Bad screen tearing on Netflix/Silverlight?

Hello, I have a MacBook Pro 2.66 with the NVidio 330M card.
I've been trying to address this in any way I could find, but to no avail. I even downloaded the CUVA from NVidia. No good.
On fas panning on any movie, the screen tears.
I'm running 10.7 (but it used to happen on my other MacBook on 10.5). Everything is up to date.
Any solution? Input?

Head_on_a_Stick wrote:
The options are outlined in the intel man page ("man intel"); the file in Arch will be /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf:
Section "Device"
Identifier "Intel Graphics"
Driver "Intel"
Option "TearFree" "True"
This is described in the wiki here...
Thanks for the speed response!
Unforutnatley i don't have the '20-intel.conf' file?
I only have these:
[stephen@Archey ~]$ cd /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/
[stephen@Archey xorg.conf.d]$ ls
10-evdev.conf 10-quirks.conf 50-synaptics.conf
Any ideas?

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    Where to buy the card.
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    The card is an MXM style card (generally used in laptops), with a giant heat sink and heat pipe assembly. The card can be separated from the heat assembly. If I had time, I would have tried a generic, cheaper, MXM style card.
    Dispelling some myths.
    People here and elsewhere have said that no Intel iMac graphics card can be replaced, that they're wedded to the logic board. The one on this model can be replaced, I've done it. Also, some have said you can't put a 256MB, 7600 GT in a machine that originally had a 128MB, 7300 GT. Also, not true. That's what I did to my machine and it is working fine.
    So here's the step-by-step on my take apart and replacement. This is just one user helping out others, PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK. This takes about 1 1/2 hours to take apart and 2 to put back together.
    1) Install the iStat widget and monitor the temperatures for a few days and record the temperatures (to be able to verify that you've completed the repair correctly later)
    2) Make a complete backup of any internal drives and make sure the backup will be bootable (use Carbon Copy Cloner)
    3) Use static safeguards, like an anti-static wrist strap.
    4) Get a pen a stack of paper envelopes to separate and label the pieces you remove.
    5) You'll need a #2 Phillips and #6, 8, 10 Torx. Most of the screws at T-8. There are 8 T-8s holding in the LCD. They are about 1 1/4" down. You'll need a long, skinny T-8 to get to them.
    6) Unplug the machine and place it on it's back on a large white sheet of paper.
    7) Remove RAM door, #2 Phillips x 2.
    8) Remove RAM.
    9) Remove 4 T-8s along bottom.
    10) Remove large rectangular plastic bezel surrounding the whole machine, tilt up being careful not to stress iSight cables. You'll need to stretch it around the RAM ejection tabs.
    11) Detach two iSight cables.
    12) Peel up black stickers at lower corners of speakers.
    13) Remove LCD screws, T-8 x 8. You'll probably drop a few, they're pretty easy to retrieve.
    14) Remove two retaining screws on right hand LCD cable. T-6 x2 Unplug cable.
    15) Remove LCD inverter cable, left.
    Start unplugging everything connected to the logic board.
    16) Unplug cable coming from right speaker. Note cable routing, it is the only one that's a little tricky. Also, note that the left one plugs in on the right and the right one plugs in on the left.
    17) Remove right speaker. T-10 Note: left and right speaker screws are different lengths.
    18) Unplug ODD blower cable.
    19) Unplug ODD temp cable and lift up tape.
    20) Unplug HDD blower cable.
    21) Unplug the HDD temp cable.
    22) Unplug the camera & mic cable.
    23) Unscrew the clamp securing the airport card (has two antenna cables going to it, labeled PCIE), T-6 x 2
    24) Unplug SATA cable.
    25) Unplug Power cable, thick black plastic harness, socket.
    26) Unplug ambient temp cable.
    27) Unscrew the bluetooth card, T-6 x2.
    28) Unplug CPU blower cable.
    29) Unplug power button cable, 2 conductor, tiny cable, bottom left.
    30) Unscrew left speaker, T-10, unplug from logic board, but just leave dangling, no need to remove cable completely.
    31) Remove logic board screws. Be careful to segregate them, they have different lengths and different thread pitches and thread types. Some are machine threads going into metal, some are coarse threads going into plastic.
    31a) Heat sink frame to case T-8 x 2
    31b) Logic board to case T-8 x 3
    31c) Screws at heat sink from arrows T-8 x 3
    31d) Logic board at bottom near RAM slot T-8 x 2
    32) Unplug ODD ribbon cable, be extremely careful. Release plastic tabs on each side to remove. Be sure it is fully and evenly seated when you put it back later.
    33) Remove logic board with attached graphics card.
    34) Unplug graphics card heat sink sensor cable at logic board end.
    35) Remove graphics card screws 2 x T-6
    36) Remove single screw from small L-bracket on heat sink 1 x T-6
    Replace graphics card.
    Reverse steps, put everything back together. Be careful not to pinch any cables when you put the logic board back in. When you put the LCD back in, if you can't get the screws to stick to the driver, use some glue stick from your kid's art supplies.
    Test everything. You've disconnected every cable in the system.
    I torture tested the machine with a space heater on it, 5 different videos of different formats playing at the same time. No problems.
    I took a lot of pictures inside the machine. As soon as I figure out a good place to post them, I'll try to add a link here.
    Good luck

