BEEPS--brand spanking new; and it just beeps.

I just bought my Macbook today and tried to turn it on and I got continuous sets of three beeps...(beep;beep;beep;...beep;beep;beep)I sometimes get a greeting chime (the normal sound) and sometimes it goes to the "select language" but then the screen goes black and then just beeps. I've tried everything: RAM reset (cmnd; cntrl; p r); default (taking battery out and holding pwr button for 10sec; etc.) I'VE TRIED EVERYTHING and nothing works.
I grew up with Macs, and the family went to Windows, and now I'm a college student and always wanted to go back to Mac(just not enough money); and finally did and this is what I get? I'm upset!
I haven't done anything to it. I'm a little irritated. What should I do?

I bought a new macbook on March 26th. Powered it up for the first time on April 8th and the same thing happened to me. I checked the ram and it was covered in something white along the connectors. Cleaned it off with a microfiber cloth and reinstalled the ram. After that I at least made it past the blue screen to the choice of a language, then screen went gray again. I powered down and waited then powered on again, same thing three beeps and gray screen. I took it to the Apple store and the "genius" told me they put grease on the ram modules and that was the white substance on the connectors. He replaced the ram and the computer runs just fine now. He said the three beeps is a signal that the problem is the ram. Hope this helps.

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    -Thanks for reading 

    As a last ditch effort try removing the battery and power supply, press the power button 50 times holding for 30 seconds on the last one, plug in power supply and try to start up without the battery.
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    Registered Linux User #160145
    FYI: I am not employed by Lenovo

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    Okay, and you've done the various resets, so the next things that come to mind are:
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    If you want to use Logic, then 15 inch screen is a must. There is not enough > space on the 13 inch to view Logic, especially when you open the soft synths.
    well yes... or, in my case, the 15 inch screen was still not enough so I went for the 17. it has exactly the same res as the 20" cinema display which I was already used to with logic, so I'm happy. plus I never use this machine as my laptop to carry around (I kept my powerbook for that) so I didn't need to compromise on getting something that was still not too big to be a comfortable laptop. but I think if you do want to work with logic effectively and still have a laptop that's a practical size to use as a general laptop, the 15" is the right choice.
    what internal speed drive did you go with? 5400 or 7200
    I went for the 7200rpm drive. have you read all the information out there on the net about the new PMR technology that's used on the 160/5400 and 200/4200 drive options in the MBPs? there are some very comprehensive benchmarks that have been run which show that there's not as much of a dramatic difference anymore between the 7200 and the 5400. for some operations under certain conditions, the 5400 actually appeared to be faster.
    you're not planning to use the internal drive for audio though, are you?
    my reasoning for getting the 7200 drive is the following. OSX permanenty and automatically uses disk-based virtual memory just in regular operation. it is constantly creating and reading swap files, as well as just referencing little bits of whatever data that the apps and the system need to run. this VM use becomes heavier the more your actual physical RAM starts being used up. now seeing as I know that I'm going to be running heavy logic sessions, using up as much RAM as I can get with samples and just general everything.. I decided I needed to have the snappiest system drive I could get. even given the benchmarks for the PMR drives, I still felt that fast read/write access speeds and the fastest seek time possible is what I needed to have optimal performance. sure a 5400rpm PMR drive might have great specs for a lot of things. but when the system needs to be able to find whatever swap files or system resource as quickly as possible, I still think you can't beat a disk that is just physically spinning faster.
    the other thing I've done is this. when I first got the machine, I reformatted it and did my own custom install of OSX. traditional drives perform best when they are less than half full. from what I've read, anything down to 30% full is still on an improving curve, and maybe it gets better still even less full. so I scaled back the install to as lean a system as I could. I've installed only the most important apps that I need, and I definitely did not install the iwork and office trial software. after that, I used software called monolingual to remove even more language localizations (which are added with app support) on top of what I had already left out in my custom install. this got me back almost another GB of space. also, my itunes library is not on my MBP.. I've kept it on my powerbook. the only times I ever want to listen to music from my itunes library on the MBP is when the powerbook is nearby anyway, seeing as the powerbook is the only machine that I ever take anywhere. so, the library just appears in itunes on the MBP as shared music. my iphoto library is locally stored on my MBP though, because iphoto runs so much faster on this machine.. but this is the only concession to include personal files that I've made on the MBP. so, out of a 100GB system drive, I still have 62GB of free space left, and I'll keep it as close to that as I can.
    as for my project audio and my sound library, it's all on an external FW800 drive. but I'm also considering getting an e-SATA card and getting a drive for that, because it will be even faster and will free up the FW bus to have full-bandwidth use of something like liquid mix. we'll see.
    anyway, so far so good. like I said in my first post, logic is running like a demon. in general, this machine is running real fast for everything, like a fast desktop.
    but I think the problem with your question is.. it's going to be hard for anyone to be able to tell you how it would have been had they gotten a different drive. I have no idea if my system would be running logic any less fast if I'd gone with the 5400. my instincts tell me that maybe it'd have slightly less of an edge, but I can't really say. it's probably true that if I was using my 7200 drive less cautiously than I am, and that it was getting close to full, then it would probably slow down a bit more dramatically than a 5400 would have, if I had one of those and it was getting full. this is to do with the fact that higher data density on the same sized platter can mean faster seek times only when they are starting to get fuller, and also to do with aspects of how PMR disks work. but I think that a well managed and lean 7200 drive that is much more than half full will still give you a slightly perkier system than a 5400 PMR drive used at its best. there's not really any way I can know this for sure though.
    end of the day, I don't honestly think logic would run like a dog with a 5400rpm PMR drive. but if you want the absolute best performance you can get, you're better off keeping a lean system drive, trying to keep it at least only half full or better.. and then using a fast external for your projects and sound library. in that case, I don't see the point of getting a 160GB internal drive, just so that you have more space to keep empty.
    but if you want to use the machine for multiple purposes and you could really use that extra disk space, then I still think logic will run more than fine. compared to your powerbook, there's no way you'll be dissapointed.. it's like having a dual 2.5ghz G5, if not faster, only in a less than one inch thick case that you can carry in your bag.

