Bindings in IIS on Exchange 2010 causing Test-outlookwebservices to fail on Autodiscover

Exchange 2010 is coexisting with Sharepoint 2013 Foundation.
Exchange 2010 have 2 internal IP's (1 for Exchange and 1 for Sharepoint).
Under IIS we had set up binding on port 443 to 1st IP, and second IP was used to bind it to 80 port for SharePoint. That kind of configuration gave as an error for: outlookwebservices, for Autodiscover, which is logical because both IP's have an A record
which points to
This are our configuration for EWS internal/external URL's and AUTODISCOVER internal/external URL'S:
InternalUrl                     :
ExternalUrl                     :
InternalUrl                     :
ExternalUrl                     :
This are the error messages for: Test-outlookwebservices
RunspaceId : 5ee30248-5bec-436f-808a-c56180a8a6d9
Id         : 1113
Type       : Error
Message    : When contacting received the error Unable to
              read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
RunspaceId : 5ee30248-5bec-436f-808a-c56180a8a6d9
Id         : 1113
Type       : Error
Message    : When contacting received the error An existi
             ng connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
The "workaround" solution, because Sharepoint only goes thru PORT 80 on this server was chosing bindings 443 to all the ips (then Test-Outlookwebservices goes thru), but doing that we are unable to use anything else on port 443 on that server in
the future.
I was wondering if changing InternalNLBBypassUrl in our scenario would be a possible workaround or there would be no effect on this scenario?
Set-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -Identity "Contoso\EWS*" -InternalNLBBypassUrl
With best regards,

Hi Bostjan,
This was working fine before, Is it the first time we are facing the problem.
Make sure that all the exchange services are started.
Did you select the proper certificate at the Organization level and check the permission settings.
For the Autodiscover, please access
https://localhost/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml on the CAS. The 600 error code will be displayed.
Try to find the Error by running the Below cmdlets.
Get-ExchangeCertificate | FL
Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory –Server ServerName | FL
Get-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory –Server ServerName | FL
| FL 
Than press Ctrl+right click the Outlook icon in the System Tray, select Test E-mail AutoConfiguration, uncheck Use Guessmart and Secure Guessmart Authentication, click Test button.
If found the problem is related to web services and basic authentication than try with the below cmdlet and the
Set-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -identity "BOXEDUC-EXC1\EWS (Default Web Site)" -externalurl -internalurl -BasicAuthentication:$True
Mark as Answer/Helpful Post if it helps
Naren Neelam, Messaging Consultant, ITBigBang (P) Ltd Www.ITBigBang.Com | Hire Us for Messaging Consulting

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  • Exchange 2010 to 2003 mail flow failing

    Scenario: Just installed exchange 10 to coexist with an existing exchange 03 organization with two 03 servers
    Problem: Mail flow fails from 10 to 03 but for just one of the 03 servers (slave). Mail flow works from 10 to 03 (master) just fine.
    Single forest, single domain
    Exchange 2003 master – Ex03A (AD site A)
    Exchange 2003 slave – Ex03B (AD site B)
    Exchange 2010 – Ex10Z (AD site A)
    Current mail flow:
    Ex03A <-> Ex03B
    Ex03A <-> Ex10Z
    Ex03B -> Ex10Z
    Ex10Z -fails> Ex03B
    Output from get-routinggroupconnector | fl ran from Ex10Z
    RunspaceId : 4d5dc855-1b62-4d39-9aa7-fb027f25edda
    TargetRoutingGroup : First Routing Group
    Cost : 1
    TargetTransportServers : {Ex03A}
    ExchangeLegacyDN : /o=First Organization/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuratio
    PublicFolderReferralsEnabled : True
    SourceRoutingGroup : Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR)
    SourceTransportServers : {Ex10Z}
    HomeMTA : Microsoft MTA
    HomeMtaServerId : Ex10Z
    MaxMessageSize : unlimited
    AdminDisplayName :
    ExchangeVersion : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
    Name : Ex10Z-Ex03A
    DistinguishedName : CN=Ex10Z-Ex03A,CN=Connections,CN=Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR),CN=Routin
    g Groups,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=
    First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=company,DC=c
    Identity : Ex10Z-Ex03A
    Guid : ae599ccb-bdfb-4765-b846-a9066ad8dcfb
    ObjectCategory :
    ObjectClass : {top, msExchConnector, msExchRoutingGroupConnector}
    WhenChanged : 2/7/2015 7:40:30 AM
    WhenCreated : 2/7/2015 7:40:30 AM
    WhenChangedUTC : 2/7/2015 3:40:30 PM
    WhenCreatedUTC : 2/7/2015 3:40:30 PM
    OrganizationId :
    OriginatingServer :
    IsValid : True
    RunspaceId : 4d5dc855-1b62-4d39-9aa7-fb027f25edda
    TargetRoutingGroup : Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR)
    Cost : 1
    TargetTransportServers : {Ex10Z}
    ExchangeLegacyDN : /o=First Organization/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Configuration/cn=Connections/cn=G
    PublicFolderReferralsEnabled : True
    SourceRoutingGroup : First Routing Group
    SourceTransportServers : {Ex03A}
    HomeMTA : Microsoft MTA
    HomeMtaServerId : Ex03A
    MaxMessageSize : unlimited
    AdminDisplayName :
    ExchangeVersion : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
    Name : Ex03A-Ex10Z
    DistinguishedName : CN=Ex03A-Ex10Z,CN=Connections,CN=First Routing Group,CN=Routing Groups,CN=First Adm
    inistrative Group,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,C
    Identity : Ex03A-Ex10Z
    Guid : 382fae0f-beed-4003-adaf-237a2dddd91b
    ObjectCategory :
    ObjectClass : {top, msExchConnector, msExchRoutingGroupConnector}
    WhenChanged : 2/7/2015 7:40:30 AM
    WhenCreated : 2/7/2015 7:40:30 AM
    WhenChangedUTC : 2/7/2015 3:40:30 PM
    WhenCreatedUTC : 2/7/2015 3:40:30 PM
    OrganizationId :
    OriginatingServer :
    IsValid : True
    Output from get-message | fl on Ex10Z where the queue is filling up:
    RunspaceId        : 4d5dc855-1b62-4d39-9aa7-fb027f25edda
    Subject           : Test
    InternetMessageId : <[email protected]>
    FromAddress       : [email protected]
    Status            : Ready
    Size              : 5.982 KB (6,126 bytes)
    MessageSourceName : FromLocal
    SourceIP          :
    SCL               : -1
    DateReceived      : 2/7/2015 3:57:10 PM
    ExpirationTime    : 2/9/2015 3:57:10 PM
    LastError         : There is currently no route to the mailbox database.
    RetryCount        : 0
    Recipients        : 
    ComponentLatency  : 
    MessageLatency    : 15:52:27.3487757
    DeferReason       : None
    Priority          : Normal
    MessageIdentity   : ex10Z\Unreachable\103
    Queue             : ex10Z\Unreachable
    Identity          : ex10Z\Unreachable\103
    IsValid           : True
    Proposed solution:
    In order to fix mail flow from Ex10Z -> Ex03B, run the following command in Ex10Z EMS
    New-RoutingGroupConnector -Name "Ex10Z-Ex03B" -SourceTransportServers "" -TargetTransportServers
    "" -Cost 100 -Bidirectional $true
    Restart transport service on Ex10Z, restart smtp service on Ex03A and Ex03B
    Will this proposed solution work or should I be looking elsewhere?

