B1 não permite alterar data de vencimento em um boleto gerado.

O B1 não permite alterar data de vencimento de um boleto gerado.
Um cliente solicita adiamento de uma parcela do boleto gerado, usuário não consegue
modificar a data de vencimento, então o procedimento atual no SAP B1 é cancelar aquela
parcela e gerar outra parcela com a data adiada, portanto, gerar outro boleto,
Problema é quando o usuário insere (externamente por meio do add-on BankSync) isso
no banco, que cobra taxa para geração de boleto e cancelamento, sendo que na própria
empresa bancária tem a opção de alterar data de vencimento.
Solicito uma solução, pois temos clientes que não usam o sistema
de boletos do B1 porque a mudança de data de vencimento é  um procedimento freqüente.
Tem uma nota comentando que no patch 12 é possível alterar a data de vencimento, mas somente para alguns paises, não inclui o brasil ( se eu não me engano SAP B1 2007A).
Nota: 1333212
Proponho que seja permitido pelo B1 a mudança de data de vencimento quando o boleto
está com o status enviado, gerado e depositado.
Lucidio Gandra
The B1 not to change the due date of an invoice generated.
A client requests postponement of a portion of the fetlock generated, User can not
change the due date, then the current procedure in SAP B1 is clear that
share and generate another portion with the date postponed, therefore, generate another billet,
Problem is when the User enters (externally through add-on BankSync) that
the bank, which charges fees for generation of receipts and canceled, and the very
banking firm has the option to change the due date.
I request a solution, because we have customers who do not use the system
slips of B1 because the change of due date is a common procedure.
I propose that B1 is allowed by the change of due date when the bill
the status is sent, generated and deposited.
Lucidio Gandra
Edited by: Lucidio Gandra Alves on Feb 17, 2010 11:11 AM

Lucídio, primeiramente, existe um fórum em português.
Talvez você tenha mais sucesso postando essas dúvidas muito particulares do Brasil lá.
Agora, quanto ao seu problema, eu concordo plenamente com você. Sempre enfrentamos esse problema também. Existe um fórum "SAP Business One Product Development Collaboration" onde você pede algumas modificações no sistema que não são exigências legais.
Talvez você possa postar isso lá também que surta mais efeito.
Danilo Souza - EasyOne Consultoria

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  • Alterar Data de Vencimento NFE com pagamentos

    Olá pessoal, uitlizo a versão 2005b.
    Tenho o seguinte cenário:
    Uma Nota Fiscal de Entrada com 5 prestações, sendo que há 2 parcelas pagas.
    Necessito alterar a data de vencimento da terceira prestação.
    Como eu posso fazer? Alguém tem alguma orientação?
    Se não for possível, na versão 2005b é a versão pode 2007b?
    Fernando Santos

    Prezado Luiz,
    após analisar a descrição do seu caso, juntamente com a documentação disponível no Portal da SAP, peço a gentileza de analisar o conteúdo das seguintes notas: 1333212 e 941272.
    Respondendo a sua questão. Uma vez que um pagamento já foi efetuado/recebido em uma das parcelas, para a versão 2005B não será mais possível alterar a data de vencimento das parcelas restantes. Tal comportamento foi alterado para a versão 2007A (conforme pode ser visto na lista de países inclusos na alteração: Australia, Austria, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Slovakia,   
    Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA.
    Caso a minha resposta resolva sua questão, peço a gentileza de fechar esta thread e alocar pontos a meu usuário.
    Wesley Honorato

  • Data de vencimento do documento de referencia incorreto.

