BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST and BAPI_ACC_EMPLOYEE_EXP_POST, in order to post (F-02) some expenses note.
In all cases, I don't really know how to fill the DOCUMENTHEADER-OBJ_TYPE : 'BBKPF' ?
And I ve always the same error message : "FI/CO interface: Line item entered several times
Can someone help me, please ?

Hello Erwan,
You don't like this Bapi ...  I give you a code I have wrote .. maybe that will help you.
(I use this BAPI for trans. FB50)
*   Programme Z_FI_BAPI_FB50.                                          *
*   Program creation of G/L account document.                          *
*   This program make a simulation of the transaction code FB50.       *
report z_fi_bapi_fb50
       no standard page heading
       line-size 80
       line-count 50.
*-------------------------------- DATA --------------------------------*
data : begin of itab_data occurs 500,
         hkont(10)  type c,                 " Compte
         kostl(10)  type c,                 " C.Coût
         posid(24)  type c,                 " Element d'OTP
         aufnr(12)  type c,                 " Ordre
         dmbtr(13)  type c,                 " Montant
         text(50)   type c,                 "texte
       end of itab_data.
data : struct_header type standard table of bapiache08
                     with header line ,
       itab_accountgl type standard table of bapiacgl08
                      with header line ,
       itab_return    type standard table of bapiret2
                      with header line ,
       itab_currency  type standard table of bapiaccr08
                      with header line ,
       itab_extension type standard table of bapiextc
                      with header line .
data : v_obj_type like bapiache02-obj_type,
       v_obj_key  like bapiache02-obj_key,
       v_obj_sys  like bapiache02-obj_sys,
data:  object like nriv-object value 'RF_BELEG'.
*-------------------------- SELECTION SCREEN --------------------------*
selection-screen begin of block b2 with frame title text-002.
parameters : p_bukrs like bkpf-bukrs
                     default '1614',
             p_gjahr like bkpf-gjahr
                     default sy-datum(04),
             p_date  like sy-datum
                     default sy-datum,
             p_waers like bkpf-waers
                     default 'EUR',
             p_bktxt like bkpf-bktxt
                     obligatory ,
             p_file  like ibipparms-path
                     obligatory .
selection-screen end of block b2.
selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
parameters : p_blart1 radiobutton group 01,  "SB
             p_blart2 radiobutton group 01.  "OD
selection-screen end of block b1.
*------------------------------- EVENTS -------------------------------*
at selection-screen on value-request for p_file.
  call function 'F4_FILENAME'
            file_name = p_file.
*-------------------------------- MAIN --------------------------------*
* Read data from the Excel file.
  perform p_read_file.
* Append data for the BAPI.
  perform p_append_data.
* Create the line of account document.
  perform p_create.
*   Form P_READ_FILE.                                                  *
*   Reading the content of the file.                                   *
*   Structure of the file.                                             *
*   Column :                                                           *
*    -> General ledger account                                         *
*    -> Cost center                                                    *
*    -> WBS element                                                    *
*    -> Order number                                                   *
*    -> Amount                                                         *
*    -> Document header text                                           *
form p_read_file.
  data : itab_file  like alsmex_tabline occurs 100 with header line ,
         v_flag_row type kcd_ex_row_n ,
         v_count(6) type n .
* Function to read the Microsoft Excel file.
            filename                = p_file
            i_begin_col             = '1'
            i_begin_row             = '2'
            i_end_col               = '06'
            i_end_row               = '1000'
            intern                  = itab_file
            inconsistent_parameters = 1
            upload_ole              = 2
            others                  = 3.
  if sy-subrc ne space.
* Transfer data from ITAB_FILE to ITAB_DATA.
  loop at itab_file.
    if v_flag_row ne itab_file-row.
      append itab_data.
      clear  itab_data.
      move   itab_file-row to v_flag_row.
    case itab_file-col.
      when '0001'.
        move itab_file-value to itab_data-hkont.
      when '0002'.
        move itab_file-value to itab_data-kostl.
      when '0003'.
        move itab_file-value to itab_data-posid.
      when '0004'.
        move itab_file-value to itab_data-aufnr.
      when '0005'.
        condense itab_file-value no-gaps.
        replace ',' with '.' into itab_file-value.
        move itab_file-value to itab_data-dmbtr.
      when '0006'.
        move itab_file-value to itab_data-text.
* Record the last row.
  append itab_data.
  clear  itab_data.
* Detele the empty row.
  delete itab_data where hkont eq space.
* Check there is something to do.
  describe table itab_data lines v_count.
  if v_count eq space.
    write : /1 ''.
endform.                     " P_READ_FILE.
*   Form P_APPEND_DATA.                                                *
*   Append data for the BAPI.                                          *
form p_append_data.
  data : v_logsys  type logsys ,
         v_kostl   type kostl ,
         v_posid   type ps_posid ,
         v_aufnr   type aufnr ,
         v_blart   type blart ,
         v_count   type posnr_acc ,
         v_numkr   type nrnr ,
         v_nrlevel type nrlevel ,
         v_belnr   type belnr_d .
* Get the logical system number.
  select single logsys
         into v_logsys
         from t000
         where mandt eq sy-mandt.
* Get the document type.
  if p_blart1 ne space.
    move 'SB' to v_blart.
    move 'AB' to v_blart.
* Find the next free number.
  select single numkr
         into v_numkr
         from t003
         where blart eq v_blart.
  select single nrlevel
         into v_nrlevel
         from nriv
         where object    eq object
         and   subobject eq p_bukrs
         and   nrrangenr eq v_numkr
         and   toyear    eq p_gjahr.
  v_nrlevel = v_nrlevel + 1.
  move v_nrlevel+10(10) to v_belnr.
* Append the header.
  move :
*         'BKPFF'  to struct_header-obj_type ,
*         v_logsys to struct_header-obj_sys ,
         sy-uname to struct_header-username ,
         p_bukrs  to struct_header-comp_code ,
         v_blart  to struct_header-doc_type ,
*         v_belnr  to struct_header-obj_key+00(10) ,
*         p_bukrs  to struct_header-obj_key+10(04) ,
*         p_gjahr  to struct_header-obj_key+14(04) ,
         p_date   to struct_header-doc_date ,
         p_date   to struct_header-pstng_date ,
         p_bktxt  to struct_header-header_txt .
* Append the post.
  loop at itab_data.
    v_count = v_count + 1.
    clear itab_accountgl.
    move : v_count         to itab_accountgl-itemno_acc ,
           itab_data-hkont to itab_accountgl-gl_account ,
           '00'            to v_kostl+00(02) ,
           itab_data-kostl to v_kostl+02(08) ,
           v_kostl         to itab_accountgl-costcenter ,
           itab_data-posid to v_posid ,
           v_posid         to itab_accountgl-wbs_element ,
           itab_data-aufnr to v_aufnr ,
           v_aufnr         to itab_accountgl-orderid ,
           itab_data-text  to itab_accountgl-item_text .
    if itab_accountgl-costcenter eq '00'.
      clear itab_accountgl-costcenter.
    append itab_accountgl.
*   Montant du poste
    move : v_count         to itab_currency-itemno_acc,
           p_waers         to itab_currency-currency  ,
           itab_data-dmbtr to v_amount ,
           v_amount        to itab_currency-amt_doccur .
    append itab_currency.
endform.                     " P_APPEND_DATA.
*  Form P_CREATE.                                                      *
*   Create of G/L account document.                                    *
form p_create.
  data : v_type    like itab_return-type ,
         v_nrlevel like nriv-nrlevel .
* Call the BAPI function
  call function 'BAPI_ACC_GL_POSTING_POST'
            documentheader = struct_header
            obj_type       = v_obj_type
            obj_key        = v_obj_key
            obj_sys        = v_obj_sys
            accountgl      = itab_accountgl
            currencyamount = itab_currency
            return         = itab_return.
  if sy-subrc eq space.
    commit work and wait.
    if sy-subrc ne space.
      clear itab_return.
      move : 'E'   to itab_return-type,
             'S&'  to itab_return-id,
             '150' to itab_return-number ,
             'ERROR !!'
                   to itab_return-message.
      append itab_return.
      delete itab_return
             where number = '605'.
* Edit the result of the BAPI.
  loop at itab_return.
    perform p_message_return using itab_return.
    skip 1.
* It the document is create, edit the number.
  read table itab_return
       with key number = '605'.
  if sy-subrc eq space.
    skip 1.
    write : /1 text-003 ,
    set parameter id 'BLN' field itab_return-message_v2+0(10).
endform.                     " P_CREATE
*   Form P_MESSAGE_RETURN.                                             *
*   Edit the return message.                                           *
form p_message_return
     using struct_return structure bapiret2.
* Color depends of the error type.
  case struct_return-type.
    when 'A'.
      format color 6.
      write : /1  'Termination !' ,
               20 'Classe de message :',
                  struct_return-id ,
               45 'Numéro :' ,
                  struct_return-number ,
              /1  '' ,
              /1  struct_return-message.
      format color off.
    when 'E'.
      format color 6.
      write : /1  'Error !      ' ,
               20 'Classe de message :',
                  struct_return-id ,
               45 'Numéro :' ,
                  struct_return-number ,
              /1  '' ,
              /1  struct_return-message.
      format color off.
    when 'I'.
      format color 5.
      write : /1  'Information. ' ,
               20 'Classe de message :',
                  struct_return-id ,
               45 'Numéro :' ,
                  struct_return-number ,
              /1  '' ,
              /1  struct_return-message.
      format color off.
    when 'S'.
      format color 4.
      write : /1  'Status.      ' ,
               20 'Classe de message :',
                  struct_return-id ,
               45 'Numéro :' ,
                  struct_return-number ,
              /1  '' ,
              /1  struct_return-message.
      format color off.
    when 'W'.
      format color 3.
      write : /1  'Warning !    ' ,
               20 'Classe de message :',
                  struct_return-id ,
               45 'Numéro :' ,
                  struct_return-number ,
              /1  '' ,
              /1  struct_return-message.
      format color off.
    when 'X'.
      format color 6.
      write : /1  'Short dump !!' ,
               20 'Classe de message :',
                  struct_return-id ,
               45 'Numéro :' ,
                  struct_return-number ,
              /1  '' ,
              /1  struct_return-message.
      format color off.
endform.                     " P_MESSAGE_RETURN

Similar Messages


    I have  BAPI_ACC_***_RETIREMENT_CHECK  to Post and I need test run on that before post it.
    I mean that i have to check controls totals each asset number which i have post that.
    Is there any standard BAPI or Program which will give control totals of asset and the same
    totals it is going to post.'