    That didnt work.
    Here is the new get-routinggroupconnector | fl. Interesting that it created two Ex10Z-Ex03B identities despite
    me issuing the Bidirectional flag. Shouldnt there be one for Ex03B-Ex10Z?
    RunspaceId : 4d5dc855-1b62-4d39-9aa7-fb027f25edda
    TargetRoutingGroup : First Routing Group
    Cost : 1
    TargetTransportServers : {Ex03A}
    ExchangeLegacyDN : /o=First Organization/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuratio
    PublicFolderReferralsEnabled : True
    SourceRoutingGroup : Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR)
    SourceTransportServers : {Ex10Z}
    HomeMTA : Microsoft MTA
    HomeMtaServerId : Ex10Z
    MaxMessageSize : unlimited
    AdminDisplayName : 
    ExchangeVersion : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
    Name : Ex10Z-Ex03A
    DistinguishedName : CN=Ex10Z-Ex03A,CN=Connections,CN=Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR),CN=Routin
    g Groups,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=
    First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=company,D C=c
    Identity : Ex10Z-Ex03A
    Guid : ae599ccb-bdfb-4765-b846-a9066ad8dcfb
    ObjectCategory :
    ObjectClass : {top, msExchConnector, msExchRoutingGroupConnector}
    WhenChanged : 2/7/2015 7:40:30 AM
    WhenCreated : 2/7/2015 7:40:30 AM
    WhenChangedUTC : 2/7/2015 3:40:30 PM
    WhenCreatedUTC : 2/7/2015 3:40:30 PM
    OrganizationId : 
    OriginatingServer :
    IsValid : True
    RunspaceId : 4d5dc855-1b62-4d39-9aa7-fb027f25edda
    TargetRoutingGroup : Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR)
    Cost : 1
    TargetTransportServers : {Ex10Z}
    ExchangeLegacyDN : /o=First Organization/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Configuration/cn=Connections/cn=G
    PublicFolderReferralsEnabled : True
    SourceRoutingGroup : First Routing Group
    SourceTransportServers : {Ex03A}
    HomeMTA : Microsoft MTA
    HomeMtaServerId : Ex03A
    MaxMessageSize : unlimited
    AdminDisplayName : 
    ExchangeVersion : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
    Name : Ex03A-Ex10Z
    DistinguishedName : CN=Ex03A-Ex10Z,CN=Connections,CN=First Routing Group,CN=Routing Groups,CN=First Adm
    inistrative Group,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,C
    Identity : Ex03A-Ex10Z
    Guid : 382fae0f-beed-4003-adaf-237a2dddd91b
    ObjectCategory :
    ObjectClass : {top, msExchConnector, msExchRoutingGroupConnector}
    WhenChanged : 2/7/2015 7:40:30 AM
    WhenCreated : 2/7/2015 7:40:30 AM
    WhenChangedUTC : 2/7/2015 3:40:30 PM
    WhenCreatedUTC : 2/7/2015 3:40:30 PM
    OrganizationId : 
    OriginatingServer :
    IsValid : True
    RunspaceId : 4d5dc855-1b62-4d39-9aa7-fb027f25edda
    TargetRoutingGroup : First Routing Group
    Cost : 100
    TargetTransportServers : {Ex03B}
    ExchangeLegacyDN : /o=First Organization/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuratio
    PublicFolderReferralsEnabled : True
    SourceRoutingGroup : Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR)
    SourceTransportServers : {Ex10Z}
    HomeMTA : Microsoft MTA
    HomeMtaServerId : Ex10Z
    MaxMessageSize : unlimited
    AdminDisplayName : 
    ExchangeVersion : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
    Name : Ex10Z-Ex03B
    DistinguishedName : CN=Ex10Z-Ex03B,CN=Connections,CN=Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR),CN=Rout
    ing Groups,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,C
    N=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=company,D C
    Identity : Ex10Z-Ex03B
    Guid : 37a9f53c-2166-440c-b54b-23b165323ae3
    ObjectCategory :
    ObjectClass : {top, msExchConnector, msExchRoutingGroupConnector}
    WhenChanged : 2/8/2015 8:09:08 AM
    WhenCreated : 2/8/2015 8:09:08 AM
    WhenChangedUTC : 2/8/2015 4:09:08 PM
    WhenCreatedUTC : 2/8/2015 4:09:08 PM
    OrganizationId : 
    OriginatingServer :
    IsValid : True
    RunspaceId : 4d5dc855-1b62-4d39-9aa7-fb027f25edda
    TargetRoutingGroup : Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR)
    Cost : 100
    TargetTransportServers : {Ex10Z}
    ExchangeLegacyDN : /o=First Organization/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Configuration/cn=Connections/cn=G
    PublicFolderReferralsEnabled : True
    SourceRoutingGroup : First Routing Group
    SourceTransportServers : {Ex03B}
    HomeMTA : Microsoft MTA
    HomeMtaServerId : Ex03B
    MaxMessageSize : unlimited
    AdminDisplayName : 
    ExchangeVersion : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
    Name : Ex10Z-Ex03B
    DistinguishedName : CN=Ex10Z-Ex03B,CN=Connections,CN=First Routing Group,CN=Routing Groups,CN=First A
    dministrative Group,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange
    Identity : Ex10Z-Ex03B
    Guid : c8cd8eea-4ad6-47b4-bef5-9fb93288bca3
    ObjectCategory :
    ObjectClass : {top, msExchConnector, msExchRoutingGroupConnector}
    WhenChanged : 2/8/2015 8:09:08 AM
    WhenCreated : 2/8/2015 8:09:08 AM
    WhenChangedUTC : 2/8/2015 4:09:08 PM
    WhenCreatedUTC : 2/8/2015 4:09:08 PM
    OrganizationId : 
    OriginatingServer :
    IsValid : True

  • Exchange 2010 Sp2 update rollup 7 fails with error code 80070643 on Sbs 2011

    Hello Everyone,
    When i trie to install rollup 7 voor exchange 2010 sp2 (sbs 2011) it gives me error code 80070643. I cannot find much to solve this problem. Update rollup 8 installs fine. I've read on internet that every rollup must be installed to succesfully install exchange
    2010 sp3. Can anyone help me with this error?

