Blu-ray stuttering woes

Has anyone else come across similar issues since last summer?
Right now I have a job requiring me to produce 9 long form 1080i 29.97 Blu-Ray discs from ProRes 1080i 29.97 QuickTime media.  I've gone through great lengths to troubleshoot the workflow (documented in other threads I've posted on).  Regardless, now I'm at the point where I've finalized a number of these discs, creating ISO files, burning them to BD-R via Disc Utility (Mac OS X) and all I've gotten are BD-Rs that stutter on playback.
I haven't gotten a 1080i BD-R to playback smoothly once throughout the whole disc.  I am happy to provide more details on what I'm producing to try and troubleshoot further, but just curious if anyone has run into this problem persistently with Encore CS 5?

My answers in bold below:
1. Did the Verbatim discs at least load in the Panny player without being spit out? The Verbatim LTH disc got kicked out of the Panasonic player also.  Although this could be the result of the player needing a firmware upgrade since the LTH discs are newer.
2. Could you describe the stuttering in more detail, please?  Is it a problem with subjects in the frame stuttering during motion and panning shots, or is it more of a condition where a lot of frames are dropped on playback but the frames that do play are clean with no motion issues?  The disc begins playing (in VLC player) without issue for about 20 seconds.  Then it starts to skip.  Then it gets worse -- dropping lots of frames.  Then every now and then the image will break apart completely and pixelate across the whole image.  It eventually comes back together but continues skipping/dropping frames throughout playback consistently.  It never gets back to playing smoothly, even if I change chapters.
3. Have you tried to update your burner's firmware? I'm running firmware version 1.09 for the Pioneer BDR-205, which seems to be the latest according to Pioneer's web site.  Has anyone heard different?
4. When you re-transcoded your assets, did you Revert to Original first?  I always REVERT TO ORIGINAL before re-transcoding.  I actually can't re-transcode within Encore unless I do that.
5. Until this is solved, you should work with just a short length of your program.  That way each testing run will only take a fraction of the time as the whole program would.  The caveat with doing that is that  I've heard of cases where the issue exists for long programs but not for shorter programs.  So even if you succeed with a short test, you end up with a nasty surprise when the long program is burned.  Part of the reason I have been continuing to test the long show is just for that reason.  I authored a 10 min 1080i 29.97 BD-R about a month ago with no issues.  I only started having this issue with long form stuff on this project.
6. You should get a BD-RE disc or 2.  No more coasters.  You are 100% right.  I will purchase a couple of BD-REs.  I've wasted too many BD-Rs at this point.
Thank you guys for all your time and help with this.  I'll let you know if the MPEG-2 burn works tonight.

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    I've tried multiple ways of encoding the background video (all at MPEG-2):
    1. through Compressor (dpx sequence to image sequence import) at high (40 max) and low (20 max) mbps,
    2. dpx sequence to ProRes 422HQ QT and then to MPEG-2 using Compressor at high and low mbps.,
    3. ProRes 422HQ QT to Encore for transcoding at max and high default settings.
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    If anybody has any theories or methods that will help, I would greatly appreciate it.

    Okay, here's what I've discovered...
    Creating a Blu-ray folder or disc image out of CS4 allows the 1080p menu to playback correctly (smooth, correct frame rate).  Use the same project file in CS5 - the menu plays back at the wrong frame rate.  I've also re-created the project in CS5 (which fails) and then I built the image or folder using CS4 and everything worked fine.  Nothing was wrong with the video itself or any player I tested with.  Now I just have to figure out how to get the loop point to not lock up my background for 2 seconds while the buttons load.  With my luck, that is probably fixed in CS5 and then I'm back to square one.  This needs to be fixed now.

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    The situation needs further isolation. Where is the RN104 connected? If it's connected directly to the switch you may try connecting it to the router and see if you'll experience the same thing. By the way, was it working fine before?

