BlackBerry World via pc website is unusable!

When I log in with my ID, the website becomes unusable with drop downs once clicked, not being selectable (they disappear before selection is available) The formating of the page is entirely strange, Graphics and phone all listed down the left hand side and when scrolling down, eventually you come to the BlackBerry World Section. It does not matter which browser I utilise, as soon as i log in the site formats all over the place and becomes useless.

I'm surprised you're having issues with BlackBerry World. When I try it from my PC (Windows 8 using Chrome), I have no problems at all and never have. I assume you're typing in the correct URL but just in case, give this one a click and let me know how you fare:
- If my response has helped you, please click "Options" beside my post and mark it as solved. Clicking the "thumbs up" icon near the bottom of my response would also be appreciated.

Similar Messages

  • Cannot access Blackberry World

    I have been accessing blackberry world via the games option  but that is now no longer wirking can anyone help, PLEASE.

    Simply uninstall it, restart your device, re-install it from your browser ( and restart again. It should run as normal when you launch it.
    But before you do that, try switching off your mobile network and launch the app using a WiFi network. If this works, then there's a problem in your connection settings.
    Make sure to also check application permissions to confirm the app is authorised to connect to the network. Do this by going to settings > security & privacy > application permissions.
    Else, check your service books or get help from your service provider if you still can't connect.

  • Unable to make payment via BlackBerry world | AW10006c

    I have been breaking my head with this for the past two months. 
    I live in India.
    The problem I am facing is that I'm unable to purchase any app from BlackBerry world. If I use a credit/debit card, it gives me a AW10006c error. 
    I thought this was due to the added security layer used by debit/credit cards in India. For Visa, it is "Verified by Visa" & for Mastercard it is "Mastercard secure code". So then I used PayPal, it again threw some other error. 
     I first thought it's an error due to my debit card. So I switched to HDFC credit card. It threw the same error. So tried my Standard Charted credit card. The same error again. I can confirm that the cards are working perfectly fine otherwise. In fact, the cards are getting debited GBP1 each time I add it to my account after removing it. The same GBP1 gets refunded after a while. If I'm not wrong, that is how they verify if the card is working or not. After successful addition of the card, when trying to purchase any paid app, it throws the AW10006c error. 
    Later, I felt the error could be because of the SDK os. So, I switched to a clean install of 10.2.1 official and tried all the above steps. Same error codes. 
     Then I tried to use my BlackBerry ID on another device (from Z10 to Q10). Same errors. 
    I made my friend try on his Z10 with his BlackBerry ID and his HDFC credit card and same error again.
    The apps I wanna buy are
    1. Usage Pro (Sasha Kanthan) 
    2. Hub++ (Devcellent Solutions Inc) 
    And a few BBM sticker packs.

    change to another language then try again, if it doesn't work , change back to english then do it again. I annoy sure if this can work but it dose work for my Q10

