AW Database: duplicating a field to every record.

Is there a way that I can duplicate a field from every record to a new field so I can alter it?

Field G (called 'Field 2' in this example) should be a calculation field as shown here:

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  • Forms 6i transaction on every record

    dear sirs,
    I have form on table with these fields
    1- first_balance
    2- month_payments
    3- interest
    4- net
    5- last_balance
    i would like to make these transaction for every record
    net = month_payments - interest
    last_balance = first_balance - net
    first_balance = last_balance
    please advice me how to do it because i try but not success

    First, if the values can be calculated easily, why do you want to store them in the database? It would be better to create a view and do the calculation in the view.
    For calculating fields in forms, use formula-items of type "formula"

  • Cursor not working properly.. Gives every record last records' entry.

    hi all.
    a simple one for someone I'm sure...
    Ive just added the cursor:
    -- Cursor to get Oracle_Loc_Code from SU CHRIS vs ORACLE Locations Table into a variable..
         CURSOR csr_ora_loc_code IS
         WHERE std.STD_LOCATION_ID = sil.CHRIS_LOC_code; the script I'll paste below in order to populate every record with whats in sil.ORACLE_LOC_CODE field.
    But, although it works fine when you have 1 record to run in, when several records are to be loaded in together, the script, although enters the records into ORACLE fine, populates every record with the same location code - whatevers in the last record (instead of treating each one individually). How can I fix this?
    Thanks for looking..
    The code..
    /* Formatted on 2009/04/29 11:52 (Formatter Plus v4.8.7) */
    SET serveroutput ON SIZE 1000000 FORMAT WRAPPED
    SET verify OFF
    SET feedback OFF
    -- Debugging/error handling
    -- Work variables
       ora_loc_code number                     := 0;
       p_emp_number                     VARCHAR2 (14);
       v_rec_cnt                        NUMBER                          := 0;
       insert_flag                      VARCHAR2 (8);
       err_num                          NUMBER;
       err_msg                          VARCHAR2 (150);
       err_line                         VARCHAR2 (350);
       err_seq                          NUMBER                          := 0;
       l_validate                       BOOLEAN                     DEFAULT FALSE;
       l_std_business_group_id          NUMBER                          := '0';
       l_default_code_comb_id           NUMBER                        := '217269';
       l_organization_id                NUMBER                          := '0';
       l_set_of_books_id                NUMBER                          := '1';
       l_job_id                         NUMBER                          := '10';
       l_obj                            NUMBER;
       l_datetrack_update_mode          VARCHAR2 (30)             := 'CORRECTION';
       l_assignment_sequence            NUMBER;
       l_name_combination_warning       BOOLEAN                         := FALSE;
       l_assign_payroll_warning         BOOLEAN                         := FALSE;
       l_org_now_no_manager_warning     BOOLEAN;
       l_other_manager_warning          BOOLEAN;
       l_spp_delete_warning             BOOLEAN;
       l_entries_changed_warning        VARCHAR2 (30);
       l_tax_district_changed_warning   BOOLEAN;
       l_person_id                      NUMBER;
       l_assignment_id                  NUMBER;
       l_special_ceiling_step_id        NUMBER;
       l_per_effective_end_date         DATE:= TO_DATE ('11-Jul-2049', 'DD-MON-YYYY');
       l_people_group_id                NUMBER;
       l_group_name                     VARCHAR2 (30);
       l_assignment_number              VARCHAR2 (35);
       l_effective_end_date             DATE := TO_DATE ('11-Jul-2049', 'DD-MON-YYYY');
       l_date                           DATE                           := SYSDATE;
       ip_p_address_id                  per_addresses.address_id%TYPE;
       ip_p_object_version_number       NUMBER;
       ip_p_party_id                    per_addresses.party_id%TYPE;
       l_per_object_version_number      NUMBER;
       l_asg_object_version_number      NUMBER;
       l_full_name                      VARCHAR2 (240);
       l_per_comment_id                 NUMBER;
       l_per_effective_start_date       DATE;
       l_concatenated_segments          VARCHAR2 (240);
       l_soft_coding_keyflex_id         NUMBER;
       l_comment_id                     NUMBER;
       l_no_managers_warning            BOOLEAN;
    -- Get employee details info from work table
       CURSOR get_employee_details
          SELECT std_hire_date, std_last_name, std_sex, std_date_of_birth,
                 LPAD (std_employee_number, 8, '0') std_employee_number,
                 std_first_name, std_marital_status, std_middle_names,
                 std_nationality, std_title, std_national_identifier,
                 std_address_line1, std_address_line2, std_address_line3,
                 std_address_line4, std_post_code, std_telephone_1, std_country,
                 std_region, std_location_id, std_organization_id,
                 std_supervisor_id, std_person_id, std_position_id
    -- checks employee details info from PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F table