    You can try :

  • How to use / fill BAPI_ACC_***_TRANSFER_POST

    Good afternoon!!!
    I'm needing to make the transfer inside in the company, but I didn't get to use the BAPI_ACC_***_TRANSFER POST to do it. I tried to make SHDB, but there are many possibilities, then I will not can SHDB to do it. Someone could to help me to use the BAPI_ACC_***_TRANSFER_POST to make the transfer's document of the ABUMN transaction?
    Renato Motta

    please check BAPI: ABUMN .

  • Issue with BAPI_ACC_***_TRANSFER_POST (when trying to execute as per ABT1N)

    Hello experts,
    For this thread, please check the following link:
    [Issue with BAPI_ACC_***_TRANSFER_POST (when trying to execute as per ABT1N);
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Experts,
    The question has been answered as per the following "link":
    [Issue with BAPI_ACC_***_TRANSFER_POST (when trying to execute as per ABT1N);


    hi all,,,
            i am using BAPI_ACC_ DOCUMENT_POST for Gl Upload,, i need to know the bapi works functionally,, also need to know abt net debit/credit balances .. whether the bapi itself takes care this part (or) we need to code for Balancing ..
    thanking in advance..

    thanks nagesh
    i had rewarded points to u ,, i need a small clarifications , i need to handle line items, if more than 950 line items , iam posting as another document ,, how to balance the document (i.e.) debit and credit ..
    thanking in advance..

  • How to use BAPI 'BAPI_ACC_***_TRANS_ACQ_POST'

    Hello Experts,
    Has anyone used the said BAPI to post intercompany transfer of assets?
    Is yes, then please provide me an example of what values to put in the BAPI.
    Hope you can help me guys. Thank you and take care!

    This BAPI is designed for internal use only for Relase 4.5A. It is used when transferring an asset, if the asset to be transferred is in a different system/client. The "AcqPost" method is used to post an acquisition from a transfer within Asset Accounting. The document resulting from this transaction then triggers the update in Accounting. The following parameters are only relevant if the asset for the acquisition posting has to be created. TRANSMASTERRECDATA TRANSALLOCATIONDATA TRANSINSURANCEDATA
    check this [link|]

  • BAPI_ACC_***_TRANSFER_CHECK Bapi input parameters

    DId any one used this BAPI for multiple asset transfer? If yes please let me know the input parameters for this BAPI.
    I couldn't find the documentation for this BAPI, please let me know where I can find this?
    Thanks in Advance.
    Best Regards,

    fill table TRANSRETIREMENTDATA for the asset which retired and table TRANSACQUISITIONDATA for the assets which receive the asset.
    Fill fields comp_code, ASSETMAINO, ASSETSUBNO, VALUEDATE,
    Hope it helps.
    Hiren K.Chitalia

  • BAPI for T-Code: ABT1N

    Hi Experts,
    I would like to check if we have any Standard BAPI available for Transaction ABT1N (InterCompany Asset Transfer).
    Suresh Ganti

    Have you looked at FM AMDP_BAPI_CALL_ON_TRANSFER
    This FM call
    AMSS_BAPI_STRUCTURES_GET (for german?)
    Not sure, but maybe this will help you.

  • BAPI for transfer between Co Codes

    Hi everyone,
    There are two defferent transactions for asset transfers ABUMN Transfer Within CoCode and ABT1N Intercompany Asset Transfer. Do you know if there are different BAPI are used also? If yes, could you tell me which ones?
    I found out following BAPIs:
    Is it correct?
    What's the difference between BAPI_ACC_***_INTRA_TRANS_CHECK and BAPI_ACC_***_TRANSFER_CHECK?
    Thanks in advance,

    please check below links
    What are the BAPI function modules that exist in sap for SD and MM modules
    ABT1N - intercompany BDC  or BAPI

  • BAPI for Infotype

    Hello Experts,
       I am in need for standard BAPIs for the following info types. If it is not available please help me with some way.
    &#61656;     0002 (Personal Data)
    &#61656;     0006 (Addresses)
    &#61656;     0009 (Bank details)
    &#61656;     0021 (Family member/dependents)
    &#61656;     0023 (Other/Previous employers)
    &#61656;     0028 (Internal medical service) subtype 0008 (Blood group)
    &#61656;     0185 (Personal IDs)
    &#61656;     0591 (Nominations)
    &#61656;     0000 (Actions)
    &#61656;     0001 (Organizational Assignment)
    &#61656;     0007 (Planned working time)
    &#61656;     0016 (Contract Elements)
    &#61656;     0017 (Travel Privileges)
    &#61656;     2006 (Absence Quotas)</b>
    Thanks & Regards

