Blackberry id confirmati​on email not received

hi sir,
my name is abhijeet raut and i am useing blackberry z3.My blackberry id is [removed] but i cant received confirmation email.
i dont know wich email addres use in black berry id detals os i want chang my email addres but i dont know how it is posibal so please help me....
if my blackberry id is chang so i lost my data backup becose my data backup is in my pc with is halp blackberry link
so please help me and my z3 is not conect with bleand error is your passwoard is incorect but i know my username and password it is not login in bleand and link 
MOD EDIT: Removed personal information to comply with Community Guidelines and Terms and Conditions of Use.

Sounds like you need to create a new BBID and start over. You must wipe the device to use a new BBID with it. 
As far as Link and Blend, you are prompted for your BBID to log in at first. If your device is password protected, you will also be prompted for the device password to connect to the device.
- Ira

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    If you're using the tell a friend tag ({tag_tellafriend}) you can modify the subject of the email that is sent out by Site Manager > System E-mails > Tell-a-Friend.
    If you're not using this, please let us know how eaxactly you're achieving this functionality.

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    Check the following:
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    2. Junk folder
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    Hello Ayres_G
    Welcome to BlackBerry Support Forums
    Are you using any Gmail account as your BlackBerry ID or an host email account ?
    Try those KB and see if you're able to reset your BlackBerry ID password :
    KB26361  :How to change or reset a BlackBerry ID password.
    KB28232 : BlackBerry ID reset email is not being delivered to the associated mailbox
    KB28685 : How to reset the BlackBerry ID password using the password recovery question
    Or let us know .
    Click " Like " if you want to Thank someone.
    If Problem Resolves mark the post(s) as " Solution ", so that other can make use of it.

  • Active Sync Inbox Emails Not received

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    Hello Tomwall43.
    To set up two blackberry with the same email account, always take one as the main by both email packages come first to a device and then the other, and if in this case does not rise to the other, is because it already has consignee the synchronization and other package would not be the same for the arrival of the mail at the same time.
    Is my thinking.
    Kudos **Do not forget to give those people who help and advise you regarding your questions, as well give the answer like**
    @ gutijose14
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    Do not forget to give LIKE    Those people who help you and advise you about your doubts.  if the review has been SOLVED** # 4LL  #ÉliteRoad  Make a backup of your BlackBerry
    BlackBerry Protect and  BlackBerry Link constantly.  #ichooseBlackBerry10 Gutijose14 Forums Veteran I

  • Mail POP outgoing emails not received (seemingly random) - Experts needed!

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    I can see no pattern to which emails have and have not been received. It appears to be occurring across the three separate accounts, and with different outgoing mail servers. This is what leads me to believe the problem lies with Mail, and not the servers themselves, though I may be wrong. I cannot tell which emails have not been received, and can no longer trust that emails I send will end up at their intended destination.
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    P.S. I just sent some test emails to a friend using different combinations of my three email accounts and outgoing servers. Two of the emails were not received, each sent via different outgoing servers (and different accounts). However, all the emails appear in my Sent box.

    Hello, and welcome to the Discussions.
    This sort of random experience seems likely to be caused by the use of Rich Text Format. To test this, take a previously sent email that a friend did not receive, click on Message/Send Again, then click on Format/Make Plain Text, and then resend it. If they now receive, it is likely the RTF when it converts to a form of HTML is triggering a SPAM filter somewhere in the path to this recipient, and blocking the message.

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  • SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 Error (Email not received)

    Hi all,<br><br>
    I am using following code just to send out an email to Users Notifying that Directory is Not empty. No attachment is required.
    data: p_file type salfile-longname.
    data: ifile type table of  salfldir with header line.
    data: lt_mailrecipients  type standard table of somlrec90 with header line,
          lt_mailtxt         type standard table of soli      with header line,
          lt_attachment      type standard table of solisti1  with header line,
          lt_mailsubject     type sodocchgi1,
          lt_packing_list    type standard table of sopcklsti1 with header line,
          gv_cnt             type i.
    data: v_spool          like tsp01-rqident.
    p_file = '/usr/sap/tmp'.
    call function 'RZL_READ_DIR_LOCAL'
        name            = p_file
        file_tbl        = ifile
             argument_error = 1
             not_found      = 2
             others         = 3.
    if ifile[] is initial.
      write: 'Empty'.
    elseif ifile[] is not initial.
      lt_mailrecipients-rec_type  = 'U'.
      lt_mailrecipients-com_type  = 'INT'.
      lt_mailrecipients-receiver  = '*******''.
      append lt_mailrecipients.
      clear lt_mailrecipients.
      lt_mailtxt = 'Hi How are you'.
      append lt_mailtxt. clear lt_mailtxt.
      lt_mailtxt = 'direcory not empty'.
      append lt_mailtxt. clear lt_mailtxt.
      lt_mailsubject-obj_name     = 'MAILATTCH'.
      lt_mailsubject-obj_langu    = sy-langu.
      lt_mailsubject-obj_descr    = 'You have got mail'.
      lt_mailsubject-sensitivty   = 'F'.
      call function 'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1'
          document_data              = lt_mailsubject
          put_in_outbox              = 'X'
          commit_work                = 'X'
          packing_list               = lt_packing_list
          contents_bin               = lt_attachment
          contents_txt               = lt_mailtxt
          receivers                  = lt_mailrecipients
          too_many_receivers         = 1
          document_not_sent          = 2
          document_type_not_exist    = 3
          operation_no_authorization = 4
          parameter_error            = 5
          x_error                    = 6
          enqueue_error              = 7
          others                     = 8.
      if sy-subrc eq 0.
        commit work.
        write: 'Non Empty'.
        submit rsconn01 with mode = 'INT' and return.
    The code runs fine without any error and writes "Non empty" as output but no email is received. We also have "INT - Internet" configured in SCOT, which shows no request.<br>
    Please let me know if anything more needs to be configured.<br><br>
    <br><br><br><br> Edited by: Matt on Nov 4, 2009 7:58 AM - fixed formatting