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    Blu-ray is not supported by Mac OS because Sony has not granted a license to Apple. I've read on these forums though that you can work with it if you are running Windows on the Mac.
    Edit: I don't have a blu-ray player, but needed a firmware update for my DVD player. Since that also would only work on a Windows machine, I called the mfr and got them to send me a CD with the firmware update. You might want to give that a try.
    Message was edited by: Barbara Daniels1

  • FCP 7 "Share to blu-ray" burn issue.

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    Firstly, my video is 1080/24p ProRes.
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    Initially I tried exporting a QuickTime with "current settings", and dropping it in toast and encoding/burning.
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    Any experience with this?
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    Any thoughts? Or any other work-around for keeping audio lossless?

    Thanks for the reply, Johnny.
    I wasn't saying AC3 s*u*c*k*s. And really.. Why is that word censored? I didn't do that.
    I was saying it ***** that you ONLY have the option of AC3 with the "Share to blu-ray" feature.
    And yea, I'm sure I would never know the differene, and especially not my grandparents with their home movies.
    But it just seems d*u*m*b (can I say that?) to be going through all this trouble for a "lossless" lineage, ie. HD camera, FCP, Blu-ray burner/player, and have to compress the audio. Isn't that one of the main advantages of blu-ray?! Quality? Wether we can detect it or not?! Ha!. Okay..
    I thought an easy workaround would be to export the audio to AIFF and drop it in.
    No idea why it's drifting....but yes, in the end i may settle.
    Though I'll feel cheated! Guess that's what I get for loving BOTH Apple and Blu-ray....
    If anyone has other processes of getting good 24p to Blu-ray, please share!
    Thanks again.

  • Encore CS5 Blu-Ray Preview Playback Issues / Authoring Issues

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    I've recently upgraded to CS5 after having no luck using CS3 to make Blu-Ray discs.  So far my experience has been a little disappointing -- it feels like they still haven't got it right.  Below is a list of my issues thus far -- perhaps some of you have run into similar things:
    - When importing MATROX encoded H.264 Blu-Ray files Encore CS5 hangs up.  I tried this with a 54 minute encoded file.  Instead I re-transcoded using the CS5 Media Encoder to the Main Concept H.264.  This worked fine, although the import still hung up for several minutes before anything made it's way into the project.
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    - While trying to re-author my Blu-Ray the playback preview does not play audio on the main video when I click to play it.  I've tried re-importing the asset and previewing but this does not work.  I'm going to re-author the disc anyway to see if it plays right on the disc but can't understand why the preview doesn't work even if the Blu-Ray itself is fine (which it is).  I should add that the first time I authored this disc the audio was fine on the main video.  Preview was also fine.  So I'm not sure what's happening now - I haven't changed anything in the project.
    - Portions of my video on the authored video play back with slight stutter even though the source video (ProRes HQ QuickTime) does not.  Is this a problem with the Main Concept H.264 encode?  Should I try a 2-pass VBR transcode as another try (instead of 1-pass)?  My target bit rate is 25 mbps (with a max of 30 mbps).  That shouldn't be too high for a player to handle without stutter.  The stutter also happens in the same place every time so it makes me think it's the encode of the file itself that's the problem.
    All in all these are mainly quirks about Encore that have begun to add up and frustrate me as a user.  It would be nice if these things just worked as they should.  But if anyone has ideas or can think of something I might be missing in all of this that would be great to hear.
    Thanks for reading.
    All the best,

    As a follow up, I tried knocking down the number of chapters by 1/3 so there would be a total of 28 chapters instead of 41. As it turns out, the disc is still exiting the timeline and returning to the main menu at exactly the same point (which happens to be one second into a particular chapter of the timeline, just shy of 90 minutes into the timeline). It's as if Encore has split my single timeline into two timelines.
    If it's of any help understanding what's happening, the entire timeline is 02;05;23;21 long. When Encore creates the Blu-ray disc, playback of the timeline ends at approximately 01;26;43;10. I then have to go to my Scenes menu and pick up where I left off as it's the only way to see the last ~39 minutes of the sequence.
    As I mentioned, if I burn this as a standard definition (4.7GB) disc, it plays normally with no breaks. It's only if I burn it to a 25GB single-layer Blu-ray disc that I see the problem (using multiple Blu-ray players).
    Thanks in advance for any light that can be shed on this problem.

