simply restarting, or by resetting the PRAM.
    Repairing permissions is a waste of time.

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    Hi All,
    Yes, you are right. After i use try block, i can see the error. I thought I should be expected an red exception alert in the B1 info bar.
    Thank you !

  • Very weird problem - audio regions referencing elsewhere

    Hi there,
    One of my projects is behaving VERY weirdly.
    For example, some of my drum regions, in the middle of playing, suddenly click, drop out, and then play flute!
    This is happening to a few of my audio regions. It seems to have something with the fade files, because when I drag the region out or in it sorts the problem out but when I load the project again the problem is back. Also, all of my fades just don't work and whenever I reload the project I have to redo all of the fades?!
    Any ideas??

    It's odd that it only does this going from a video to an audio book ( has it's own DRM which somehow integrates with iTunes, otherwise you have to use Audible's own software to load the audio books. I use iTunes for everything). Going from video to music, and audio podcast or another video seems to work okay. That's why I wondered if it was more of a bug than a physical problem.
    In any event, the store I bought it at has a 30-day no-questions return policy. I've got the 30-day point marked on my calendar just in case!
    I already returned an iPod nano under this policy to upgrade to the video iPod. The nano's battery completely failed on me after about 2 weeks. The store said they had a bunch of nanos with bad batteries.

  • Weird things my DX does...

    Just wondering if anyone else has experienced these things.
    I recently went to wakeup my phone (not after a long time or anything, I was using it just minutes before) and the screen was all black, with about 10 apps on the screen and above it, it said "Recently Used Apps" (or something along those lines) When I pushed the power button to put it to sleep and then woke it up again, it returned to my normal unlock screen. I haven't been able to replicate this screen or find anything in settings for it.
    Also, just earlier today I went to wake it up, and the screen looked almost like the image of my homescreen was "burned" into the screen - kind of like a TV or computer might get after a while. It was very dim and I could only see it in certain lighting if I moved the phone around. I tried waking it up again and nothing happened. I had to hold the power button and have the phone reboot to get it back to normal. It was almost like the screen stopped working completely for a minute there. It was very weird, and again, I haven't been able to replicate this issue.
    Anyone else experience these??

    Hmm. I suppose the Home button could have done it. Although, I have never used the Home button for waking up the phone, I always use the power button. The screen did this upon wakeup. I just tried to replicate it by holding the home button, but it didn't do exactly the same thing. This time, it was sort of transparent and I could see my wallpaper and apps in the background, as well as the notification bar. The first time this happened, the entire screen was completely black, and I had only pushed the Power button to wake it up.
    I'm not so concerned about the Recent apps screen as I am about the other "burned" effect it was doing. That sort of worried me a bit, but it hasn't done it since.

  • :)- I canceled the update from Snowleopard to Lion by cleaning my keys ^^. Hit the wrong key i thing. Now i'm very weird ...only can start in Windows and dont know how to get my Lion Update now...Cant start in Mac OS X (Snowleopard) now :((

    Hey Folks...i'm totally ****** off !
    I canceled the update from Snowleopard to Lion by cleaning my keys ^^. Hit the wrong key i thing. Now i'm very weird ...only can start in Windows and dont know how to get my Lion Update now...Cant start in Mac OS X (Snowleopard) now
    Please tell me what i have to do know
    < Edited By Host >

    Hello fuchs (guess), If you cancelled while downloading the 4GB Lion, no problem, download again. Snow Leopard should run (start holding the option key).
    If you cancelled during the install process, I do not know. In this case you could try to start with the CMD + R keys pressed, and choose the restore, which may work if the creation of the restore partition of Lion has finished.
    If that does not work, reinstall Snow Leopard with the CD (start holding the C key), after that download the Combo Update 10.6.8 to update the Snow Leopard completely, then redownload Lion (App Store, click "purchases" while holding the Option Key, find Lion, click "install"). If you want to have your own copy of the Lion installer, you have to copy the installer to a Memory stick or burn to DVD before you install, see else where.

  • Hi. my MacBook pro went off without me turnng it off. i tried turning it on again, but it wouldnt come on. i also tried doing the SMC thing, no avail. please any other thing to do ? (This notebook is still very new for anything to be wrong with it)

    hi. my MacBook pro went off without me turnng it off. i tried turning it on again, but it wouldnt come on. i also tried doing the SMC thing, no avail. please any other thing to do ? (This notebook is still very new for anything to be wrong with it).
    There is no way I would do the smc thing with a laptop that won't come on.

    If it's new and you're anywhere near an Apple Store, take it in. If it's less than 14 days old you can exchange it. If it's more they'll repair it for you.

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