    Hi all,
    Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.
    Here is my code which works.
    report  zbw_khalix_bi_check_prg.
    data: p_file type epsf-epsdirnam.
    data: ifile type table of epsfili with header line.
    data: lt_mailrecipients  type standard table of somlrec90 with header line,
          lt_mailtxt         type standard table of soli      with header line,
          lt_attachment      type standard table of solisti1  with header line,
          lt_mailsubject     type sodocchgi1,
          lt_packing_list    type standard table of sopcklsti1 with header line,
          gv_cnt             type i.
    data: v_spool          like tsp01-rqident.
    data: oref type ref to cx_root.
    data text type string.
    p_file = '/userdata/home/bw_outbound1/temp'.
        call function 'EPS_GET_DIRECTORY_LISTING'
            dir_name               = p_file
            dir_list               = ifile
            invalid_eps_subdir     = 1
            sapgparam_failed       = 2
            build_directory_failed = 3
            no_authorization       = 4
            read_directory_failed  = 5
            too_many_read_errors   = 6
            empty_directory_list   = 7
            others                 = 8.
      catch cx_root into oref.
        text = oref->get_text( ).
    if ifile[] is initial.
      write: 'Empty'.
    elseif ifile[] is not initial.
      lt_mailrecipients-rec_type  = 'U'.
      lt_mailrecipients-com_type  = 'INT'.
      lt_mailrecipients-receiver  = '*****'.
      append lt_mailrecipients.
      clear lt_mailrecipients.
      lt_mailtxt = 'Hi How are you'.
      append lt_mailtxt. clear lt_mailtxt.
      lt_mailtxt = 'direcory is not empty'.
      append lt_mailtxt. clear lt_mailtxt.
      lt_mailsubject-obj_name     = 'MAILATTCH'.
      lt_mailsubject-obj_langu    = sy-langu.
      lt_mailsubject-obj_descr    = 'You have got mail'.
      lt_mailsubject-sensitivty   = 'F'.
      lt_packing_list-transf_bin  = space.
      lt_packing_list-head_start  = 1.
      lt_packing_list-head_num    = 0.
      lt_packing_list-body_start  = 1.
      lt_packing_list-body_num    = lines( lt_mailtxt ).
      lt_packing_list-doc_type    = 'RAW'.
      append lt_packing_list. clear lt_packing_list.
      call function 'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1'
          document_data              = lt_mailsubject
          put_in_outbox              = 'X'
          commit_work                = 'X'
          packing_list               = lt_packing_list
          contents_bin               = lt_attachment
          contents_txt               = lt_mailtxt
          receivers                  = lt_mailrecipients
          too_many_receivers         = 1
          document_not_sent          = 2
          document_type_not_exist    = 3
          operation_no_authorization = 4
          parameter_error            = 5
          x_error                    = 6
          enqueue_error              = 7
          others                     = 8.
      case sy-subrc.
        when 1.
          write: / 'No authorization for sending to the specified number',
          'of recipients'.
        when 2.
          write: / 'Document could not be sent to any recipient'.
        when 4.
          write: / 'No send authorization'.
        when 5.
          write: / 'Parameter error'.
        when 6.
          write: / 'x_error'.
        when 7.
          write: / 'enqueue error'.
        when 8.
          write: / 'Error occurred while sending'.
    Can anyone tell me if we can create a .txt file through ABAP?
    Edited by: Diksha Chopra on Nov 4, 2009 8:08 PM

  • Apple gift card email not received (not iTunes). How do I resend?

    I sent an email Apple gift card but the person has not received it. I have received a confirmation and invoice and the money has been debited from my account. I can find links to resend iTunes vouchers but not Apple. How do I do this?