  • Stutter after burning blu ray and during viewing in encore

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    A Cross-Dissolve is actually a Transition, and not an Effect. If you get a "stutter" with a Transition, it is very likely because you did not have adequate Handles in you Clips. The Help files will offer more info, but these will get you started:
    Hope that this helps, and good luck,

  • ProRes to Blu-Ray H.264, then Preview problems in Encore CS5

    Hello all,
    I've been taking 90 minute or so ProRes 422 QuickTimes (29.97 interlaced) into Media Encoder CS 5 and creating H.264 Blu-Ray files for use in Encore CS5.  I'm using the 1080i maximum quality setting and adjusting it so that target bitrate is 25mbps and max is 30.  Also doing 2-pass VBR.
    The issue I'm having is when I import these files into Encore CS5 and then preview them in a timeline they are artifacting all over the place.  They look like my cable signal when it breaks up, except through the entire program.  I've re-transcoded in the Media Encoder and am having the same issue.  I've also tried transcoding within Encore (which is really the same thing), and still it persists.  I haven't made a BD-R yet to check that and I know the preview in Encore CS 5 is very buggy.  But I'm wondering -- has anyone run into this?  Is this just a preview problem, or is there something actually wrong with the transcodes?
    Also, if anyone has a tip for where I can open the *.m4v files coming out of Media Encoder so that I can check them somewhere other than in Encore that would be awesome.  VLC player doesn't work, neither does QuickTime.  Thanks everyone!

    Thanks for the response.  Here are the answers to your questions:
    Some obvious but necessary checks:
    Are you authoring in a Blu-ray project and not a DVD project? YES, it is a 1080i 29.97 Blu-Ray project.
    Are you checking the transcode status column for Blu-ray and not DVD?  Definitely looking at the transcode status for Blu-Ray, and not DVD.
    If all is OK with those checks, then please check the audio:
    Are the files multiplexed?  If so, try elementary streams.
    Are you using elementary streams?  If so, try multiplexed.
    On these notes -- what is a good way for me to know if the transcoded files are multiplexed or elementary?  The interesting thing is that when I bring in the M4V and WAV files into Encore from what AME creates, the WAV file does NOT require transcoding, but the video file (M4V) does.
    Regarding the preview issue I was having it's worth noting that when I checked back in preferences the playback quality was still set to DRAFT, as if when I switched it to HIGH it just didn't take (and I tried this more than once).  I put it to HIGH again today and this time it seems it took, as preview playback quality is good again.  Just seems strange to me that Encore has a mind of it's own sometimes with certain things.
    I'm really more concerned with the transcoding at this point.  I did a project a couple weeks back where I just bit the bullet and transcoded the M4V again in Encore to author the ISO file, and several chapters of the program came out stuttering on the disc.  The original Quicktime source is fine and the preview playback on it was fine during those chapters.  I can't seem to find a throughline for these problems -- just seems to happen every now and then and can't control it.
    I authored a 53 minute 1080p 23.98 disc in early January that worked beautifully.  Everything was great - no problems.

