Batch Capture Error

I just logged about twenty clips and attempted to batch capture them but nothing happens. I hear an audio pop but the batch capture window does not open. I have tried trashing the prefs within the FCP user data folder, but no change. This is a new problem. I have successfully captured in the past. I'm using a JVC SR-VS30 DV deck. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.

Since we're not watching over your shoulder, we've got to insist you check the easy things firts. Are you sure you have logged clips that are longer than a single frame? It's easy to do.
try batching only one clip.

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    I have been having issues doing batch capture with my JVC VS30U. I logged all my clips on the fly and did the entire tape, so the OUT point of one clip is the same as the IN point of the next clip. When I attempt to batch capture it gives this error between every clip.
    I have to hit retry, sometimes more than once, in order for the deck to properly cue and FCP to start the digitize. I don't know if this is a weird pre-roll issue, or something else, but it completely defeats the purpose of a batch if I have to sit here and hit retry after each clip.
    There are no TC breaks, and obviously its not really the end of the tape. I've read where people have similar problems, but didn't find a solution. Have already trashed prefs, but to no avail. Using FCP 5.0.4 with OS 10.4.3 and said JVC deck via firewire.
    Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

    I don't know the deck but a simple test would be to move a couple of i/o points so they are not adjacent. Or test with a single, longer clip and break it up into subclips.
    Tell us what you've tried so we don't waster your time and ours with fruitless suggestions.
    Errors displayed by FCP are usually irrelevant and rarely helpful.

  • Batch Capture - Error/Warning

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    _You are about to capture non-drop frame media from a device currently detecting or configured for drop frame media. If you proceed, you may experience changes in logged in and out points, problems relinking media or removal of master clip relationships_.
    If I continue, the process quickly gives me an error.
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    The only way I can capture a video is by NOT using Batch Capture but only by capturing the individual clip. For some reason that works but the Batch Capture does not. I use this system a LOT for video editing (I use FCP Pro 6.0.5).
    I would appreciate any suggestions.

    I didn't receive a reply to this but I believe I figured out what what "drop frame box" Irl is taking about.
    The only Drop frame box I could think of is in User Preferences. I unchecked that and it didn't do anything. I captured one clip and the audio was out of sync.
    Looking at the Batch Capture dialog closer I noticed an unchecked "Add Handles" with a timecode that includes the semicolon. I checked that and started the recapture. The Warning came up again but I went ahead and the audio was back in sync.
    I have no clue as to why this setting is in the batch window as I only thought handles were for trimming. The manual skips over what it does. I'll reply again if I find anything else.

  • Batch capture error DF or NDF

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    I haven´t changed any setting in the the hardware a DSR11.
    Any ideas of what's happening?
    G5 dual core   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    I seem to remember this happening to me, but for the life of me, I can't remember how I solved the problem.
    Make sure you've let the tape run for a second or two so that it correctly recognizes the fcm (frame code mode) of the tape. If that doesn't solve the problem, you may be out of luck. You could export an edl change the fcm of the source clips in a text edit program and recapture. You might have to adjust the occasional edit, but it would probably save alot of time.

  • "No Video" error when Batch Capturing

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    The same thing does not happen when capturing one clip at a time nor does it happen if you capture live (hitting Capture "Now" in L&C window).
    Any thoughts?

    I also don't want to keep paying $23 a month for software that is not 100%.
    Software as complex as Premiere Pro will never be 100% bug free.
    I'm also inclined to believe this is more of a system issue than a PP issue.  I don't recall other reports of this nature, and it works fine on my own system.
    The only other thing I can think of to suggest is another FireWire port, possibly by adding a FireWire card to the system.  I've read that the chip makes a difference, so research over in the Hardware forum.

  • Timecode error in batch capture

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    Thanks, smart people!

    Great, now you made Studio go and have some fun on the weekend.
    X is right eliminate things one at a time.
    You didn't let us know what drive you are capturing to.
    If capturing from the camera doesn't work, it may be that you are experiencing the "multiple FW devices on one FW bus issue" in which case you might try looping the camera or deck through the drive, works for some, but more likely you will need to install another FW bus via the card slot on the laptop.
    By the way, this really doesn't sound like a drop/non drop issue, but look at the timecode display of the footage on tape. If the last 2 numbers are preceded by a semicolon,,, it's drop frame.
    Now, I believe someone mentioned the US Open!

  • Batch Capture : Timecode Error?

