Best crossplatform language?

I'm interested in making a crossplatform gui application. SO I've started to try and learn java. However I keep coming across posts on ruby and python and there seems to be much talk about these being better/easier etc.
I'd be interested in hearing what people on this list have to say on the topic. The object is to be able to develop an application that can run on both a mac and a windows machine .. a write once run anyhwhere application .
Personally I like perl but making a crossplatform application with perl seems very difficult since my development platform is Mac and Perl/Tk seems to have issues with the mac.
I'm not so much interested in a flame war here as some pros and cons.
From what I have been able to deduce java seems a reasonable avenue since it pretty much runs anywhere and most users on windows allready have javaruntime installed. But maybe I'm missing something.
Ofocurse in the best of worlds I could make a gui using Xcode tools and with the push of a button port it to windows...alas that is not to be

Sounds like you recommend C# ..
No, not quite. I recommend not trying to go off on your own (relatively speaking) with user interfaces. C# was designed for .NET and vice-versa. If you use C# with .NET, you will be using the same language/architecture as the vast majority of new MS development.
There is still quite a bit of VC++ with MFC around, but don't start on that. It just isn't worth it. For MS, C# and .NET are the future. Don't fight the future.
ofcourse that still
means one has to learn two languages at the samt time
.. both C++ and C# .. at least if one wants to live
in the mac world. Seems a shame there isnt a C++
framework that could be used for gui on windows. But
am I right in understanding that C# is "newer" than
C++ ?
Not really. It is just that "vendors" (MS and Apple) "encourage" developers to use different tools for User Interface development. You can use whatever tools you want. But if you chart your own course, you will have to solve all your own problems. The user-base for non-standard development architectures is very small.
The point I'm trying to make is that the language differences between Java, C++, Objective-C, and C# are very, very minor. Minor is even too strong a word - insignificant is better. The various UI libraries are, however, radically different. Java Swing is nothing like the Java Eclipse SDK. Both are radically different than anything else. I haven't used QT, but I suspect it is radically different from everything else too. The same is true with MFC and Carbon. Cocoa and .NET seem to be relatively close.
That's all I'm going to say on the matter. You have asked for advice and I've given my humble opinion. People are already starting to get into Java "slowness" religious wars. I don't have time for that nonesense. I call 'em as I see 'em. I do my new development in Objective-C++ on the Mac and I plan to use C# and .NET on Windows. I have spent many, many years doing cross-platform libraries in C++. I don't think it was worth it and don't plan on doing that anymore.

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    As has been said before, that's a little too open-ended of a question. However, we can give you some insight to answer it for yourself. I think languages such as C are what assembly language was to C a few years ago. Many higher-level languages have been written in C (including LabVIEW) but I wouldn't waste my time learning it unless you have a lot of time to learn it and need to develop algorithms that work under the hood in a dll and such. If you want to invest heavily (and I mean heavily) learning C learn C++ instead since it is the industry standard and is object-oriented. If you want to learn a higher-level, text-based, useful, easily learned and cross-platform object-oriented language with a quick development time I would go with Python. Python is not the best performing language out there, but it is powerful, compiles on-the-fly, can be used with LV and there is huge open source community supporting it. And Python is used just about everywhere. And I started learning it myself just a few months ago.
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    Ok, the documentation may be a bit more extensive - but it already covers quite enough to get started.
    E.g. [Example: HelloMaxDB|].
    Make sure to check the [Java Manual|].
    > hence, requested for baby steps to build an java application.
    You've got the 'baby steps' right there.
    But there's not going to be anybody taking them for you - programming is not following screenshots ...
    So, have fun!

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    HashBox wrote:You might want to look in to DPI and what The GIMP does in terms of that, also I found this which might be of use as well:
    Thanks HashBox, I think Im off to a good start on this. First, I wrote the program (majority of it) using matlab, and now Im trying to convert it to C++. So far I have:
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "CImg.h"
    using namespace cimg_library;
    //main program
    int main()
    CImg<double> img("xray.jpg");
    //converts the image to black and white
    //displays image
    CImgDisplay display(img,"Black and White");
    while (!display.is_closed)
    return 0;
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    %read the image
    [filename,pathname] = uigetfile('*.*', 'Select an image');
    %assign image to film
    %threshold the image
    level = graythresh(film);
    %convert image to black&white using the thresholded value
    BW = im2bw(film, level);
    %display image
    counter=zeros(1, SIZE(1));
    for x=1:SIZE(1)
    for y=1:SIZE(2)
    if (BW(x,y)==1)
    for counterarray=1:SIZE(1)
    if counter(1,counterarray)>0
    Last edited by wankel (2009-04-24 21:15:46)

  • Deprecation guessing game

    Good day,
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    Unsurprisingly, "setCursor(int) in java.awt.Frame has been deprecated".
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    As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by Component.setCursor(Cursor).
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    Note : I'm actually compiling with JDK v1.3.