  • Blu-ray DVD no longer recognized by HP MediaSmart or Windows Media Player

    I have the HP Pavilion Elite HPE 250-f desktop computer. This computer includes a CD/DVD/Blu-ray drive. I bought this computer in 2010, and all these years I have successfully played CDs and DVDs on the computer. Until now, I have not attempted to play a Blu-ray DVD.
    A few days ago, I rented the "Divergent" Blu-ray DVD from my public library. The "Divergent" regular DVD was included in the package.
    I put the Blu-ray into the CD/DVD/Blu-ray drive. The HP MediaSmart software recognized the Blu-ray, but the software got into an endless "update" loop and did not play the Blu-ray. Microsoft's Windows Media Player also recognized the Blu-ray, but did not play the Blu-ray.
    One solution I heard about was to plug an HDMI patch cord into the back of my computer box, with the other end of the HDMI patch cord not plugged into anything. Supposedly, the HP MediaSmart software would play a Blu-ray if the software sensed an HDMI cord. Unfortunately, that did not work.
    I then downloaded the Media Player Codec Pack,    Supposedly, this Codec Pack would allow the Windows Media Player to play the Blu-ray. The Codec Pack included the Classic Media Player.
    I tried to play the Blu-ray on the current Windows Media Player and the Classic version, with the new codecs installed. But nothing worked. I then used System Restore to get rid of the  Media Player Codec Pack. I found out that, in addition to the codecs, I was supposed to use the Slysoft AnyDVD HD software. However, I did not make any more attempts to use the codecs, and I did not download the Slysoft software.
    Now, here's where things get weird. Now, the HP MediaSmart software and the current Windows Media Player do not even *recognize* the Blu-ray DVD. They play the regular "Divergent" DVD very well. But they do not even *see* the Blu-ray DVD.
    I uninstalled the BDDVDRW CH20L driver, version 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255). I restarted the computer, and a new driver was installed. The new driver's version is 6.1.7601.17514. But the Blu-ray DVD is *still* not being recognized.
    Now, I'm hearing that a Blu-ray lens cleaner may be required.
    So, what's going on here? Did the codecs in the Codec Pack damage the Blu-ray lens? Please advise.
    Thank you for any help you can give me.

    Hi, BH. Thanks for your response.
    sp60287.exe seems to be for Windows 8. I have Windows 7.
    But even if I got a PowerDVD version for Windows 7, I still have the issue of the Blu-ray disc not even being detected. The Blu-ray disc is in the drive, but the software (HP MediaSmart, Windows Media Player) says that there is no disc in the drive. This "no detection" issue began after I installed the codecs in the Codec Pack and tried to make Windows Media Player work with the codecs. Is there an issue with the Blu-ray lens? Or is there an issue with the Blu-ray disc itself? 
    I notice that the regular "Divergent" DVD has no fingerprints on it, even after I touch it. But the Blu-ray DVD has lots of fingerprints. Does the Blu-ray have some kind of weird surface? Is there some problem with the Blu-ray's surface that is causing the Blu-ray to not even be detected?

  • Blu-ray creation causes windows blue screen crash

    I am testing Premier Elements 7 for the creation of best quality DVD and Blu ray disks. Source is AVCHD 1920x1080i and I have managed to create a number of DVD's and one Bluray without problem. My latest trial creating a Bluray disk failed at about 98%, burn in progress with a Device Error message. This resulted in a blue screen windows crash. Far more worrying is if I re-insert that BD RE disk back into my PC to erase it and try again, it immediately prompts a Blue screen windows crash, so I guess the disk is ruined. I have previously used Premiere Pro, Ulead and more recently Cyberlink Power Director and Sony Vegas. The quality of the DVD footage produced by Premier is far superior and the Bluray output was also excellent. Cyberlink has proved to be a good package appart from the poor quality of re-rendered output. Sony Vegas Pro seems the only one to recognise raw AVCHD footage and opt not to recompress it!!! The Movie Studio version doesn't appear to do this, however, I have only had a limited go at the trials. I had narrowed my choice to upgrading to Adobe Premier, or the cheaper Elements 7 which suits my requirements for home movies, however, a major windows crash, which I tend never to get has got me running scared. Why o why is there not a burn to hard disk option for Bluray creation as for DVD? Has anyone experienced a similar problem - any ideas as to what I could try?