    Boa Noite Grupo
    Estou com o seguinte problema
    Tenho um cenario de venda de complemento ov com referencia a Fatura
    Porem quando eu gero a fatura do documento de complemento, ele pega a data de vencimento do meu documento de refencia ou seja não pega a data atual de faturamento.
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    Grato a todos

    Bom Dia caro colega,
    De forma standard, o sistema não permite tal customização. A solução para este caso é utilizar a exit "exit_saplv60b_002" conforme orientação abaixo:                                                                               
    1. Salvar o conteúdo do campo "Fatura ref." em um outro campo, como por exemplo "Allocation".                                             
    2. Mover brancos para o campo "Fatura ref."/Ano/Item                                                                               
    Veja a informação dos desenvolvedores da SAP sobre esta ativação: "By this way, the baseline date will not be recovered with the date from the original document."                                                                               
    As Notas 301077 e 872755 contém informações sobre esta exit que devem  ajudá-lo.                                                                               
    No caso das duplicadas geradas, perceba que você poderá, através da  transação FBL5N, dando um duplo clique no documento em questão, mudar o campo "Baseline Date (Bline Date - ZFBDT)" fazendo com que o sistema  
    recalcule a data de vencimento da duplicata.          
    Espero poder ter ajudado nessa questão,
    Ruy Castro

  • Non permitted characters-data loading

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    can you please provide a suggestion on how to handle this?
    Your help will be appriciated

    hi  USER1249,
    what about to use standard BW functionality - permitted characters - TA RSKC.
    Via this you can maintain a set of permitted characters which will not be rejected by BW while loading.

  • Source is not a permitted variable data objects

    Hi SCN,
    So we transported queries. Collected in manually and gouped by necessary objects. We're having a problem with our variables that holds a replacement path setting for clearing date, net due date and posting date.
    Replacement path for key using 0DPM_AV1.
    When we're trying to run the queries in QAS this is the error we're getting: 'Source is not a permitted variable for (infoobject date)."
    Are we missing a step on how are we collecting our queries for transport. Any suggestion so we can overcome this problem?

    Hi Karl,
    Assumed as query/target related info objects transport to qua without any issues.
    Even at Qua, target level, try to see the loaded requests, Whether they have reporting symbol or not.
    Can you try to run your query at dev system and check it.
    if there is no error from dev then again collect your query into transport from RSA1-->transport connection.
    Use grouping option as only necessary.
    Once you drag query from middle pane to right pane at RSA1-->transport connection, Expand the query which you collected into right pane.
    Below you may see all related objects of your query like CKF,RKF,Variables..etc.
    Select them all and collect into transport.
    Release and import Qua system.
    Later try to run query at Qua and see the results.

  • Administração de boletos em  Localização Brasil

    O SAP Business One precisa se adaptar à localização brasil a que se refere a adminsitração de boleto.
    Dois pontos que notei:
    1 - Mudar data de vencimento quando o boleto estiver no status enviado gerado ou depositado. (esse primeiro já postei no SAP Business One Product Development Collaboration), pois aqui no Brasil é muito comum mudar data de vencimento por demora na entrega da mercadoria por exemplo. da forma como está no B1 tem que cancelar o boleto, alterar a data e depois gerá-lo novamente fazendo com que perca a referência do boleto.
    2 - Dar desconto ou juros no boleto com o boleto no status depositado viabilza, pois não precisaria fazer lançameto manual contábil para contas de maior ou a menor, pois é muito comum no brasil descontos até a data de vencimento, mas não da forma como o SAP B1 faz (na condição de pagamento no Brasil não funciona).
    Se a SAP fizer issoficará mais fácil , agil e interessante na criação de relatórios como o de comissão por exemplo.
    Se eu cancelar o boleto e criá-lo novamente  como o desconto eu perco a referência e atraso o meu processo.
    Estas duas sugestões só seriam permitidas usar com autorização de usuário.
    Lucidio Gandra Alves