    I know this is in response to your post from over 2 years ago, but I was searching on Apple's site for the max RAM I can upgrade our refurbed iMac too and it brought up this post.
    Oddly enough, I've been experiencing the same screen issues and locking up on our iMac as well. I was concerned it was a bad memory module, but now I'm thinking it's the same issue you found.
    Because I bought this some 2+ years ago refurbed from Apple, I'm not surprised that could be the actual problem.
    I've pulled this thing apart once to replace the hard-drive which crashed about a year ago, so I'm not totally new at opening it up, but this process you mention sounds pretty intense...just wanted to get your second take on it based on what I've done thus far.
    Thanks again for posting was an eye-opener as to what might actually be causing our issues with our trusted Mac!

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    leroydouglas wrote:
    Take in for a free assessment:
    Genius reservation
    check warranty
    Thanks. If I can't figure it out on my own, or with the help from this forum, I will do as you suggested.
    To be honest, it's not affecting me that bad right now (I'm not doing a lot of gaming), but it bothers me that my superior retina screen is exhibiting tearing, but my old HP monitor is not.

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    There seems to be little to no stuttering for me now, but I'm not sure what changed. I cleared the Sliverlight application storage for Netflix, and that seems to be the last thing I did before it stopped stuttering, but I cannot confirm that nothing else changed on my computer. Here's what I did:
    Open up a movie or tv show on netflix, and control click or right click anywhere in the window and click Silverlight Preferences.
    Go to the Application Storage tab and delete the application storage for Netflix. For good measure you might want to log out and log back in to make sure that Sliverlight doesn't keep anything cached. Just a heads up: after doing this the volume for the Netflix player will go back to 100%. 

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    I was having the same problem - I think I remember figuring it out. It was because I had set windows to display everything at a zoomed level - you do this in Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Display. Set it back to 100% and the tearing problem should disappear.
    I think it's likely due to a subpar graphics card driver.

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    If the graphics card firmware does not have resolution support needed for a particular monitor, it won't show as an option.
    You can create new, custom resolutions using SwitchResX;
    I've seen screen shots online where users have the option to choose 1080i or 1080p. This would be ideal!
    The difference between 1080p vs 1080i is not something to worry about.

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    Doesn't sound good... You have 90 days free phone support and a one year warranty on your Mac Mini.
    I would Contact Apple Support or the Apple Store where you made the purchased and have it checked out.
    Additionally you might wat to get AppleCare, which extends the phone support and warranty to three full years.

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    ..hi, Diesel.
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  • Screen Tearing in games

    Sorry in advance for the awkward setup I suppose. I use arch and and xmonad with an nvidia GPU and the official NVidia drivers. I want to do more of my gaming in Linux, but right now whenever I launch a game (mainly from Steam) I get pretty severe and constant screen tearing.
    The main game I'm testing with is Crusader Kings 2. I am mainly running it in windowed mode - fullscreen mode seems to sometimes just show me a black screen.
    I have gone into the Nvidia settings and made sure that the display I'm playing on is the primary display. I'm not sure what next steps to take.

    brebs wrote:
    filk wrote:a tear that slowly moved from top to bottom of my screen
    Have you tried e.g. ExactModeTimingsDVI
    I tried it just now, and it didn't help. This did tip me off to the xorg.conf file, and now I believe I may know the problem.
    I have two monitors hooked up, that "nvidia-settings -q RefreshRate" reports as 59.89Hz and 59.95Hz. From what I can find online, Nvidia is treating these both as one big virtual screen (a hack) so that displays can be changed without restarting X, and assigning the virtual VSync rate of 60Hz, which causes the slowly moving screen tear.
    I'm not clear how to fix this. I would by happy if the whole virtual screen was synced to the refresh rate of the primary monitor, because I don't care if the second tears. I would also be [maybe even more] happy to have each display set as a separate X screen and require an X restart on switch (this seems like an odd limitation, are there any plans to fix this in Wayland or the Canonical alternative?), if that would fix the problem and allow nvidia-settings to detect the correct refresh rate. What's my best bet for defeating that tear?

  • Badi / Screen Exit for ME51N

    Hi Folks,
    My requirement is to add a standard field in the existing tab . Is there any BAdi / Screen Exit provided for tcode ME51n. I have checked the provided Exits and BAdi's but all of them are to add a new tab. But in my case I want to add a field in the existing tab.
    Kindly let me know the possibilities.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Soma,
    As i know it is not possible  . Better to add a new tab and add fields there.