    list of BAPI Funtions
    0035 BAPI for Grant Master Data
    BAPI_0035_CHANGE Change grant master data
    BAPI_0035_CREATE Create GM grant master data
    BAPI_0035_GET_DETAIL Get detail of grant master data
    0036 BAPI for BudgetEntryDocGM
    BAPI_0036_CREATE Create GM Budgeting Entry Document
    BAPI_0036_GET_DETAIL Get the detail of a GM budget entry document
    BAPI_0036_GET_LIST Get list of GM budgeting entry docs.
    BAPI_0036_REVERSE Reverse GM Budgteing Entry document
    0038 BAPIs for Funded Program
    BAPI_0038_CHANGE Change a Funded Program
    BAPI_0038_CREATE Create Funded Program
    BAPI_0038_DELETE Delete a Funded Program
    BAPI_0038_GETDETAIL Get details to a Funded Program
    BAPI_0038_GETLIST Get list of Funded Programs
    0050 BAPI for BudgetEntryDocFM
    BAPI_0050_CREATE Create FM Budgeting Entry document
    BAPI_0050_GET_DETAIL Get FM budgeting entry document
    BAPI_0050_GET_LIST Get list of budgeting entry documents
    BAPI_0050_REVERSE Reverse FM Budgeting Entry document
    0051 BAPI for BudgetFM (mass data)
    BAPI_0051_GET_TOTALS Get FM budget totals
    BAPI_0051_UPDATE FM Budgeting - Update totals
    1031 Business Object BUS1031 (Activity Type)
    BAPI_ACTIVITYTYPE_GETDETAIL Detail Information for Activity Type on Key Date
    BAPI_ACTIVITYTYPE_GETLIST List of Activity Types Using Selection Criteria
    BAPI_ACTIVITYTYPE_GETPRICES Output Activity Prices for Activity Types on Key Date
    BAPI_ACTTYPE_CHANGEMULTIPLE Change One or More Activity Types
    BAPI_ACTTYPE_CREATEMULTIPLE Create One or More Activity Types
    2145 Business Objects Complaints AB (BAPI)
    4499 Business Object: Bank Statement
    BAPI_ACCSTMT_CREATEFROMBALANCE Store account balance/check debit information
    BAPI_ACCSTMT_CREATEFROMPREVDAY Create Bank Statement/Day-End Statement
    BAPI_ACCSTMT_CREATEFROMSAMEDAY Create Bank Statement/Today's Data
    ABSE Object Type "Absence"
    BAPI_ABSENCE_APPROVE Unlock absence
    BAPI_ABSENCE_CHANGE Change absence
    BAPI_ABSENCE_CREATE Create absence
    BAPI_ABSENCE_DELETE Delete absence
    BAPI_ABSENCE_GETDETAILEDLIST Read instances with data
    BAPI_ABSENCE_GETLIST Read instances
    BAPI_ABSENCE_REQUEST Create locked absence
    BAPI_ABSENCE_SIMULATECREATION Simulation: Create absence
    BAPI_ACC_BILLING_CHECK Accounting: Check Billing Doc. (OAG: LOAD RECEIVABLE)
    BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENTS_RECORD Follow-On Document Numbers in Accounting for Multiple Source Documents
    BAPI_ACC_EMPLOYEE_EXP_CHECK Accounting: Check G/L acct assignment for HR posting (OAG:POST JOURNAL
    BAPI_ACC_EMPLOYEE_EXP_POST Accounting: Post G/L account assignment for HR posting (OAG:POST JOURN
    BAPI_ACC_EMPLOYEE_PAY_CHECK Accounting: Check Vendor Acct Assignment for HR Posting (OAG:LOAD PAYA
    BAPI_ACC_EMPLOYEE_PAY_POST Accounting: Post Vendor Acct Assignment for HR Posting (OAG: LOAD PAYA
    BAPI_ACC_EMPLOYEE_REC_CHECK Accounting: Check Cust. Acct Assignmt for HR Posting (OAG:LOAD RECEIVA
    BAPI_ACC_EMPLOYEE_REC_POST FI/CO: Post Customer Acct Assignment for HR Posting (OAG: LOAD RECEIVA
    BAPI_ACC_GL_POSTING_CHECK Accounting: General G/L Account Posting
    BAPI_ACC_GL_POSTING_POST Accounting: General G/L Account Posting
    BAPI_ACC_GOODS_MOVEMENT_CHECK Accounting: Check Goods Movement (OAG: POST JOURNAL)
    BAPI_ACC_GOODS_MOVEMENT_POST Accounting: Post Goods Movement (OAG: POST JOURNAL)
    BAPI_ACC_INVOICE_RECEIPT_CHECK Accounting: Check Invoice Receipt (OAG: LOAD PAYABLE)
    BAPI_ACC_INVOICE_RECEIPT_POST Accounting: Post Invoice Receipt (OAG: LOAD PAYABLE)
    BAPI_ACC_PURCHASE_ORDER_CHECK Accounting: Check Purchase Order
    BAPI_ACC_PURCHASE_ORDER_POST Accounting: Post Purchase Order
    BAPI_ACC_PURCHASE_REQUI_CHECK Accounting: Check Purchase Requisition
    BAPI_ACC_PURCHASE_REQUI_POST Accounting: Post Purchase Requisition
    BAPI_ACC_SALES_ORDER_CHECK Accounting: Check Sales Order
    BAPI_ACC_SALES_ORDER_POST Accounting: Post Sales Order
    BAPI_ACC_SALES_QUOTA_CHECK Accounting: Check Customer Quotation
    BAPI_ACC_SALES_QUOTA_POST Accounting: Post Customer Quotation
    BAPI_ACC_TRAVEL_CHECK Accounting: Check Trip
    BAPI_ACC_TRAVEL_POST Accounting: Post Trip
    ACC5 FI/CO: BAPIs Asset Postings
    BAPI_ACC_ASSET_ACQ_SETT_CHECK ACC: Asset Acquisition - Synchronous Determination of Capitalization V
    BAPI_ACC_ASSET_ACQ_SETT_POST ACC: Asset Acquisition-Asynchronous Determination of Capitalization Va
    BAPI_ACC_***_ACQUISITION_CHECK BAPI: Check Asset Acquisition
    BAPI_ACC_***_INTRA_TRANS_CHECK Accounting: Post Asset Transfer
    BAPI_ACC_***_POSTCAP_CHECK BAPI: Check Subsequent Capitalization
    BAPI_ACC_***_RETIREMENT_CHECK BAPI: Check Asset Retirement
    BAPI_ACC_***_TRANSFER_CHECK Accounting: Post Asset Transfer
    BAPI_ACC_***_TRANSFER_POST Accounting: Post Asset Transfer
    BAPI_ACC_***_TRANS_ACQ_CHECK Accounting: Check acquisition from transfer
    BAPI_ACC_***_TRANS_ACQ_POST Accounting: Post acquisition from transfer
    BAPI_ACC_***_TRANS_RET_CHECK Accounting: Post Asset Transfer
    BAPI_ACC_AUC_ACQUISITION_CHECK Accounting: Asset Acquisition from Settlement
    BAPI_ACC_AUC_ACQUISITION_POST Accounting: Asset Acquisition from Settlement
    ACC6 Accounting: BAPIs for UPDATE II
    BAPI_ACC_BILLING_REV_CHECK Accounting: Check Billing Document Reversal (OAG: LOAD RECEIVABLE)
    BAPI_ACC_BILLING_REV_POST Accounting: Post Billing Doc.Reversal (OAG: LOAD RECEIVABLE)
    BAPI_ACC_GL_POSTING_REV_CHECK Accounting: Check Reversal of General G/L Account Posting
    BAPI_ACC_GL_POSTING_REV_POST Accounting: Post General G/L Posting Reversal
    BAPI_ACC_GOODS_MOV_REV_CHECK Accounting: Check Goods Movement Reversal (OAG: POST JOURNAL)
    BAPI_ACC_GOODS_MOV_REV_POST Accounting: Post Goods Movement Reversal (OAG: POST JOURNAL)
    BAPI_ACC_INVOICE_REV_CHECK Accounting: Check Reversal of Invoice Receipt (OAG: LOAD PAYABLE)
    BAPI_ACC_INVOICE_REV_POST Accounting: Post Invoice Receipt Reversal (OAG: LOAD PAYABLE)
    BAPI_ACC_PYMNTBLK_UPDATE_CHECK Accounting: Check Changes to Payment Block for Open Items
    BAPI_ACC_PYMNTBLK_UPDATE_POST Accounting: Post Changes to Payment Block for Open Items
    ACC9 Accounting: BAPIs
    BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_CHECK Accounting: Check
    BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST Accounting: Posting
    BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_REV_CHECK Accounting: Check Reversal
    BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_REV_POST Accounting: Post Reversal
    AEMM Additionals in integrated mat. maint.
    BAPI_ADDITIONAL_MAINTAINDATA Create and Change Additionals Assignments (Retail)
    BEACTIVITY Process modeling activity
    BAPI_ACTIVITY_COMPARE Test Module for Modeling
    BAPI_ACTIVITY_GETALLCOUPLING Determination of Coupling Events for Several Activities
    BAPI_ACTIVITY_GETCOUPLING Get activity coupling events
    BAPI_ACTIVITY_GETPOTCOUPLING Get potential coupling events between two activities
    BAPI_ACTIVITY_GET_PARENTS Delivers Higher-Level Activities
    CRM_CO_SLS CO Interface CRM Sales
    BAPI_ACCOUNTING_PROXY_UPLOAD Account Assignment Objects for CRM Transactions
    FKN5 BAPI Account Balances
    BAPI_ACCOUNT_GETBALANCES Retrieves Balances for a Contract Acct
    IPPEBAPI_CMP iPPE: Component BAPIs
    BAPI_1176001_EXISTENCECHECK Check Existence of Product Structure Variant
    BAPI_1176_EXISTENCECHECK Check Existence of a Product Structure Node
    BAPI_1176_REPLICATE Replicate Product Structure Nodes
    BAPI_1176_SAVEREPLICA Maintain or Create Product Structure
    IPPEBAPI_GEN iPPE: BAPIs for Generic Engineering Node
    BAPI_1197_EXISTENCECHECK Check Existence of Generic Engineering Node
    BAPI_1197_REPLICATE Replicate the Generic Engineering Node
    BAPI_1197_SAVEREPLICA Create and Change Generic Engineering Node
    K23G Service Function Modules
    BAPI_ACC_CO_DOCUMENT_FIND Read CO Document for Manual Actual Postings
    K40C CO Actual Postings, Manual
    BAPI_ACC_ACTIVITY_ALLOC_CHECK Accounting: Check Activity Allocation
    BAPI_ACC_ACTIVITY_ALLOC_POST Accounting: Post Activity Allocation
    BAPI_ACC_ACT_POSTINGS_REVERSE Accounting: Reverse CO Documents - Manual Actual Postings
    BAPI_ACC_MANUAL_ALLOC_CHECK Accounting: Check Manual Cost Allocation
    BAPI_ACC_MANUAL_ALLOC_POST Accounting: Post Manual Cost Allocation
    BAPI_ACC_PRIMARY_COSTS_CHECK Accounting: Check Primary Costs
    BAPI_ACC_PRIMARY_COSTS_POST Accounting: Post Primary Costs
    BAPI_ACC_REVENUES_CHECK Accounting: Check Revenues
    BAPI_ACC_REVENUES_POST Accounting: Post Revenues
    BAPI_ACC_SENDER_ACTIVITY_CHECK Accounting: Check Sender Activities
    BAPI_ACC_SENDER_ACTIVITY_POST Accounting: Post Sender Activities
    BAPI_ACC_STAT_KEY_FIG_CHECK Accounting: Check Statistical Key Figures
    BAPI_ACC_STAT_KEY_FIG_POST Accounting: Post Statistical Key Figures
    KACG Coding Block: FI/LO Part of KACB
    BAPI_ACCSERV_CHECKACCASSIGNMT BAPI: Object BUS6001 AccountingServices, Method CheckAccountAssignment
    KGR2 External Access to CO Hierarchies
    BAPI_ACTIVITYTYPEGRP_ADDNODE Object BUS1115 (Activity Type Group) - Method AddNode
    BAPI_ACTIVITYTYPEGRP_CREATE Object BUS1115 (Activity Type Group) - Method Create
    BAPI_ACTIVITYTYPEGRP_GETDETAIL Object BUS1115 (Activity Type Group) - Method GetDetail
    BAPI_ACTIVITYTYPEGRP_GETLIST Object BUS1115 (Activity Type Group) - Method GetList
    KPLB BAPIs: Plan data interface
    BAPI_ACT_INPUT_CHECK_AND_POST Activity Type Planning/Price Planning: Formal Parameter Check
    BAPI_ACT_INPUT_READ Activity Type Planning/Price Planning: Formal Parameter Check
    BAPI_ACT_PRICE_CHECK_AND_POST Activity Type Planning/Price Planning: Formal Parameter Check
    BAPI_ACT_PRICE_READ Activity Type Planning/Price Planning: Formal Parameter Check
    OPERS_CA Business Object: Other Personal Data
    BAPI_ADDITIONALDATA_GETDETAIL Read additional personal data
    BAPI_ADDPERSDATA_CHANGE Change additional personal data
    BAPI_ADDPERSDATA_CREATE Create additional personal data
    BAPI_ADDPERSDATA_DELETE Delete additional personal data
    BAPI_ADDPERSDATA_DELIMIT Delimit additional personal data validity period
    BAPI_ADDPERSDATA_GETDETAILEDLI Read instances with data
    PADR_AU Business Object AddressEmp (AU)
    BAPI_ADDREMPAU_CHANGE ESS Address Change - Australia
    BAPI_ADDREMPAU_CREATE ESS Address Create - Australia
    BAPI_ADDREMPAU_CREATESUCCESSOR ESS Address Create Successor - Australia
    BAPI_ADDREMPAU_GETDETAIL ESS Address Get Detail - Australia
    BAPI_ADDREMPAU_GETDETAILEDLIST Read instances with data
    BAPI_ADDREMPAU_REQUEST ESS Address Request - Australia
    BAPI_ADDREMPAU_SIMULATECREATN ESS Address Simulate Creation - Australia
    PADR_CH Business Object: AddressEmp
    BAPI_ADDREMPCH_CREATESUCCESSOR Create Subsequent Employee Address Record
    PADR_DE Business Object AddressEmp (DE)
    BAPI_ADDREMPDE_CREATESUCCESSOR Create Next Employee Address Record
    PADR_DK Business Object AddressEmp - DK
    BAPI_ADDREMPDK_CREATESUCCESSOR Create Subs.Employee Address Record
    PADR_ES Business Object AddrEmpE
    BAPI_ADDREMPES_CREATESUCCESSOR Personnel number next record create
    BAPI_ADDREMPES_GETDETAILEDLIST Read instances with data
    PADR_FR Business Object AddrEmpFR
    BAPI_ADDREMPFR_CREATESUCCESSOR Franch Employee Address: Create Next Record
    BAPI_ADDREMPFR_GETDETAILEDLIST Read Data Records in Period (French Employee Addresses)
    PADR_HK Business object: AddressEmp (HK)
    BAPI_ADDREMPHK_CHANGE Change Employee Address (Hong Kong)
    BAPI_ADDREMPHK_CREATE Create Employee Address (Hong Kong)
    BAPI_ADDREMPHK_CREATESUCCESSOR Create subs.employee address record (Hong Kong)
    BAPI_ADDREMPHK_GETDETAIL Read employee address (Hong Kong)
    BAPI_ADDREMPHK_GETDETAILEDLIST Read instances with data (Hong Kong)
    BAPI_ADDREMPHK_REQUEST Create locked employee address record (Hong Kong)
    BAPI_ADDREMPHK_SIMULATECREATE Simulation: Create Employee Address (Hong Kong)
    PADR_ID Business Object AddressEmp (ID)
    BAPI_ADDREMPID_CHANGE ESS Address Change - Indonesia
    BAPI_ADDREMPID_CREATE ESS Address Create - Indonesia
    BAPI_ADDREMPID_CREATESUCCESSOR ESS Address Create Successor - Indonesia
    BAPI_ADDREMPID_GETDETAIL ESS Address Get Detail - Indonesia
    BAPI_ADDREMPID_GETDETAILEDLIST Read instances with data - Indonesia
    BAPI_ADDREMPID_REQUEST Create locked employee address record - Indonesia
    BAPI_ADDREMPID_SIMULATECREATIO ESS Address Simulate Creation - Indonesia
    PADR_IE Business Object AddressEmp - Ireland
    BAPI_ADDREMPIE_CREATESUCCESSOR Create subs.employee address record
    BAPI_ADDREMPIE_GETDETAILEDLIST Read instances with data
    PADR_IT HR Employee Self-Service: Address Italy
    BAPI_ADDREMPIT_CREATESUCCESSOR Create personnel number next record
    PADR_MY Business Object AddressEmp (MY)
    BAPI_ADDREMPMY_CHANGE ESS Address Change - Malaysia
    BAPI_ADDREMPMY_CREATE ESS Address Create - Malaysia
    BAPI_ADDREMPMY_CREATESUCCESSOR ESS Address Create Successor - Malaysia
    BAPI_ADDREMPMY_GETDETAIL ESS Address Get Detail - Malaysia
    RWCL Interface to Accounting
    BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_DISPLAY Accounting: Display Method for Follow-On Document Display
    BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_RECORD Accounting: Follow-on document numbers for source document
    SZAM BAPIs f. BOR obj. BUS4003 (AddrContPart)
    BAPI_ADDRCONTPART_SAVEREPLICA BAPI for inbound distribution of contact person addresses
    Reward points if found helpful…..
    Chandra Sekhar.