    I just installed exchange 2010 sp3, but it does not finish. It stops at 'client access role'
    This is in the log;
    [10-08-2014 21:55:24.0121] [2] Active Directory session settings for 'Start-SetupProcess' are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: '', Preferred Global Catalog: '', Preferred Domain Controllers:
    '{ }'
    [10-08-2014 21:55:24.0121] [2] Beginning processing Start-SetupProcess -Name:'iisreset' -Args:'/noforce /timeout:120'
    [10-08-2014 21:55:24.0137] [2] Starting: iisreset with arguments: /noforce /timeout:120
    [10-08-2014 21:55:31.0640] [2] Process standard output: Attempting stop...
    Internet services successfully stopped
    Attempting start...
    Restart attempt failed.
    The IIS Admin Service or the World Wide Web Publishing Service, or a service dependent on them failed to start.  The service, or dependent services, may had an error during its startup or may be disabled.
    Process standard error:
    [10-08-2014 21:55:31.0640] [2] [ERROR] Unexpected Error
    [10-08-2014 21:55:31.0640] [2] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 1062.
    [10-08-2014 21:55:31.0640] [2] Ending processing Start-SetupProcess
    [10-08-2014 21:55:31.0640] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution:
    [10-08-2014 21:55:31.0640] [1] 0.  ErrorRecord: Process execution failed with exit code 1062.
    [10-08-2014 21:55:31.0640] [1] 0.  ErrorRecord: Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Process execution failed with exit code 1062.
    [10-08-2014 21:55:31.0640] [1] [ERROR] The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
        Start-SetupProcess -Name "iisreset" -Args "/noforce /timeout:120"
    " was run: "Process execution failed with exit code 1062.".
    [10-08-2014 21:55:31.0640] [1] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 1062.
    [10-08-2014 21:55:31.0640] [1] [ERROR-REFERENCE] Id=ClientAccessServiceControl___ef7fa14362774cd9af8882d6287b640a Component=EXCHANGE14:\Current\Release\Shared\Datacenter\Setup
    [10-08-2014 21:55:31.0640] [1] Setup is stopping now because of one or more critical errors.
    [10-08-2014 21:55:31.0640] [1] Finished executing component tasks.
    [10-08-2014 21:55:31.0672] [1] Ending processing Install-ClientAccessRole
    Anyone has any ideas?

  • Upgrade Exchange 2010 SP2 to SP3 getting fail

    I am trying to upgrade from exchange 2010 SP2 to SP3, but it getting failed.
    I have already run the prepare schema, prepare and domain prep in all domains and it got replicated in DR Domain controllers.
    But, still i am not able to upgrade the server. The error says,
    Preparing Exchange Setup
        Copying Setup Files                           COMPLETED
    The following server roles will be upgraded
    Hub Transport Role
    Client Access Role
    Management Tools
    Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check
        Configuring Prerequisites                                 COMPLETED
        Organization Checks                                      
         Setup needs to contact the Active Directory schema master but this computer
     is not in the same Active Directory site as the schema master (Default-First-Si
         Setup encountered a problem while validating the state of Active Directory:
     Exchange organization-level objects have been created but have not yet replicat
    ed to the local domain.  Wait for replication to complete and then run setup aga
        Language Pack Checks                                     
        Hub Transport Role Checks                                 FAILED
         Setup encountered a problem while validating the state of Active Directory:
     Exchange organization-level objects have been created but have not yet replicat
    ed to the local domain.  Wait for replication to complete and then run setup aga
        Client Access Role Checks                                 FAILED
         Setup encountered a problem while validating the state of Active Directory:
     Exchange organization-level objects have been created but have not yet replicat
    ed to the local domain.  Wait for replication to complete and then run setup aga
    The Exchange Server setup operation didn't complete. More details can be found
    in ExchangeSetup.log located in the <SystemDrive>:\ExchangeSetupLogs folder.
    Exchange Server setup encountered an error.

    Schema updates should be done on a schema master or on a DC in the same AD site as the schema master. Once extended, the updates will replicated via AD replication. To narrow down the issue, I recommend you check if there is any event related to replication
    on domain controller holding schema master role.
    Is the schema master role in the same site as the Exchange server which you want to upgrade? If not, you can try to transfer FSMO role to a domain controller which is in the site where you want to install Exchange 2010 SP3 and then upgrade to check the result.
    Best regards,
    Belinda Ma
    TechNet Community Support

  • Outlook 2007/2010 with Exchange 2010 missing tasks operation has failed only on PC not OWA

    We have searched this topic to no success I'm baffled as to how to resolve this problem.
    End user software: Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2010,
    Server side: MS Server 2012 R2 with MS Exchange 2010
    Scenario: We have merged 2 forests together to a new forest. Months before hand had rolled out exchange 2010. A majority of users in
    forest2 still are on Office 2007 where as users in
    forest1 are nearly all on Office 2010.
    Now so far we have 3 users (from Forest2) whom have reported 'missing tasks' with the message 'Operation has Failed' when attempting to view their tasks. 
    We have ran the outlook commands related to this type of issue that clear the reminders and resetting them with - No Success.
    They have no issue when using OWA, or Outlook via mobile device. The issue only occurs on PC. We have tried profile rebuilds, fresh SOE, the issue appears to be resolved but the next time the user opens Outlook the problem comes back.
    On the server we have ran all the integrity checks no corruption has been found in any way.