    Me again,
    I'm sorry, but when I followed the links of the jungle docs, I reached a point where the word "Component" was in small italics, which lead me to believe that I had to define a component first, therefore thinking that I wasn't dealing with a class, subclass, superclass as such.
    Since the initial syntax threw out a warning, I was under the impression that a component needed to be created in relation to the frame, which was something I didn't have the fuggiest idea on how to do.
    By looking at some of the files part of the JDK 1.3, I found something like this :
    I tried it, and it worked. However, I was darn suspicious about the validity of it, since it wasn't referencing the frame in any way, shape or form.
    The "setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR));" syntax worked too, but again, no reference to the frame in that statement, nor to any component thing of any kind.
    Prefixing the above statements with "wrkFrame." lead me to the same results, however with a hat full of question marks!
    How come it worked with and without referencing the frame ?
    What's the logic behind this ?
    To "play safer", I stood with the prefixed statement, leading me to a statement like this one :
    wrkFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR));
    This is working as expected.
    "Java is one of the best documented languages around."
    Perhaps, however this is a journey just to find what you need. The situation above is a good example. There was no link to the "Component.setCursor(Cursor)" thing, so how a newbie like me can figure out how to get to the information if there isn't even a search feature for many megabytes of docs ?
    "Do you really need to see an example for anything?"
    Ideally yes. A good example for that is the post of "twupack". He/She has a simple example that I could start to play with, although I didn't see the component relation, but seeing the second statement, I figured that the component was in fact the frame, which in turn arose another question mark, since you mentioned that Component was a superclass or something like that.
    Keep in mind that the relations between classes, subclasses, superclasses are simply a bunch of words for beginners like me. I need to relate to something more "visible" to have a better understanding. Throwing a load of Java technical words to someone starting in the field is simply leading to more confusion than help.
    "Have you considered using google to find code samples?"
    Give me a break. If in almost 100MB worth of documentation I can't find a lazy example, someone is missing the boat somewhere! Also, Google, like many search engines, are simply aggravating with their stupid popups here and there. I don't need those popups on top of irritations caused when trying to learn the darn Java. Also, it's now because I'm working on Java that I absolutely need to be online, or is it a must ?
    On top of that, I created a servlet to be used with IIS 5. When compiled with JDK v1.3, everything works like a charm. When compiling with JDK v1.4, this is a no go. How would you find the cause of that situation on Google ? I posted a question about it here, and still unanswered.
    The main thing here is to get more fluent and have a better understanding of what the documentation is presenting. If someone can't interpret it properly, it is simply useless. Having an example, as simple as possible to cover the topic, would be simply priceless and alleviate a lot of frustrations when trying to figure out what is going on.
    "Component is a superclass of Frame"
    Thanks for telling me, however with the level of knowledge I have in Java, I wasn't able to make that conclusion.
    "So it's a method available to your Frame object."
    Perhaps, however when looking at the syntax of the sample provided by the other fellow, I wasn't able to make that link.
    "Look at Component's API..."
    Only God knows how much time I spent at trying to find things in that documentation. I can hardly believe there isn't a search for that amount of information, this is simply pathetic!
    Anyhow, 1 deprecated API call down, 1 zillion to go. Feel like re-inventing the wheel.
    Bye for now.

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    hello Users,
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    So we'll send the camera back to the dealer. Now our son is very sad about this at his birthday.
    How long is this camera sold and why don't you fix this problem? We paid for that, so you have to produce functional products. Why are you cheating your consumer?
    I look forward to hearing from you, Canon.
    Yours faithfully,

    Shame on you for posting a CYB response on the forum. It does not help Canon's image and further reinforces the perception that Canon wishes to wash their hands off this whole issue and not accept any responsibility for the problem.

