Backup Assistant Upload From Website

Can you start a picture or media upload (phone to web) from the Cloud Website?

    Hi Kugin,
Thanks for reaching out about our Verizon Cloud services.  It is a great tool for all of our customers to use. Here is a link to learn everything about it. Let us know if you have any other questions.
Please follow us on twitter @VZWSupport

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    I have the BlackBerry Desktop Manager and use this to backup my I really need to do anything or can I activate my new Droids?
    Thanks, Tim

    I would think you have your contacts already on your online account. If yes then do this.....
    1. Go to Verizon Wireless and log into My Verizon.  If you do not already have a My Verizon login and password select the “register” link.
    2. On the My Verizon landing page select either “My Contacts” from the account actions on  the right side of the page, or the “Contacts” button at the top of the page..
    3. Export the .csv file:
    a. Select the contacts that you want to export. If you want to export the entire list use "Select All".
    b. Select the "Export Contacts" function.
    c. Select the option to export contacts in "CV (Outlook)" format.
    4. Save the exported .csv file to your computer.
    5. Go to and log in. You will need to register for an account if you do not already have one.
    6. Select “Contacts” from the menu on the left side of the screen. Once on the contact page select “Import” in the upper right hand corner.
    7. Follow system prompts to import your .csv file.
    8. Activate your Android device.
    9. Sign into your Gmail account on your DROID. Contacts will sync automatically over the air.

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    Thank you,

    TinTopeka wrote:
    I am wondering about this as well....I didn't see anything posted here since Nov. Did anyone figure this out?  My son lost his phone....I suspended it...reconnected it with a different (my old) phone....and now can't get his contacts (we each had backup assistant) , only my contacts to show up on "his" phone.  I don't want him to have access to my numbers...but it appears to be the phone numbers that were stored in the phone when I used that phone. 
    You'll need to delete the Backup assistant app from the phone, and then reinstall it as a new copy with the phone activated with HIS number; then it will restore or sync back HIS contacts.  (If all goes as it shouls; as budone said earlier in this thread, Backup Assistant has been having problems for weeks, if not months, and it may not work as it should.
    Good luck!

  • Deleting backup assistant

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    LarissaLG wrote:
    I have had the same problem. Best Buy accidentally set my phone to my mom's number, Backup Assistant synced with her contacts, then I realized the problem. They were able to switch numbers but then my BA wouldn't work. I have all of my contacts from Google, but I'd still like to sync up with BA. Whenever I try, it tells me that either the PIN is wrong, my phone number has changed, or the PIN is for another account/MDN (or something like that.) This is very frustrating.. I can't figure out how to uninstall then reinstall BA or even reset it so I can back up the contacts I have now. Please help!!!!!
    Thanks for posting.  Have you tried logging onto Backup Assistant (BUA) from the website?  Have you tried setting up BUA on another phone?  If you have taken these measures already then please PM me your number and I will reset your pin using the resources I have.  Thanks.

  • Help with disabling Backup Assistant Plus

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    I would recommend you use Google android services for you device. I have used Google in almost all of my phones and with never a problem. Backup assistant plus is not as stable or as easy to use as Google. Just set up a Google account if you don't have one already (and I'm sure you do) .  Give it a try  
    Do a Google backup
      1. Sign in to your Google's device, online account and go to settings.
      2. Personal, Backup and reset, and select both Backup my data and Automatic restore.
      3. Go to Settings, Personal, Accounts & Sync, and select your Google account.
      4. Select all of the option boxes listed, to ensure that all available data is synced.
      5. Though the specific procedure may slightly vary between Android devices, the process is generally the same.

  • Backup Assistant Viewing of Contacts

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    Does it take a day or two to view them ONLINE? The contacts are all still on my phone.
    Thank you.

    Hi there, lgoctane! Yes, you're quite correct about Backup Assistant's display of contacts. It does take a bit more time for it to display. I want to make sure that this issue is resolved for you, so please advise if you have been able to see your contacts appear since you posted this to the Forum. Thanks!

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    One of the suggestions I found from Google was that perhaps one needed to disable backup assistant plus on the phone first before disabling it on My Verizon. Only problem there was that I couldn't find how to disable it on the phone.
    I've been putting up with this for nearly a year and I'm sick of it. Any help?

    We definitely want to resolve this syncing error for you! One year is a long time to be dealing with this trouble on your Droid RAZR.
    What is the exact error message you get? Have you tried to Master Reset your device to resolve? Which software version is running on your device?
    Follow us on twitter @VZWSupport

  • Kin ONEm: uploading contacts from backup assistant?

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    does anyone know how to upload contacts? I think now we have to do them all manually, which stinks. but I'd like to know if there is a way before I do all that work!

    Pammy wrote:
    I've been using Bitpim with my Voyager since I bought the phone 21 months ago.  It works well.  I like it because I can backup my calendar, memos,  and photos as well as my contacts.  I never tried backup assistant so not sure it can backup up everything with it, or just the contacts.  I've been searching to see if there's any talk of an update with BitPim for the Kin yet but haven't found anything.  I have to wait till Jan 7th to buy the Kin TwoM when my renewal is due, so haven't been able to try Bitpim with the Kin yet, but I doubt it will work until they update Bitpim.   I don't think it's a big deal if I have to manually update my contacts on the Kin, but It's a bummer if I can't transfer all of my calendar info to the Kin since I use the Calendar CONSTANTLY.   It's not a deterrant for me not to get the Kin though, because I really want the WIFI with no dataplan.  I find I use my Itouch with WiFi (no 3G) often to get onto the internet.
    I will try the Bitpim after going back home...hopefully it works...

