Available space more than backup but cannot backup

For the last couple of days I have been getting this message:
"The backup is too large for the backup volume. The backup requires 2.3 GB but only 181.4 GB are available."
Last time I checked 2.3 was smaller than 181.4. I have compacted the sparsebundle (i.e. hdiutil compact in terminal) and I still get this message. I am also able to restore if needed. Would anyone have a solution to this? I would like to keep the backups.

looks like something is wrong with the sparse bundle. you can try changing its max size with hdutil. the command is
hdiutil resize -size 250g path/to/sparsebundle
The size is in GB (you can put your own number there of course). if that doesn't help I don't think you have any good options. the following might work but I wouldn't want to try it myself. rename the sparse bundle when TM is off and start TM. this should create a new sparse bundle. stop the backup and turn off TM. mount both bundles and clone the contents of old one to the new one.

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    Be aware tht this is definitely NOT a best practice.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
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    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
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    "David Powers" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:edcbe5$7vt$[email protected]..
    > SirEskimooo wrote:
    >> Hi Im a noob at DreamWeaver and for some reason it
    wont let me space my
    >> words out with more than one space. Is there a way
    to be able to space
    >> more? Thanks
    > That has nothing to do with Dreamweaver, but with the
    way that HTML works.
    > HTML ignores all whitespace between text and replaces it
    with a single
    > space.
    > If you want to insert more than one space between words,
    you need to
    > insert a non-breaking space. The keyboard shortcut is
    > This inserts   in the underlying code.
    > --
    > David Powers
    > Adobe Community Expert
    > Author, "Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8" (friends of

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    You may get different figures from the Finder vs. Disk Utility and the Storage display, because of local snapshots, but none ought to show that.
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    You should not have to render your captured material. If the capture settings match the sequence settings (conform this by checking item properties for both) then no rendering is necessary except for effects and filters.
    Offline editing (editing in low res and capturing in full res) is not a function available in FCE.

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
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    Basically all of the record labels assume you are a thief by default. So they will only let Apple sell music on-line if Apple encrypts the music so you are locked out of it. They then control how you can play the music to try to prevent copying. And in your case just giving music away.
    By the way. Activating iTunes on computers you do not control is a bad idea. If you have signed in and activated a computer any one on the computer can buy music on your account.
    To actually get music in a format you can use you can do one of two things. Either burn the music to CD and then RIP it to MP3 files. Doing this will give you standard MP3s you can play how ever you want. But you get a lower quality music files than you paid for, you lose the cover art, and you lose on the meta data for the file.
    The other option is to download Hymn or Jhymn. These programs decrypt the files so you can use them however you want. You get the same sample quality, and keep the cover art. But Apple continues to try to prevent those programs from working with each iTunes upgrade.
    By the way using using either of the two options listed above violates your user agreement with Apple. If they find out they could cancel your account.

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    Hi Bob,
    you could try coping all your music onto an external drive & choose that drive as both of yours music folders. It should work... I think.
    Or just burn a data disc of your tracks & import them to the second account.
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