  • I was confused

    Hi to all the java programmer here! You guys are great!
    Im a college student of **I College, I start programming with java on 2003 when I take my computer programming 3.
    At first I hate java coz it takes a lot of code to perform a specific tasks compared to rad vb6 and
    Eventually I started to loved programming with java bcoz of its capabilities that other programming languages don't have, backward compatibility, cross-platform, etc...
    Right now I really love programming with Java and Im eager and hope someday I'll be a great java programmer like you guys!
    Im developing an enrollment system /* and I know its a simple system to you guys */ using java as my thesis project.
    My classmates and programming instructors ask me why I used java, why not vb6 or .net?
    And I answer them "java is the best programming languages for me and I want to write my code only once... etc"and then they ask me again java is the best? how? is there any OS written in java? I returned to them their question "is there any OS written in vb6 or .net? hehe...".
    They told me Im the first one in **I college that used java to programmed a thesis project /* they all used vb6 and .net */ and ask me to switch to vb6 or .net. I was confused. I dunno why they want me to switch, but no matter what, as I said I'm eager to be a great java programmer like you guys, I wont switch. I've been programming with java almost 2yrs, no turning back now.
    * this is not really a question, I just post this message coz I feel like Im the only
    * person in **I college that loves java programming.
    * Im sorry, Im having difficulties with my english. I guess english dont like me...
    * hehe...
    */Thanks!!! God bless. More power to you guys!

    Right now I really love programming with Java andIm eager and hope
    someday I'll be a great java programmer like youguys!
    God that's cute. It's sad to think that in ten years
    your enthusiasm will be all dried up and you'll be an
    embittered code monkey like the rest of, w/c lang do u prefer?

  • Found something very cool in 2.2..

    Apparently, you cannot download a podcast larger than 10MB over 3G/Edge; however, you can still listen to it by clicking on the title in iTunes on the iPhone. 3G is having issues in my area right now so I'm using Edge for the next couple of days; I tested it this morning and I can listen to all the podcasts just fine as it is streaming them instead of downloading them. Nice, eh? Hopefully they don't change this...I like being able to stream them instead of downloading them.

    The link to the Skype Community is pointing at - and this link will redirect you to the best choice language community depending on the language preference in your browser and internet access point location.
    Any of these two parameters on your setup might be leading us to believe your are a Russian speaker?
    Follow the latest Skype Community News
    ↓ Did my reply answer your question? Accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks. ↓

  • Extract element from PDF document from automatized process

    I have never worked on PDF document and I am looking a solution for :
    extracting elements (simply text in a first time) in a PDF document in paragraph and/or in table
    after this I could manipulated them in another processing
    Have you any idea or information about my need (what should be the best way for doing this ?)
    SDK package : possible for doing this, if yes : which one ?
    another solution than SDK package
    PDF version supported : latest ones ?
    any advice about best developpement language : java (I prefer), or other ?
    Thanks for all you advices !!!

    Well, if you want Java - then Adobe only has server-side options for you. We don't offer desktop Java APIs.  Our server-side options are part of the Adobe LiveCycle family of products.
    For client-side, we have the Adobe Acrobat SDK (which also requires Adobe Acrobat to be installed) or the PDFLibrary SDK (for stand-alone applications).  Both are C/C++ based.