  • BlackBerry World not accepting VISA card -- follow up to my previous post

    Re purchase of an app for new Z10 --  main software all successfully updated to most recent.  Well, I posted last time about being escalated up through the ranks of BlackBerry software helpers from Bell, and after several levels getting a very easy-to-communicate-with woman from BlackBerry in Halifax, NS...
    She told me Bell would bill me for the apps on my carrier bill, and I told her No, they told me they didn't do that, not in Victoria BC my home town, anyhow.  I asked her to call and contact them...  she said she did, and said Yes, they would.  So I set that up on my BlackBerry World sign-in page using my computer, under her guidance, and it seemed to be set up.  I even purchased an app that way successfully, afterwards...  [She told me at the time that yes, there was a problem with the tool that handles VISA payments, sometimes...]
    BUT, several days later when I went to do the same thing again with another app, well, I had a message in red on my purchase screen on my Z10 that carrier purchase was not available!
    So, I tried purchasing via VISA again [read my previous post, I called VISA, tried to see if there was something wrong there, no there wasn't].  No form of my re-entering my VISA card or editing it etc. would work.
    So I tried PayPal, over the past weekend I established a PayPal account to be paid for via my same VISA card, that took some doing as the procedure is not that clear on their website and you have to explore the sections under "my money" etc. to see just what is going on with it...  without any warning or info from either BlackBerry or PayPal the account wouldn't work [refused several tries to purchase an app]  until a special method for BlackBerry was posted in that "my money" section on PayPal, they call it a prepayment account or something like that, it takes about an hour or two on a Sunday for that to appear for a new account, and then [I was doing this via my computer after signing in to PayPal] I saw a side message that this purchasing procedure would not work until August 12th.
    Today, August 12th, I just purchased a trial app, Medieval Ringtones, and that went through!  Unfortunately I was on just our own house WiFi [good signal, I thought at the time, though], and just before it got installed something said "network problem" and it stopped installing.  Now I can't buy it again either, I'll try later just to see if it reloads -- it wouldn't reload to the purchase point.  I don't really care, it was an experiment.  I just downloaded a free app, Top 500 Ringtones, from BlackBerry World, and that went smoothly and seems great, lots of choices, most of them free as far as I can tell.
    Warning to users:  I would establish the PayPal account via BlackBerry World's own access point on the computer, first, through the BlackBerry World website,  clicking on their PayPal symbol, before trying to purchase via PayPal, as establishing a PayPal account first, independently,  may lead to confusion if you establish it outside of BlackBerry World.
    If I can, indeed, purchase something via PayPal, or ultimately, indeed with a VISA payment, without a glitch [I'll keep trying] I'll report it here.  Meanwhile all the apps I've downloaded from BlackBerry World have been free ones, except for the one that mistakenly got sold to me via Bell billing me for it [which they won't] a few days ago [either Bell or BB got stuck with the $1.99 or something for that!].  The free ones I've downloaded have been excellent, including this Top 500 Ringtones, just the kind I was looking for, lots of real telephone and cell phone ring sounds for a purist like me...
    But I hope BlackBerry can fix up the glitch in BlackBerry World soon, it shouldn't be there at all...  my husband has the theory the facility is staffed by too small a core of software people to keep up with the problems and wasn't properly tested, or else it was subcontracted out and they are stuck with it until they get a new one -- come on, BlackBerry, get a new BlackBerry World payment procedure that works smoothly, us BlackBerry fans are anxious about you!!!

    Just to say there ARE lots of Apps on BlackBerry World, so potential BB purchasers should not let that stop them, and some very good free ones, excellent -- BlackBerry Travel is really good, and OsmAnd maps are fabulous, big to download, but when you get it you'll be amazed. Just download a provincial or smaller map to start, because they are huge files and very detailed, but lots of trails and paths are on them... good for park trails and such.

  • Blackberry world issue for iran

    there is a restriction that country like us can't use blackberry services,
    i'm in city of south of iran that UAE carriers works in my city but under the antenna of our country.
    could i use the UAE SIM to download from blackberry world?
    right now i use android version and it's a little laggy ,
    blackberry original softwares or apps has a great performance,
    you could have many customers from iran and make really more money by ignoring the restriction.
    and why your company boycott us?
    what is the reason?
    but the first question is important to me ,that one about changing sim.
    best regards

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    Please check this page to ensure you meet the minimum requirements (including if it is available in your country):
    If it is available in your country and you feel you meet the device-level system requirements, then contact your carrier to ensure that you meet the service plan (from them) requirements for access (via their network) to AppWorld.\
    Further still, do be aware that AppWorld is merely a portal, vending apps developed mainly by others. As such, it is not your exclusive procurement source -- there are others that you can try:
    AppWorld in selected countries
    MobiHand everywhere in the world
    Handango everywhere in the world
    BPlay everywhere in the world
    GetJAR everywhere in the world
    I have found that there are very few apps that are exclusive to AppWorld. You can search the on-line catalog and then search out other procurement sources, including quite often the developer website itself.
    Lastly, do understand that BB does not have unilateral control over the availability of AppWorld. They have to ensure that they and their partners meet local laws and legislation for operating an e-commerce system -- and that can take time. AppWorld is in over 160 countries now and adding more and more every month.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
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  • Blackberry world is not available my country

    Hi . I live in Ethiopia blackberry world is not available my country but I have blackberry I'd . What shall I do open my black berry world please give different options
    Subject Title edited to reflect new topic.

