Binding a Group ?

Hi All,
what I'm trying to do is a simple Group binding. I.e. I start my application with nothing and then add a group to the Scene. Later, I'll want to destroy/remove this Group and add another Group.
If you imagine from a very simplistic point of view, I want a Group to appear after a few seconds, then remove this Group and add another dynamically (using opacity and keyframes to fade out and in each Group - which will require each Group to have an opacity of 0 to start with).
All the examples I've seen only change values inside a node (such as the URL for an image etc...), but what if I want to completely remove that ImageView Node, or on a greater scale, a whole Group?
Is this possible, or even better, am I not thinking of it the right way and is there a better way of doing it?
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.animation.Timeline;
import javafx.scene.Group;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.Cursor;
import javafx.animation.KeyFrame;
var groupA = Group {
               content: [
                  Rectangle {
                     width: 800
                     height: 50
                     fill: Color.BLUE
                     cursor: Cursor.HAND
var t1= Timeline {
     //repeatCount: Timeline.INDEFINITE
     keyFrames : [
            KeyFrame { time: 0s action: function(){ println("Hello at 0s") } },
            KeyFrame { time: 2s action: function():Void{ setMainNode(groupA) } },
            KeyFrame { time: 4s action: function() { println("Hello at 4s") } },;
var mainGroup:Group;// = bind groupA;
function setMainNode(settingGroup:Group):Void{
   println("Setting mainGroup");
   mainGroup = settingGroup;
Stage {
    title: "Testies"
    scene: Scene {
        width: 800
        height: 600
        content: [

Yep! the FadeTransition Basics was me too, that led me to where I am now... slightly even more confused! =)
I see what you're doing there and at first glance it looks really good. However, I still see a flicker of the second image at the very start (no doubt due to the 1ms fade out time), which leads me to wonder if the images were not directly on top of each other, would you notice this even more? I guess so.
I think there is no real way to "fade in" anything from 0 without that flicker using a fadeTransition (I notice you're using Windows, I'm using Linux, so maybe there is a difference between the display in that 1ms?), unless you explicitly set the opacity to 0 at the start?
To get around the flicker, I went this way (using the opacity and keyframes as I mentioned before. It's not nice as there are a lot of extra stuff you have to do like setting each Group to be opacity: 0.0 (or at least binding to the opacityState and being careful when you use it). Your way is definitely more elegant, but I just can't seem to get rid of that flicker (1ms?) :/
* Main.fx
* Created on 25-May-2010, 16:37:00
package testfading;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.animation.Timeline;
import javafx.scene.Group;
import javafx.animation.KeyFrame;
import javafx.animation.Interpolator;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.Cursor;
var opacityStateTop = 0.0;
var opacityStateMiddle = 0.0;
//var groupAInstance = GroupA{opacityState: bind opacityStateTop}
//var groupA = groupAInstance.getGroupA();
//var groupBInstance = GroupB{opacityState: bind opacityStateTop}
//var groupB = groupBInstance.getGroupB();
//var groupCInstance = GroupC{opacityState: bind opacityStateMiddle}
//var groupC = groupCInstance.getGroupC();
var groupA = Group {
               content: [
                  Rectangle {
                     width: 800
                     height: 50
                     fill: Color.GREEN
                     cursor: Cursor.HAND
               opacity: bind opacityStateTop
   var groupB = Group {
               content: [
                  Rectangle {
                     width: 800
                     height: 50
                     fill: Color.RED
                     cursor: Cursor.HAND
               opacity: bind opacityStateTop
   var groupC = Group {
               content: [
                  Rectangle {
                     y: 50
                     width: 800
                     height: 50
                     fill: Color.BLUE
                     cursor: Cursor.HAND
               opacity: bind opacityStateMiddle
var groupNULL = Group {
               content: []
var t1= Timeline {
     //repeatCount: Timeline.INDEFINITE
     keyFrames : [
            // Set the top part
            KeyFrame { time: 0s action: function():Void{ setMainTop(groupA) } },
            // Fade in the top part after 2 seconds of nothing
            KeyFrame { time: 2s action: function():Void{ fadeInTop.playFromStart(); } },
            // Fade out top part after leaving fully visible for 2s
            KeyFrame { time: 6s action: function():Void{ fadeOutTop.playFromStart(); } },
            // Set the top and middle parts after full fade out of top
            KeyFrame { time: 8s action: function():Void{ setMainTop(groupB); setMainMiddle(groupC) } },
            // Fade in both top and middle parts
            KeyFrame { time: 8s action: function():Void{ fadeInTop.playFromStart(); fadeInMiddle.playFromStart();} },;
var fadeInTop= Timeline {
     keyFrames : [
            KeyFrame {
               time: 1s
               values: [opacityStateTop => 1.0 tween Interpolator.LINEAR]
var fadeOutTop= Timeline {
     keyFrames : [
            KeyFrame {
               time: 1s
               values: [opacityStateTop => 0.0 tween Interpolator.LINEAR]
var fadeInMiddle= Timeline {
     keyFrames : [
            KeyFrame {
               time: 2s
               values: [opacityStateMiddle => 1.0 tween Interpolator.LINEAR]
var mainTop:Group;
var mainMiddle:Group;
function setMainMiddle(settingGroup:Group):Void{
   println("Setting mainMiddle.");
   mainMiddle = settingGroup;
function setMainTop(settingGroup:Group):Void{
   println("Setting mainTop.");
   mainTop = settingGroup;
Stage {
    title: "Testies"
    scene: Scene {
        width: 800
        height: 300
        content: bind [mainTop,mainMiddle]