       CURSOR c_check_employee (p_emp_number VARCHAR2)
          SELECT per.person_id, per.business_group_id, per.last_name,
                 per.start_date, per.date_of_birth, per.email_address,
                 per.employee_number, per.first_name, per.marital_status,
                 per.middle_names, per.nationality, per.national_identifier,
       , per.title, padd.address_id, padd.primary_flag,
                 padd.address_line1, padd.address_line2, padd.address_line3,
                 padd.town_or_city, padd.postal_code, padd.telephone_number_1,
                 paas.assignment_number, paas.object_version_number
            --  padd.telephone_number_2, padd.telephone_number_3, paas.job_id, paas.location_id,
            --  paas.organization_id, paas.assignment_type, paas.supervisor_id,
            --  paas.default_code_comb_id, paas.set_of_books_id, paas.period_of_service_id,
          FROM   per_all_people_f per,
                 per_all_assignments_f paas,
                 per_addresses padd
           WHERE per.employee_number = p_emp_number
             AND per.person_id = padd.person_id
             AND paas.person_id(+) = per.person_id;
       emp_rec                          c_check_employee%ROWTYPE;
    -- Cursor retrieves latest Object Version Number from per_assignments_f table..
       CURSOR csr_ovn (cp_person_id IN per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE)
          SELECT MAX (paas.object_version_number)
            FROM per_assignments_f paas, per_all_people_f per
           WHERE paas.person_id = per.person_id
             AND per.employee_number = paas.assignment_number
             AND per.person_id = cp_person_id;
    -- Cursor to get Oracle_Loc_Code from SU CHRIS vs ORACLE Locations Table into a variable..
         CURSOR csr_ora_loc_code IS
         -- INTO ora_loc_code
         WHERE std.STD_LOCATION_ID = sil.CHRIS_LOC_code;
    -- Process each record in the work table
       FOR v_emp IN get_employee_details
    -- determine whether customer already exists
          OPEN c_check_employee (v_emp.std_employee_number);
          FETCH c_check_employee
           INTO emp_rec;
          IF c_check_employee%NOTFOUND
             insert_flag := 'I';
             DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Employee No: ' || v_emp.std_employee_number);
             DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT (CHR (10));
             insert_flag := 'X';
           RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20001,  'Employee No: ' || v_emp.std_employee_number  || '  already
    exists - please  UPDATE  manually..'    );
           END IF;
          CLOSE c_check_employee;
    -- Obtain the most recent Object Version Number..
          OPEN csr_ovn (v_emp.std_person_id);
          FETCH csr_ovn
           INTO l_obj;
          -- IF csr_ovn%NOTFOUND     THEN        RAISE NO_DATA_FOUND;   END IF;
          CLOSE csr_ovn;
    -- Open Oracle Location Code cursor
          OPEN csr_ora_loc_code;   -- (v_emp.std_person_id);
          FETCH csr_ora_loc_code
           INTO ora_loc_code;
          CLOSE csr_ora_loc_code;
    -- Create new PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F and PER_ADDRESSES record from
    --            info in  table record
          IF insert_flag = 'I'
    --         BEGIN                             -- Importing Employee Procedure --
                     (p_validate                       => l_validate,
                      p_hire_date                      => v_emp.std_hire_date,
                      p_business_group_id              => l_std_business_group_id,
                      p_date_of_birth                  => v_emp.std_date_of_birth,
                      p_email_address                  => v_emp.std_email_address,
                      p_first_name                     => v_emp.std_first_name,
                      p_middle_names                   => v_emp.std_middle_names,
                      p_last_name                      => v_emp.std_last_name,
                      p_sex                            => v_emp.std_sex,
                      p_ni_number                      => v_emp.std_national_identifier,
                      p_employee_number                => v_emp.std_employee_number,
                      p_person_id                      => l_person_id,
                      p_title                          => v_emp.std_title,
                      p_assignment_id                  => l_assignment_id,
                      p_per_object_version_number      => l_per_object_version_number,
                      p_asg_object_version_number      => l_asg_object_version_number,
                      p_per_effective_start_date       => l_per_effective_start_date,
                      p_per_effective_end_date         => l_per_effective_end_date,
                      p_full_name                      => l_full_name,
                      p_per_comment_id                 => l_per_comment_id,
                      p_assignment_sequence            => l_assignment_sequence,
                      p_assignment_number              => l_assignment_number,
                      p_name_combination_warning       => l_name_combination_warning,
                      p_assign_payroll_warning         => l_assign_payroll_warning
                                      (p_validate                     => l_validate,
                                       p_effective_date               => v_emp.std_hire_date,
                                       p_pradd_ovlapval_override      => NULL,