    So I am attempting to capture my first video onto FCP from my Canon XL. I have about 5 minutes of video and I have logged the info for each clip. They are all in my "Bin 1" and it is set as a "logging bin." The first logged clip that i want it to capture i have marked the "In Point" at 00:00:00;00 and the "Out Point" at around 00:01:09;24. The rest of my 11 clips just go in order (i.e. 2nd clip: In = 00:01:09;25 etc...). After doing all of this I click on "Batch" under the "Capture" option, a big black screen pops up over my FCP with the capture info underneath the black screen in a gray strip. My camera then rewinds to the beginning and STOPS. I then have to sit and wait for anythin to happen, my camera still saying "STOP," and then a message pops up reading the following:
    Batch Capture: Timecode Error: Unable to locate the specified timecode. You may have specified a timecode with insufficient room for a pre/post roll operation.
    I have no idea what this means and I am beginning to get impatient with capturing my video. In the Log and Capture window, the tab that says Logging, i did not mess with the "Markers." I don't know if this matters.
    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated so that I can start editing my project with this wonderful software otherwise.
    God bless,

    In standard trim, FCP needs at least 5 seconds preroll before capturing. The preroll is so the tape can get up to speed, the heads read timecode accurately and so on. You have discovered what happens when you give it no oppertunity to sort itself out.
    The simple answer for your current situation is to set your first in point 10 seconds after the start of the time code. Be sure to make sure your last clip's OUT point is 10 seconds or more before the end of time code or you can have problems at that end of the capture as well.
    The long term answer is next time let the camera run for a minute or two before you start recording anything you will want to keep. The same is true for the end of the tape - let it run for another half minute or so.

  • Error while Batch Capturing on to Final Cut Pro

    When you batch capture from any deck randomlly it gives an error "do not attempt to eject the tape" and the capture stops and after that it gives this error serveral time again and again but the same tape works fine with other machine.
    Try to help me out as soon as possible.

    Sounds like you need to repair the video playback machine which is sending the error messages...

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    I avoid this problem by shooting the first 30 seconds of each tape to throw away. That way, my starting code for any new tape is always at least 00:00:30;00. I started doing this back with FCP 3 (and now have FCP 5). So, I don't know if this is still an issue with the newer version. I do know, however, that working with timecodes below 30 seconds was a pain. Before I learned this trick, I would be able batch capture all of my other clips. Then, the first clip on each tape I would use Capture Now (which seemed to be less finicky with the low time codes).
    I hope this helps.

  • FCP "general error" on hdv batch capture

    i am trying to batch capture around 3k clips that went down when we installed a bad raid controller card that scrambled our RAID, and also 28 hrs of HD footie. OUCH!
    anyways i'm trying to batch capture as much as i can to retieve our logging notes and rebuild some of our assemblies, but FCP keeps kickin me hard. after a reasonable amount of success, FCP generates a GENERAL ERROR message, leaving me unable to capture anymore (every time i hit batch capture i get the general error)...
    I hate HDV n all, but i think this one is coming from FCP as after i re-install (3 hrs later), i can start crankin out the tapes again....
    any ideas how i can avoid this boys n girls? its really killing me and making our sundance deadline of sept 18 a bit of a dream.
    andrew stromotich

    reinstalling FCP rarely fixes anything. If you want to be sure you have a good installation, you need to do an erase and reinstall of the system drive. This gets you a clean version of OSX, FCP and QT. If that doesn't work, you likely have a hardware issue.
    Good luck,

  • Batch capture a sequence - strange error

    Hi I am trying to batch capture a sequence (1 hour long, captured on DV PAL), now I am trying to get it into the FCP in HDV. I copy the sequence make all clips offline, select batch capture and it asks for a tape. So far so good.
    Always when I put a tape it will rewind the tape fully and then give a time code error...
    Is the first time I do a batch in FCP. I think I select the correct audio/video setup, but always happens the same: rewind and error...
    Can anyone help me?
    Am I missing something?

    FCP rewinds the tape because it loads the clips in ascending timecode order -not the order that they appear in your sequence. This saves wear and tear on the tape because FCP does not have to spool back and forth, it simply progesses up the tape grabbing the clips.
    It might be that the first segment that FCP is trying to grab is too close to the beginning of your tape and there is not enough stable timecode at that point.
    Try the following: reduce the amount of pre-roll time or shorten the length of any handles you may have assigned.
    It is probably a good idea to reduce pre-roll time and/or handles just for this first clip, then do the rest with your normal settings.

  • Batch capture produces VTR error?