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    Hi Armin,
    Thanks for the reply. I see now that I based my question on an incorrect assumption: I thought at runtime that the WebDynpro runtime populates the node with attribute nodes representing the values in an enumeration, if the attribute references a dictionary enumeration I see now that this is not the case.
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    Thanks and Regards,

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    I did create a View Object secting values that could be displayed in a LOV. Test this first in order to test the data binding beteen the View Object and the attribuut (here gender) Then remove the LOV and drop the attribuut in your Form as radio group. The iterator created a radio 'box' for each record in the list, here M(ale)/F(emale)/B(oth). The radio group will be used to select the gender that should be searched on a dating site, displaying the gender in multiple languages! That's why fmt:message instead of bean:message was used. Value 'label.gender.${rv.prompt}' will be transformed into:
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    You have to do this:
    to promote people picker fields from InfoPath to SharePoint LIbrary.
    Hope it helps.
    Best regards.

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    using namespace std::placeholders;
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                                          //a function taking 2 arguments??
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    value 2
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    Hi erv,
    U need to use the TableSorter class for this.
    You can download the class from the tutorial Working with Tables in Web Dynpro.
    Here you can select the project A) Creating Tables and download the Ready-to-use project. The lick to download project is:
    Once you have downloaded the tutorial, you can find the class in this path
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    [Enhanced Web Dynpro Java TableSorter for SAP NetWeaver 04s|/docs/DOC-8061#46]
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    Elaborate Workaround:
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    Bind each group to its own variable, red, green, blue
    Add common event handler for all groups.
    Deselect groups that were not chosen in event handler:
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    if (vce.getNewValue() != null)
    String value = vce.getNewValue().toString();
    if (value.equals("Big Red") ||
    value.equals("Small Red") ||
    value.equals("Large Red"))
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    green.setValue(null); // deselect green
    blue.setValue(null); // deselect blue
    else if( .... repeat for each group