  • 2014 Golden Globe Winners

    Awards season is officially upon us as the 71st Golden Globe Awards have now come and gone. This year’s Golden Globe Awards was hosted by Tina Fey and Amy Poehler again and aired Sunday, January 12, 2014. Let’s take a look at the winners from the 2014 Golden Globe Awards.
    Best Motion Picture, Drama
    WINNER: 12 Years a Slave
    12 Years a Slave (Winner) is the film adaption of Solomon Northrup’s autobiography detailing his life as he was kidnapped and sold into slavery before finally being released 12 years later. Along with its nomination for Best Motion Picture, it is also nominated for Best Screenplay, Best Original Score, Best Director, Best Actor in a Drama Motion Picture, Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture and Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture for a total of seven Golden Globe nominations.
    Gravity, starring George Clooney and Sandra Bullock, is about two astronauts dealing with the destruction of their space shuttle as they’re trying to get back to Earth. Along with its nomination for Best Motion Picture, Gravity also received nominations for Best Director, Best Actress in a Drama Motion Picture and Best Original score for a total of four Golden Globe nominations.
    Philomena is the story of a woman looking for the son she had to give up for adoption decades earlier. It stars Judi Dench and Steve Coogan and is also nominated for Best Actress in a Drama Motion Picture and Best Screenplay for a total of three Golden Globe nominations.
    Captain Phillips tells the true story of Captain Richard Phillips, played by Tom Hanks. Captain Phillips surrendered himself to pirates when his cargo-ship was overtaken by pirates so that his crew could be freed. Captain Phillips is also nominated for Best Actor in a Drama Motion Picture, Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture and Best Director for a total of four Golden Globe nominations.
    Rush is a biographical film that tells the story of Formula One drivers James Hunt and Niki Lauda. It stars Chris Hemsworth and Daniel Bruhl, with Bruhl receiving a nomination for Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture.
    Best Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy
    WINNER: American Hustle
    American Hustle (Winner) is the story of two con artists that end up having to work with the FBI to set up a sting on corrupt politicians. It stars Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Bradley Cooper, Jeremy Renner and Jennifer Lawrence. Along with its Best Motion Picture nomination, it also has nominations for Best Director, Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy Motion Picture, Best Actress in a Musical or Comedy Motion Picture, Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture, Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture and Best Screenplay. American Hustle has a total of seven Golden Globe nominations.
    Her is about a man, Theodore Twombly, that develops a relationship with the voice from a computer operating system. Twombly is played by Joaquin Phoenix and the female voice, Samantha, is played by Scarlett Johansson. Her is also nominated for Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy Motion Picture and Best Screenplay for a total of three Golden Globe nominations.
    Nebraska, starring Bruce Dern and Will Forte, is about a man and his son traveling from Montana to Nebraska in order to pick up a $1 million sweepstakes prize. Nebraska also received nominations for Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy Motion Picture, Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture, Best Director and Best Screenplay for a total of five Golden Globe nominations.
    The Wolf of Wall Street is about a stockbroker played by Leonardo DiCaprio that starts his own firm that engages in securities fraud and corruption. Leonardo DiCaprio is also nominated for Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy Motion picture for his role in the film for a total of two Golden Globe nominations.
    Inside Llewyn Davis is a film written and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen starring Oscar Isaac, Carey Mulligan and John Goodman. It follows fictional singer-songwriter Llewyn Davis during a week of his life in 1961. It also received nominations for Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy Motion Picture and Best Original Song for a total of three Golden Globe nominations.
    Other 2014 Golden Globe Winners
    Best Actress in a Motion Picture, Drama
    Cate Blanchett, Blue Jasmine - Winner
    Sandra Bullock, Gravity
    Judi Dench, Philomena
    Emma Thompson, Saving Mr. Banks