    I am trying to batch capture from Digibeta. I have 14 reels with three 25 minute clips per reel and every time it gets to that third clip, it stops and gives a VTR error saying that it appears I have reached the end of the tape.
    The tape is still playing - I can see it on the secondary SDI output to a pro monitor. I have captured these clips before without problem, there is no break in T/C and oddly enough, when I try to capture that clip again it works just fine?
    Any ideas what mayu be causing this?

    No TC break per say but is it possible that the code is rolling over somewhere early in that last take?

  • Batch capture HDV error

    I have FCP 5.14 and have just logged a bunch of HDV footage offline. I did this the normal way I would when capturing DV footage, marking the in and out point and then log the clip, standard stuff?
    When I try to Batch capture the offline clips it captures only 1 frame from each clip, then the clip details are also effected, ie the Media start and media end of my clips changes from what they where into two new time codes 1 frame either side of the newly captured clip.
    Is this a program error or am I just completely useless??? Can somebody help me please

    Not sure if this is your exact problem, but I've had issues with Batch Capturing HDV in FCP 5.1.4 using both a Sony M15U and M25U.
    The deck would seek to the appropriate place on the tape and then just jog back and forth looking for the right start point. It would do this about 3 times and then give up.
    The solution for this was a DROP FRAME / NON-DROP FRAME setting in FCP. If you go to your A/V Settings and then to the Device Control Presets tab and edit your preset (If it's locked you can just make a copy of it and edit the copy - I am using the Sony HDV firewire preset). If you know what your footage was shot in (drop or non) make this setting adjustment. If you don't know, try both.
    As soon as this not so little detail was checked everything batch captured without fail. Just make sure there aren't any timecode breaks on your tape.
    Hope this helps.

  • Batch Capture won't launch/gives no error message

    that says it all.. Worked fine yesterday.. Log and Capture loads fine.. vtr shows ok.. I select files to batch capture and nothing happens not even a message..
    anybody offer hints to make this work? Thanks
    btw.. searched for this exact problem in search forum and didn't find this one in there. thanks again

    Glad you found the answer, I was wondering what the problem was when I read the post. Sometimes you can learn the most about an application by troubleshooting.
    Can you mark this thread as being solved so it can help future people searching the same issue?

  • Help!  Batch Capture Changes My Logged Clips' Media Start & Media End

    I'd be very grateful for any help on this.
    I log a tape with about 40 clips ranging from 30 seconds to 4 minutes. I select the clips and start a batch capture. Everything appears to be capturing normally and I receive no error messages or dropped frame warnings - after my last clip is captured I get a "Successfully Captured" message.
    However, as soon as I click "Finished," all of my clip media start's, media end's, and durations in the log window arbitrarily change to weird times. All my media start points are 26 frames too early (I've tripple-checked that "Add Handles" is indeed deactivated), and the media end points make no sense at all.
    A clip that was once 44 seconds long is now only 12 seconds long, the media end point moved a whopping 34:03 too early. Another clip will become 2 seconds longer, the media start point still shifted back 26 frames, but with the media end now 31 frames too late. Checking the original files on my drive confirms that only these weird, unusable segments are what has been captured.
    What complicates things is that I just discovered today that if I capture locally to my internal hard disk, the clips capture normally (the times remain unchanged). But if I set my capture scratch to my external hard drive (a LaCie F800 2-TB RAID-5 using Firewire-800), that's when the clips start changing themselves. I ran disk utility and found no errors on the drive, and have never had a problem with it or any part of my configuration until the last month or so... the only changes to my system being the regular use of Software Update.
    On top of that, my colleague is experiencing a similar problem with batch capture changing his clip times, even though he is using a different computer (single-processor G5), a different video deck (Sony DHR-1000), and a different storage medium (Apple Xserve RAID).
    So my question is: What is happening! The only thing I can think of is that perhaps some update has a bug - but I can't find anyone with a similar problem online.
    Any help on this would be extremely appreciated! Thank you in advance for your advice.
    Dual 2.3GHz PowerPC G5 Mac OS X (10.4.4) Deck: JVC CU-VH1 / Storage: LaCie F800 2-TB RAID-5
    Dual 2.3GHz PowerPC G5 Mac OS X (10.4.4)

    Here's an update on this. Both my colleague and I have confirmed that if we capture to an internal or external drive that is not a RAID FCPro batch captures just fine.
    But, if the drive we are capturing to is a RAID (in my case a LaCie Biggest F800 and his case an Apple Xserve), then we get dropped frame reports and/or clip in's and out's changing after the batch capture is complete.
    We even tried reformatting one of the xServe's and rebuilding it as non-journaled, it didn't solve the problem.
    It seems impossible that we're the only ones to be experiencing this problem... does anybody have any help or suggestions!?

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