Background hissing sound in recordings sometimes there, sometimes not...

Hello all. I am trying to make some audio recordings with my macbook and with an external microphone. The quality is quite good, except sometimes there is a hissing sound in the background.
I make the recordings and then send them to itunes.
In some of the recordings there is no hissing sound. But then all of a sudden in the next recording I do a minute later, the hissing sound is back, out of nowhere, with no changes in the settings, no new sounds in the recording environment, or anything like that.
I've tried every possible combination of settings I can think of to get rid of the hissing sound, and the best setting seems to be using either "Podcasting" or "Vocals" with "no effects."
Does anyone know why this is happening, and what I could do to stop that?

Me too faces the same problem. It is not just the E90, but right from the Nokia 1600 upto the Nokia E90, none of the models have been spared by Nokia from this hissing sound. Check out my post at the below link.

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    What's the TV's model number? I'll check if there's any support information about this.
    - Peter

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    The microphone used can make all of the difference, as can a noise-free environment.
    HERE is a good one. I use similar. I would go with a mono, but then you will want your narrator within the pickup pattern. (See below). If this is out of the budget, then I'd stop by a guitar shop and discuss mics with the salespeople. They should know about mic'ing single instruments, and singers, and have many such mics available at differing prices. Discuss the cables, as you will likely be using direct connection via 1/8" connector, and not have a phantom power source - hence the need for a powered mic.
    Now, it sounds like you have more than one narrator. The capture pattern of the particular mic will make a difference. I use a tight cardioid mono mic, because I am the narrator. If you have more than one narrator, you'll want a much broader pattern. Having a powered condenser mic will likely get a usable signal, without having to boost the signal - adding that noise that you are getting.
    Seating your narrators very close to one another will be helpful, as will adding some sound baffling to keep the fans in the computer, etc. from being picked up. Sonofoam is great for this, but one can do similar by just placing some cardboard panels with upholstery  foam glued to it, or maybe even blankets. Do NOT wrap the computer's case, but place these between it, and the narrators. Depending on your room, you might even want to hang blankets behind the narrators to cut down on reflected (echos) sounds from a live room.
    Now, if you do need to record in Audacity, or similar, and watch the movie, you can just Export/Share the Timeline as a Video-only file. Play that in WMP, or similar, and use Audacity to record. I use Adobe Audition, and it incorporates Video in its GUI, so I just Export/Share and Import that into Audition to be played, while I record.
    Your sound chip is probably fine, so long as the level of the signal from the mic is adequate for it. I like to have my narration peaking at about -6dB, so that there is no clipping. I can still boost that slightly in my editing program, if needed.
    I have several panels of foamcore with sonofoam on them. One is between me and the computer's case. Two more form a large "V", with me in the center of that "V." This effectively kills all room reflections. I just use a couple of lightstands besides my chair, and use some spring clamps to attach those panels. Blankets would work fine too. Your setup might look a bit odd, should someone drop by, but what you want to do is eliminate any liveliness in the room, block things like those fans, and be sure to turn off the heater/AC and kill any audio sources from the rest of the house.
    Good luck,

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    More detail on your problem is needed - are you in a submarine? On the moon? On a tropical island?
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    Although you say you have let the battery drain, was it for long enough? Since nothing else that you've tried so far has worked, I suggest that you leave the iPod unplugged for at least four days, preferably a week. That way, if something is stopping the iPod from turning the screen on, then whatever it is will drain the battrey. However, since the screen isn't on, that may take longer than if the screen was on.
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    2) choose your language and then 'ignore' (cancel) the installation
    3) from the Top Menu (Utilities) start Disk Utility (DU)
    4) in DU click on your harddisk (not any partition) in the left pane (the first item listed)
    5) in the right pane use the 'Partition'-Tab
    6) click to highlight on the ex-Windows partition you want to delete
    7) click on the small '-' Button at the bottom
    That should delete your former Windows partition
    After that's done successfully
    8) Drag the partition separator line until it encompasses the entire drive and then select apply.
    9) Quit Disk Utility
    10) reboot your Mac from your harddisk.
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    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Personally I'd suggest running through the procedure I detailed in my initial post as it's fairly straight forward and in all likelyhood, you'll on need to remove the particular update ( KB2962407 ) and then hide it upon reboot.
    At the end of the day, only you can decide what you feel comfortable with and if you're notebook is still under warranty, help from Staples or HP should be free of charge.
    ****Click the White thumb to say thanks****
    ****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****
    ****I don't work for HP****
    Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience

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    One possibility is that you open your computer and the television channel first. To some TV, it's no use. Maybe you can first to open the computer until after the TV showing. HDMI generally doesn't support hot swap. BTW, you can also install a *[usb to hdmi adapter| dd-on-a-second-monitor.html]*. So, if it's not OK, you can use the dvi to hdmi converter.
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    What is this noise and how can it be eradicated? Thanks for any help.

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    When I am using smart guides in illustrator cs6 it is problem which makes me nervous.
    When I select point, handles appear. When I move next to handle top the label appear. But SOMETIMES NOT appear, SOMETIMES APPEAR. It is terrible.
    Because then I know, that when label appear, I can work with that concrete handle, or point.
    I know, that it depends of the snapping tolerance, which I can set in Preferences. But when the snapping tolerance is too high, it is unpleasant to draw anything. When snapping tollerance is high i can draw objects on A4 leter which is usual, but my lines and handles are attached anytime when I do not want.
    When I do not use smart guides it is unpleasant to draw lines too. Sometimes I grab handle when I want, but sometimes I fail.
    I think it may be a good solution if you fix it so that the snapping tollerance will be lower, but labels will appear sooner and reliably.
    I like Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop. But this is the reason, why Illustrator makes me crazy, when I work there. Thanks

    I do not have align to pixel grid or snap to grid turned on
    It sounds as if Illy thinks the former.
    The following is a general list of things you may try when the issue is not in a specific file (you may have tried/done some of them already); 1) and 2) are the easy ones for temporary strangenesses, and 3) and 4) are specifically aimed at possibly corrupt preferences); 5) is a list in itself, and 6) is the last resort.
    1) Close down Illy and open again;
    2) Restart the computer (you may do that up to 3 times);
    3) Close down Illy and press Ctrl+Alt+Shift/Cmd+Option+Shift during startup (easy but irreversible);
    4) Move the folder (follow the link with that name) with Illy closed (more tedious but also more thorough and reversible);
    5) Look through and try out the relevant among the Other options (follow the link with that name, Item 7) is a list of usual suspects among other applications that may disturb and confuse Illy, Item 15) applies to CC, CS6, and maybe CS5);
    Even more seriously, you may:
    6) Uninstall, run the Cleaner Tool (if you have CS3/CS4/CS5/CS6/CC), and reinstall.

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