  • Park a accounting document

    Hello everyone,
           I have a requirement where in i need to simulate and park a accounting documents using transactions FB01 and FBV1 respectively.I have following queries.
    1) Can we use 'RFBIBL00' program for parking a document in FBV1 transaction.I have gone through the documentation of the program.It says 'No FB05 postings (posting with clearing), FBS1 postings (accrual/deferral documents), FBV1 postings (park document), nor postings with special G/L transactions can be generated.'
      If so, Is there any other method to park the accounting documents other than BDC.
    2)Is there any BAPI available for simulating the accounting documents in FB01.
        Can we use 'BAPI_ACC_GL_POSTING_CHECK' or 'BAPI_ACC_GL_DOCUMENT_CHECK'                    
    If not, please provide me with any other method to simulate the accounting documents.
    Please clarify me on above points. Thanks in advance

       OSS message:
    25.05.2007 - 11:38:41
    A parked document with ACC-Bapis (bapi_acc_*) is not possible.
    This interface is for posting only. It is completely different from
    the manual posting and parking transactions, and its functionality
    is limited in comparison.
    In the documentation for this BAPI, there is also a reference to:
    More informationen is available in the Interfaces to Accounting documentation in the R/3 Library (under Cross Application Functions ->
    Interfaces to External Systems).
    Support Consultant
    Global Support - Financials
    Hope this helps some other person who wants to know.
    (Maybe I'm only one of a few people that would like to use a BAPI to park accounting documents, but it would probably be helpful to know if there are more. If you ever needed or now need this functionality please post a reply to this message.)
    Check the below theard
    If yoy are working BAPI for Parking non-PO Invoices
    Re: BAPI for Parking non-PO Invoices?
    <b>Reward points</b>

  • Regarding Test Data

    Hi All,
    Can Any one provide the Test Data for the function module
    'BAPI_ACC_***_RETIREMENT_CHECK' for comparing this function modules in 
    4.5b and ecc6.0

    you can do that by using SM30 transaction
    reward points if useful

  • Regarding: List of Bapi.

    PLs anyone can provide a list of BAPI which is having some critical functionality like , send a mail , download in pdf , excel , search help  etc..