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    Thank you for your help. :)

    SQL is fun, but what's really cool is how it interacts the a web interface (a web browser). JSP (JavaServer Pages) is my favorite, but you can also use ASP (Microsoft's Active Server Pages) or PHP (a web scripting language usually associated with MySQL).
    Armed with JSP, you can do practically anything and everything! Easy connectivity, scalabilty, workflow, and best of all Web-Based user interface forms! If you need help getting your environment set up, you can reach me at [email protected]
    My favorite book (unquestionably) is Paul Whitehead's JSP Blueprint book. I call it the 'bible' because he covers all the important topics with clear examples without getting egotistical. Don't bog yourself down with too much of the pure "Java" stuff in the beginning of the book, skip a chapter or two and dive into examples that make sense. The more you learn, the more the other chapters make more sense. here's the URL at Amazon... again, the is the BEST JavaServer Pages book I own (and I have quite a few!)
    have fun!

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    # Question
    For some reason, I can not delete bookmarks. I did one at a time, then tried 5 or 6 and it worked once then no more. I then tried 1 at a time and it worked once the no more. Why is this happening? This is a brand new computer (Win7) and FF just loaded about 3 hours ago. Do not know how the bookmarks even got in there. Some were ok, but no order and some that were never bookmarks. Looks like FF tried to import some BM's from the Virtual XP installed, but did not get it any where near right. I need to completely delete all of them and install from a saved .html file.

    Well, I did not see the exact problem that I was having listed in the articles, BUT the problem is solved for now.
    I opened FF and the Bookmarks to Organize again. I deleted all of the folders and entries, ONE AT A TIME, AND IT WORKED. Evidently, for what ever reason, FF did not like "Batch" deletes of ANY amount greater than 1 and the HANG UP would occur.
    Deleting one at a time then importing the good .html from a good file, loaded the wanted Bookmarks. Yea

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    My new ipod touch 4g that i just got is running extremely slow and the apps crash alot. I have about 10gb left out of 16 gb. When i got it, it was brand new, and ran like how it is now. I was just wondering if this could be some sort of defect?

    My new ipod touch 4g that i just got is running extremely slow and the apps crash alot. I have about 10gb left out of 16 gb. When i got it, it was brand new, and ran like how it is now. I was just wondering if this could be some sort of defect?

  • Hi, Plz help me find my stolen black iPhone5, I just bought it unlocked with 1200$ to be worked in Egypt and it was stollen from my luggage at the Airport. It was brand new and the box is sealed. It's serial no

    Hi, Plz help me find my stolen black iPhone5, I just bought it unlocked with 1200$ to be worked in Egypt and it was stollen from my luggage at JFK Airport in NYC. It was brand new and the box is sealed. It's serial no# is 013330002557961. Plz help me for God's sake.

    no way to track phone i the box. I doubt u can track it period.
    Thats some low stuff though. What Airport where u in. I bet NYC or Chicago

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    i just bought an iphone 5 and the pin is missing, how can i verify it is brand new and i was not sold a refurbished phone

    after reporting a fake problem, i was asked for my serial number, i entered it and got this message
    Our records indicate that this product has been replaced. Please provide the serial number for your replacement product to find the support and warranty coverage information. For more information, please contact us.
    Doesnt this mean this a returned/refurbished iphone? it was sold as brand new

  • HT6114 my audio is being funny on my mac. It is brand new, and hasn't had trouble since this update. It gets stuck at full blast with a / though it. then no audio comes out. Once I turn it off it fixes it self thouhg.

    my audio is being funny on my mac. It is brand new, and hasn't had trouble since this update. It gets stuck at full blast with a / though it. then no audio comes out. Once I turn it off it fixes it self thouhgh, or if I wait a while it finally fixes it's self. If this happening to anyone else?

    I don't think that is normal behavior. The long press is possibly causing the system to force power down, which would then allow it to power back up.
    Just to make sure, all drivers are up-to-date? Are there pending BIOS updates? If so, you'll want to make sure it can restart properly before applying the BIOS update
    Try an Ubuntu LiveUSB or LiveCD to rule out software issues.
    If that doesn't work, try taking out the battery and AC, pressing the power button ten times, then holding it for ten. This is usually the remedy for another issue, but try it anyway.
    If that doesn't work, then try resetting the BIOS settings. Then try unplugging the CMOS battery overnight. Otherwise, might have to call for warranty.
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    You may just want to save yourself any possible issues
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    start up.  Any USB keyboard and mouse should work.
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Maybe you are looking for