    SAP Business One must adapt to the location Brazil referred to the Administration of billet.
    Two points I noticed:
    1 - Change the due date, when the billet is in the status sent generated or deposited. (I posted this first in SAP Business One Product Development Collaboration), because here in Brazil is very common to change the due date for delay in delivery of goods for example. how is the B1 has to cancel the ticket, change the date and then regenerate it causing him to lose the reference of the billet.
    2 - Give a discount or interest in the slip with the slip in status filed viabilza therefore do not need lançameto manual accounting for accounts more or less as it is very common in Brazil discounts to maturity, but not the way the SAP B1 is (provided that payment in Brazil does not work).
    If SAP makes it easy issoficará, agile and interesting in reporting as the commission for example.
    If I cancel the slip and create it again as the discount I lose my reference and delay the process.
    These two suggestions would be permitted to use only authorized user.
    Lucidio Gandra Alves

  • Vencimento da Nota Fiscal Complementar fica com a data da Nota Original

    Pessoal boa tarde!
    Minha usuária precisa fazer nfs complementares de Vendas de notas fiscais que foram faturadas desde 2011 e o problema é que a data do vencimento sai igual à data da NF mãe.
    No meu caso a nf complementar foi emitida no dia 17/03/14 e o vencimento saiu 29/01/2012..
    Ao criar com referência ao documento de faturamento da primeira nota, já tentei de tudo: colocar data efetiva fixa, mudar a data de fixação do preço, data do faturamento, mas nenhuma destas ações refletiu a atualização do vencimento com base na nova data do faturamento.
    Alguém já passou por isso e poderia me dizer se tem algum customizing?

    Bom dia Fernando,
    Sim.. a nota complementar funciona na versão 1.0.
    A partir da 2.0 algumas consistências foram acrescentadas e gostaria de definir o procedimento. Por exemplo, aqui na empresa, para um tipo de Nota Fiscal Complementar eles usam apenas informar o valor no campo "Valor Fiscal", então no caso de uma nota fiscal complementar de ICMS, eles informariam apenas R$ 100,00 no campo valor fiscal da nota. Com a versão 2.0, se o campo "Valor Fiscal" que é o valor do imposto tiver preenchido, temos que informar também os campos "Taxa de Imposto" e "Montante Básico" , pelo que entendi, um documento pode ter valor fiscal ( valor do imposto) informado, caso tenha uma base de cálculo e taxa. Fizemos um teste colocando informação nesses campos, e funcionou corretamente...
    Por isso não entendo como proceder no caso de NFE complementar... onde são informados apenas valores que complementam notas anteriores...

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    There is no where to alter the cellular data network or APN settings since I installed a 3G sim .... previously with a 2G SIM you could enter cellular data network menu and enter APN username and password but these have both gone.
    This is a major problem and could be very costly if someone does not realise it quickly .
    Any solutions .... will speak to telco later today but they will inevitably deny an responsibility as they do !

    Unfortunately this may be contrary to the terms of the agreement that I have just agreed to so as to be able to participate in this thread but I consider the inability to limit the data access, to provide the owner with the option to explicitly authorise data access requested by an application as not just "bill shock" but THEFT. We require some consumer advocacy.
    I am a prepaid client who only wishes to use the data based apps when wifi is available. The workaround that worked until two days ago was amending the APN but now, on an iPhone purchased at the Apple store in Sydney and presumably an officially unlocked phone, no longer displays the APN option. Despite being very aware of the vulnerable state of the phone and the need to avoid any data based application I yesterday I still managed to incur two unwanted data charges of $18 and $9. I consider that THEFT. Even on a data plan I would be unable to satisfactorily control data usage.
    When the unwanted data exhausts my current prepaid balance, as it has several times in the past, I will have to convert my iPhone into an iPod Touch and obtain another phone. I certainly will investigate whether Android permits controlling data access.
    I am very disappointed as I believe the range of apps provides a compelling argument for the iPhone but the customer's inability to control data usage is unacceptable.

