BE Archiving Question

A question from other thread, but have the same query.
If you archive InfoCube the archiving object is generated and later on you can reload archived data into the same or another InfoCube. What happens if the cube structure changes? Will the archiving object be generated new? Can the old archived data (basing on the old cube structure) still be reloaded?

Hi Manish,
Regarding archiving,
I suggest to re-load archived data to another info-cube, later if you wanna display it to the report with the production cube, you can unify its (archived cube + production cube) with Multi-provider.
With that method, you solve the problem regarding to sturcture changes.
Hope it helps you ..
(Many thanks for any points you choose to assign).

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    The software is named as MediaSource Audio Converter. It comes w/ the MediaSource package which can be found at support/downloads too.
    BTW, XtremeAudio is not based on same hardware that those othed X-Fi (PCI) models are so, if you have Li've! 24-bit/Audigy SE/Value or any Audigy 2/4 card there already then you perhaps don't get any other advantage but those couple of bundled additional software only (as like the Chrystalizer).
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    Thanks, looks like this is a fixed situation that requires ingenuity to work around - too bad. But thanks for the reply.
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    If you apply one retention policy to a mailbox, then this retention policy will be applied to the primary and archive mailbox, this means that the archive mailbox have the same retention policy as primary mailbox.
    Here is an example to help you to understand this.
    You can use a DPT with the Move to Archive action to move items to the archive mailbox in two years, and a DPT with a deletion action to remove items from the mailbox
    in seven years. Items in both primary and archive mailboxes will be deleted after seven years.
    You can refer to the following article for more information.
    Best regards,
    Belinda Ma
    TechNet Community Support

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    Sorry, not totally following. When integrated into ConfigMgr, WSUS should not be downloading update binaries at all and the only reason it downloads updates is because you are approving updates in WSUS which you should not be doing. You should never actually
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    Queries on the forums cover every topic under the sun. Everybody has some expertise about something.
    If you see a query about things you know about, stop for a minute and add your knowledge to the thread. That's the best way I know to "pay it forward".
    The guys with a zillion points do not do this to get the points -- they do it because they like to help, and the points sometimes come to them in response, sometimes not.

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    Could it be that easy?
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    You can simply select that mailbox, CTRL- or RIGHT-click and select Archive Mailbox from the contextual menu. Save the archive wherever you want. The archive is a .mbox file that is importable into Mail. If you need access to its content you will have to first import it back into Mail.
    I see no reason why you couldn't use an alias, but I've never tried it myself.

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    Hello Forum,
    I've been uisng SARA to archive items and the process seems to work pretty well.
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    I'd appreciate any coaching or guidance you can provide on this.
    Thanks, Dan

    your goal is impossible thru archiving. And it was never possible in earlier releases.
    You can only archive records that have no dependendent data.
    the material must not be used in Bom, production order, purchase order, sales order, info record, source list, inspection lot, batch, must not have stock in current and previous year and about 100 other checks.
    however in test systems you can use MMDE.
    MMDE is only allowed in test system, and cannot be executed in production systems.
    It erases the material master tables without checking if the material is already used in a bill of material or a purchase order. It just creates inconsistencies and was mainly to clear data for testing of inventory loads.

  • Archiving question

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    your ealier responce is much appreciated.

    no response.

  • .DOC(X) vs .PAGES vs .ODT -- usage/legacy/archiving questions...

    (I know I know this has been discussed a lot I'm sure, but I still have some unresolved issues, so please try to bear with me.)
    I know iWork is NOT the same as Office and is NOT meant as a replacement for Office (regardless of most Apple Store staff misrepresenting this "Save As" MS Office file extension functionality). However still longterm legacy issues persist that I'm wanting some help on from users here so that I won't have problems opening files in 10+ years time without in some way losing the original document formatting.
    Just bought recently Macs, and I like Pages and Numbers usability, and understand they are not Office replacements when it comes to what they do and especially the formats you can save to while using (yes there's a script to save continuously CMD+S as .doc/.xls, but still the formatting allowed in iWork apps is usually not then allowable!).
    My main issue then, is if Apple have changed their native formats (.pages & .numbers) heavily between '08 and '09 versions, so much so that users are complaining of losing formatting even on Apple's own upgraded products, then what is going to be the state of opening these things in 5-10-20 years time?
    Is it really worth the risk of having HUGE legacy issues when archiving current files with Apple's format types, as Office formats are being ISO standardised?
    The reason I raise this, is that from what I have read, MS Office is currently using these "Office Open XML" ( ) standards (.docx, .xlsx, pptx) which will be an International ISO standard. Thus ANY office program in the future will be able to open and edit cleanly WITHOUT losing any formatting on the original program.
    Why is Apple outside of this with it's proprietary iWork formats, which are not very compatible. And more to the point, as a user who doesn't want format issues in the future when opening older files, what would be the benefit of saving to the iWork extensions?
    I also have read about this other competing 'open' standardised format of OpenDocument/ODF ( ) —.odt, .ods, .odp, etc.— which only OpenOffice/NeoOffice seem to be going down (yes, I know TextEdit can open but limited).
    But seeing as .doc & .xls have been the business formats of choice (MS Office legacy), are being ISO standardised, and still remain high % universal with most other users, why use ODF or iWork fomats AT ALL?
    How do others around here deal with all these choices, when it comes to archives in the future?
    Yours perplexed, Jim