  • Firefox version 22 screen tearing issue with video

    So I've updated to Firefox 22 and have recently started noticing this really annoying screen tearing issue when scrolling. its only when i use Firefox sometimes it happens when I'm watching videos sometimes it just happens on normal every day pages. I've tried to duplicate this issue in other browsers (Chrome) and it just only seems to happen with Firefox. anyone else experienced this and knows how to stop it? kinda annoying

    '''Try Firefox Safe Mode''' to see if the problem goes away. Safe Mode is a troubleshooting mode, which disables most add-ons.
    ''(If you're not using it, switch to the Default theme.)''
    * You can open Firefox 4.0+ in Safe Mode by holding the '''Shift''' key when you open the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * Or open the Help menu and click on the '''Restart with Add-ons Disabled...''' menu item while Firefox is running.
    ''Once you get the pop-up, just select "'Start in Safe Mode"''
    '''''If the issue is not present in Firefox Safe Mode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one. Please follow the [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] article for that.
    ''To exit the Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before opening Firefox for normal use again.''
    ''When you figure out what's causing your issues, please let us know. It might help other users who have the same problem.''
    Thank you.

  • Badi Screen Enhancement

    Hi Experts,
             I got stuck in BADI please help me out.
            In QA11
               there is a sub screen which can be called by a BADI
           the following is the piece of code which calls the BADI
    Now my problem is the statement   CALL SUBSCREEN BADI_SUBSCR_1101.
    Is net getting executed
    I understood that this is a screen enhancement which can be done thru BADI
    for this I had created an Implementation by using the relevant BADI definition
    and also had activated the Implementation and had kept some break-points in the available methods
    but the prog flow is not getting into the point where I had kept break-point. seems the badi I had implemented is not getting executed at all
    Actually before reaching this point the prog is checking of the available implementations for this QA11 and in that list the implementation I had activated is available(from debugging I had ensured this) but still the statement  CALL SUBSCREEN BADI_SUBSCR_1101. Is not getting executed,,
    Is anything I am missing to make a BADI into existence??please help me experts,,if you feel I have to give more elaborately,,i will do the same
    BAdI Subscreen
              CALL SUBSCREEN BADI_SUBSCR_1101.
         thanks in advance

    hi Ashok,
    thanks for your imm response
    I guess you are refering to the subscreens assignment in the implementation
    As of now i had done these assignments
    calling prg           scr no           subscreenarea                               description
    SAPMQEVA     1101     BADI_SUBSCR_1101                   BAdI-Subscreen
    does the calling prg refers to the prg from which i require the BADI screen to be called or does it refers to something else?/
    can u clarify?
    And please if it is not an Issue to you can you plz share ur mobi number
    thankz in advance

  • Screen Tearing With Radeon HD 6950

    I am having problems watching DVDs. Every DVD I try to watch has a LOT of screen tearing.
    I have tried mplayer, VLC, xine, and totem with the same results for all of them. Currenty, I am using the catalyst drivers supplied by AMD. Enabling v-sync and tear free desktop in the catalyst control center causes the tearing to stop, but then I only get about 10 to 15 frames of video a second. Finally, I installed xvba and tried to use vaapi, but the colors are extremely distorted (the image is either all green or all purple).
    Has anyone encountered this problem? Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong so I can watch a DVD in arch linux and not boot in Windows?

    Just use OpenGL as the video output driver. I use "mplayer -vo gl". For me this fixes all tearing in videos and it doesn't seem to skip any frames.

  • Vsync Screen Tearing / Scan Line Issue?

    This is something I noticed on my iMac after updating to Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. I noticed a horizontal break in the screen when I was doing any kind of graphic intensive operation. Anything from scrolling up and down on a web page in Safari, to switching screens in Spaces, to bring up my Dashboard or switching users with FUS. By opening a new movie recording in Quicktime X and simply moving the video around, you can clearly see this break is not a random screen tear, but actually some sort of scan line moving from top to bottom in my monitor. I've never seen this prior to Snow Leopard, but I suppose it is possible this is a hardware issue, rather than a software or driver issue. Can anyone else duplicate this on Snow Leopard? I am on a 2007 2.8 Core 2 Extreme iMac with RadeonHD2600 graphics.
    I made a video of the issue and posted to youtube if you want to see what I am talking about.
    Message was edited by: Danny Z

    I also get this issue in Snow Leopard when connecting my iMac up to a TV via the apply video adaptor. I didn't get this with Leopard and I don't get this on my iMac display.
    I've been through all the video settings I can find (frame rates, display sizes, etc) and each one still has the issue. SL has changed the system preferences for external video so I guess something else may have also changed.

Maybe you are looking for

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