    I recommend that you try the following method on client PC and then check the result:
    Click Start >> Click Run >> Type outlook.exe /resettodobar
    >> Click OK. 
    Hope this helps!
    Niko Cheng
    TechNet Community Support

  • Exchange 2010 adding member to dag failing

    Win2008 enterprise R2 - Exchange 2010 SP2 with rollup 4
    I am getting the following when adding a member to the dag.  All other dag members added fine across different sites. All servers are able to ping each other.
    A server-side database availability group administrative operation failed. Error: The operation failed. CreateCluster errors may result from incorrectly configured static addresses. Error:
    An error occurred while attempting a cluster operation. Error: Cluster API '"AddClusterNode() (MaxPercentage=100) failed with 0x5b4. Error: This operation returned because the timeout period expired"' failed. [Server:]
    An Active Manager operation failed. Error An error occurred while attempting a cluster operation. Error: Cluster API '"AddClusterNode() (MaxPercentage=100) failed with 0x5b4. Error:
    This operation returned because the timeout period expired"' failed..
    This operation returned because the timeout period expired
    Click here for help...
    The operation wasn't successful because an error was encountered. You may find more details in log file "C:\ExchangeSetupLogs\DagTasks\dagtask_2013-05-31_19-13-51.638_add-databaseavailabiltygroupserver.log".
    Exchange Management Shell command attempted:
    Add-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupServer -MailboxServer 'server5' -Identity 'DAG1'
    Network Touch

    Also check this KB to see if it will help
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Zi Feng
    TechNet Community Support

  • Exchange 2010 SP3 - Test-OutlookConnectivity Failures

    Test-OutlookConnectivity -Protocol TCP gives success on all tests.  If I run Test-OutlookConnectivity -Protocol HTTP, I get failures on all .  I'm trying to figure out why.  We have a single CAS array in our main site with two servers. 
    We have a third server in our COLO location and there is no CAS for that site.  Outlook Anywhere is not enabled.
    If I run "Test-OutlookConnectivity -Protocol HTTP" at the main site, I get this error message:
    Fatal Autodiscover failure EXPR = <Null>.
        + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (Microsoft.Excha...onnectivityTask:TestOutlookConnectivityTask) [Test-
       OutlookConnectivity], FatalAutodiscoverException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : F70A1ED2,Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.TestOutlookConnectivityTask
        + PSComputerName        : ex1.domain.local
    I get different messages altogether when I run tests from the COLO site.  For both protocols I get the message:
    An error occurred while trying to access mailbox EX2.domain.local, on behalf of user o2bancorp.local\extest_49ce0203
     Additional information:
     [Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.WrongServerException]: The user and the mailbox are in different Active Directory sit
        + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (Microsoft.Excha...onnectivityTask:TestOutlookConnectivityTask) [Test-
       OutlookConnectivity], CasHealthStorageErrorException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : 6A829B37,Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.TestOutlookConnectivityTask
    It seems to me that we don't have something setup properly in our environment.  I think the reason that the lead Exchange admin does not have a CAS array defined for the COLO site is that some of our business locations that are part of the COLO site
    and he doesn't want the Exchange server there servicing client requests except for in a DR scenario.  He also has also had all receive connectors disabled.  I enabled the two default receive connectors on the COLO Exchange server.

    Hi Hollisorama,
    Base on my knowledge, this command is used to test end-to-end Outlook connectivity scenario for Outlook Anywhere, however outlook anywhere is disabled in your environment. It is the reason why you will get error message when running the command.
    I recommend you refer to the following article to enable outlook anywhere, and then test connectivity again:
    Enable Outlook Anywhere
    Best regard,
    Niko Cheng
    TechNet Community Support

  • Exchange 2010 SP2 to SP3 upgrade fails on Client Access Role

    I have searched everywhere and cannot find any answer to my problem. We have 1 Exchange server with all 3 roles installed and during the upgrade from SP2 to SP3 the server fails during the Client Access Role with the following error:
    The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
              Get-ClientAccessServer $RoleFqdnOrName | Add-AdPermission -User "S-1-5-20" -ExtendedRights "Exchange Web Services Token Serialization";
            " was run: "Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.".
    Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.
    Click here for help...
    here is more info from the ExchangeSetupLogs
    [10/09/2014 09:26:07.0463] [1] Executing:
              Get-ClientAccessServer $RoleFqdnOrName | Add-AdPermission -User "S-1-5-20" -ExtendedRights "Exchange Web Services Token Serialization";
    [10/09/2014 09:26:07.0463] [2] Active Directory session settings for 'Get-ClientAccessServer' are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: 'ADROOT.DOMAIN.local', Preferred Global Catalog: 'ADROOT.DOMAIN.local', Preferred Domain Controllers:
    '{ ADROOT.DOMAIN.local }'
    [10/09/2014 09:26:07.0463] [2] Beginning processing Get-ClientAccessServer -Identity:'EXCH2010.DOMAIN.local'
    [10/09/2014 09:26:07.0463] [2] Active Directory session settings for 'Add-ADPermission' are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: 'ADROOT.DOMAIN.local', Preferred Global Catalog: 'ADROOT.tioh.local', Preferred Domain Controllers: '{
    ADROOT.DOMAIN.local }'
    [10/09/2014 09:26:07.0463] [2] Beginning processing Add-AdPermission -User:'S-1-5-20' -ExtendedRights:'Exchange Web Services Token Serialization'
    [10/09/2014 09:26:07.0479] [2] Searching objects "EXCH2010.DOMAIN.local" of type "Server" under the root "$null".
    [10/09/2014 09:26:07.0479] [2] Previous operation run on domain controller 'ADROOT.DOMAIN.local'.
    [10/09/2014 09:26:07.0479] [2] Previous operation run on domain controller 'ADROOT.DOMAIN.local'.
    [10/09/2014 09:26:07.0479] [2] Preparing to output objects. The maximum size of the result set is "unlimited".
    [10/09/2014 09:26:07.0510] [2] [WARNING] An unexpected error has occurred and a Watson dump is being generated: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.
    [10/09/2014 09:26:07.0526] [2] [ERROR] Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.
    The article it references doesn't exist and I cannot find anything related to this error searching the web.
    Please help!

    Hi  NJv7300
    Thank you for your question.
    By your state, I know you get error when you use Get_ClientAccessServer. I think it caused by AutoDiscover, you can check it.
    You can refer to the following link:
    You can refer to the following steps:1. 
    1. Using LDP, locate the following container:
    CN=<SERVERNAME>,CN=Autodiscover,CN=Protocols,CN=<SERVERNAME>,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=<ORGNAME>,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=<DOMAIN>,DC=<TLD>
    2. Double-click the <SERVERNAME> under Autodiscover and look for the "serviceBindingInformation" value:serviceBindingInformation (2):;;
    serviceClassName: ms-Exchange-AutoDiscover-Service;The proper format for the Autodiscover URI is
    3. Ran Set-ClientAccessServer -Identity HON10343 -AutodiscoverServiceInternalUri
    4. Ran Get-ClientAccessServer, but received an error after HON10343 was enumerated.
    5. Next, did another Set-ClientAccessServer on HON10344.
    6. Finally, ran Get-ClientAccessServer and enumerated all CAS servers in the org without error.
    7. Tested opening EMC on both Exchange 2007 and 2010 and were able to successfully expand the Server Configuration for every role and enumerate all servers.
    If any questions, please let me know.
    Best Regard,
    Jim Xu

  • Exchange 2010 SP3 - Search-Mailbox -DeleteContent fails: the search folder timed out.