    Hi ,
    Please find all the Bapis available .
    Function Module Name     Short text for function module
         BAPI1164_COPAHIERUDEF_SETTREE     CO-PA Hierarhy User-Defined Set Tree
         BAPIADDREMPCH_SIMULATECREATION     Simulation: Create Employee Address
         BAPIADDREMPDE_SIMULATECREATION     Simulation: Create Employee Address
         BAPIADDREMPDK_SIMULATECREATION     Simulation: Create Employee Address
         BAPIADDREMPES_SIMULATECREATION     Simulation: Create employee address
         BAPIADDREMPFR_SIMULATECREATION     Simulation: Create French Employee Address
         BAPIADDREMPIE_SIMULATECREATION     Simulation: Mitarbeiteradresse anlegen
         BAPIADDREMPIT_SIMULATECREATION     Simulation: Create employee's address
         BAPIADDREMPNL_SIMULATECREATION     Simulation: Create Employee Address
         BAPIADDREMPUS_SIMULATECREATION     Simulation: Create Employee Address
         BAPIADDRESSEMPSIMULATECREATION     Simulation: Create employee address
         BAPIBANKDETAILGBSIMULATECREATN     Simulation: Create Bank Details
         BAPIBANKDETAILSIMULATECREATINL     Simulation: Create Bank Details
         BAPIBANKDETAILSIMULATECREATION     Simulation: Create Bank Details
         BAPIEMPCAPFODESIMULATECREATION     Simulation: Create Capital Formation Savings
         BAPIINTCONTROLSIMULATECREATION     Simulation: Create internal control
         BAPISDORDER_GETDETAILEDLIST     Sales Order: List of All Order Data
         BAPIW4W5INFOUSSIMULATECREATION     Employee W4/W5 Information: Simulate Record Creation
         BAPI_0050_CREATE     Create FM Budgeting Entry document
         BAPI_0050_GET_DETAIL     Get FM budgeting entry document
         BAPI_0050_GET_LIST     Get list of budgeting entry documents
         BAPI_0050_REVERSE     Reverse FM Budgeting Entry document
         BAPI_0051_GET_TOTALS     Get FM budget totals
         BAPI_0051_UPDATE     FM Budgeting - Update totals
         BAPI_1176001_EXISTENCECHECK     Check Existence of Product Structure Variant
         BAPI_1176_EXISTENCECHECK     Check Existence of a Product Structure Node
         BAPI_1176_REPLICATE     Replicate Product Structure Nodes
         BAPI_1176_SAVEREPLICA     Maintain or Create Product Structure
         BAPI_1179_EXISTENCECHECK     Check Existence of Process Structure Node
         BAPI_1179_REPLICATE     Replicate Process Structure Nodes
         BAPI_1179_SAVEREPLICA     Maintain or Create Process Structure
         BAPI_1182_EXISTENCECHECK     Check Existence of Factory Layout Node
         BAPI_1182_REPLICATE     Replicate Factory Layout Nodes
         BAPI_1182_SAVEREPLICA     Maintain or Create Factory Layout
         BAPI_1183_EXISTENCECHECK     Check Existence of Line Balance
         BAPI_1183_REPLICATE     Replicate Line Balances
         BAPI_1183_SAVEREPLICA     Maintain or Create Line Balances
         BAPI_1193_EXISTENCECHECK     Check Existence of a Resource Node
         BAPI_1193_REPLICATE     Replicate Production Resources
         BAPI_1193_SAVEREPLICA     Maintain or Create iPPE Object Resources Nodes
         BAPI_1196_EXISTENCECHECK     Check Existence of iPPE Production Model
         BAPI_1196_REPLICATE     Replicate iPPE Production Models
         BAPI_1196_SAVEREPLICA     Create or Change iPEE Production Model
         BAPI_1197_EXISTENCECHECK     Check Existence of Generic Engineering Node
         BAPI_1197_REPLICATE     Replicate the Generic Engineering Node
         BAPI_1197_SAVEREPLICA     Create and Change Generic Engineering Node
         BAPI_ABSENCE_APPROVE     Unlock absence
         BAPI_ABSENCE_CHANGE     Change absence
         BAPI_ABSENCE_CREATE     Create absence
         BAPI_ABSENCE_DELETE     Delete absence
         BAPI_ABSENCE_GETDETAIL     Read absence
         BAPI_ABSENCE_GETDETAILEDLIST     Read instances with data
         BAPI_ABSENCE_GETLIST     Read instances
         BAPI_ABSENCE_REQUEST     Create locked absence
         BAPI_ABSENCE_SIMULATECREATION     Simulation: Create absence
         BAPI_ACCOUNTING_PROXY_UPLOAD     Account Assignment Objects for CRM Transactions
         BAPI_ACCSERV_CHECKACCASSIGNMT     BAPI: Object BUS6001 AccountingServices, Method CheckAccountAssignment
         BAPI_ACCSTMT_CREATEFROMBALANCE     Store account balance/check debit information
         BAPI_ACCSTMT_CREATEFROMLOCKBOX     Create lockbox data
         BAPI_ACCSTMT_CREATEFROMPREVDAY     Create Bank Statement/Day-End Statement
         BAPI_ACCSTMT_CREATEFROMSAMEDAY     Create Bank Statement/Today's Data
         BAPI_ACC_ACTIVITY_ALLOC_CHECK     Accounting: Check Activity Allocation
         BAPI_ACC_ACTIVITY_ALLOC_POST     Accounting: Post Activity Allocation
         BAPI_ACC_ACT_POSTINGS_REVERSE     Accounting: Reverse CO Documents - Manual Actual Postings
         BAPI_ACC_ASSET_ACQ_SETT_CHECK     ACC: Asset Acquisition - Synchronous Determination of Capitalization Value
         BAPI_ACC_ASSET_ACQ_SETT_POST     ACC: Asset Acquisition-Asynchronous Determination of Capitalization Value
         BAPI_ACC_***_ACQUISITION_CHECK     BAPI: Check Asset Acquisition
         BAPI_ACC_***_INTRA_TRANS_CHECK     Accounting: Post Asset Transfer
         BAPI_ACC_***_POSTCAP_CHECK     BAPI: Check Subsequent Capitalization
         BAPI_ACC_***_RETIREMENT_CHECK     BAPI: Check Asset Retirement
         BAPI_ACC_***_TRANSFER_CHECK     Accounting: Post Asset Transfer
         BAPI_ACC_***_TRANSFER_POST     Accounting: Post Asset Transfer
         BAPI_ACC_***_TRANS_ACQ_CHECK     Accounting: Check acquisition from transfer
         BAPI_ACC_***_TRANS_ACQ_POST     Accounting: Post acquisition from transfer
         BAPI_ACC_***_TRANS_RET_CHECK     Accounting: Post Asset Transfer
         BAPI_ACC_AUC_ACQUISITION_CHECK     Accounting: Asset Acquisition from Settlement
         BAPI_ACC_AUC_ACQUISITION_POST     Accounting: Asset Acquisition from Settlement
         BAPI_ACC_BILLING_CHECK     Accounting: Check Billing Doc. (OAG: LOAD RECEIVABLE)
         BAPI_ACC_BILLING_POST     Accounting: Post Billing Document (OAG: LOAD RECEIVABLE)
         BAPI_ACC_BILLING_REV_CHECK     Accounting: Check Billing Document Reversal (OAG: LOAD RECEIVABLE)
         BAPI_ACC_BILLING_REV_POST     Accounting: Post Billing Doc.Reversal (OAG: LOAD RECEIVABLE)
         BAPI_ACC_CO_DOCUMENT_FIND     Read CO Document for Manual Actual Postings
         BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENTS_RECORD     Follow-On Document Numbers in Accounting for Multiple Source Documents
         BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_CHECK     Accounting: Check
         BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_DISPLAY     Accounting: Display Method for Follow-On Document Display
         BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST     Accounting: Posting
         BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_RECORD     Accounting: Follow-on document numbers for source document
         BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_REV_CHECK     Accounting: Check Reversal
         BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_REV_POST     Accounting: Post Reversal
         BAPI_ACC_EMPLOYEE_EXP_CHECK     Accounting: Check G/L acct assignment for HR posting (OAG:POST JOURNAL)
         BAPI_ACC_EMPLOYEE_EXP_POST     Accounting: Post G/L account assignment for HR posting (OAG:POST JOURNAL)
         BAPI_ACC_EMPLOYEE_PAY_CHECK     Accounting: Check Vendor Acct Assignment for HR Posting (OAG:LOAD PAYABLE)
         BAPI_ACC_EMPLOYEE_PAY_POST     Accounting: Post Vendor Acct Assignment for HR Posting (OAG: LOAD PAYABLE)
         BAPI_ACC_EMPLOYEE_REC_CHECK     Accounting: Check Cust. Acct Assignmt for HR Posting (OAG:LOAD RECEIVABLE)
         BAPI_ACC_EMPLOYEE_REC_POST     FI/CO: Post Customer Acct Assignment for HR Posting (OAG: LOAD RECEIVABLE)
         BAPI_ACC_GL_POSTING_CHECK     Accounting: General G/L Account Posting
         BAPI_ACC_GL_POSTING_POST     Accounting: General G/L Account Posting
         BAPI_ACC_GL_POSTING_REV_CHECK     Accounting: Check Reversal of General G/L Account Posting
         BAPI_ACC_GL_POSTING_REV_POST     Accounting: Post General G/L Posting Reversal
         BAPI_ACC_GOODS_MOVEMENT_CHECK     Accounting: Check Goods Movement (OAG: POST JOURNAL)
         BAPI_ACC_GOODS_MOVEMENT_POST     Accounting: Post Goods Movement (OAG: POST JOURNAL)
         BAPI_ACC_GOODS_MOV_REV_CHECK     Accounting: Check Goods Movement Reversal (OAG: POST JOURNAL)
         BAPI_ACC_GOODS_MOV_REV_POST     Accounting: Post Goods Movement Reversal (OAG: POST JOURNAL)
         BAPI_ACC_INVOICE_RECEIPT_CHECK     Accounting: Check Invoice Receipt (OAG: LOAD PAYABLE)
         BAPI_ACC_INVOICE_RECEIPT_POST     Accounting: Post Invoice Receipt (OAG: LOAD PAYABLE)
         BAPI_ACC_INVOICE_REV_CHECK     Accounting: Check Reversal of Invoice Receipt (OAG: LOAD PAYABLE)
         BAPI_ACC_INVOICE_REV_POST     Accounting: Post Invoice Receipt Reversal (OAG: LOAD PAYABLE)
         BAPI_ACC_MANUAL_ALLOC_CHECK     Accounting: Check Manual Cost Allocation
         BAPI_ACC_MANUAL_ALLOC_POST     Accounting: Post Manual Cost Allocation
         BAPI_ACC_PRIMARY_COSTS_CHECK     Accounting: Check Primary Costs
         BAPI_ACC_PRIMARY_COSTS_POST     Accounting: Post Primary Costs
         BAPI_ACC_PURCHASE_ORDER_CHECK     Accounting: Check Purchase Order
         BAPI_ACC_PURCHASE_ORDER_POST     Accounting: Post Purchase Order
         BAPI_ACC_PURCHASE_REQUI_CHECK     Accounting: Check Purchase Requisition
         BAPI_ACC_PURCHASE_REQUI_POST     Accounting: Post Purchase Requisition
         BAPI_ACC_PYMNTBLK_UPDATE_CHECK     Accounting: Check Changes to Payment Block for Open Items
         BAPI_ACC_PYMNTBLK_UPDATE_POST     Accounting: Post Changes to Payment Block for Open Items