  • Resetting and reversing a cleared document

    I want to reset and reverse a customer clearing document. The clearing document which is 54203512 was posted and matched against the customer invoice in the previous period. When reversing and resetting the document in transaction code FBRA, a pop up screen u201CReversal Datau201D appears. The reversal reason is specified as 01 (Reversal for incorrect posting), posting date is todayu2019s date however the original clearing document 54203512 was posted in 05.09.2008 and in previous period. Click on continue.
    The document is not reset and reversed and I am getting the error message u201CReversal reason 01 only permits posting date 05.09.2008u201D. Not sure why the document is looking at the posting date of original document even though I specified the reversal date as 08.10.2008. Can a document be reset and reversed in different periods?? Or does this cause any issues or problems? Or is this a bug??
    Thanks in advance

    There are only 2 controls allowed for Reversal reasons:
    1.  Negative posting
    2.  Alternative date for posting
    The symptom you have mentioned would be of a control from somewhere else, i.e. either a user exit or a validation.  An order reason can only restrict it to current date or allow any other date.  At least that is what I have experienced.

  • Impossível cancelar. Um dos comprovantes de crédito foi descontado

    Meu cliente tem esta função dos cartões de crédito e precisa cancelar uma NF que esta errada.
    Porém, não consigo cancelar o contas a receber por causa desta mensagem.
    Entendi que isso é referente a data do pagamento que é passada. Não existe uma forma de remover essa validação? Pois vem acontecendo com frequência.
    Conforme achei em outros tópicos, devo cancelar o Comprovante (Banco>Contas a Receber>Administração de cartões de crédito), que cria um LCM de Débito negativo na conta da operadora de cartão e um débito positivo na conta do PN. Aí fico com um Contas a Receber em aberto em nome do PN, mas o antigo fica ainda existindo como se tivesse sido concluído  - não consigo cancelar - e o novo, por consequência não vincula a Nota.
    No manual da 9.0, diz que tem uma opção em
    Administração Inicialização do sistema Configurações gerais PN
    Porém, não consegui achar.
    Define o método de depósito de comprovantes de cartão de crédito:
    Automaticamente determina que as datas de vencimento na transação do depósito do comprovante de cartão de crédito são as mesmas que as datas de vencimento no documento de contas a receber.
    Manualmente determina que as datas de vencimentos na transação do depósito do comprovante de cartão de crédito derivam do documento de depósito.
    Quando modificada, esta configuração é imediatamente atualizada por empresa, para todos os usuários.
    Alguém sabe como poderia fazer isso de forma que melhor indicasse a realidade do cancelamento da NF? Obrigado

    Bom dia Thiago!
    Tente entrar em Banco -> Contas a Receber -> Administração de Cartões de Crédito, selecione o comprovante de pagamento referente ao C/R que está tentando cancelar, clique com o botão direito e selecione Cancelar, conforme imagem:
    Após isso, creio que seja possível cancelar o C/R e consequentemente a NFS

  • Executing a Job via Web Services using a Server Group?

    When executing a job from Designer or from the Management Console you have the option to select a specific job server or a server group.
    But when executing a job via Web Services it uses the first job server with which the repository was associated (i.e. the first job server listed in AL_MACHINE_INFO).
    Is there a way to get the job to execute using a server group instead simply choosing the first job server in the list?
    Note: We are using FIM to execute the jobs via web services and don't have access to additional parameters.

    Here is the where you can change the server group/job server.
    - After you add the Batch/real Time job as a webservice.
    - Go to the Webservice Batch Job Attribute and from the drop down choose the "Enable job Attributes" and hit apply.
    - After this if you use the WSDL URL http://<Data Services Web Server>:<Web server Port>/DataServices/servlet/webservices?ver=2.0&wsdlxml
    - You will see the job attributes that you can change based on the allowed parameters mentioned in the documentation.
    The batch job or real time job is published without the job parameters by default. Once you enable the job attributes, remove and re publish the batch job as a web service. The application making the call to this webservice should be able to read the WSDL generated by Data services and pickup all the input and output parameters of the method.
    Refer to the Data Services Integrator guide (Chapter 3 : pages 25 - 33 ) to get the exact parameter values permitted via Data Services jobs called via web services.
    Hope this helps!
    Thanks & Regards

  • Cancel Vendor Credit Memo - Reg.