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    Please check this page to ensure you meet the minimum requirements (including if it is available in your country):
    If it is available in your country and you feel you meet the device-level system requirements, then contact your carrier to ensure that you meet the service plan (from them) requirements for access (via their network) to AppWorld.
    Further still, do be aware that AppWorld is merely a portal, vending apps developed mainly by others. As such, it is not your exclusive procurement source -- there are others that you can try:
    AppWorld in selected countries
    MobiHand everywhere in the world
    Handango everywhere in the world
    BPlay everywhere in the world
    GetJAR everywhere in the world
    I have found that there are very few apps that are exclusive to AppWorld. You can search the on-line catalog and then search out other procurement sources, including quite often the developer website itself.
    Lastly, do understand that BB does not have unilateral control over the availability of AppWorld. They have to ensure that they and their partners meet local laws and legislation for operating an e-commerce system -- and that can take time. AppWorld is in over 160 countries now and adding more and more every month.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • Problems regarding connecting to blackberry world

    I will try to explain this as best as possible
    I recently got a 9300 curve on the network '3', when for a browser I use their's; so 'favourites' or 'planet 3' I lose connection to blackberry world (the little blackberry icon on the top right disappears)  and im no longer able to bbm or connect to blackberry app world or use the browser. To get the little blackberry symbol back in the top right hand corner I usually have to click on the browser app - and let it load back and usually it then reconnects and im able to use bbm etc. But as soon a I use the '3' browsers i lose that connection and have to repeat the whole process over and over again.
    Im aware a possible fix would be to just get rid of the 3 browser apps and simply use the blackberry ones but id prefer to try and have it so I can use everything the phone comes with
    Thanks in advance

    If you want to connect the any of Three's own websites (account details, planet 3 home page etc) then no - I guess to be able to recognise your phone as a Three phone it needs to connect directly to their servers rather than via Three. The same reason you cant access the Three home page when only connected to wifi or roaming on orange.
    From my understanding all 3 of the browsers are the same - the Favourites and Planet 3 are just shortcuts to the Three items, so if you dont want to disconnected from BIS use the main browser.

  • BlackBerry World on 8520?!?!

    I cannot download via desktop client, via WIFI, via anything!
    I have a blackberry curve 8520 which i bought from a guy. It's an old model but it is in exceptional condition (brand new i'd say...) 
    So i swiped it and BlackBerry world is not there anymore. And i've been trying to reinstall it the last 2 days with no success so far. 
    What should i do? How can i fix this?

    Can you be more specific? Do you get an error message? Does your device access other websites normally? Remember, we don't have your device in front of us so you have to tell us everything you can in order to help you.

  • Backing up and restoring app data of an App World (BlackBerry World) app

    I'd like to do a security wipe on my old Bold 9700 and then reinstall/restore an App World (BlackBerry World) app that I purchased with the same BlackBerry ID.
    1. Can I reinstall an app via App World after a security wipe?
    2. WIll the app data (e.g. game scores) be restored?
    3. I did a full back up with BDS7, if reinstalling the app on a security wiped phone does not reinstate the app data, can I retrieve the app data by restoring the app from the backup?
    4. What about copying the .rem files of the App World folder of the app to my computer, reinstalling the app via App World and then copying the .rem files back to the Blackberry? Or is there another location I should look for the app data?
    Thank you in advance.

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    To re-install your apps, please see this KB:
    KB17625 How to install or transfer previously purchased applications from BlackBerry App World to a BlackBerry smartphone
    HandsomeP wrote:
    2. WIll the app data (e.g. game scores) be restored?
    That I'm not sure likely depends on how the scores are stored. If they are stored on the device, then it might be able to re-obtain that information after you reinstall the app. Likewise, if they are stored on some server somewhere, it might be able to do so. But there's really no way for anyone but the app developer to know for sure. If I were you, I'd prepare myself for those being lost as a result of this activity.
    HandsomeP wrote:
    3. I did a full back up with BDS7, if reinstalling the app on a security wiped phone does not reinstate the app data, can I retrieve the app data by restoring the app from the backup?
    Maybe -- again, it depends on how the app works, which only the app developer can say. Some apps store data in AppMemory (which is what gets backed up), others store their data in Device or Media Card Memory (which is not necessarily backed up). And it may well be moot anyway, depending on how the developer coded the app.
    HandsomeP wrote:
    4. What about copying the .rem files of the App World folder of the app to my computer, reinstalling the app via App World and then copying the .rem files back to the Blackberry? Or is there another location I should look for the app data?
    Same all depends on how the developer coded the app. If the coded it to ignore any stored data anywhere each time the app is installed, then you can't force it to read anything, regardless of where you might restore it to. But, again, only the developer of the app can tell you what will happen in these circumstances.
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  • Blackberry World thinks I need to update Apps that are already up-to-date. (Infinite Update Loop)