    Read this press release from MS in May 2008:
    To summarise:
    Basically MS Office are supporting BOTH formats: OOXML (Office Open XML: .docx, .xlsx, .pptx) and ODF (Open Document Format: .odt, .ods, .odp). So users will have the choice of which ISO standard to use.
    This makes Apple's iWork completely redundant and out of the equation, as it only supports fully its own proprietary extensions (.pages, .numbers, .keynote). With half-exportable abilities to the old pre-XML Office formats (ie. without the "x" on the end) of .doc, .xls, .ppt.
    So, if you really want a paid-for product (rather than the free, but not very good graphically "GUI" programs), you should almost certainly go for MS Office For Mac 2008. At least then you'll know that you'll be able to use BOTH the leading file standards going forward into the future.
    Even if macro's are not on Office Mac 2008, the next edition will almost certainly have the full suite that the Office Windows 2010 will get.
    ...shame cause I really like iWork's interface more. Why Apple didn't focus on the iWork user interface and productivity rather than their own special not-widely-adopted proprietary formats, seems lacking in business sense, given us users are not completely thick and can work out a future dead-end format when we see it. (pages 08 not even working with pages 09 - outrageous IMO?!?)
    Surely they realised that these two format systems are the future, yet are attempting to go completely against the grain WRONGLY trying to gain some kind of market share for themselves at the loss of interoperability with other users and platforms.
    You can understand it from a straight money point of view (gaining a market share of users to keep for their own products only), but with online Google Apps now and MS's online offering improving soon, both using these two ISO standard formats; why would anyone want to be stuck on their own with the Apple iWork ones?
    And hence why staff in store tell half-truths about iWork working with Office. As a relatively new Apple user I expected some specialities, but this I am most unimpressed about. Bad Bad Bad Bad.

  • SLT and Archiving Question

    We have here an ERP System running on Oracle being replicated to HANA (Side-car) using SLT.
    When we archive a lot of data from ERP, SLT is taking a very long time to empty the replication queue.
    What is traveling through network? Every record deleted? Every SQL Transaction in Oracle (ERP)? What is the size of data being transfered?

    Option -2 skipped the records in my production system , I used the below ABAP code
    FIELD-SYMBOLS : <ls_data> TYPE any,
                                 <lv_operation> TYPE any.
    assign (i_p1) to <ls_data>.
    ASSIGN COMPONENT 'IUUC_OPERAT_FLAG' OF STRUCTURE <ls_data> to <lv_operation>.
    If sy-subrc = 0 and <lv_operation> = 'D'.
    Delete records are getting skipped during replication however those records still present in the logging tables , we had to remove those records from logging table manually after the archival process.

  • Inbox vs. Archive Question

    December 30
    If I get rid of ALL of my emails in the INBOX, will they all be there in ARCHIVE?
    Thanks for any help out there,

    What I'm seeing is the All Mail Folder showing in the Archive folder. Don't understand that one, but somehow the All Mail Folder is mapped to the Archive folder. So yes, deleting the message there will delete it from the Inbox. The All Mail Folder in gmail shows the message no matter what mailbox it is in.
    Go the the Label section of the gmail site and uncheck the box to not show the All Mail Folder in IMAP. Do the same for Archive if it shows in the Label section. As soon as Mail syncs with gmail, those folders will disappear from Mail.
    Check only the mailbox folders you want to show in Mail.

  • Ancient and Archived Questions

    Is there a way to simply 'drop' a question? I have two questions that are "unresolved" basically because no answer has been forthcoming from the collective so I can't mark them as "answered", but I can't delete them from my list of "unresolved" questions.
    Perhaps a third alternative to 'helpful' and 'solved' being 'abandoned'?

    G'day Sue,
    Au contraire, you can mark the question as 'Answered' without nominating a Solved or Helpful response and thereby get it off the list of unresolved questions.
    I do agree though, the facility to mark a post as 'Abandoned' or something similar would be in keeping with the spirit of points mendicants.
    Have fun!

  • To Karl Petersen: Regarding Another Archived Question

    Hello Mr. Petersen:
    I have been reading your posts on this topic, and I have question regarding making many frames combined into a QT movie. I do not have QT Pro, and am trying to do this through iMovie 6. Here is the deal:
    I have a series (about 2800) of frames stored in a folder on my Hard Drive, which I would like to make into a .mov file. They are currently BNP files. I imported them in order to iMovie in the timeline, and now they are showing up individually as five second clips. I will attach a screenshot of the timeline. When double-clicking on each clip, I can't adjust the time. I am trying to make each clip into one frame of a movie.
    Thank you so much.
    C h r i s t o p h
    Here is the photo of the timeline:

    Duration Slider? When I double click on the image I can't change the time. Is there a different way?
    C h r i s t o p h

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