                                       p_validate_county              => NULL,
                                       p_person_id                    => l_person_id,
                                       p_primary_flag                 => 'Y',
                                       p_style                        => 'GB_GLB',
                                       p_date_from                    => SYSDATE,
                                       p_date_to                      => NULL,
                                       p_address_type                 => NULL,
                                       p_comments                     => NULL,
                                       p_address_line1                => v_emp.std_address_line1,
                                       p_address_line2                => v_emp.std_address_line2,
                                       p_address_line3                => v_emp.std_address_line3,
                                       p_town_or_city                 => v_emp.std_address_line4,
                                       p_region_1                     => NULL,
                                       p_region_2                     => NULL,
                                       p_region_3                     => NULL,
                                       p_postal_code                  => v_emp.std_post_code,
                                       p_country                      => v_emp.std_nationality,
                                       p_telephone_number_1           => NULL,
                                       p_telephone_number_2           => NULL,
                                       p_telephone_number_3           => NULL,
                                       p_party_id                     => ip_p_party_id,
                                       p_address_id                   => ip_p_address_id,
                                       p_object_version_number        => l_obj
                            (p_validate                    => l_validate,
                             p_effective_date              => SYSDATE,  -- l_date,
                             p_datetrack_update_mode       => l_datetrack_update_mode,
                             p_assignment_id               => l_assignment_id,
                             p_object_version_number       => l_obj,
                             p_supervisor_id               => v_emp.std_supervisor_id,
                             p_default_code_comb_id        => l_default_code_comb_id,
                             p_set_of_books_id             => l_set_of_books_id,
                             p_concatenated_segments       => l_concatenated_segments,
                             p_soft_coding_keyflex_id      => l_soft_coding_keyflex_id,
                             p_comment_id                  => l_comment_id,
                             p_effective_start_date        => l_date,     --IN/OUT
                             p_effective_end_date          => l_effective_end_date,
                             p_no_managers_warning         => l_no_managers_warning,
                             p_other_manager_warning       => l_other_manager_warning
                 (p_validate                          => l_validate,
                  p_effective_date                    => SYSDATE,       -- l_date,
                  p_datetrack_update_mode             => l_datetrack_update_mode,
                  p_assignment_id                     => l_assignment_id,
                  p_object_version_number             => l_obj,
                  p_organization_id                   => l_organization_id,
                  p_location_id                       => ora_loc_code,
                  p_job_id                            => l_job_id,
                  p_position_id                       => v_emp.std_position_id,
                  p_special_ceiling_step_id           => l_special_ceiling_step_id,
                  p_effective_start_date              => l_date,
                  p_effective_end_date                => l_effective_end_date,
                  p_people_group_id                   => l_people_group_id,
                  p_group_name                        => l_group_name,    --IN/OUT
                  p_org_now_no_manager_warning        => l_org_now_no_manager_warning,
                  p_other_manager_warning             => l_other_manager_warning,
                  p_spp_delete_warning                => l_spp_delete_warning,
                  p_entries_changed_warning           => l_entries_changed_warning,
                  p_tax_district_changed_warning      => l_tax_district_changed_warning
             v_rec_cnt := v_rec_cnt + 1;
             DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT (CHR (10));
             DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (   'There were '
                                   || v_rec_cnt
                                   || '  records read in..'
             DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT (CHR (10));
    -- End of customer related details
          END IF;
       END LOOP;
          err_num := TO_CHAR (SQLCODE);
          err_msg := SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 150);
          err_line :=   'ORACLE error occurred processing record.. ' ||  err_msg;
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (err_line);
          INSERT INTO SU_SL_ERRORS  VALUES (err_num, err_msg, SYSTIMESTAMP);