     I have been having trouble with Blackberry World.  It states that I have apps that need updating, but I already have the most recent update of these apps.  In addition, BBW states that I need updates for apps that I no longer have installed on my phone. (and I cant seem to uninstall these apps via BBW)
    I have tried installing the update (even if its not needed), and uninstalling/re-installing the apps, and nothing eliminates this problem.  "Refresh BlackBerry World" does not help either.
    for an example: I have 9 apps that BBW thinks I need to update.  One of which is Blackberry Blend. When I click on Blend, It states that the Update is available to Version, but directly underneath, it states that I have Installed Version !!!  If I choose to perform the update, the notice for updating Blend shows back up in BBW immediatley.   The same issue is occuring with a number of apps, including: Google Talk, Skype, etc..
    Any suggestions on how to stop this BBW App Update Infinite Loop?

    Hi,  I've tried clearing the cache multiple times.  With or without reboot, it doesn't seem to fix the problem.
    I should probably mention that this is on a Z10 STL100-3  OS release OS version  This problem was occuring with only Skype before the upgrade from 10.2, but since the update its with 9 other Apps as well.  I even completely wiped my phone, and only selectively restored a handful of apps to prevent the issue, but thats when BBW now displays required updates for Apps I no longer have installed on the phones since starting from scratch.
    any other suggestions?

  • Blackberry World doesnt open

    It is my 4th day since I am trying to fix my blackberry world app to login via z10.
    I am new user on BlackBerry and I still cannot understand why I cannot login. The similar problem occurs with my BBM, when I am trying to login directly from my mobile data, and it wont, but when I login via edge modem by wifi, it does let me to enter and contact. I have tried the payment option as well, but it does the same. It doesnt let me complete, gives an error.
    Anyway, regarding my mobiles software version is the latest one by 03 may 2014. I have done everything, removed.battery, didnt use and so on. But still cannot enter to BlackBerry world or bbm.
    I even reccomended the friend and he bought it. And today when I enter from his phone, it gaves absolutely the same.problem.
    I look.forward to.hear.

    Thank you for the clarifications.
    FYI -- there is no prompted log in or log out of is an "always on" sort of thing, deeply tied into the device to enable various services, including BBWorld and BBM.
    With a strong carrier network signal (e.g., not merely WiFi), I suggest the following steps, in order, even if they seem redundant to what you have already tried (step 1 should result in a message coming to your BB...please wait for that before proceeding to the next step):
    1) Register HRT
    KB00510 How to register a BlackBerry smartphone with the wireless network
    Please wait for one "registration" message to arrive
    2) Reboot
    Pre-BB10 Devices ONLY. With power ON, remove the back cover and pull out the battery. Wait about a minute then replace the battery and cover. Power up and wait patiently through the long reboot -- ~5 minutes.
    BB10 Devices. Hold the top button down until the counter reaches zero. Wait for the device to be fully shut down (e.g., nothing at all displayed on the screen, no LED lights, etc.). Hold the top button until the red LED is lit. Wait through the full boot-up process. IF this fails, you can attempt the battery-pull method above, but it is normally NOT recommended unless nothing else works.
    See if things have returned to good operation. Like all computing devices, BB's suffer from memory leaks and such...with a hard reboot being the best cure.
    Hopefully that will get things going again for you! If not, then you likely should contact your mobile service provider for formal support. For BBM, from what you describe it is over their network that things do not function. For BBWorld, nothing functions. If these steps do not work to resolve it, then you will need formal support, possibly from BB themselves -- the only way to obtain that is via escalation from your carrier.
    One last thought...when you talk to your carrier, ask them to dig deeply and ensure that there is no BIS account tied to your BB10 device. BB10 does not use BIS, and there are reports that on some carriers even having a BIS account with your carrier will actually block functionality on a BB10 device.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
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  • Blackberry world connection error

    Good afternoon
    I am trying to access blackberry world but get the error 'an error has occurred and blackberry world must close. Try waiting a few minutes and then re-open Blackberry world'.
    I have seen several recommendations to turn off wifi but I am not using wifi. This has been going on for about a day, it used to work.
    I have tried downloading via my PC but I get the same error
    I am using a Q10, software release
    Please help, Thanks
    Go to Solution.