         BAPI_ACC_REVENUES_CHECK     Accounting: Check Revenues
         BAPI_ACC_REVENUES_POST     Accounting: Post Revenues
         BAPI_ACC_SALES_ORDER_CHECK     Accounting: Check Sales Order
         BAPI_ACC_SALES_ORDER_POST     Accounting: Post Sales Order
         BAPI_ACC_SALES_QUOTA_CHECK     Accounting: Check Customer Quotation
         BAPI_ACC_SALES_QUOTA_POST     Accounting: Post Customer Quotation
         BAPI_ACC_SENDER_ACTIVITY_CHECK     Accounting: Check Sender Activities
         BAPI_ACC_SENDER_ACTIVITY_POST     Accounting: Post Sender Activities
         BAPI_ACC_STAT_KEY_FIG_CHECK     Accounting: Check Statistical Key Figures
         BAPI_ACC_STAT_KEY_FIG_POST     Accounting: Post Statistical Key Figures
         BAPI_ACC_TRAVEL_CHECK     Accounting: Check Trip
         BAPI_ACC_TRAVEL_POST     Accounting: Post Trip
         BAPI_ACTIVITYTYPEGRP_ADDNODE     Object BUS1115 (Activity Type Group) - Method AddNode
         BAPI_ACTIVITYTYPEGRP_CREATE     Object BUS1115 (Activity Type Group) - Method Create
         BAPI_ACTIVITYTYPEGRP_GETDETAIL     Object BUS1115 (Activity Type Group) - Method GetDetail
         BAPI_ACTIVITYTYPEGRP_GETLIST     Object BUS1115 (Activity Type Group) - Method GetList
         BAPI_ACTIVITYTYPE_GETDETAIL     Detail Information for Activity Type on Key Date
         BAPI_ACTIVITYTYPE_GETLIST     List of Activity Types Using Selection Criteria
         BAPI_ACTIVITYTYPE_GETPRICES     Output Activity Prices for Activity Types on Key Date
         BAPI_ACTIVITY_COMPARE     Test Module for Modeling
         BAPI_ACTIVITY_GETALLCOUPLING     Determination of Coupling Events for Several Activities
         BAPI_ACTIVITY_GETCOUPLING     Get activity coupling events
         BAPI_ACTIVITY_GETDETAIL     Read diagram
         BAPI_ACTIVITY_GETPOTCOUPLING     Get potential coupling events between two activities
         BAPI_ACTIVITY_GET_PARENTS     Delivers Higher-Level Activities
         BAPI_ACTIVTY_GETDIAGRAMIDS     Read diagram
         BAPI_ACTTYPE_CHANGEMULTIPLE     Change One or More Activity Types
         BAPI_ACTTYPE_CREATEMULTIPLE     Create One or More Activity Types
         BAPI_ACT_INPUT_CHECK_AND_POST     Activity Type Planning/Price Planning: Formal Parameter Check
         BAPI_ACT_INPUT_READ     Activity Type Planning/Price Planning: Formal Parameter Check
         BAPI_ACT_PRICE_CHECK_AND_POST     Activity Type Planning/Price Planning: Formal Parameter Check
         BAPI_ACT_PRICE_READ     Activity Type Planning/Price Planning: Formal Parameter Check
         BAPI_ADDITIONALDATA_GETDETAIL     Read additional personal data
         BAPI_ADDITIONAL_MAINTAINDATA     Create and Change Additionals Assignments (Retail)
         BAPI_ADDPERSDATA_CHANGE     Change additional personal data
         BAPI_ADDPERSDATA_CREATE     Create additional personal data
         BAPI_ADDPERSDATA_DELETE     Delete additional personal data
         BAPI_ADDPERSDATA_DELIMIT     Delimit additional personal data validity period
         BAPI_ADDPERSDATA_GETDETAILEDLI     Read instances with data
         BAPI_ADDPERSDATA_GETLIST     Read instances
         BAPI_ADDRCONTPART_SAVEREPLICA     BAPI for inbound distribution of contact person addresses
         BAPI_ADDREMPAU_CHANGE     ESS Address Change - Australia
         BAPI_ADDREMPAU_CREATE     ESS Address Create - Australia
         BAPI_ADDREMPAU_CREATESUCCESSOR     ESS Address Create Successor - Australia
         BAPI_ADDREMPAU_GETDETAIL     ESS Address Get Detail - Australia
         BAPI_ADDREMPAU_GETDETAILEDLIST     Read instances with data
         BAPI_ADDREMPAU_REQUEST     ESS Address Request - Australia
         BAPI_ADDREMPAU_SIMULATECREATN     ESS Address Simulate Creation - Australia
         BAPI_ADDREMPCH_CREATESUCCESSOR     Create Subsequent Employee Address Record
         BAPI_ADDREMPCH_GETDETAILEDLIST     Read Instances with Data
         BAPI_ADDREMPDE_CREATESUCCESSOR     Create Next Employee Address Record
         BAPI_ADDREMPDE_GETDETAILEDLIST     Read Instances with Data
         BAPI_ADDREMPDK_CREATESUCCESSOR     Create Subs.Employee Address Record
         BAPI_ADDREMPDK_GETDETAILEDLIST     Read Instances with Data
         BAPI_ADDREMPES_CREATESUCCESSOR     Personnel number next record create
         BAPI_ADDREMPES_GETDETAILEDLIST     Read instances with data
         BAPI_ADDREMPFR_CREATESUCCESSOR     Franch Employee Address: Create Next Record
         BAPI_ADDREMPFR_GETDETAILEDLIST     Read Data Records in Period (French Employee Addresses)
         BAPI_ADDREMPHK_CHANGE     Change Employee Address (Hong Kong)
         BAPI_ADDREMPHK_CREATE     Create Employee Address (Hong Kong)
         BAPI_ADDREMPHK_CREATESUCCESSOR     Create subs.employee address record (Hong Kong)
         BAPI_ADDREMPHK_GETDETAIL     Read employee address (Hong Kong)
         BAPI_ADDREMPHK_GETDETAILEDLIST     Read instances with data (Hong Kong)
         BAPI_ADDREMPHK_REQUEST     Create locked employee address record (Hong Kong)
         BAPI_ADDREMPHK_SIMULATECREATE     Simulation: Create Employee Address (Hong Kong)
         BAPI_ADDREMPID_CHANGE     ESS Address Change - Indonesia
         BAPI_ADDREMPID_CREATE     ESS Address Create - Indonesia
         BAPI_ADDREMPID_CREATESUCCESSOR     ESS Address Create Successor - Indonesia
         BAPI_ADDREMPID_GETDETAIL     ESS Address Get Detail - Indonesia
         BAPI_ADDREMPID_GETDETAILEDLIST     Read instances with data - Indonesia
         BAPI_ADDREMPID_REQUEST     Create locked employee address record - Indonesia
         BAPI_ADDREMPID_SIMULATECREATIO     ESS Address Simulate Creation - Indonesia
         BAPI_ADDREMPIE_CREATESUCCESSOR     Create subs.employee address record
         BAPI_ADDREMPIE_GETDETAILEDLIST     Read instances with data
         BAPI_ADDREMPIT_CREATESUCCESSOR     Create personnel number next record
         BAPI_ADDREMPIT_GETDETAILEDLIST     <Currently not used>
         BAPI_ADDREMPMY_CHANGE     ESS Address Change - Malaysia
         BAPI_ADDREMPMY_CREATE     ESS Address Create - Malaysia
         BAPI_ADDREMPMY_CREATESUCCESSOR     ESS Address Create Successor - Malaysia
         BAPI_ADDREMPMY_GETDETAIL     ESS Address Get Detail - Malaysia
         BAPI_ADDREMPMY_GETDETAILEDLIST     Read instances with data - Malaysia
         BAPI_ADDREMPMY_REQUEST     Create locked employee address record - Malaysia
         BAPI_ADDREMPMY_SIMULATECREATIO     ESS Address Simulate Creation - Malaysia
         BAPI_ADDREMPNL_CREATESUCCESSOR     Create Subsequent Employee Address Record
         BAPI_ADDREMPNL_GETDETAILEDLIST     Read Authority Data
         BAPI_ADDREMPNZ_CHANGE     ESS Address Change - Newzealand
         BAPI_ADDREMPNZ_CREATE     ESS Address Create - Newzealand
         BAPI_ADDREMPNZ_CREATESUCCESSOR     ESS Address Create Successor -Newzealand
         BAPI_ADDREMPNZ_GETDETAIL     ESS Address Get Detail - Newzealand
         BAPI_ADDREMPNZ_GETDETAILEDLIST     Read instances with data
         BAPI_ADDREMPNZ_REQUEST     ESS Address Request - Newzealand
         BAPI_ADDREMPNZ_SIMULATECREATN     ESS Address Simulate Creation - Newzealand
         BAPI_ADDREMPSG_CHANGE     ESS Address Change - Singapore
         BAPI_ADDREMPSG_CREATE     ESS Address Create - Singapore
         BAPI_ADDREMPSG_CREATESUCCESSOR     ESS Address Create Successor - Singapore
         BAPI_ADDREMPSG_GETDETAIL     ESS Address Get Detail - Singapore
         BAPI_ADDREMPSG_GETDETAILEDLIST     Read instances with data - Singapore
         BAPI_ADDREMPSG_REQUEST     Create locked employee address record - Singapore
         BAPI_ADDREMPSG_SIMULATECREATIO     ESS Address Simulate Creation - Singapore
         BAPI_ADDREMPTH_APPROVE     Unlock employee address
         BAPI_ADDREMPTH_CHANGE     Change Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDREMPTH_CREATE     Create Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDREMPTH_CREATESUCCESSOR     Create subs.employee address record
         BAPI_ADDREMPTH_DELIMIT     Delimit Employee Address Validity Period
         BAPI_ADDREMPTH_GETDETAIL     Read employee address
         BAPI_ADDREMPTH_GETDETAILEDLIST     Read instances with data
         BAPI_ADDREMPTH_GETLIST     Read Instances
         BAPI_ADDREMPTH_REQUEST     Create locked employee address record
         BAPI_ADDREMPTH_SIMULATECREATIO     Simulation: Create Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDREMPTW_CHANGE     Change Employee Address (Taiwan)
         BAPI_ADDREMPTW_CREATE     Create Employee Address (Taiwan)
         BAPI_ADDREMPTW_CREATESUCCESSOR     Create subs.employee address record (Taiwan)
         BAPI_ADDREMPTW_GETDETAIL     Read employee address (Taiwan]
         BAPI_ADDREMPTW_GETDETAILEDLIST     Read instances with data (Taiwan)
         BAPI_ADDREMPTW_REQUEST     Create locked employee address record (Taiwan)
         BAPI_ADDREMPTW_SIMULATECREATE     Simulation: Create Employee Address (Taiwan)
         BAPI_ADDREMPUS_CREATESUCCESSOR     Create additional employee address record
         BAPI_ADDREMPUS_GETDETAILEDLIST     Read Instances with Data
         BAPI_ADDRESSCONTPART_CHANGE     BAPI to change contact person addresses
         BAPI_ADDRESSCONTPART_GETDETAIL     BAPI to read contact person addresses
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPCH_CHANGE     Change Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPCH_CREATE     Create Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPCH_GETDETAIL     Read Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPCH_REQUEST     Create Locked Employee Address Record
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPCREATESUCCESSOR     Create Next Employee Address Record