         CURSOR csr_ora_loc_code IS     SELECT sil.ORACLE_LOC_CODE
         -- INTO ora_loc_code
         WHERE std.STD_LOCATION_ID = sil.CHRIS_LOC_code; OPEN csr_ora_loc_code; -- (v_emp.std_person_id);
    FETCH csr_ora_loc_code
    INTO ora_loc_code;
    CLOSE csr_ora_loc_code;Obviously yes.It will select one sil.ORACLE_LOC_CODE, as you are fetching one. That can be any one of the sil.ORACLE_LOC_CODE, as you didn't tell Oracle to pick a particular one.
    If you want to get some particular sil.ORACLE_LOC_CODE, you need to put some filter on that.     CURSOR csr_ora_loc_code(p_your_parameter NUMBER) IS -- whatever datatype you wan to pass
         -- INTO ora_loc_code
         WHERE std.STD_LOCATION_ID = sil.CHRIS_LOC_code
         AND your_column = p_your_parameter;
          OPEN csr_ora_loc_code(v_emp.std_person_id);   -- (v_emp.std_person_id); -- I'm not sure why did you comment this out.
          FETCH csr_ora_loc_code
           INTO ora_loc_code;
          CLOSE csr_ora_loc_code;By

  • Make a field required on record creation, read only after that

    Does anyone know of a way to make a pick-list field required on record creation, but read-only after that? The other twist to this is that we need to allow this field to also be read-write for all the integration edits, since this field's value could change in the enterprise database.
    Neal G.

    Hi !
    I think you can add a validation rule for that. Something like :
    IIf(PRE('<YOURFIELD>') IS NULL, <> '', = PRE('<YOURFIELD>'))
    This means that if the previous value of your field is null (it's a creation), so the value must be different than blank. Else, it must be equal to the previous value, so not modified.
    I didn't tested it, but I let you get back to me if it works... or not !
    You'll just have to add a message saying that this field is required on creation and readonly after...
    Hope this will help, feel free to ask more !

  • Push Button in Every record in ALV grid output

    Dear Experts,
    I need to print a push button in first column of every record in ALV grid output. How ?
    No OOPS concepts please.

    For this requirement, you have to copy the standard PF status of the ALV output. Do as below :-
    1) Go to SE41
    2) Enter the program name as SAPLKKBL
    3) In the field status enter STANDARD_FULLSCREEN
    4) Click on STATUS button on the application toolbar.
    5) Enter the name of your Program & a new status name.
    6) Click on COPY.
    This way the standard status will be copied to the custom status & call the same status in your program using SET PF STATUS statement. Then double click on the custom status name & you will be navigated to SE41, there you can add you new button on the application tool bar & assign a function code, which you can program by enabling the export parameter I_CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND of the Function module REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY.
    Just a sample code snippet for your reference :-
    WHEN 'your function code goes here'.
    Do further processing.
    This way you will have the standard PF status alongwith your button as well.
    Edited by: Kumar Manas Mishra on Jan 29, 2010 1:03 PM

  • Mapping every record in a given message type to an IDoc

    Hi all,
    As per the requirement, I have a message type which stores a number of records from the database. The root node of the message type repeats as many times as the number of records. I need to map this message type to an IDoc with an IDoc created for each record. However, the pre-defined structure of IDoc has the root node occuring only once. Can the mapping of every record to an IDoc be acheived by using Message tab of the message mapping to have the IDoc occurence as 0..unbounded?

      In message mapping Change the occurence of the IDOC as 0 to unbounded in the Target message inside Messages Tab.
    Also change the occurrence of IDOC in the Interface mapping as 0 to unbounded.
    Edited by: TINY MAMPILLY on May 7, 2009 11:14 AM

  • File to RFC/IDOC with a set of business rules applied on every record

    Hi experts,
    i have a scenario where the following happens
    checks need to be performed
    1. Technical validations on the file picked up (Can be done through java programs)
    2. Business rules to be applied on every record (Am not sure if this can be done in PI)  Sample business rules - record id already present in the SAP system, check if some manadatory fields are missing in the record etc..quite a lot to be applied
    I assume we use the File>PI>IDOC/RFC scenario for this..
    However am not sure on how we apply the complex business rules on every record in file using PI.
    Any suggestions??