    A BSOD situation normally indicates something is wrong systemicly with the computer. It can be either software (usually OS), or hardware related.
    The first thing that I would do would be to gather all info on your system and list full OS, version, updates, etc., and all hardware specs. Something in those lists might provide a clue.
    Next, I'd look carefully at Event Viewer, especially at the System and Applications tabs. Look for yellow warning messages at the time of the BSOD, and especially the red error messages. It might be easier to invoke a BSOD, so you will know the exact time and date of the crash. Study each yellow and each red message carefully. Many might not yield much useful info, but some might tell you a lot of about what is happening, and may even give you the cause. Please explore every link that is offered in each of these messages. They should take you to either the MS site, or to the site of a software, or hardware company. These will likely be where you'll gather the most important data.
    Here's what to look for in Event Viewer:
    Give us any details found there.
    Also, see this LINK. The video is a bit long, but will furnish you with a lot of troubleshooting tips, and also tools from MS. Make notes of these tools and their use.
    Good luck,

  • External Blu-Ray drive for HP Envy Lightscribe Issues

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    The drive has the following logo on the bottom plate:
    Which looks quite similar to the lightscribe logo, although it's not exactly the same. The HP Envy 13 support page does not contain drivers for the optical drive and I can't seem to find a dedicated support page for the drive itself. I have tried uninstalling the default windows driver which it reinstalls when the drive is plugged in again. As I said before it has been communicated in various place that the drive features lightscribe functionality and I'd be pretty upset if it turns out it doesn't!

  • How do I use my Airport Express with a Blu-ray player?

    Hello, first post, long time lurker. Have a question, hope someone can help me
    I have an Airport Express V 6.3, currently I have it set to 'Join a wireless network' and its connected wirelessly through a Netgear router that is located on the 1st floor, I'm on 3rd floor by the way. I've been using it for airtunes, but I recently received a Sony Blu-ray Player and would like to connect it the airport express via ethernet cable.
    What do I have to set up on the airport express to be able to give the blu-ray player internet?
    I've noticed many threads here about airport extreme connected to they weren't too helpful

    Welcome to the discussion area, mareithree!
    You'll need the 802.11"n" version of the AirPort Express to be able to "Enable ethernet clients" and connect the DVD player. Unfortunately, your older version of the Express does not allow this type of feature.

  • Blu-ray does not work after update to windows 7

    Hi, couple months ago I have installed windows 7 on my HP Pavilion dv5-1070ew (previously there was pre-installed Vista). I've installed the newest version of HP MediaSmart DVD (4.0.3822) downloaded right from but unfotunately, when I'm inserting a BLU-RAY Disc it's not being played. HP MediaSmart DVD opens and it writes that "Disc is ready to play" (so it is able to see the disc), but when I click button "Play", the monitor starts to wink for a while and then nothing happens...
    Thanks in advance for any help
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    I would suggest downloading trial version of cyberlink power DVD from here​/download_en_US.html?affid=2581_853_290_12410_0_EN​... and check if we till have the same issue.
    But before doing that, I hope after the change of OS, you have installed all the required drivers like chipset, graphic, etc....
    Although I am an HP employee, I am speaking for myself and not for HP.
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions, by marking my answer with 'Accept as Solution', if it solves your problem.
    Click on the BLUE KUDOS button on the left to say "Thanks"