    Kate Winslet, Labor Day
    Best Actor in a Motion Picture, Drama
    Matthew McConaughey, Dallas Buyers Club - Winner
    Chiwetel Ejiofor, 12 Years a Slave
    Idris Elba, Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
    Tom Hanks, Captain Phillips
    Robert Redford, All Is Lost
    Best Actress in a Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy
    Amy Adams, American Hustle - Winner
    Julie Delpy, Before Midnight
    Greta Gerwig, Frances Ha
    Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Enough Said
    Merly Streep, August: Osage County
    Best Actor in a Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy
    Leonardo DiCaprio, The Wolf of Wall Street - Winner
    Christian Bale, American Hustle
    Bruce Dern, Nebraska
    Oscar Isaac, Inside Llewyn Davis
    Joaquin Phoenix, Her
    Best Animated Feature Film
    Frozen - Winner
    The Croods
    Despicable Me 2
    Best Foreign Language Film
    The Great Beauty - Winner
    Blue Is the Warmest Color
    The Hunt
    The Past
    The Wind Rises
    Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture
    Jennifer Lawrence, American Hustle - Winner
    Sally Hawkins, Blue Jasmine
    Lupita N'yongo, 12 Years a Slave
    Julia Roberts, August: Osage County
    June Squibb, Nebraska
    Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture
    Jared Leto, Dallas Buyers Club - Winner
    Barkhad Abdi, Captain Phillips
    Daniel Bruhl, Rush
    Bradely Cooper, American Hustle
    Michael Fassbender, 12 Years a Slave
    Best Director, Motion Picture
    Alfonso Cuaron, Gravity - Winner
    Paul Greengrass, Captain Phillips
    Steve McQueen, 12 Years a Slave
    Alexander Payne, Nebraska
    David O. Russell, American Hustle
    Best Screenplay, Motion Picture
    Her - Winner
    12 Years a Slave
    American Hustle
    Best Original Score, Motion Picture
    Alex Ebert, All Is Lost - Winner
    Alex Heffes, Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
    Steven Price, Gravity
    John Williams, The Book Thief
    Hans Zimmer, 12 Years a Slave
    Best Original Song, Motion Picture
    "Ordinary Love," Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom - Winner
    "Atlas," Hunger Games: Catching Fire
    "Let It Go," Frozen
    "Please Mr. Kennedy," Inside Llewyn Davis
    "Sweeter Than Fiction," One Chance
    Best TV Series, Drama
    Breaking Bad - Winner
    Downton Abbey
    The Good Wife
    House of Cards
    Masters of Sex
    Best Actress in a TV Series, Drama
    Robin Wright, House of Cards - Winner
    Julianna Margulies, The Good Wife
    Tatiana Maslany, Orphan Black
    Taylor Schilling, Orange Is the New Black
    Kerry Washington, Scandal
    Robin Wright, House of Cards
    Best Actor in a TV Series, Drama
    Bryan Cranston, Breaking Bad - Winner
    Liev Schreiber, Ray Donovan
    Michael Sheen, Masters of Sex
    Kevin Spacey, House of Cards
    James Spader, The Blacklist
    Best TV Series, Musical or Comedy
    Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Winner
    The Big Bang Theory
    Modern Family
    Parks & Recreation
    Best Actress in a TV Series, Musical or Comedy
    Amy Poehler, Parks and Recreation - Winner
    Zooey Deschanel, New Girl
    Lena Dunham, Girls
    Edie Falco, Nurse Jackie
    Julia Louis-Drefyus, Veep
    Best Actor in a TV Series, Musical or Comedy
    Andy Samberg, Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Winner
    Jason Bateman, Arrested Development
    Don Cheadle, House of Lies
    Michael J. Fox, The Michael J. Fox Show
    Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory
    Best TV Movie of Miniseries
    Behind the Candelabra - Winner
    American Horror Story: Coven
    Dancing on the Edge
    Top of the Lake
    White Queen
    Best Actress in a Miniseries or TV Movie
    Elizabeth Moss, Top of the Lake - Winner
    Helena Bonham Carter, Burton and Taylor
    Rebecca Ferguson, White Queen
    Jessica Lange, American Horror Story: Coven
    Helen Mirren, Phil Spector
    Best Actor in a Miniseries or TV Movie
    Michael Douglas, Behind the Candelabra - Winner
    Matt Damon, Behind the Candelabra
    Chiwetel Ejiofor, Dancing on the Edge
    Idris Elba, Luther
    Al Pacino, Phil Spector
    Best Supporting Actress in a Series, Miniseries or TV Movie
    Jacqueline Bisset, Dancing on the Edge - Winner
    Janet McTeer, White Queen
    Hayden Panettiere, Nashville
    Monica Potter, Parenthood
    Sofia Vergara, Modern Family
    Best Supporting Actor in a Series, Miniseries or TV Movie
    Jon Voight, Ray Donovan - Winner
    Josh Charles, The Good Wife
    Rob Lowe, Behind the Candelabra
    Aaron Paul, Breaking Bad
    Corey Stoll, House of Cards