    We have a bunch of users that have hundreds of thousands of Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender email in their inbox. I believe these mailboxes were compromised and were sending out spam. We have fixed that issue, but I am trying to clean out all these messages
    from their inbox. I have run this command successfully on a few users, but this one in particular is giving me troubles. This mailbox has over 400,000 items to delete so I am wondering if there are just too many to process.
    Search-Mailbox -Identity EMAIL -SearchQuery "Subject:'Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender'" -DeleteContent
    Here is the error:
    The search on mailbox ....... did not complete because the search folder timed out.
        + CategoryInfo          : ReadError: (0:Int32) [Search-Mailbox], SearchFolderTimeoutException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : EC2CC554,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.SearchMailbox
    I don't like the idea of having to delete these manually. If someone has an idea that would be fantastic.

    Based on the description, you couldn't run the search-mailbox cmdlet to delete all items after several times. I discussed with my colleagues, there is a limit when trying to delete items using search-mailbox cmdlet, it's 10000 at a time if a search query
    is specified. The error you got may be related to the large amount of items. Some scripts may help you to delete them all at a time, you can ask this question on the Script forum to get a better help.
    As a workaround, you can create an Outlook Inbox rule for these messages and move them to a specific folder. After that, you can delete the folder permanently.
    Here is a similar thread for your reference.
    Best regards,
    Belinda Ma
    TechNet Community Support

  • Exchange 2010 On-Premises Mailbox Move

    We have created another database within a DAG and moved the users from an existing database to the new database. Mailflow is working correctly but we have one issue. The OWA no longer works for these users. If the users tries to logon or if I try to access
    their mailbox using OWA the response is "Your mailbox appears to be unavailable. try to access it again in 10 seconds. If you see this error again, contact your helpdesk". Inheritable permissions are set on the user account in AD.
    Is there some permissions I need to add to the new database or IIS?
    Exchange 2010 SP2
    HossFly, Exchange Administrator

    Hi hossFly,
    Thank you for your question.
    We could run the following command:
    Clean-MailboxDatabase  <databasename>
    For example:This example cleans the mailbox database MBD01.
    Clean-MailboxDatabase MBD01
    If the issue persist, we could run the following command:
    New-MailboxRepairRequest -Database "<Mailbxname>" –CorruptionType ProvisionedFolder,SearchFolder,AggregateCounts,Folderview
    Then we could restarted MS Exchange Mailbox Assistant to check if the issue persist.
    If there are any questions regarding this issue, please be free to let me know. 
    Best Regard,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]
    Jim Xu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Can't move Exchange 2003 mailbox to Exchange 2010 Resource forest (Linked Mailbox)

    Problem Description:
    Can’t move Exchange 2003 mailbox to Exchange 2010 resource forest
    Error message:
    Failed to reconnect to Active Directory server SRVUMVMDC02.umfolozi.local. Make sure the server is available, and that you have used the correct credentials.
    Source Environment Configuration:
    Active Directory
    FQDN: umfolozi.local
    Domain name (pre-Windows 2000): UMFOLOZI
    Domain Function Level: Windows Server 2003
    Domain Controllers:
    Operation Master
    Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard SP1
    Schema Master, Domain Naming, RID, PDC
    Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard SP1
    Version: Microsoft Exchange 2003 Standard SP2 Build 7638.2
    Server Information:
    Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2
    DNS Zones
    Zone Name
    Zone Type
    Domain Controllers
    Active Directory-Integrated (Primary)
    Domain Name
    Trust Type
    Target Environment Configuration:
    Active Directory
    Domain name (pre-Windows 2000): PG
    Domain Functional Level: Windows Server 2008 R2
    Domain Controllers:
    Operation Master
    Windows Server 2008 R2 Std SP1
    Windows Server 2008 R2 Std SP1
    Domain naming, RID, PDC, Infrastructure, Schema Master
    Resource Exchange Forest
    Server Information:
    Client Access Array
    Windows Server 2012 Std
    HUB, CAS
    Version 14.3 (Build 123.4)
    Windows Server 2012 Std
    HUB, CAS
    Version 14.3 (Build 123.4)
    Database Availibility Group
    Windows Server 2012 Std
    Version 14.3 (Build 123.4)
    Windows Server 2012 Std
    Version 14.3 (Build 123.4)
    DNS Zones
    Zone Name
    Zone Type
    Domain Controllers
    Active Directory-Integrated (Primary)
    Domain Name
    Trust Type
    Migration Process
    SYNC AD Domain account from source forest (umfolozi.local) to target forest ( using BinaryTree SMART Directory Sync (ADMT can be used as alternative)
    Create mailed enabled user
    Run Prepare-MoveRepuest with –OverWriteLocalObject
    Command Example:
    .\Prepare-MoveRequest.ps1 -Identity [email protected] -RemoteForestDomainController SRVUMVMDC01.umfolozi.local
    -RemoteForestCredential $RemoteCredentials -UseLocalObject -LocalForestDomainController -LocalForestCredential $LocalCredentials -OverWriteLocalObject
    Submit mailbox request
    Command Example:
    New-MoveRequest -Identity "0fa7d17e-3637-4708-a51b-f14eaae17968" -BadItemLimit "50" -TargetDeliveryDomain
    "" -TargetDatabase "{c5d6ea95-07b3-4a52-9868-e41e808a76fe}" -RemoteCredential (Get-Credential "umfolozi\svcmigration") -RemoteGlobalCatalog "SRVUMVMDC02.umfolozi.local" -RemoteLegacy:$True
    All the standard migration task works as expected until the mailbox migration move request is submitted. See move request verbose detail below:
    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>New-MoveRequest -Identity "0fa7d17e-3637-4708-a51b-f14eaae17968" -BadItemLimit "50" -TargetDeli
    veryDomain "" -TargetDatabase "{c5d6ea95-07b3-4a52-9868-e41e808a76fe}" -RemoteCredential (Get-Crede
    ntial "umfolozi\svcmigration") -RemoteGlobalCatalog "SRVUMVMDC02.umfolozi.local" -RemoteLegacy:$True -Verbose
    VERBOSE: [11:34:27.346 GMT] New-MoveRequest : Active Directory session settings for 'New-MoveRequest' are: View Entire
    Forest: 'False', Default Scope: '', Configuration Domain Controller: '', Preferred
    Global Catalog: '', Preferred Domain Controllers: '{ }'
    VERBOSE: [11:34:27.362 GMT] New-MoveRequest : Runspace context: Executing user:
    Accounts/Information Technology/SoarSoft/Johann Van Schalkwyk, Executing user organization: , Current organization: ,
    RBAC-enabled: Enabled.
    VERBOSE: [11:34:27.362 GMT] New-MoveRequest : Beginning processing &
    VERBOSE: [11:34:27.362 GMT] New-MoveRequest : Instantiating handler with index 0 for cmdlet extension agent "Admin
    Audit Log Agent".
    WARNING: When an item can't be read from the source database or it can't be written to the destination database, it
    will be considered corrupted. By specifying a non-zero BadItemLimit, you are requesting that Exchange not copy such
    items to the destination mailbox. At move completion, these corrupted items won't be available in the destination
    VERBOSE: [11:34:27.362 GMT] New-MoveRequest : Searching objects "{c5d6ea95-07b3-4a52-9868-e41e808a76fe}" of type
    "MailboxDatabase" under the root "$null".
    VERBOSE: [11:34:27.362 GMT] New-MoveRequest : Previous operation run on domain controller ''.
    VERBOSE: [11:34:27.393 GMT] New-MoveRequest : Current ScopeSet is: { Recipient Read Scope: {{, }}, Recipient Write
    Scopes: {{, }}, Configuration Read Scope: {{, }}, Configuration Write Scope(s): {{, }, }, Exclusive Recipient Scope(s):
     {}, Exclusive Configuration Scope(s): {} }
    VERBOSE: [11:34:27.393 GMT] New-MoveRequest : Searching objects "0fa7d17e-3637-4708-a51b-f14eaae17968" of type "ADUser"
     under the root "$null".
    VERBOSE: [11:34:27.471 GMT] New-MoveRequest : Previous operation run on domain controller ''.
    VERBOSE: [11:34:27.471 GMT] New-MoveRequest : Processing object "$null".
    VERBOSE: [11:34:27.487 GMT] New-MoveRequest : [DEBUG] No RequestJob messages found.
    VERBOSE: [11:34:27.487 GMT] New-MoveRequest : [DEBUG] MDB c5d6ea95-07b3-4a52-9868-e41e808a76fe found to belong to Site:
    VERBOSE: [11:34:27.487 GMT] New-MoveRequest : [DEBUG] MRSClient: attempting to connect to ''
    VERBOSE: [11:34:27.627 GMT] New-MoveRequest : [DEBUG] MRSClient: connected to '', version caps:07
    VERBOSE: [11:34:27.627 GMT] New-MoveRequest : [DEBUG] Loading source mailbox info
    VERBOSE: [11:34:28.844 GMT] New-MoveRequest : Failed to reconnect to Active Directory server
    SRVUMVMDC02.umfolozi.local. Make sure the server is available, and that you have used the correct credentials. --> A
    local error occurred.
    VERBOSE: [11:34:28.844 GMT] New-MoveRequest : Admin Audit Log: Entered Handler:OnComplete.
    Failed to reconnect to Active Directory server SRVUMVMDC02.umfolozi.local. Make sure the server is available, and that
    you have used the correct credentials.
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (0:Int32) [New-MoveRequest], RemoteTransientException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : F48FD74B,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.NewMoveRequest
        + PSComputerName        :
    VERBOSE: [11:34:28.859 GMT] New-MoveRequest : Ending processing &
    Troubleshooting Performed
    1. When submitting mailbox move request tried the following credential inputs:
    1.1. DOMAIN\Username
    1.2. FQDN\Username
    1.3. userPrincipalName
    2. Confirmed domain trust between source and target domain is in place and validated.
    3. Confirmed name resolution in source and target domain is functioning as expected.
    4. Confirmed network connectivity between source and target domain controllers as well as source and target exchange servers.
    5. Tried to create new Linked Mailbox to account in source forest, can’t select Global Catologue via the wizard;
    Tried to specify the credentials for the account forest and got the following error when tried to select Global Catalog from wizard:

    The error talk about the credential. Did you check the credential
    Did you tried this command?
    New-MoveRequest -Identity "Distinguished name of User in Target Forest" -RemoteLegacy -TargetDatabase "E2K10 Mailbox Database Name" -RemoteGlobalCatalog "FQDN of Source DC" -RemoteCredential $Remote -TargetDeliveryDomain "Target
    domain name"
    Gulab Prasad
    Technology Consultant
    Blog:    Twitter:
       Check out CodeTwo’s tools for Exchange admins
    Note: Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.

  • Exchange 2010+Outlook Anywhere+Windows XP not working together

    We have Exchange 2010 installed on Server 2008 R2. CAS/Hub/mailbox roles on same server. Outlook Anywhere is enabled and using a Go Daddy signed certificate for OWA. Now my problem is that Windows XP (w SP3) PC's that are not located inside domain and
    shoud use Outlook Anywhere cannot connect to that service. Outlook version is 2007 SP2. On the other hand, that same user can connect from a Windows 7 pc what is also located outside domain without problems. On XP pc windows keeps asking for password repeatedly,
    on W7 pc it asks it and accepts and logs the user in and connects it to his mailbox. I have read numerous posts about this kind of issue, put so far none of them helped me. The certificate is issued to and The
    internal name of the server is, external name is Also I used the Set-OutlookProvider cmdlet to set EXPR to and also tried this change did not have any effect on XP pc.
    What is wrong in XP and Outlook 2007 combination not being able to connect to Echange 2010?

    I was suffering from a very similar issue.  The one major difference for me is that I was using a wildcard ssl certificate for "*" which was not matching with the server name of
    Behaviour definitely seemed to only manifest with Windows XP on the open internet (not domain joined or internal) trying to use either Outlook 2007 or 2010 to connect to our internal Exchange 2010 server via RPC over HTTPS.  Autodiscover was successful
    but user would be repeatedly prompted for their credentials but they would never match.
    The key changes that seemed to fix this for us were to make these updates -
    Set-OutlookProvider EXPR -CertPrincipalName msstd:*
    alternatively if you dont care whether the proxy server name exactly matches your ssl cert you can do this (not recommended) -
    Set-OutlookProvider EXPR -CertPrincipalName none
    These commands manipulate the Microsoft Exchange Proxy Settings under the Outlook Anywhere options under the connection tab of your mail profile.  In particular the field labeled "Only connect to proxy servers that have this principal name in their
    Also, to force RPC over HTTPS and never try and timeout on TCP/IP connection (which cannot work through the firewall) -
    Set-OutlookProvider EXPR -OutlookProviderFlags:ServerExclusiveConnect
    This should click the checkbox for "On fast networks, connect using HTTP first, then connect using TCP/IP"
    This should then allow autoconfigure to work fine when setting up your mail profile.  If you want to check the settings page you should have something that looks like this -
    Finally, please note that Autodiscover settings are updated periodically not instantly. I believe it is something like every 15m or so.  As such, make the changes above and then wait for at least 15-30mins before making any other changes. 
    I ended up chasing my tail and then some complete red-herring *seemed* to fix the problem.  It was actually something that I had changed 20mins before!