    ?? I don't know how to resend it. I can only find iTunes links not apple store gift card links

  • Re: Verification Emails - Not receiving

    I'm having the same problems.
    1) not recognizing the account I've had for years.
    2) Trying to use Password Reset - not receiving any verification emails.
    Please help.

    Hello MGALLA13,
    Shopping on should be a fun and painless experience, and not being able to sign in to your account would definitely cut into that joy. While our recent security requirements have been implemented rather successfully, it sounds like it may have inadvertently caused some issues with your password and I sincerely regret any inconvenience this has caused!
    In these instances, there are a series of steps we suggest performing which should help alleviate the issue you’re having with your password reset. Using your email address on file for the forums, I have located your account and have initiated a password reset from our end and a link will be sent to your email. Please perform these actions, in order, prior to visiting the reset link in your email:
    Log out of your account completely
    Delete your browser history, cache, and cookies
    Visit the password reset link in your email (please be sure to check your spam folder)
    Create a new password that fits the accepted criteria (use a password you’ve never used before)
    Logout of your account as it will log you in automatically after creating the new password
    Wait 5-10 minutes and then attempt to login to your account
    After performing these steps, you should be able to successfully access your account! If not, please let me know and I’ll happily assist further.
    John|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • ITunes Account Verification Email Not Received

    I tried setting my itunes account up, but have not been sent my account verification email. I've checked my spam folder and have clicked on resend verification email - within itunes - 6 times now, but still nothing. It has been 24 hours since trying to set it up, and I have a gift card entered into that account which I cannot use. Please help, as this is pretty annoying.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Danielleg1990,
    Welcome to the Apple family! If you have not received the verification email, let's try resending it:
    Associating and verifying email addresses with your Apple ID
    How to verify the primary email address for your Apple ID
    When you first create an Apple ID (using your email address) a verification email will be sent to that address. If you sign in to your Apple ID from the link in that email, the email address will be verified as the primary email address for your Apple ID. You can also resend the email verification if the email address is not verified:
    1. Sign in to My Apple ID to manage your account information.
    2. Click Resend under Primary Email Address.
    3. Verify your changes by following the link in the email you will receive from Apple and signing back in to your account.
    Matt M.

  • Verificati​on email not received

    When I try to log into my account on, it says I need to verify my account. I've tried to log in a few times, but I never get an email. The email address with my best buy account is the same email with this account. I've checked the spam folder, and haven't seen it there either.

    Greetings Dan,
    Thank you for taking the time to sign up for the forum and connect with us.
    Are you not receiving the verification code needed to login to or the verification email needed to link a account to a My Best Buy™ account?  I am not showing that your accounts are currently linked, so I have a feeling it is the verification email.  A potential reason why you are not receiving the email is because the information being entered on does not match what we have on file.  Please send me a private message with the information listed below, by clicking on the blue button in my signature, and I will make sure everything is up-to-date.
    Phone #
    Mailing address
    Email address
    How to Link a My Best Buy™ membership to your Account
    I hope you have a wonderful day!
    Derek|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Microsoft Exchange sending emails not receiving for a user

    I have a Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP2 we are using as our exchange server. One user that has been working fine for years all of sudden can send emails but not receive any emails.  I have checked outlook settings, use the HTML direct connection
    to the user in the same network I can access his email and send emails from either source but not receiving emails from anywhere. Can someone please advise thanks
    We have many users working just fine including myself. Just one of the users which had been working fine for years all of sudden stopped receiving emails. 

    Hi Luis,
    " use the HTML direct connection to the user in the same network I can access his email and send emails from either source but not receiving emails from anywhere. "
    1) Do you mean that you logged on the mailbox via OWA but still can not see the received emails ?
    2) Just only this user , the others are working well ?
    3) Did try to send an email from the same server to this issue account ,still can not receive it ?
    4) Please try to send an email from an "external" mailbox , if the email can not achieve the target mailbox , the "external " mailbox should receive an NDR email  come with  some useful infomation .
    Also please open event log to check if there is any useful infomation .
    As for this issue , you may get more accurate assistance in the exchange forum:
    Best Regards
    Elton Ji
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • TS4268 Verification email not received to activate FaceTime from additional gmail accounts on ipad. I have checked the spam folders and tried sending the activation email from my Mac as well but I'm still not getting them.

    I'm not receiving the verification email to activate two additional gmail addresses for Facetime on my ipad air. I have been trying for over a week and the emails are not in my spam or junk folders. I have also logged into my Apple id from my Mac and tried to verify from there but I'm still not receiving the verification emails. Anyone know how to resolve this please?

    In Mail Preferences/Accounts/each GMail account, set up the SMTP Outgoing Server for each account separately, going into SMTP name/edit/Advanced and specify the Username of each account.  The Outgoing servers must be two different servers, authenticated by the Username and Password of each.
    Otherwise, the GMail SMTP server will change the from address to that of the account where the SMTP server was setup.

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