    Hi My requirement as follow,
    ELEMICA(CIDX)--->sap xi->SAP ECC,i receive CIDX Ordechange document from source system,when it is order change , the similr Order Chnage document available in DATA BASE,i need to retrive it from data base using some key fileds, i need to compare some of the fileds like PO Number,Buyer sequence many fileds.if there is any change while validating then i need to send it SAP ECC Orders IDOC,IF TEH Values are same then i need to exit the process with mail to admin .
    How i done my requiremnet i already explained,if you looking for any info let me know,but i never faced any problems like perfromace issues ...but writing JAVA Maping code is bit tough.

  • Page headers repeat for every record on *.CSV export in Crystal 8.5

    I am a MAS 90 reseller.  I have encountered this issue:
    When I try to export a report to a *.csv format in Crystal Reports version 8.5 page headers repeat for every record in the export file.  The Sage MAS 90 database provides this solution:
    This is a known Crystal Reports issue. Download U2FSEPV.DLL, version, dated 11/28/2003 from the Business Objects Web site. For more information and a download link, see knowledgebase article c2014451 at
    Note: Be sure to select the download link for Crystal Reports 8.x.
    I cannot locate this download anywhere in the new SAP site.  Can anyone direct me to this download?
    TIA for your help!

    I was finally able to get the uploaded file by right clicking on the file and selecting Save As.  However, when I replace all instances of this dll file with the new one (renamed as directed) I continue to get headers in the CSV file.
    This does not resolve the issue of getting headers only in the output.  Is this the correct dll file or is there another issue causing this output error?

  • Linking to an Access Database (accdb) - calculated field in query

    Using Crystal Report v 14 we have a problem linking to an Access 2010 database (accdb file format).
    We created a query in the Access database with a calculated field that we want to use to link with Great Pllains database. We can see the query using the database expert and the OLEDB (ADO) data source. The problem is that the calculated field in the Access query does not show in the link manager.
    What is the best wat to link an Access table that has a job number containing hyphens (111-222-333) with the other database that has the job number stored without hyphens (111222333)? Why does our query solution not work?

    I'm not sure if this can be handled at the Database query level, however this can surely be handled from the report level.
    You would need to insert a subreport with Great Pllains as its datasource. The Main report's data source would be the access table.
    Next, in the Main report you would need to create a formula to remove the hyphens from the string and convert it back to number. Use this formula:
    You can then palce this formula in the details section/group section (which ever is applicable) and then link the subreports's job number field with this formula field. A record selection formula is automatically added in the subreport when you do so.
    Also, make sure the sub-report is place in the same section this formula field is placed in, otherwise you can get unexpected results.
    Hope this helps!

  • AppleWorks 6  error: Can't get every record of document "ElectroM (DB)"

    "count" is in ApleWorks 6 Dictionary and script got compiled OK !
    What is wrong in that script ?
    tell application "AppleWorks 6"
    set numberRecords to count records of document "ElectroM (DB)"
    set loopCount to 1
    repeat until loopCount > numberRecords
    copy cell "Qty" of record loopCount of document "ElectroM (DB)" to partCount
    set cellName to "B" & ((loopCount + 3) as string)
    set cell cellName of spreadsheet of document "Inventair (SS)" to partCount as string
    set loopCount to loopCount + 1
    end repeat
    end tell
    Does someone know why ?
    Thanks in advance

    Try using:
    tell application "AppleWorks 6"
    set numberRecords to count records of document "ElectroM"
    set loopCount to 1
    repeat until loopCount > numberRecords
    copy field "Qty" of record loopCount of document "ElectroM" to partCount
    set cellName to "B" & ((loopCount + 3) as string)
    set cell cellName of spreadsheet of document "Inventair" to partCount as string
    set loopCount to loopCount + 1
    end repeat
    end tell
    1. AppleWorks does not include the letters inside the parentheses when it refers to a document through AppleScript.
    2. Cell can only be used in a spreadsheet; the field term needs to be used in a database.

  • Access 2010 Chart - Report returns an identical chart for every record in the underyling query

    Hi there, I hope someone can help me with this. I've created a stacked column chart in a Report. The chart seems to be working fine but my report is returning a chart for every record in the source query.  The chart adds up the days each vehicle in
    a fleet was used in a given time frame.  I'm not a code writer so wizarded my way to the following:
    TRANSFORM Sum(QVehicleDaysUsed.[DaysOfUseThisMonth]) AS SumOfDaysOfUseThisMonth SELECT QVehicleDaysUsed.[YearMakeModelPlate] FROM QVehicleDaysUsed GROUP BY QVehicleDaysUsed.[YearMakeModelPlate] PIVOT QVehicleDaysUsed.VehicleUseForMonthStarting;
    The chart seems to be producing exactly what I want but it's repeated once for every record in the source query. I don't know if this is the issue but I don't have a Master/Child field linking the chart to the report it's in - chart is unbound and therefore
    won't allow me to link fields. I'd sure appreciate any help you can offer! Thanks!
    (Incidentally VehicleUseForMonthStarting is a date field - ideally it should be shown as a DatePart MMMM but for whatever reason Access is balking at the Format expression.)

