Avid/FCP Capture Difference

Could someone familiar with Avid enlighten me as to what MC does or doesn't do when capturing that FCP does/doesn't do? Because I've captured the same footage twice, once in each app, and I get what appears to be a drastic gamma shift (see linked image). I'm capturing from an HDV tape to MXF 145 in MC, and native HDV in FCP. I'm running MC 3.1 and FCP6.0.4.

Perhaps I should just explain my goals here and you (or someone) can advise me as to the best method of attack. Here goes...
I'm from an FCP background. I shoot all of my material in HDV 1080i60. I capture native HDV, cut everything in FCP in an HDV sequence (with the render codec set to ProRes), and grade it with the 3-Way CC (but am looking to foray soon into Color). I then export the finished sequence to a ProRes file, bring it back into a new ProRes timeline, and apply Graeme Nattress' "Film Effects" filter, giving the footage a 24p look while maintaing the 29.97 framerate. But since my destination is the web, I don't need that 29.97 framerate, and so I export that sequence and bring it into Cinema Tools to remove the 3:2 pulldown, conforming the final video to a lovely 1920x1080, progressive, 23.98 fps, ProRes422 QuickTime video.
I am now looking to learn Avid. I'd love to cut my projects in MC as I follow online tutorials and read manuals, but I still need to have that finished 1920x1080, progressive, 23.98 fps QuickTime product. And since a) I'm looking to learn Color, and b) there are too many FCP plugins I use for grading/titles/effects, I need to eventually get back to FCP for finishing. So, short of buying Automatic Duck or MXF4QT... what are my options?
P.S. Yes, I listened to the latest Post Show regarding over-reliance on plugins. I have nothing to offer in my defense.

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    - Mick Raton
    Dual 2 GHz PowerPC G5   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   5 GB DDR SDRAM; Final Cut Studio 5.0.4; Panasonic AG-DVX100A

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    Hi FutureX,
    I would suggest you ask your question on the FCP forum if you don't get any reply here. Maybe you'll find someone there who can be of help. In any event, i doubt that buying an MBox with PT LE will meet your requirement for FCP capture cards, really!
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    Canada John

    Canada John wrote:
    o. Would my friend's computer have to have firewire to access the FCP captured video after I copy
    it to a hard drive(s) he can use at home?
    Umm, if you give him a firewire drive, I should think so, yes.
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    If they happen to have Quicktime 7.3 or higher, they can click onto the TIME window on the lower left and see a drop down menu. In this menu you will see TIMECODE listed. That will display the clips timecode.

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    when you export then what is the extension, like .MOV, .MP4, M4V.? if there is not one just get info and in the name and extension line just add it. you will want to add .MOV to the end of the name. when you do this is will ask if your sure that you want to do that, say yes. also if he is using a mac make sure his QT is up to date. another thing to check is when you copy files over check the size of the files, you can do that by getting info by control clicking and selecting info. you will know if they seem too small then you are not copying everything over.

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    Dual 2GHz PowerPC G5   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   XRaid Final Cut Studio

    Since avid uses the OMFI format then there is no easy direct way to xfer media between the two. You can take the diged files from FCP (which are quicktime) and import them into Avid but they are transcoded to OMFI and I am almost certain (but not 100% - and not at my Avid this month so I can't test) that you loose timecode.
    The couple of time I've had to do just this I had the material dubbed to DVCam for capture in Avid. Simple, cheap. Timecode is fine. Capture in Avid, make the edit, export EDL (taking care not to use fx and things that won't transfer), then recapture from originals in FCP. Good luck.

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    Sorry if I was stating the obvious.
    No worries. It's hard to tell the experience of others.
    Quicktime Player always, in my experience, plays back
    video footage at a lower quality than FCP.
    Right, but the clip looks the same in FCP as it does QT stand alone.
    Not sure about FCP and Cinema Tools though. Since all
    the apps use the same Quicktime codecs you would
    think they would display at the same quality.
    You would think. That's why i'm at a loss to see why there's so much difference.
    I've never had an issue with FCP, I'm assuming you've
    rendered everything before comparing quality?
    There is nothing to render. The clip is raw out of the camera. From camera to Hard Drive. That's it. I opened it in the finder w/ QT and then in FCP. It looks identical in both. But when opened in CInemaTools, it looks much better. Blacks fuller. The clip looks noisier and more washed out in both FCP and QT than in CinemaTools.
    Also, nothing was done to the clip in any program. It's raw from camera capture.
    Also just noticed you didn't say your footage was HD
    (you were talking about your hard disk) and so my
    comment aboout a HD TV was rubbish - an SD monitor or
    TV would suffice.
    Right. I took it that way.