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    the following code works (circle and gradient moves together):
    var height = 100;
    Frame {
      title: "Sphere Test"
      width: 300
      height: 300
      closeAction: function() {
      visible: true
      stage: Stage {
        content: [
          Group {
            translateX: 100
            translateY: bind height
            content: [
              Circle {
                centerX: 0
                centerY: 0
                radius: 50
                fill: RadialGradient {
                  centerX: -25
                  centerY: -25
                  radius: 50
                  proportional: false
                  stops: [
                    Stop { offset: 0.0, color: Color.WHITE },
                    Stop { offset: 0.3, color: Color.RED },
                    Stop { offset: 1.0, color: Color.DARKRED }
    Timeline {
      keyFrames: [
        at (0s) {
          height => 100 tween Interpolator.EASEBOTH
        at (1s) {
          height => 0 tween Interpolator.EASEBOTH
      autoReverse: true
      repeatCount: Timeline.INDEFINITE
    }.start();the following code does NOT (circle moves while gradient stays put):
    var height = 100;
    Frame {
      title: "Sphere Test"
      width: 300
      height: 300
      closeAction: function() {
      visible: true
      stage: Stage {
        content: [
          Circle {
            centerX: 100
            centerY: bind height
            radius: 50
            fill: RadialGradient {
              centerX: 75
              centerY: bind height - 25
              radius: 50
              proportional: false
              stops: [
                Stop { offset: 0.0, color: Color.WHITE },
                Stop { offset: 0.3, color: Color.RED },
                Stop { offset: 1.0, color: Color.DARKRED }
    Timeline {
      keyFrames: [
        at (0s) {
          height => 100 tween Interpolator.EASEBOTH
        at (1s) {
          height => 0 tween Interpolator.EASEBOTH
      autoReverse: true
      repeatCount: Timeline.INDEFINITE

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    OD Master requires Directory Admin username/password to bind.

    Hello Kristin
    Yes I don't see why not? You could try dsconfigldap. Something like this perhaps?
    sudo dsconfigldap -fiv -a FQDNorIPAddressoryourLDAPServer -u username -p password
    Consult the manual page for relevant options depending on what your LDAP Server's binding requirement, man dsconfigldap. There are examples listed. I think foilpan and possibly Strontium90 have provided a good example of usage on these boards. You could try and search for it?

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    We have two servers which has the same IIS configuration including sites names, how do we configure APM to monitor and get events captured on two different monitors on SCOM 2012 R2.
    Thank you, Anand
    Anand Franklin

    Hi Anand,
    There is no problem at all, if applications IIS paths (Web Site names + Web application name in IIS) absolutely match. Make sure both servers have SCOM Agent installed and connected to the same Management Group.
    In .NET Application Performance Monitoring template just keep Target Group field blank (it's blank by default) - that will mean the application will be monitored on each server within Management Group where it's discovered. The same configuration of
    APM monitoring will be used for all app instances.
    If you want to monitor the app only on two servers, and at the same time the app is hosted on more than these two boxes, you can create Windows Computer group populated with appropriate servers and specify this group as Target for APM monitoring.
    If you want to differentiate APM configuration for specific app instances, you should create several Windows Computer groups and bind each group with separate configuration - in this case you will have to run .NET Application Monitoring template several
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    Igor Savchenko, VIAcode Consulting LLC (

  • JSF:how to get value from dinamically generated HtmlInputText components�H�H

    <h:panelGroup binding="#{}"/>
    public HtmlPanelGroup getGroup() {
              if (this.getSelectedComp() == null) {
              FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
              Application application = facesContext.getApplication();
     = new HtmlPanelGroup();
              Set pSet = this.getSelectedComp().getParameterses();
              int size = pSet.size();
              this.instanceValue = new String[size];
              int i = 0;
              for (Iterator it = pSet.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                   Parameters tempP = (Parameters);
                   HtmlOutputLabel outputLable = new HtmlOutputLabel();
                   HtmlInputText inputText = new HtmlInputText();
                   inputText.setId("p" + i);
                   String valueBindingExpression = "#{dynamicInputGroupBean.instanceValue["+i+ "]}";
                   ValueBinding valueBinding = application
                   inputText.setValueBinding("value", valueBinding);
                   outputLable.setValue(tempP.getParaname() + ": ");
              // group.getChildren().add(new HtmlInputText());
              return group;
         }as codes show above, i successfully genera HtmlInputText dinamicaly�C
    but i got problems while i try to print those values...
    after the the jsp page presents in my browser,
    i input some words in the input components,
    and then click a commandButton hold an action to print their value
    action code :
    String[] tempArray = this.getInstanceValue();
    for (int i = 0; i < tempArray.length; i++) {
    only NULL has been printed in the consol ....not the word i inputed!!!
    so my question is how can i get values from those
    dinamically generated HtmlInputText ????