    Dear Experts,
    We have posted vendor credit memo through MIRO. The details are as,
    T-Code : MIRO
    Transaction : Credit Memo
    Reference : PO
    Qty : 0.232 MT
    Amount : INR 50000/-
    Tax amount : 0/-(ZERO)
    Document Date : 16.11.09
    Posting Date : 17.02.2010
    Now, we are trying to cancel this vendor credit memo in MR8M with following details,
    Case : 1
    Invoice Document No.:XXX
    Fiscal Year : 2009
    Reversal Reason : 01(Reversal in current period)
    Posting Date : 17.02.10
    *Error displayed : Allowed Posting Periods:  01 2010/12 2009/ 12 2009 for company code 100 and date 17.02.2010*
    Case : 2
    Invoice Document No.:XXX
    Fiscal Year : 2009
    Reversal Reason : 01(Reversal in current period)
    Posting Date : 31.03.2010
    Error displayed : Reversal Reason 01 only permits posting date 17.02.2010
    Case : 3
    Invoice Document No.:XXX
    Fiscal Year : 2009
    Reversal Reason : 02(Reversal in closed period)
    Posting Date : 31.03.2010
    Error displayed : M8 534 Balance not Zero: 4,487.00 - debits : 54,487.00 Credits : 50,000.00
    Case : 4
    Invoice Document No.:XXX
    Fiscal Year : 2009
    Reversal Reason : 02(Reversal in closed period)
    Posting Date : 17.02.2010
    *Error displayed : Allowed Posting Periods:  01 2010/12 2009/ 12 2009 for company code 100 and date 17.02.2010
    Kindly suggest me where am going wrong and how to cancel this vendor credit memo. Thanks in advance.

    In MIRO, just do invoice for reversing the credit memo and make sure correct periods are used.


    Hi experts,
    I am getting a dump COMPUTE_INT_PLUS_OVERFLOW in a report.
    its at the line: z1 = z1 + z1.
    Dump says:
    "Using + or 'ADD' to add the values 2060095488 and 2060095488 resulted in a
    value greater than 2147483647 or samller than -2147483648. This          
    leads to a whole number overflow.                                        
    A temporary solution is perhaps to divide this operation up into smaller
    individual operations, so that smaller sums are being dealt with."
    z1 is declared as:
    data: z1 like sy-dbcnt.
    How should i correct this error?
    I will reward all the helpful answers

    Hi Ajay,
    This dump is because ur computed value is more than system limit for the data type of that variable. Check below max limits for each data type.
    b 0 to 255 0
    c Any alphanumeric character " " for every position
    d 8 user-defined alphanumeric characters; Only values in the format YYYYMMDD that are permitted as date entries according to the calendar rules are valid: YYYY (year): 0001 to 9999, MM(month): 01 to 12, DD (day): 01 to 31 "00000000"
    f Floating point numbers are displayed internally with 16 decimal places according to the IEEE-754 standard (double precision). Valid values are -1,7976931348623157EE+308 to -2,2250738585072014EE-308 for the negative area, the value zero, and +2,2250738585072014EE-308 to +1,7976931348623157EE+308 for the positive area. Both validity areas are extended in the direction of zero through denormalized numbers after IEEE-754. 0
    *i -2.147.483.648 to +2.147.483.647 0* "Check this limit
    n Any alphanumeric characters, however, valid values are only the digits 0 to 9 "0" for every position.
    p The valid length for packed numbers is between 1 and 16 bytes; two decimal places are packed into one byte, whereby the last byte only contains one place and the plus/minus sign; after the decimal separator, up to 14 decimal places are permitted. Depending on the field length len and the number of decimal places dec, the following applies for the value area: (-10^(2len -1) +1) / (10^(+dec)) to (+10^(2len -1) -1) /(10^(+dec)) in steps of 10^(-dec). Values in between this range are rounded off. 0
    string as for type c empty string of length 0
    s -32.768 to +32.767 0
    t 6 user-defined alphanumeric characters; the only valid values are numbers that are interpreted as a time specification in the 24-hour clock format HHMMSS. SAP recommmends to exclusively use 00 to 23 hours for HH (hours) and 00 to 59 for MM (minutes) and 00 to 59 for SS (seconds). "000000"
    x hexadecimal characters 0-9, A-F hexadecimal 0
    xstring as for type x empty string of length 0.
    U can declare ur varible to accomodate max length possible in ur calculation.
    eg: DATA z1(25) TYPE n DECIMALS 0.