    GOT IT! Hurray.  Obvious after giving it more thought... I had to make the report the chart was in Unbound. :) Leaving post up in case it helps someone else out.

  • Forms obligates me to save every record I change

    Hello friends at ,
    I've created a program which main block should insert, update and delete records automatically, using its default Oracle procedures.
    Everything works fine, except for one detail: instead of letting me insert/update records and save everything later, my program is imposing me to save every record I insert, update or delete. That is, if I change a record, I simply can't navigate to another record, until I save the record I've changed.
    The block has very few columns, and I looked at them to be sure that there is no mandatory field. The program should verify if something is missing in a record only when its data is being saved - that is, in a PRE-INSERT trigger, see if the :BLOCK.field is NULL and, if it's true, then it raises an error. But the program simply doesn't let me go until I save the record I changed.
    Please notice that the program is being run via web. Hope my explanation is clear.
    Best regards,

    Hello Grant,
    What I would suggest is create a default block then
    compare the code you added (maybe adding a trigger at
    a time) to see of your code is causing the problem.
    ...sincere thanks for your answer. The block was created via Forms Wizard, and the described situation happens anyway - that is, whether I am inserting, updating or deleting a record, I have to save it before continuing to the next record.
    I will do some tests, according to what you've suggested, and if I find it out I will post the solution here. I guess it might be a block property that's not correctly set, but other possibilities - such as a PL/SQL block - should be studied as well.
    Best regards,

  • Validate 2 E-mail address fields in insert record form

    I have used the Insert Record Form Wizard to create a form, including using the Validate Form Server Behavior to validate many fields.
    I can't figure out how to compare & validate 2 E-mail address fields.
    After the form was created I opened the existing Validate Form Server Behavior - Advanced tab and built the condition {sub_email2} != {sub_email} but this had no affect on submitting the form.
    The other thing I tried was creating a new Compare Transaction Field behavior with the same condition {sub_email2} != {sub_email}, this also seemed to have no affect.
    I am just a beginner, so I admit to not really knowing what I'm doing, for me ADDT has been a great aid.
    The other thing I noticed, when I tried both the items above, besides not affecting being able to submit the form with different E-mail addresses. The red asterisks indicating a required field, would disappear.
    Here is the form this version of the form does NOT include either of my attempts to validate the E-mail fields.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    A compare statement should work fine. As an example I made small form that inserts name and email (2 fields) using Insert record wizard.
    Name field is required, email field is required and checks that its a valid email structure ([email protected]). I then finish the wizard.
    <input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="<?php echo KT_escapeAttribute($row_rsemail['email']); ?>" size="32" />
    <?php echo $tNGs->displayFieldHint("email");?> <?php echo $tNGs->displayFieldError("email", "email"); ?>
    I then add the extra field to the form that the 2nd email will be entered into, this one I called email2, I then copied the display hint and fielderror code from the first email and placed it behind the 2nd email box and changed the text to reflect email2. Which probably doesnt matter but I put it there anyway.
    <input name="email2" type="text" id="email2" size="32" />
    <?php echo $tNGs->displayFieldHint("email2");?> <?php echo $tNGs->displayFieldError("email2", "email2"); ?>
    Now that I have both email fields in the form, I go to the developer tools under server behavior and select compare transactions fields under form validation.
    I hit the + to add a field I then choose email for field, then == for condition, then {POST.email2} for compare to. I enter in an error message and hit ok.
    Thats it the form is ready.
    The first email field will check against email validation and the 2nd email will check against the first email.
    I hope that helps.
    Take note that the database actually only has 2 fields to enter data. Then 2nd email field is only for validation.
    Message was edited by: Albert S.

  • Updating a field in a record

    when i update a database field in a record in my form without using a pre-update trigger, just changing the value and commiting the form.
    :deleted:= 1 (deleted is the database item in my database datablock)
    commit_form;(a question to save the form)
    the record is not updated, why?

    Check the following properties are correct in that Item property
    Database Item = TRUE
    Update allowed = TRUE

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