    This approach is odd. What's the functional requirement after all? You normally attach the inputtext value to a backing bean property and do the desired command button action which is attached to a backing bean action method. In this method you then use the value for the query.

  • Is there a difference in behaviour between clustered systems vs. standalone

    OpenVMS, MessageQ (could not find another place to ask :().
    Suppose 2 nodes, same DMQ bus.
    Node 1: Application X starts up, binds to group Y (not yet existing and so creates connection)
    Node 2: Application X starts up, binds to group Y.
    If node1 and node2 are in one VMS cluster, Node2::X would now be unable to do anyting since group Y is now owned by Node1::X and so node2::X will get into a wait state, to become active only if, for whatever reason, Node1::X gives up.
    But what happens if node1 and node2 are stand-alone systems, only connected using a DECNet (or TCPIP) connetcion:
    1: Node2::X waits until Node1::X stops and group Y is released (as if the systems were clustered)
    2: Node2::X will startup and access group Y so does not enter a wait state. If so, can this be forced to a wait (like (1))?
    (You may assume that the DMQ configuration is correct)

    Most people either use one app or the other, and have very limited knowledge of the one they don't use.  But from what I can find from a quick look round the web, they seem to be the same.
    Review: Photoshop Elements 13 gets Photomerge and content-aware fill | Macworld

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    I have set Send port option for "Enable routing of failed messages" and created a send port having SMTP adapter. Now in body I want to send error description.
    Pls advise how can I achieve this.
    -- Kind Regards Sandeep

    When failed message routing is enabled, BizTalk Server does not suspend the message—it routes the message instead.
    When a failed message is generated, BizTalk Server promotes error-report-related message context properties and demotes regular message context properties before publishing the failed message. Compare this to the default behavior when
    failed message routing is not enabled: Messages that fail are suspended. --------
    So if i were in this situation i would prefer to route the failed message to SMTP as well as to some kind of transport from which i can again receive the message ( like MSMQ or File).
    I mean create a send port group and bind 2 send port to this group (SMTP and MSMQ) and bind this group to that orchestration (specified in previous post) which subscribe the Failed Messages. Then bind the MSMQ location to your receive
    location to retry.
    I am not sure wheather it is the optimal solution or not ..... but it will work. Kindly let me know if you are not clear with what i said.

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    Rotate rotate = RotateBuilder.create()
    .axis(new Point3D(0, 1, 0))
    rotate.angleProperty().bind( angle );
    Group panes = GroupBuilder.create()
    .children( pane )
    new KeyFrame(
    new KeyValue(angle, 0)
    new KeyFrame(
    new KeyValue(angle, 359)

    Try running the following sample and let me know if it has the same issues: (Rotation transform example).
    Also run the 2D and 3D samples in Ensemble and see if those have issues on your system.
    If you have issues then report the full environment for your system.
    Haven't tried it in a long time, but there used to be quite a few gotchas involved in trying to rotate about the Y axis.
    1. You need to give the item a positive z coordinate of using a ParallelCamera or when you start rotating some of the item will end up with a negative z co-ordinate and clipped as the ParallelCamera clips a z=0. But you can't make the z co-ordinate too large as the ParallelCamera also clips at about z=scene height.
    2. Depth buffering should be enabled on the scene.
    3. You should check the SCENE3D conditional feature.
    4. You should be running using recent video card drivers.
    5. You should ensure that your hardware meets the minimum requirements for hardware acceleration as defined in the JavaFX installation guide for your operating system.
    6. You might get a better looking result if you use a PerspectiveCamera.
    7. If you apply effects to 3D nodes, results will be unpredictable.
    8. For JavaFX 8+ the 3D logic in JavaFX will change greatly so some of the statements above will probably not be applicable.

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