  • In webdynpro for ABAP  alv table issue

    hello gurus,
                      i am new for webdynpro for ABAP.i strucked at one point at designing time.anybody  could you suggest me on this.
    thanks in advance.
    let me explain my scenario first.
    in my webdynpro for ABAP developement i have one alv table having ten fields.i am featching the data for eight fields from one Ztabale and updating , for rest of two fields we need to fill after displaying output using the respective F4 help. Right now these two fields are in input editable mode.now i am getting the values successfully from F4 help and at the same time it is allowing MANUAL ENTRIES also but as per my requirement it  should not allow  any manual entries . for this i have made these two fields are in readonly mode as like as rest of fields to avoid the MANUAL ENTRIES  but at this time i didnot get any F4 helpfor those two fields.
    so how can i achive my goal in this thing could any one suggest me.
    my final conclusion is we need to get only F4 help values into those two fields . it should not allow any manual values at any point of time.
    best regards,

    ya hi  harshit,
          my self also used same code in my action part . here i have one table with four fields  carrid , connid , fldate , price.
    for carrid i have created freely programmed search help.but if it is in display mode there is no F4 help in enable mode.
    in context for attribute carrid
    DATA lo_nd_flight TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
      DATA lo_el_flight TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element.
      DATA ls_flight TYPE wd_this->element_flight.
      DATA lt_flight TYPE wd_this->elements_flight.
    navigate from <CONTEXT> to <FLIGHT> via lead selection
      lo_nd_flight = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_flight ).
      select connid fldate price from sflight into CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE
        lt_flight UP TO 20 ROWS.
    @TODO handle non existant child
    IF lo_nd_flight IS INITIAL.
    get element via lead selection
    lo_el_flight = lo_nd_flight->get_element( ).
    alternative access  via index
    lo_el_flight = lo_nd_flight->get_element( index = 1 ).
    @TODO handle not set lead selection
    IF lo_el_flight IS INITIAL.
    get all declared attributes
         static_attributes = ls_flight ).
    CALL METHOD lo_nd_flight->bind_table
        new_items            = lt_flight
       set_initial_elements = ABAP_TRUE
       index                =
    DATA: lo_cmp_usage TYPE REF TO if_wd_component_usage.
    DATA: lo_interfacecontroller TYPE REF TO iwci_salv_wd_table.
        instantiate ALV component usage if necessary
      lo_cmp_usage = wd_this->wd_cpuse_alv( ).
      IF lo_cmp_usage->has_active_component( ) IS INITIAL.
        lo_cmp_usage->create_component( ).
        pass reference to data node to instance of ALV usage
      lo_interfacecontroller = wd_this->wd_cpifc_alv( ).
      lo_interfacecontroller->set_data( r_node_data = lo_nd_flight ).
    Configure ALV
      DATA lr_config TYPE REF TO cl_salv_wd_config_table.
      lr_config = lo_interfacecontroller->get_model( ).
      DATA: lt_columns TYPE salv_wd_t_column_ref,
            ls_columns TYPE salv_wd_s_column_ref,
            lr_input TYPE REF TO cl_salv_wd_uie_input_field,
            name TYPE string,
            lt_node_info TYPE wdr_context_attr_info_map,
            ls_node_info TYPE wdr_context_attribute_info,
            lv_tabix TYPE sy-tabix,
            lr_info TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node_info.
      TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_name,
              name TYPE string,