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    With a strong carrier network signal (e.g., not merely WiFi), I suggest the following steps, in order, even if they seem redundant to what you have already tried (steps 1 and 2 each should result in a message coming to your BB...please wait for that before proceeding to the next step):
    1) Register HRT
    KB00510 How to register a BlackBerry smartphone with the wireless network
    Please wait for one "registration" message to arrive
    2) Reboot
    Pre-BB10 Devices ONLY. With power ON, remove the back cover and pull out the battery. Wait about a minute then replace the battery and cover. Power up and wait patiently through the long reboot -- ~5 minutes.
    BB10 Devices. Hold the top button down until the counter reaches zero. Wait for the device to be fully shut down (e.g., nothing at all displayed on the screen, no LED lights, etc.). Hold the top button until the red LED is lit. Wait through the full boot-up process. IF this fails, you can attempt the battery-pull method above, but it is normally NOT recommended unless nothing else works.
    See if things have returned to good operation. Like all computing devices, BB's suffer from memory leaks and such...with a hard reboot being the best cure.
    Hopefully that will get things going again for you! If not, then you should contact your mobile service provider for formal support.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • I cannot download Facebook and I don't have a blackberry world icon

    I have just purchased a secondhand blackberry curve 8310 from ebay and I cannot download Facebook and I don't have a blackberry world icon on the home page. When I try to download facebook it says my device does not support this function. I have tried removing the battery while the phone is still on and registering via advanced options - host routing table, but no joy. Any suggestions?

    Hey sambrook,
    Welcome to the forums. 
    Here are the system requirements for Facebook for BlackBerry.
    To use Facebook® for BlackBerry® smartphones, the following is required:
    A wireless service data plan that supports SN applications
    Wi-Fi connectivity
    A Facebook account (an account can be created from the app)
    2.7 MB of available application memory
    BlackBerry® Device Software v5.0 or later
    If you are using a BlackBerry curve 8310 as listed in your profile then you most likely are not running Device Software version 5.0 or higher.
    From your BlackBerry browser try to download Facebook by going to and choose the options that says you do not have App World access. 
    Let us know how you make out. 
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • Unable to find Mosip App in Blackberry world

    Am unable to find MoSIP app in Blackberry world. But when i search in my PC i can find the same. Please help  how to download the same.

    App compatibility is a choice by the app developer. The on-device BBWorld is designed to only show you those apps where the developer has chosen to support your specific device model and OS level. Given what you describe, I would deduce that the developer has not chosen to support yours. You can see what platforms they have chosen to support via your PC in BBWorld, when not logged into your for the app and there will be drop down menus listing the BB models and OS levels the developer has chosen to support. The place to make your request, therefore, is to the app developer...plead with them to port their app to your device model and OS level.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • Blackberry World

    Hi there, just got a new 9900 Bold and trying to get BBW onto it a) can't use the usb connection and b) when i try via browser still no luck I get to the language part and click next and comes up with Error: invalid manifest or application descriptor.  The "midlet name" attribute is missing.  I need to set up enterprise to get emails coming through and can't do anything!  Help.

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!!
    Please try this sequence:
    1) Remove AppWorld from your BB
    KB10040 How to view or remove installed applications on a BlackBerry smartphone
    If it requests that you reboot the BB, do so
    2) Do a Batt-Pull reboot (power on, remove battery, wait, insert battery, wait), even if redundant to the one you did in step 1.
    3) Install (on your BB) a fresh copy of AppWorld
    Again, if it requests to reboot, do so.
    4) Do another Batt-Pull reboot
    5) See if it now works.
    rajahassan32 wrote:
    my device doesnt have blackberry world so i downloaded it from web n after lunching it app is give error  and close itself....
    If it continues to give an error, please tell us the exact and complete content of the error message presented. Indeed, for faster information for your situation, you can search for the error in the public KBs:
    rajahassan32 wrote:
    i also try to download application from web but cant do it because its keep saying login to your device n there is no option of blackberry id in setting like other blackberry devices
    Please describe that in more detail. What, exactly, are you expecting it to have and what, exactly, does your device have?
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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