  • Test-OutlookWebServices

     Please help me clean up my lab exchange 2007 servers.
    not sure where to start i dont have the UM piece configured but having issues wtih free/busy
    Id      : 1003
    Type    : Information
    Message : About to test AutoDiscover with the e-mail address
    [email protected].
       : 1007
    Type    : Information
    Message : Testing server labmb01.lab.Local with the published name https://
    Id      : 1019
    Type    : Information
    Message : Found a valid AutoDiscover service connection point. The AutoDiscover
               URL on this object is
    Id      : 1006
    Type    : Information
    Message : The Autodiscover service was contacted at
    Id      : 1013
    Type    : Error
    Message : When contacting received the error The remote name could not be resolved: ''
    Id      : 1016
    Type    : Error
    Message : [EXCH]-Error when contacting the AS service at
              /ews/exchange.asmx. The elapsed time was 250 milliseconds.
    Id      : 1015
    Type    : Success
    Message : [EXCH]-Successfully contacted the OAB service at
              om/ews/exchange.asmx. The elapsed time was 0 milliseconds.
    Id      : 1004
    Type    : Error
    Message : The certificate for the URL
              aging/Service.asmx is incorrect. For SSL to work it needs to have a s
              ubject of, instead the subject was labmb01. Consider
               correcting service discovery, or installing a correct SSL certificat
    Id      : 1014
    Type    : Success
    Message : [EXCH]-Successfully contacted the UM service at
              ex.local/UnifiedMessaging/Service.asmx. The elapsed time was 78 milli
    Id      : 1013
    Type    : Error
    Message : When contacting received
               the error The remote name could not be resolved: '
    Id      : 1016
    Type    : Error
    Message : [EXPR]-Error when contacting the AS service at
              .com/EWS/Exchange.asmx. The elapsed time was 0 milliseconds.
    Id      : 1015
    Type    : Information
    Message : [EXPR]-The OAB is not configured for this user.
    Id      : 1014
    Type    : Information
    Message : [EXPR]-The UM is not configured for this user.
    Id      : 1013
    Type    : Error
    Message : When contacting received the error Unable to co
              nnect to the remote server
    Id      : 1013
    Type    : Error
    Message : When contacting received the error A connection
               attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond
              after a period of time, or established connection failed because conn
              ected host has failed to respond
    Id      : 1017
    Type    : Error
    Message : [EXPR]-Error when contacting the RPC/HTTP service at
              m/Rpc. The elapsed time was 984 milliseconds.
    Id      : 1006
    Type    : Success
    Message : The Autodiscover service was tested successfully.
    Id      : 1021
    Type    : Information
    Message : The following web services generated errors.
                  As in EXCH
                  As, in EXPR
                  Contacting server in EXPR
              Please use the prior output to diagnose and correct the errors.

    [PS] D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts>.\new-TestCasConnectivityUser.ps1
    Please enter a temporary secure password for creating test users.  For security
    , the password will be changed regularly and automatically by the system.
    Enter password: **********
    Update test user permissions on:  lab01.lab.Local
    Control-Break to quit or Enter to continue:
    UserPrincipalName:  [email protected]
    WARNING: The command completed successfully but no settings of
    'lab.Local/Asia/CAS_{4aeaa3cf99664f45}' have been modified.
    WARNING: Appropriate ACE is already present on object
    "CN=CAS_{4aeaa3cf99664f45},OU=Asia,DC=lab,DC=Local" for account
    "lab\Exchange Servers".
    Identity             User                 Deny  Inherited Rights
    lab.Local/Asia/... lab\Exchange Se... False False     User-Force-Change-...
    WARNING: Appropriate ACE is already present on object
    "CN=CAS_{4aeaa3cf99664f45},OU=Asia,DC=lab,DC=Local" for account
    "lab\Exchange Recipient Administrators".
    lab.Local/Asia/... lab\Exchange Re... False False     User-Force-Change-...
    ClientAccessServer     : lab01.lab.Local
    Scenario               : Reset Credentials
    ScenarioDescription    : Reset automated credentials for the Client Access test
                              user on Mailbox server lab01.lab.Local.
    PerformanceCounterName :
    Result                 : Failure
    MailboxServer          : lab01.lab.Local
    StartTime              : 3/9/2014 6:08:34 PM
    Latency                : 00:00:00.0156251
    SecureAccess           : True
    Error                  : [Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.CasHealthStorageErrorEx
                             ception]: An error occurred while trying  to access ma
                             ilbox lab01.lab.Local on behalf of user lab.Lo
                              Additional information:
                             sientException]: Cannot open mailbox /o=lab/ou=Excha
                             nge Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipien
    UserName               : CAS_4aeaa3cf99664f45
    VirtualDirectoryName   :
    Url                    :
    UrlType                : Unknown
    EventType              : Error
    Port                   : 0
    ConnectionType         : Plaintext
    You can um-enable the test user by running this command with the following optio
    nal parameters : [-UMDialPlan <dialplanname> -UMExtension <numDigitsInDialplan>]
     .Either None or Both must be present.
    [PS] D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts>Test-OutlookWebServices
    Type Message
                          1003                Information About to test AutoDisc...
                          1007                Information Testing server labmb...
                          1019                Information Found a valid AutoDisc...
                          1006                Information The Autodiscover servi...
    Error When contacting https:...
    Error [EXCH]-Error when cont...
                          1015                    Success [EXCH]-Successfully
    Error The certificate for th...
                          1014                    Success [EXCH]-Successfully
    Error When contacting https:...
    Error [EXPR]-Error when cont...
                          1015                    Success [EXPR]-Successfully
                          1014                Information [EXPR]-The UM is not c...
    Error When contacting https:...
    Error When contacting https:...
    Error [EXPR]-Error when cont...
                          1006                    Success The
    Autodiscover servi...
                          1021                Information The following web serv...
    [PS] D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts>Test-WebServicesConnecti
    CasServer  MailboxServer Scenario        Result  Latency(MS) Error
    lab01  labCCR1     Reset Credentia Failure             [Microsoft.Exchang
    ception]: An error
    occurred while tr
    ying  to access ma
    ilbox labCCR1.La
    bex.Local on behal
    f of user lab.Lo
    Additional inform
    sientException]: C
    annot open mailbox
    nge Administrative
    Group (FYDIBOHF23
    lab01  lab01     Reset Credentia Failure             [Microsoft.Exchang
    ception]: An error
    occurred while tr
    ying  to access ma
    ilbox lab01.La
    bex.Local on behal
    f of user lab.Lo
    Additional inform
    sientException]: C
    annot open mailbox
    nge Administrative
    Group (FYDIBOHF23
    WARNING: Test user 'CAS_479c57ec434e458f' cannot be accessed. Therefore, this cmdlet will be unable to test Mailbox server 'labS.lab.Local'.
    Test-WebServicesConnectivity : Could not find or log on with user lab.Local\CAS_479c57ec434e458f. If this task is being run without credentials, log on as a
     Domain Administrator, and then run the new-TestCasConnectivityUser.ps1 to verify that the user exists on Mailbox server labS.lab.Local
    At line:1 char:28
    + Test-WebServicesConnectivity <<<<
    WARNING: Test user 'CAS_06e52accae044649' cannot be accessed. Therefore, this cmdlet will be unable to test Mailbox server 'labscc1.lab.Local'.
    Test-WebServicesConnectivity : Could not find or log on with user lab.Local\CAS_06e52accae044649. If this task is being run without credentials, log on as a
     Domain Administrator, and then run the new-TestCasConnectivityUser.ps1 to verify that the user exists on Mailbox server labscc1.lab.Local
    At line:1 char:28
    + Test-WebServicesConnectivity <<<<
    WARNING: No Client Access servers were tested.

