Bad screwup = error message

I have a Snow G3 that used to run both 0S 9 and OS 10. I was trying to install just OS 10.3 on there, so I (stupidly) downloaded the discs from a torrent site. Well, it screwed up my computer pretty bad. Every time I boot up, I just get an error message. I've tried holding Command and X but that doesn't work. Holding Shift from start up doesn't help either. Since then, I've bought the actual discs from an eBay retailer. But I still can't get it to work. If I hold C, it just ends up ejecting the disc. What do I need to do?

Not sure what is causing the problem. You should try resetting the PRAM.
If that does not help, please post back.

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    I've written a vi (& built an executable) to run either continuously grab or snap images from a PCI 1424. The machine with the card in isn't the development machine an dis running imaq 2.1 with a very simple imaq configuration utility. This can be used to grab images.
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    Having matching versions of IMAQ on both computers can be very helpful. I think it will solve your problem. You should be able to uninstall IMAQ and reinstall the old version if there are more problems.
    I would also advise uninstalling the old IMAQ before installing the new version.
    Bruce Ammons
    Ammons Engineering

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    Try doing a clean uninstall of the BlackBerry Desktop Software. Then reinstall it in an admin account on the PC.
    Thank you
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.
    Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • PSE 8 Organizer 'Bad Image' Error Message

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    Here is an update and a workaround.  I hope it's helpful to others as well.
    After receiving lots of views, but not receiving any suggestions, I decided to uninstall PSE 8, but kept getting an ERROR 1316 message.  After additional searching I found MicrosoftFixIt, a free download that enabled me to uninstall PSE 8 and Premier Elements 8, where I had encountered the identical amtlib.dll BAD IMAGE error message described in my initial post.
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    Case CLOSED

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    Russell Allen Frazier.
    I seem to be having the same problem from
    How did you finally fix the problem?
    Thanks. Steve
    I have downloaded Oracle 9i personal on three
    different occasions. Each time I try to unzip the
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    bad CRC afee1254 (should be 69211505)
    bad CRC 3db37956 (should be ab31fe4f)
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    bad CRC 90f06ac6 (should be 04e9d1db)
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    bad CRC f50c1f20 (should be 64ee4117)
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    hi Sandy!
    With regard to the prompt to upgrade QuickTime, I could be wrong about that, but I am almost sure that I got one of those standard "A New Version of ...... is available. Would you like to download it now?"
    Okay ... sorry about that. i might well be wrong about it being unusual. i think i downloaded my 7.1 before i ever actually ran QuickTime on its own. (i was troubleshooting an itunes video sound problem i was having.) the rest of the time, i tend to get my new QTs when a new version of itunes shows up. so i guess i always upgrade before QT ever says to me that there's a new version available.
    anyhoo, if you've got a standard QT 7.1 in there, we should start by doing a careful standalone QT 7.1 reinstall.
    download and save a copy of the QT 7.1 standalone installer to your hard drive. (we'll run the install from there rather than online.) switch off antivirus and antispyware applications prior to the install.
    Quicktime 7.1 Standalone Installer
    if that install goes through okay, does your itunes launch properly again?
    (if you get an error message on the QT standalone reinstall, let us know what it says. include error message numbers if you're getting any.)
    love, b

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    Hi GMJ47,
    How is the pdf created? Many a times due to bad pdf structure this error comes up.
    You might want to check the doc:

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    Thanks so much,

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    I use Windows 7.

    Cheers! That worked!
    First it told me I had a newer version of MSVC 2010. So I removed it, installed it again, rebooted my computer, and after that installed CS6 and now it works. Thank you very much!


    I use a Dell Inspiron laptop with Vista OS. For no apparent reason that I can determine, when I try to open DTM v6.0.2.44, I get the following error message, "Rim.Desktop.exe - Bad Image". After closing this error message, a second error comes up, "Rim.Desktop.Autoupdate.exe - Bad Image" .And after closing the latter, a 3rd error message comes up, "Rim.Transcoder.exe - Bad Image". Finally, I get a repeat of "Rim.Desktop.Autoupdate.exe - Bad Image" and although it takes several tries to get rid of this error message, once I do, the DTM appears to work fine with Syncing and backing up my data. All other software works perfectly and without any error messages. Any ideas?