  • Can I download Backup Assistant from my computer to my phone?

    My LG 8360 has lost its mind.  I am unable to download any app due to the phone automatically scrolling through contacts, calling people by itself, going through menues and beeping constantly.  I can't physically make a call manually.  I have followed instructions sent to me by Verizon to fix the problem, but it doesn't work.  I cannot download Backup Assistant from my phone due to these problems.  I cannot make calls.  I cannot receive calls.
    Is there any way I can send the app to my phone through Verizon's website?

    You can send the back up assistant application to your device; however, you will need to go through your device to purchase it. For more information check here - ->

  • How to sync more than phone numbers from Backup Assistant to LG Octane?

    On the LG Octane, I have been told that I can Import contacts from Outlook 2010.  Also I can edit and add contacts in Backup Assistant.  This I can do.  But when I sync the phone to Backup Assistant all that appears on the phone contacts list is the person's name and phone numbers.  The lines for address, email, etc are blank.  These items do not transfer from Backup Assistant.  What is wrong?

    Backup Assistant supports most address book fields; however, there are some address book fields and settings that may not be accessible.
    Supported Fields
    Mobile 1
    Email 1
    Mobile 2
    Email 2
    Unsupported Fields
    Text Messaging Ringtone
    Picture ID
    Speed Dial
    Voice Mail
    Some information may  not sync to the device because there may not be a specific address book field for the contact information.
    Sign in to the Back Up Assistant website and press the Sync button.

  • Backup Assistant seems to have deleted numbers from my phone

    I performed a backup with BA, and had 90 or so contacts on my phone and on the website.  Everything was fine for a few days, and I added two more contacts to my phone.  Then Monday I see my phone only has two numbers.  The two new ones. 
    The contacts are on the online BA, but I can't get them back on the phone.  I've tried the "Sync" button on the web site.  I've tried manually running BA on the phone 5 times (with an hour in between).
    What is going on?  How do I get the numbers back onto my phone?

    Does anyone else think this outage is lasting a bit too long? I lost my phone and figured it was no big deal because I used backup assistant. I simply bought a new phone. The sales guy at the verizon store said the system was down for a couple of hours and I could get my contacsts later that evening. I wouldn't have stayed with verizon if I new my contacts couldn't be retrieved. I had over 200 contacts. Who can I call to complain about this issue? Getting a stock response saying the system is down is not acceptable. I don't care if the info has to be mannually stripped from the servers and sent to our phones. arghhh.

  • Backup Assistant shows no contacts on website

    The Backup Assistant on my old Samsung Sway phone says it's working and has synced contacts as recently as today (when I did a 'Backup Now'). However, when I log in to the BA website, I get a blank contact list.
    I haven't tried the Sync button on website as I'm worried it will overwrite the contacts on my phone with the empty list from the web.
    How can I get at my backed up contacts?

    Hello stewarte,
    Thank you for reaching out to the community for assistance with transferring your contacts. May I ask did you get this issue resolved? If not then I hope that you still have your contacts in your Samsung Sway. There are two options on how to get the contacts successfully transferred to your new device. If you are still having an issue with the website then I recommend taking both devices to the store to have the contacts transferred without risking any data loss.
    Another option is to create a new account in Backup Assistant with the Samsung Sway activated. Once you have done so, try syncing your contacts to the website again. If they appear online then you are free to activate the new phone. If they do not appear on the website then the first suggestion is recommended as a solution. In either case, please reply back with your findings from the decision you made. Once your contacts have been successfully transferred to your new device then I can open a ticket to have the website issue resolved for you.
    Thank you...
    Follow us on Twitter @vzwsupport

  • Default "send from" address when sharing photos in Backup Assistant Plus

    Is there a way to change the default "send from" address when sharing photos in online storage from the Backup Assistant Plus app on the Bionic?  I have found the setting on the VZW website for e-mail address maintenance in Backup Assistant Plus, but the address I'm using on the site did not affect the setting on the phone.  This is not a huge issue, but under the current setting, the Bionic is using an address to which I no longer have access, so I'd like to update this address if it can be done.
    Currently running Ice Cream Sandwich, 6.7.246.
    Thank you.

    Found the answer - there is a second link for settings on the media management screen which controls the default sending e-mail address.

  • Backup Assistant Will Not upload contacts

    I have been unsuccessful uploading my phonebook contacts from my Samsung Galaxy to my online account.  The Samsung app indicates "successful completion".  When I look at my contacts online, there are zero contacts.  What steps should I follow to troubleshoot?

    The best advise I have for you on this is to save all of your contacts to google as Google Contacts if you want something that will automatically back up your contacts real time as in right when you add it to your phone, and if you want it to add ALL contacts and to add them accurately.
    If you do not want to add your contacts automatically, immediately, and accurately, then Backup Assistant is a good choice for this.  I have never been able to get BA to work accurately or consistently since it came out many years ago

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