    Hi Arturo,
    The file name which you had specified below should be changed.
    ExtTrail ./dirdat/ra
    RmtTrail ./dirdat/pa
    add extract replica1, Tranlog, Begin now
    add exttrail ./dirdat/ra, extract replica1, megabytes 100
    add extract prep1, exttrailsource ./dirdat/ra
    add rmttrail ./dirdat/pa, extract prep1, megabytes 100
    The path you have mentioned is wrong. Since you are using windows, it should be mentioned as .
    EXTTRAIL dirdat\ra
    RMTTRAIL dirdat\pa
    add exttrail dirdat\ra, extract replica1, megabytes 100
    add extract prep1, exttrailsource dirdat\ra
    add rmttrail .dirdat\pa, extract prep1, megabytes 100
    Change the path also in the Manager parameter file.
    purgeoldextracts ./dirdat/*, usecheckpoints
    purgeoldextracts dirdat\*, usecheckpoints
    Example from Oracle Doc.,

  • MP3 player code help.. slight tweaks
    The flash mp3 player I've done for this site is giving me a
    few problems...
    The code is attached but this is what happens though...
    ..In this line...
    when it stays like that the song plays fine but the trackInfo
    doesn't come up but when I replace it with this code.. the song
    doesn't play but the trackInfo comes up..
    sa.push(new Song(nodes.attributes.url,
    This is what the songs.xml file looks like...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <song url="AmazingGraceMedley.mp3" track="Amazing Grace
    Medley" />
    <song url="MidnightCry.mp3" track="Midnight Cry" />
    <song url="YouareSoWonderfulRemix.mp3" track="You Are So
    Wonderful" />
    <song url="TrustIntheLordFirstVersion.mp3" track="Trust In
    the Lord" />
    What am I doing wrong...
    A few other quirks need straightening out...
    The volume bar only increases the volume the first time..
    after subsequent tries it neither increases nor decreases...
    The playPause_mc button pauses but doesn't play again when
    Everything else is under control.. Can anyone help?
    See below the action script....

    I too am interested in writing a Mp3 player but am unsure what is the best programming language to write it in. Java is my prefered language, but it seems that it will not be posssible as their are no mp3 libraries that support mp3 file playing in the current version of java.
    I could use javazoom support classes but I prefer to write the programme myself.
    So when will Sun re-release java, so it can play mp3 files?
    Or what other language would be apporiate for a mp3 player?

  • Enthusiasts 2

    Some of us have been missing the old "Enthusiasts" list. Thanks to Molly et al., we now have better infos (even if sorting is sometimes ackward, with Aaron after Enrique for instance ) and we also know that NI is preparing a new list with enhanced functionnalities. But for those (like me) that can’t wait anymore, here is a provisionnal synthetic document.
    I apologize for any mistake or omission. If you feel that something should be modified, just do it and post the document again.
    There is an annoying bias since some people have been recorded with more than one identity. For instance, Jean-Pierre Drolet was registered 3 times and should score 93 more contributions. RolfK, Kyle V and Bill B appear twice in the new NI “Active members” list. The most terrible thing is that this situation will induce some unbearable uncertainty about the moment when Dennis will cross the “4000 answers” absolute barrier... (before the end of the month), since he also has been registered 3 times, and should score + 9...
    Some additionnal comments about the 3 boxes rating (discussed here :
    The first metric is “ratings”. The three levels are unnamed, Trusted, and Proven.
    To be Proven, you only need to have an average rating over 4.5. Means that you can become “proven” just by asking an interesting question, whatever your contribution to the forum. On another hand, Filipe, Jeremy, and some others, with nearly 1000 answers and over 150 ratings on average, are only “trusted” members, and do not even appear on NI list ! The idea that Ben, with a score of “only” 4.5, might turn “unproven” is quite seductive... just give him a few more 4 stars...
    The second metric is “posts”. The three levels are unnamed, Active and Enthusiastic.
    Dennis and Ben are the only two official Enthusiasts. Apparently, 2000 contributions are required to enter the Sanctuary. Even Greg the Great could not reach the beatification level. Ben took about 4 years to post that much answers. Seems that Ray second mug is on the upper shelf, quite out of his reach...
    The third metric is “logins”. The three levels are Member, Regular and Veteran. Don’t know yet if it’s a matter of login number, or connection time, or number of opened pages... Molly, Philip C., Matt F, Robert M and JRA, all from NI, have reached this stage.
    Some suggestions : apply a PID strategy to the rating operation :
    1/ the “ratings” metric should be a function not only of the average rating, but also of the rating number.
    2/ the “posts” metric should be also a function of (answer number)/time;
    3/ the “logins” metric should take into account not only the login number, but also the activity. (BTW, the page read parameter is useless since it depends on the number of posts that are displayed on each page).
    Thanks to all of you. Without your continuous contribution, Labview would not be the best programming language, whatever the skills of NI engineers !
    Have fun and keep wiring !
    Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
             E-List Master - Kudos glutton - Press the yellow button on the left...        
    Attachments: ‏10 KB

    Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
             E-List Master - Kudos glutton - Press the yellow button on the left...        
    Attachments: ‏10 KB

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