             END OF ty_name.
      DATA: lt_name TYPE TABLE OF ty_name,
            ls_name TYPE ty_name.
    **for getting node info
    *Get the context node information
      lr_info = lo_nd_flight->get_node_info( ).
      lt_node_info = lr_info->get_attributes( ).
      LOOP AT lt_node_info INTO ls_node_info.
        CASE ls_node_info-name.
          WHEN 'CARRID'.
            ls_name-name = ls_node_info-name.
            APPEND ls_name TO lt_name.
           ls_name-name = ls_node_info-name.
           APPEND ls_name TO lt_name.
           ls_name-name = ls_node_info-name.
           APPEND ls_name TO lt_name.
    *Logic for  Table Horizontal Scrolling
      lr_config->if_salv_wd_table_settings~set_visible_row_count( 13 ).
      "  lr_config->if_salv_wd_table_settings~set_width( '1085' ).
      lr_config->if_salv_wd_table_settings~set_width( '100%' ).
      lr_config->if_salv_wd_table_settings~set_scrollable_col_count( 8 ).
      "  lr_config->if_salv_wd_table_settings~set_fixed_table_layout( abap_true ).
      lr_config->if_salv_wd_table_settings~set_first_visible_scroll_col( 'CARRID' ).
      lr_config->if_salv_wd_table_settings~set_cell_action_event_enabled( abap_true ).
    Set the table editable .
      DATA: lr_table_settings TYPE REF TO if_salv_wd_table_settings.
      lr_table_settings ?= lr_config.
      lr_table_settings->set_read_only( abap_false ).
      lr_table_settings->set_read_only( abap_true ).
      DATA: lr_column_settings TYPE REF TO if_salv_wd_column_settings,
            lr_column TYPE REF TO cl_salv_wd_column.
    DATA: lt_string TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string,
            ld_string TYPE string,
            ld_int TYPE i,
            lv_index TYPE i.
    Make few columns editable and attach inputfield, if permitted.
        DATA lr_input_field TYPE REF TO cl_salv_wd_uie_input_field.
        CLEAR lt_string.
        APPEND 'CARRID' TO lt_string.
        LOOP AT lt_string INTO ld_string.
          lr_column_settings ?= lr_config.
          lr_column = lr_column_settings->get_column( ld_string ).
          CREATE OBJECT lr_input_field
              value_fieldname = ld_string.
          lr_input_field->set_read_only( abap_true ).
          lr_column->set_cell_editor( lr_input_field ).
        CLEAR lt_string.

  • Field Business Area in cost center cannot be changed

    Hello all,
    we would like to change the "Business Area FS" (OB65) field for our
    company code to required. But if we do that, we have issues with 2 of
    our cost centers (ks02, analysis period 01/01/10-12/31/10) that won't
    allow us to enter a business area.
    We get the following error message:
    NA KS134 Field change Business Area is not possible.
    Diagnosis: To ensure of existing data, you can only change object
    Business Area if no transaction data exists in the change period; that
    is, neither plan data nor actual data has been posted.
    I have checked with our accounting and the cost center report does not
    have any data in actual nor budget.
    Somehow I figured out that we do have an entry in table CEKO for this
    cost center for 2010. (se16n). I did some further research and tried to
    test report RKPLNC18 to delete this entry. But I get the message:
    the deletion could not be carried out. The following plan/actual
    records are available...
    Any suggestions?

    You can change the business area in cost center by changing the Analysis period. If there's any data exsist it is not allow you to change the business area. If else block or eleate the cost center and create a new one ( even though this might not permitted if  data exsist in related to cost center.

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