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPDE_CHANGE     Change Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPDE_CREATE     Create Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPDE_GETDETAIL     Read Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPDE_REQUEST     Create Locked Employee Address Record
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPDK_CHANGE     Change Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPDK_CREATE     Create Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPDK_GETDETAIL     Read Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPDK_REQUEST     Create Locked Employee Address Record
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPES_CHANGE     Change employee address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPES_CREATE     Create employee address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPES_GETDETAIL     Read employee address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPES_REQUEST     Create locked employee address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPFR_CHANGE     Change French Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPFR_CREATE     Create French Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPFR_GETDETAIL     Read French Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPFR_REQUEST     Create Locked French Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPGETDETAILEDLIST     Read instances with data
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPIE_CHANGE     Change Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPIE_CREATE     Create Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPIE_GETDETAIL     Read employee address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPIE_REQUEST     Create locked employee address record
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPIT_CHANGE     Change employee's address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPIT_CREATE     Create employee's address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPIT_GETDETAIL     Read employee's address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPIT_REQUEST     Create locked employee's address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPJP_CHANGE     Address Japan: Change record
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPJP_CREATE     address Japan: Create record
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPJP_CRESUCCESSOR     Address Japan: Create succeeding record
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPJP_DETAILEDLIST     Address Japan: Read instances with record
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPJP_GETDETAIL     Address Japan: Read record
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPJP_REQUEST     Address Japan: Create locked record
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPJP_SIMUCREATION     Address Japan: Simulate Create record
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPNL_CHANGE     Change Employee Addresses
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPNL_CREATE     Create Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPNL_GETDETAIL     Read Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPNL_REQUEST     Create Locked Employee
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPUS_CHANGE     Change Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPUS_CREATE     Create Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPUS_GETDETAIL     Read Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMPUS_REQUEST     Create Locked Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMP_APPROVE     Unlock employee address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMP_CHANGE     Change Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMP_CREATE     Create Employee Address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMP_DELETE     Delete employee address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMP_DELIMIT     Delimit employee address validity period
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMP_GETDETAIL     Read employee address
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMP_GETLIST     Read Instances
         BAPI_ADDRESSEMP_REQUEST     Create locked employee address record
         BAPI_ADDRESSORG_CHANGE     BAPI to Change Organization Addresses
         BAPI_ADDRESSORG_GETDETAIL     BAPI to Read Organization Addresses
         BAPI_ADDRESSORG_SAVEREPLICA     BAPI for Inbound Distribution of Organizational Addresses
         BAPI_ADDRESSPERS_CHANGE     BAPI for Changing Personal Addresses
         BAPI_ADDRESSPERS_GETDETAIL     BAPI for Reading Personal Addresses
         BAPI_ADDRESSPERS_SAVEREPLICA     BAPI for Inbound Distribution of Private Addresses
         BAPI_ADV_MED_GET_ITEMS     Read Product Catalog Items
         BAPI_ADV_MED_GET_LAYOBJ_DESCR     Read Long Text for Layout Area or Layout Area Item
         BAPI_ADV_MED_GET_LAYOBJ_DOCS     Read Documents for a Layout Area or a Layout Area Item
         BAPI_ADV_MED_GET_LAYOUT     Read Product Catalog Layout
         BAPI_ADV_MED_GET_LIST     Read Product Catalog List
         BAPI_ADV_MED_GET_PRICES     Read Product Catalog Item Prices
         BAPI_ADV_MED_GET_SALES_AREA     Read Sales Area for a Product Catalog
         BAPI_ADV_MED_GET_VARIANT_LIST     Read Product Catalog Variants
         BAPI_AGMT_COND_PROXY_UPLOAD     Distribution of Conditions for Contracts/Scheduling Agreements
         BAPI_AGMT_COND_UPLOAD     Distribution of Conditions for Contracts/Scheduling Agreements
         BAPI_AGREEMENTS     BAPI for Agreements
         BAPI_AGREEMENT_MAINTAIN     Create/Change Contract/Scheduling Agreement
         BAPI_AGREEMENT_PROXY_UPLOAD     Proxy BAPI for Upload Purchase Contracts/Scheduling Agreements
         BAPI_ALE_MODEL_GET     BAPI: read ALE distribution model
         BAPI_ALM_COMPONENT_GET_DETAIL     Read Detail Data for a Component
         BAPI_ALM_CONF_CANCEL     Cancel confirmation for maintenance/service order
         BAPI_ALM_CONF_CREATE     Create confirmation for maintenance/service order
         BAPI_ALM_CONF_GETDETAIL     Detailed data for maintenance/service order confirmation
         BAPI_ALM_CONF_GETLIST     List of maintenance/service order confirmations
         BAPI_ALM_GET_PROP     Propose Data for Time Confirmation
         BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_CHANGEUSRSTAT     Change User Status of a PM/CS Notification
         BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_CLOSE     Complete PM/CS Notification
         BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_CREATE     Create PM/CS Notification
         BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_DATA_ADD     PM/CS Notification: Add Data
         BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_DATA_DELETE     PM/CS Notification: Delete Data
         BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_DATA_MODIFY     PM/CS Notification: Change Data
         BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_GET_DETAIL     PM/CS Notification: Read Detail Data
         BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_LIST_EQUI     Select PM/CS Notifications by Equipment
         BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_LIST_FUNCLOC     Select PM/CS Notifications by Functional Locations
         BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_LIST_PARTNER     Select PM/CS Notifications by Partners
         BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_LIST_PLANGROUP     Select PM/CS Notifications by Maintenance Planner Group
         BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_LIST_SORTFIELD     Select PM/CS Notifications by Sort Field
         BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_POSTPONE     Reset PM/CS Notification
         BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_PUTINPROGRESS     Release PM/CS Notification
         BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_SAVE     Save PM/CS Notification
         BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_TASK_COMPLETE     PM/CS Notification: Complete Task
         BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_TASK_RELEASE     PM/CS Notification: Release Task
         BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_TASK_SUCCESS     PM/CS Notification: Set Task to Successful
         BAPI_ALM_OPERATION_GET_DETAIL     Read Detail Data for an Operation
         BAPI_ALM_ORDERHEAD_GET_LIST     Determination of a List of Maintenance/Service Orders from Selection
         BAPI_ALM_ORDEROPER_GET_LIST     Determination of a List of Operations from Selection
         BAPI_ALM_ORDER_GET_DETAIL     Reading of Detail Data for an Order
         BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN     Process Maintenance-/Service Order
         BAPI_ANSWER_READMULTIPLE     Read answers
         BAPI_APPCOMP_READMULTIPLE     Read application component ID
         BAPI_APPLICANT_CHANGEPASSWORD     Change applicant password
         BAPI_APPLICANT_CHECKEXISTENCE     Check applicant's existence
         BAPI_APPLICANT_CHECKPASSWORD     Check applicant password
         BAPI_APPLICANT_CREATE     Create applicant
         BAPI_APPLICANT_CREATE_PW_REG     Create entry for applicant password
         BAPI_APPLICANT_DELETE_PW_REG     Delete entry for applicant password
         BAPI_APPLICANT_DEQUEUE     Unlock Applicant
         BAPI_APPLICANT_ENQUEUE     Lock Applicant
         BAPI_APPLICANT_GETSTATUS     Determine applicant status
         BAPI_APPLICANT_GET_PW_REG     Read entry for applicant password
         BAPI_APPLICANT_INITPASSWORD     Initialize applicant password
         BAPI_APPLICATIONLOG_GETDETAIL     Read Details of Entries in Application Log
         BAPI_APPLICATION_CREATE     Create Application
         BAPI_APPRAISAL_CHANGE     Change appraisals
         BAPI_APPRAISAL_CREATE     Create appraisals