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    Any comments or help appreciated.
    MacPro   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Thanks guys!
    What we received from them is 2 dvd discs with mpg files on them. The mpg have a data rate of 10mbps - so I think we are losing about half the data from the original. It looks like crap.
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    "I would suggest outputting from the Avid to a quicktime file using the DVCPro codec. Is this possible? The resulting film will be around 20GB. This should then be chopped up with some sort of file splitter (even winzip will do this) to span the 5 dvd data discs that it would take to hold it."
    (The clients are a looong way away, hence the need to get it on transportable media)
    I will ask for an EDL as well, just for reference.
    I forgot to mention this is a PAL project. I assume that makes no difference really.
    MacPro Mac OS X (10.4.8)

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    Any suggestions?

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    I have not been able to open it in QT for Windows at all no matter what. I want to keep it as an HDV file and not reencode due to file space issues. I have intalled the HDV plugin for Premiere 1.5.1 however it doesn't open in anything at all, indicating it's not a Adobe issue.
    What i suspect is that it's not opening because it's in a proprietary QT wrapper that Apple will not let anyone access to build a decoder around. Once captured on a mac it's obviously not a .avi format file regardless of codec used.
    If this is not possible a simple 'no it's not possible' would easily suffice. I'm off to get some sleep. TIA.

    Probably best practice to start and finish the project on the same platform.
    Most of the HDV video codecs used in FCP do not have Windows counterparts. Soon FCP Suite will be updated to version 6 (maybe NAB convention).

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    What i suspect is that it's not opening because it's in a proprietary QT wrapper that Apple will not let anyone access to build a decoder around. Once captured on a mac it's obviously not a .avi format file regardless of codec used.
    If this is not possible a simple 'no it's not possible' would easily suffice. I'm off to get some sleep. TIA.

    I doubt it's anything so sinister as "a proprietary QT wrapper that Apple will not let anyone access to build a decoder around".
    More likely is that the codec is only for Pro applications and there's not been a port to Windows because Apple doesn't make any Windows Pro Apps. If you want to use Premier and it supports HDV, why not capture with Premier?

  • FCP captured files showing as Unix Executable

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    1. Transfer an entire project from the dell file server to my PowerMac G5.
    2. Connect to the PowerMac G5 from my Core i5 iMac through network.
    3. The project movie files from the G5 show up normally in the finder of my i5.
    4. Connect to dell file server from my i5.
    5. Transfer files from the G5 to the dell file server via my i5.
    6. Files show up properly from the dell server on my i5.
    Now this is all well and good cause it seems to work. The problem is we have thousands of files and terabytes of projects. Obviously OS X is just changing something small in the file about how it reads it. Is there a way I could alter this directly on the dell server without having to transfer all my files in the way described above?
    Hope this makes sense. Thanks.

    Looks like I may have fixed my own problem. FCP never used to put an mov extension on any of it's captured files. Simply putting it on seems to have fixed the problem. Still really doesn't explain why the previous method worked, but it's a lot easier making an automator action to put extensions on than transferring terabytes of data.

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    Search the forum for the camera model. It \probably shoots a proprietary format at that speed. You will need the Canon software, likely PC-only.

  • FCP Capturing Aliasing Issues

    I am having issues capturing footage of my PV-GS500. I recently moved from Adobe Premiere Pro to FCS, and I did not have this problem whatsoever capturing clean footage from this same camera.
    I am on a Macbook Pro 2gb DDR2, 2.33ghz Core2Duo. My capture scratch is a 120gb external drive running on firewire 9pin.
    Sequence settings: 720x480 ntsc dv 3:2
    square pixel aspect anamorphic
    no field dominance
    29.97 editing time base
    dv/dvcpro ntsc compressor
    Capture Preset: 720x480 ntsc dv 3:2 anamorphic 16x9
    compressor dv/dvcpro ntsc 29.97
    device control on firewire NTSC default
    Please help, if you could help trouble shoot this if you havent seen this problem or need more details just ask

    firstly, we are looking at a screen shot from a computer monitor. are you watching your video on a calibrated tv? if not you need to to know what your video will truly look like. i checked out the camcorder and it looks like its straight miniDV and not HDV. you need to make sure you are using the correct easy setup for FCP. search easy setup in the manula for clear directions on this. mainly, this could be a sequence settings proble. captured in a bad compression or it's not matching the the compression in the timeline.

Maybe you are looking for

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