  • 550 5.7.1 NDR's as mail volume from IIS Virtual SMTP server to Exchange 2010 increases

    We have a virtual win 2008 server that has a Virtual SMTP server running via IIS. A separate application on this server drops emails in the pickup directory to forward to our Exchange 2010 environment and this works fine. The odd issue is that as the volume
    of messages being dropped in the pickup directory increases to over around 500 per minute we see a huge increase of bounced emails ending up in badmail directory on this server. The NDR we receive from our exchange environment states the following
    550 5.7.1 Anonymous clients does not have permissions to send as this sender
    As soon as we throttle this application the issue stops. And the same emails that bounced can be resubmitted with no issues
    This particular virtual SMTP instance sends to only a handful of mailboxes in our organization, but it does send a lot of messages
    We currently have a receive connector for all internal relay servers, and this server is called out in the accepted IP range and the message rate is sent to unlimited. Here are the edited version of the details of one of the internal relay receive connectors
    on one of our hub transport servers. Is there something we have setup on the these connectors that might be causing this?
    : 1e06e317-da65-4916-9b2c-e1253b4b550b
    AuthMechanism                           : None
    Banner                                  :
    : True
                     : {}
       : True
    : True
    : True
    : False
    : False
    : True
    : False
        : False
    SuppressXAnonymousTls                   : False
    : False
    Comment                                 :
    Enabled                                 : True
    ConnectionTimeout                       : 00:10:00
    : 00:05:00
    MessageRateLimit                        : unlimited
    MessageRateSource                       : IPAddress
    : 5000
    : 100
    MaxInboundConnectionPercentagePerSource : 100
             : 64 KB (65,536 bytes)
    MaxHopCount                             : 60
    : 8
    MaxLogonFailures                        : 3
         : 30 MB (31,457,280 bytes)
               : 5
    : 200
    PermissionGroups                        : AnonymousUsers
    : True
    : Verbose
    RemoteIPRanges                          : REDACTED
    : False
    RequireTLS                              : False
           : False
    : None
    : False
    Server                                  : HT02
           : EnabledWithoutValue
    TarpitInterval                          : 00:00:05
    : 00:00:30
                  : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
                   : Internal Relay
    DistinguishedName                       : REDACTED
              : HT02\Internal Relay
    : a1f5af2e-6d53-4cb9-80b6-d19aab6879b4
            : REDACTED
    ObjectClass                             : {top,msExchSmtpReceiveConnector}
            : 6/20/2014 11:12:17 AM
            : 2/18/2011 10:15:58 AM
           : 6/20/2014 3:12:17 PM
             : 2/18/2011 3:15:58 PM
    OriginatingServer                       :
    : True

    Just to clarify, this is not a pickup directory on an Exchange server but on a Windows 2008 server running an SMTP Virtual server in IIS 6.0. The problem happens only when the message volume from this server to Exchange increases to over ~500 messages a
    minute. When that happens the messages get bounced from Exchange with the following info in the NDR
    550 5.7.1 Anonymous clients does not have permissions to send as this sender
    If we resubmit all the bounce messages at a lower volume per minute we do not see the issue. I'm still working on replicating the issue now that we have logging turned up on the receive connectors.
    In addition some messages are being bounced with the following NDR message
    554 5.6.0 Invalid message content
    These messages are always between 65-70KB and have around 200 recipients
    In the Exchange receive logs for the receive connector for these messages we see the following message (with different sizing)
    A parsing error has occurred:MIME content error:
    Singletext value size
    (32781)exceeded allowed maximum
    The messages dropped in this pick-up  directory can be anywhere from 1KB to 10MB, so it's not that it's viewing each batch as a single email but something different with this particular email. I've tried searching for where to increase this MIME value
    but can't find out where it is stored in Exchange.

  • CMD=Ping&log query is taking long time-taken when checked in IIS logs.... Exchange 2010 SP3..

    Query regarding the ActiveSync and parameter time-taken from ActiveSync IIS logs.
    Here what I see for from the logs.
    [email protected] Apple-iPad2C3/1202.410 200 0 0 1501129
    443 [email protected] Apple-iPad2C3/1202.410 200
    0 0 22105
    443 [email protected] Apple-iPad2C3/1202.410 200
    0 0 452
    443 [email protected] Apple-iPad2C3/1202.410 200
    0 0 936
    443 [email protected] Apple-iPad2C3/1202.410 200
    0 0 656238 
    In the above log, highlighted are the time-taken and I just want to check what is the ideal time-taken value, some value above should be causing some problem, like the one of the top 1501129 ?
    ?AND I see its for POST event and CMD=Ping&log query.......
    We have Mobile Iron in the environment and we are seeing few timeout errors on MobileIron server and for users intermittently. They usually see below error... However we don't see any end users issues, but just want to get rid of below error. MobileIron guys
    are pointing it to time-taken value which is high intermittently.
    IOException connection to server [email protected] --
    awaitUninterruptibly was stopped by timeout

    To understand more about the issue, I’d like to confirm the following information:
    1. What’s your Exchange 2010 version?
    2. Do you install other software, like SQL, on the same Exchange Server?
    3. Change another admin account to access EMS.
    Angela Shi
    TechNet Community Support

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