         BAPI_APPRAISAL_DELETE     Delete appraisals
         BAPI_APPRAISAL_GETDETAIL     Read appraisal
         BAPI_APPRAISAL_GETLIST     Display appraisals
         BAPI_APPRAISAL_MODEL_GETDETAIL     Read appraisal model
         BAPI_APPRAISAL_MODEL_GETLIST     Display Appraisal Model
         BAPI_APPRAISAL_SCALE_GETDETAIL     Read proficiencies and texts for scale
         BAPI_APPRAISAL_STATUS_CHANGE     Change appraisal status
         BAPI_APPRAISEE_GETLIST     Read appraisees
         BAPI_APPRAISER_GETLIST     Read appraisers
         BAPI_APPREQUEST_ADDVARIANT     Create Appropriation Request Variant
         BAPI_APPREQUEST_ASSGNTOPROGPOS     Assign Appropriation Request to Inv. Program Position(s)
         BAPI_APPREQUEST_ASSGNVRNTVERSN     Assign Appropriation Request to Plan Version(s)
         BAPI_APPREQUEST_CHANGE     Change appropriation request
         BAPI_APPREQUEST_CHANGEVARIANT     Change Appropriation Request Variant
         BAPI_APPREQUEST_CHANGE_MPO     Interface Module
         BAPI_APPREQUEST_CHNGASSGNMNTIP     Change Assignment of Approp. Request to Inv. Program Position
         BAPI_APPREQUEST_CREATE     Create Appropriation Request
         BAPI_APPREQUEST_DELETE     Delete appropriation request
         BAPI_APPREQUEST_GETDETAIL     Display appropriation request
         BAPI_APPREQUEST_GETSTATUS     Display Status of Appropriation Request
         BAPI_APPREQUEST_REMOVEVARIANT     Delete Appropriation Request Variant
         BAPI_APPREQUEST_RESETPLANVALUE     Reset Plan Values of Appropriation Request Variant
         BAPI_APPREQUEST_SETPLANVALUES     Change Plan Values of Appropriation Request Variant
         BAPI_APPREQUEST_SETSTATUS     Setting System and User Status of Appropriation Request
         BAPI_APPREQUEST_SETSTATUSVARNT     Setting of User and System Status on Variants
         BAPI_APPREQUEST_UASSGNVRNTVRSN     Cancel Assignment of Appropriation Request Variant to Plan Version
         BAPI_APPREQUEST_UNASSGNPROGPOS     Cancel Assignment of Appropriation Request to Inv. Program Position(s)
         BAPI_AP_ACC_GETBALANCEDITEMS     Vendor Account Clearing Transactions in a given Period
         BAPI_AP_ACC_GETCURRENTBALANCE     Vendor Account Closing Balance in Current Fiscal Year
         BAPI_AP_ACC_GETKEYDATEBALANCE     Vendor Account Balance at Key Date
         BAPI_AP_ACC_GETOPENITEMS     Vendor Account Open Items at a Key Date
         BAPI_AP_ACC_GETPERIODBALANCES     Posting Period Balances per Vendor Account in Current Fiscal Year
         BAPI_AP_ACC_GETSTATEMENT     Vendor Account Statement for a given Period
         BAPI_AR_ACC_GETBALANCEDITEMS     Customer account clearing transactions in a given time period
         BAPI_AR_ACC_GETCURRENTBALANCE     Closing balance of customer account in current fiscal year
         BAPI_AR_ACC_GETKEYDATEBALANCE     Customer account balance at a key date
         BAPI_AR_ACC_GETOPENITEMS     Customer account open items at a key date
         BAPI_AR_ACC_GETPERIODBALANCES     Posting period totals per customer account in current fiscal year
         BAPI_AR_ACC_GETSTATEMENT     Customer account statement for a given period
         BAPI_ASSET_ACQUISITION_CHECK     Check asset acquisition
         BAPI_ASSET_ACQUISITION_POST     Post Asset Acquisition
         BAPI_ASSET_POSTCAP_CHECK     Check post-capitalization
         BAPI_ASSET_POSTCAP_POST     Post post-capitalization
         BAPI_ASSET_RETIREMENT_CHECK     Check asset retirement
         BAPI_ASSET_RETIREMENT_POST     Post asset retirement
         BAPI_ASSET_REVERSAL_CHECK     Check Reversal of Asset Document
         BAPI_ASSET_REVERSAL_POST     Post Reversal of Asset Document
         BAPI_ASSORTMENTLIST_GETGROUP     Select Assortment List Groups
         BAPI_ASSORTMENTLIST_GETHEAD     Select Assortment List Header
         BAPI_ASSORTMENTLIST_GETPOS     Select Assortment List Items
         BAPI_ASSORTMENT_MAINTAINDATA     Maintenance of Assortments
         BAPI_ATTENDEE_BOOK_LIST     Read Attendee Bookings
         BAPI_ATTENDEE_CHANGEPASSWORD     Change attendee password
         BAPI_ATTENDEE_CHECKEXISTENCE     Check existence of attendee
         BAPI_ATTENDEE_CHECKPASSWORD     Check attendee password
         BAPI_ATTENDEE_PREBOOK_LIST     Read attendee prebookings
         BAPI_ATTENDEE_TYPE_LIST     Internet attendee types
         BAPI_ATTRIBUT_SENDLIST     Function module for BAPI BARCODE.SendList
         BAPI_BANKACCT_GET_BUPA     BAPI: Select Business Partner for Account
         BAPI_BANKACCT_GET_DETAIL     BAPI: Account Detail Data
         BAPI_BANKACCT_GET_HIERARCHY     BAPI: Account Hierarchy for an Account
         BAPI_BANKACCT_GET_LIST     BAPI: List of Accounts for a Business Partner
         BAPI_BANKACCT_GET_LIST_ALL     BAPI: List of all Accounts for One or More Bank Keys
         BAPI_BANKACCT_GET_ROOTACCOUNTS     BAPI: Determination of Root Accounts for a Hierarchy
         BAPI_BANKDETAILCREATESUCCESSNL     Create Subsequent Bank Details Record
         BAPI_BANKDETAILCREATESUCCESSOR     Create subsequent bank details record
         BAPI_BANKDETAILGBCREATESUCCESS     Create subsequent bank details record
         BAPI_BANKDETAILGBGETDETAILLIST     Read instances with data
         BAPI_BANKDETAILGB_APPROVE     Unlock bank details
         BAPI_BANKDETAILGB_CHANGE     Change bank details
         BAPI_BANKDETAILGB_CREATE     Create bank details
         BAPI_BANKDETAILGB_DELETE     Delete bank details
         BAPI_BANKDETAILGB_DELIMIT     Bankverbindung zeitlich abgrenzen
         BAPI_BANKDETAILGB_GETDETAIL     Read bank details
         BAPI_BANKDETAILGB_GETLIST     Read instances
         BAPI_BANKDETAILGB_REQUEST     Create locked bank details record
         BAPI_BANKDETAILGETDETAILEDLIST     Read instances with data
         BAPI_BANKDETAILJP_DETAILEDLIST     Bank Japan: Read instances with record
         BAPI_BANKDETAILJP_GETDETAIL     Bank Japan: Read record
         BAPI_BANKDETAILNL_APPROVE     Unlock Bank Details
         BAPI_BANKDETAILNL_CHANGE     Change Bank Details
         BAPI_BANKDETAILNL_CREATE     Create Bank Details
         BAPI_BANKDETAILNL_DELETE     Delete Bank Details
         BAPI_BANKDETAILNL_GETDETAIL     Read Bank Details
         BAPI_BANKDETAILNL_GETLIST     Read Authorities
         BAPI_BANKDETAILNL_REQUEST     Create Locked Bank Details
         BAPI_BANKDETAIL_APPROVE     Unlock bank details
         BAPI_BANKDETAIL_CHANGE     Change bank details
         BAPI_BANKDETAIL_CREATE     Create bank details
         BAPI_BANKDETAIL_DELETE     Delete bank details
         BAPI_BANKDETAIL_DELIMIT     Delimit bank details
         BAPI_BANKDETAIL_GETDETAIL     Read bank details
         BAPI_BANKDETAIL_GETLIST     Read instances
         BAPI_BANKDETAIL_REQUEST     Create locked bank details record
         BAPI_BANKNZ_CHANGE     Change bank details
         BAPI_BANKNZ_CREATE     Create bank details
         BAPI_BANKNZ_CREATESUCCESSOR     Create subsequent bank details record
         BAPI_BANKNZ_GETDETAIL     Read bank details
         BAPI_BANKNZ_GETDETAILEDLIST     Read instances with data
         BAPI_BANKNZ_REQUEST     Create locked bank details record
         BAPI_BANKNZ_SIMULATECREATION     Simulation: Create Bank Details
         BAPI_BANK_CHANGE     Change Bank
         BAPI_BANK_CREATE     Create Bank
         BAPI_BANK_GETDETAIL     Details on Banks
         BAPI_BANK_GETLIST     List of Banks
         BAPI_BANK_SAVEREPLICA     Duplicate Individual Banks (ALE)
         BAPI_BANK_STATEMENT_EXEC     Bank Statement: Newly Create Bank Statement
         BAPI_BANK_STATEMENT_GET     Bank Statement: Call Up Created Bank Statement
         BAPI_BARCODE_SENDLIST     Function module for BAPI BARCODE.SendList
         BAPI_BASICPAYEVALUATEWAGETYPES     Valuate person-specific wage types
         BAPI_BASICPAY_APPROVE     Unlock basic pay
         BAPI_BASICPAY_CHANGE     Change Basic Pay
         BAPI_BASICPAY_CREATE     Create Basic Pay
         BAPI_BASICPAY_CREATESUCCESSOR     Create subsequent basic pay record
         BAPI_BASICPAY_DELETE     Delete basic pay
         BAPI_BASICPAY_GETDETAIL     Read basic pay
         BAPI_BASICPAY_GETLIST     Read Instances
         BAPI_BASICPAY_REQUEST     Create Locked Basic Pay Record
         BAPI_BASICPAY_SIMULATECREATION     Simulation: Create basic pay
         BAPI_BATCH_CHANGE     Change Batch
         BAPI_BATCH_CREATE     Create Batch
         BAPI_BATCH_GET_DETAIL     Batch detailed information
         BAPI_BATCH_GET_LEVEL     Determine batch level
         BAPI_BATCH_REPLICATE     Distribute Batch
         BAPI_BATCH_SAVE_REPLICA     Replicate batch
         BAPI_BECBUSSCEN_READ     Read Collaborative Business Map
         BAPI_BEN_BENADJREAS_CALC_ENDDA     Determination of the (new) end date of an existing adjustment reason
         BAPI_BEN_BENADJREAS_DELIMIT     Delimitation of adjustment reason
         BAPI_BEN_BENADJREAS_GET_LIST     Define adjustment reasons that are currently valid for an employee
    Edited by: Srinivas Manchikalapati on Nov 24, 2008 3:05 PM

  • Any Bapi for F-21 (Enter transfer Posting)

    Hi ,
    I need a Bapi for F-21. I have got one Bapi BAPI_ACC_***_TRANSFER_POST. But not totally sure that whether it will work or not. Can anyone please tell me whether there is any other bapi for F-21.
    Thanks and regards,

    Check this BAPI - BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST wich is for Accounting: Posting.

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    Hi FI Experts,
    I'm trying to transfer asset from one to another during LAE process. Could anybody help me?
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    You should use BAPI:

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