    Try doing a clean uninstall of the BlackBerry Desktop Software. Then reinstall it in an admin account on the PC.
    Thank you
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    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.
    Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • AcroRd32.exe - Bad Image error message

    Suddenly I am getting this error message:  C:\\Windows\system32\ATMLB./dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator or the software  vendor for support.
    I am Windows 7 64 bit.  Acrobat XI Pro from the Cloud.  It has been working fine.  I can open some, but it crashes others.  It seems to crash on some fillable forms that I've made.
    I uninstalled Adobe Reader XI, but hasn't made a difference.
    I am not a techie so a simple solution, is better.
    Should I uninstall and reinstall? 
    Thanks for your help.

    I was able to fix this, and I posted about it on another forum post here.
    I had this issue ("Bad Image: C:\Windows\system32\ATMLIB.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error") with Adobe Reader X (10.1.12). I tried repairing, and then tried uninstalling and upgrading to Adobe Reader XI (11.0.9), but still had the same trouble. I compared the atmlib.dll files in both directories and noticed that the file in C:\Windows\SysWOW64 did not appear to have any file meta data (giving the appearance that it was corrupted), whereas the file in C:\Windows\system32 reflected a file version and product version "5.1 Build 238". Now, it appears based on being installed to "C:\Program Files (x86)" that the version of Adobe Reader I was using was 32-bit. So, this tells me that while the error references the C:\Windows\system32 file path, it is likely actually the file in C:\Windows\SysWOW64 that is the problem (Windows-on-Windows emulation for 32-bit applications, 32-bit libraries actually reside in C:\Windows\SysWOW64, not C:\Windows\system32). I found the same file in C:\Windows\SysWOW64 with the same product and file version on another 64-bit Windows 7 workstation, and simply copied it to C:\Windows\SysWOW64 on the affected workstation, and that resolved the issue.
    NOTE: To overwrite the file, I had to change file ownership to Administrators security group, otherwise it was immutable.

  • BADI mb_migo_badi error message

    I've added my custom field in the structure GOITEM called ZZGROES.In the method Line/Item change in my implementation of BADI MB_MIGO_BADI my field takes value from MARA for current material number. I've added the field on the screen '0200' in SAPLMIGO also. When I start transaction MIGO I choose material number and the system returns me an error message: BADI: You are not allowed to change the field content of field GOITEM-ZZGROES.
    How can I do that ? I would like to display the size of material together with material description.
    Best regards,


  • "Acrobat.exe- Bad Image" error message, Can't open anything with Acrobat

    I have Acrobat Pro 9.0
    OS Windows 7
    Just started having this error problem show up within the past couple weeks.
    Every time I try to open a document the browser freezes up for a few minutes (and I've tried on two different browsers), wont load the page, then I get this message:
    Acrobat.exe - Bad Image
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\ Acrobat\BIB.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error.
    I have had this program for several months and never had an issue.
    Haven't changed anything I can think of...
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
    I also tried just opening the program directly and got the same message.

    My Acrobat 9 Pro freezes constantly. Seeing a pdf inside mutiple browser is not possible. Most of the time Acrobat 9 Pro and Acrobat Reader X starts within 5 min! As soon as I do anything, the top bar that shows "File", "Edit" etc. dissapears and averything freezes! Security software with possible firewalls I've uninstalled. Un- and re-installing Acrobat doesn't change anything. I'm using MS Windows XP, running Adobe CS4. Making any pdf's is no problem. I just can't see them. I can open a pdf inside Illustrator but that goes page by page. Any help?

  • [SOLVED] Bad superblock error message when partitioning in GPT

    Greetings- I'm trying to install arch on this old 500 GB drive using gpt, and when I get to the third partition table and try to write it to ext4 I get "warning, had trouble writing out superlocks"
    I did a little searching around google and from what I gathered you can correct bad superblocks if you have a running system, but since this drive is empty.... Do I have any solutions or do I have a brick? Just curious. Like I said its an old drive I didn't even know I had. 500 GB though it'd be a shame to trash it.
    Last edited by w201 (2013-02-28 06:10:16)

    I don't recommend using badblocks on a disk that's failing SMART tests. Frequently, bad blocks accumulate over time, so if you've got (say) 100 bad blocks today, you might have 159 bad blocks tomorrow, and then the disk will stop working entirely a week later. It's just not worth the risk to your data to try to eek out a little more life from the disk. An exception might be for some test purpose, like doing a test installation of a new OS -- but even then, I'm not sure it's worth the effort of using badblocks before the installation. IMHO, it's better to use a virtual machine for such a test installation, assuming you've got sufficient disk space.

Maybe you are looking for

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