  • Stream Blu-ray to Apple TVs/iPads/iPhones with iTunes on Mac

    Mac solution: Backup DVD/BD disc to iTunes for Apple TV 3/iPad Air/iPhone 5S 
    Description: Want to rip DVD/Blu-ray discs movies to iTunes supported formats for all Apple TVs, iPads, iPhones? Some of you may have not figured out a proper way to convert DVD/Blu-ray to iTunes on Mac. Simply follow this article to import DVD/Blu-ray movies
    to iTunes. 
    Good news for Mac users! Pavtube Blu-ray Ripper for Mac 3.7.0 is released! 
    "I want to put my library of disks in iTunes. I searched "best BD Ripper Mac Review" on google and choose Pavtube for its better reviews. When I used it for a while, I really appreciate its much more intuitive interface than CloneDVD2 which I
    used before. Until now, it always works well to rip my discs for my Apple TV 3." 
    This is one of the customers that tell us how he uses Pavtube to rip his library discs. However, to some whom not familiar with Pavtube, do you want to rip DVD/Blu-ray discs movies to iTunes supported formats for Apple TV, iPad, iPhone? Do you want to figure
    out a proper way to convert DVD/Blu-ray to iTunes on Mac as well? If so, please read on and it will be an easy to make it possible with the help of Pavtube. 
    What Pavtube Blu-ray Ripper for Mac can help you 
    Backup Blu-ray and DVD movies on Mac. 
    Make 1:1 copy of Blu-ray/DVD movies. 
    Convert discs to MP4, M4V, MOV, AVI, MKV files for Apple TV, iPad, iPhone, iTunes,
    QuickTime player, Samsumg Galaxy Tab/Note, etc. 
    Editing videos with simply usage.
    PS. Pavtube Blu-ray Ripper for Mac also has windows version: Pavtube Blu-ray Ripper (Guide). 
    How to Convert DVD and Blu-ray discs to iTunes for Apple TV 3, iPad Air, iPhone 5S 
    Step 1. Load Blu-ray/DVD movies. 
    Download the program, and then click "Load file" icon to load the Blu-ray and DVD movies to your program. (If the files are blu-ray, you need a Blu-ray drive first.) 
    Step 2. Select output format. 
    Pavtube Blu-ray Ripper for Mac has a number of presets for Apple TV, iPad and iPhone. Just choose the suitable format. 
    For Apple TV 3: 
    For iPad Air: 
    For iPhone 5S: 
    If you need, you can also click "Setting" to modify parameters of your output profile to meet your professional needs: video bitrate, frame rate, audio channel, etc. Remember the file size and video quality is based more on bitrate than resolution
    which means bitrate higher results in big file size, and lower visible quality loss, and vice versa. 
    Step 3. Start conversion. 
    The final step is to tap "Convert" button and commence ripping Blu-ray/DVD movies to iTunes highly compatible videos. 
    After the conversion, click on "Open" button to access to the videos you ripped. Open your iTunes and import the output files to its Movie library by clicking File > Add File to Library. 
    Then you could transfer and watch Blu-ray and DVD movies on iTunes or your Apple TV, iPad Air, iPhone 5S. Learn more: 
    PS: If you want to backup Blu-ray and DVD movies persevering all the audio tracks and subtitles, Pavtube ByteCopy (ByteCopy for Mac) could help you with good effect. 
    See also: Pavtube Products Updated: Get 20% off at Myce 
    See More Related articles: 
    Apple TV 3 Column | iPad 3 Column | iPhone 5 Column 
    Play 1080p/720p HD Videos and Movies on iPad Air 
    How to transfer TiVo videos on iPad Air on Mac Mavericks? 
    Easy way to make children's movies to be played on iPad 3, iPad Air in car 
    Copy Blu-ray to MOV with multi-track for IOS devices 

    I was just referring to the visual graphics (you know, the fireworks, stars and other stuff that reminds me of the 70's....) that you can play on the screen when iTunes is playing music?
    I noticed that these effects are not just randomly chosen, they are in fact synchronized to the beat and intensity
    of the music, and that struck me as rather cool......

  • Why is it only possible to get French Language Films via iTunes France - I can buy Blu-ray in the Supermarket in multiple language?  It makes no sense!

    I am English Speaking My wife is Dutch my Children speak 3 Languages.  We love AppleTV BUT we can only get films (in general) in Version Originale (French Only) and this makes no sense...
    We can go to the local supermarket and buy DVDs and Blu-ray Discs that allow us to watch the up-to-date movies in a range of languages so why not on this AppleTV OTT service?
    It makes no sense.
    Just because we live in France does not mean we want to watch Hollywood Movies in French?
    So much for What you Want-When you want-Wherever you are...

    It really does have to do with content permissions. The studios that release the Bluray and DVD versions might not always be the rights bearer to the film, they just bear rights to distribute it on physical media. Most films are made by different companies, then released by Sony, Paramount, and other distribution channels. But in the online realm, different disributors own the rights (and Apple doesn't participate with them or is unable to in some countries). Perhaps Sony distributed films will sell in your local store or be played by a Sony owned TV station locally. But perhaps online Sony doesn't hold that distribution rights to distribute the film online, Warner Brothers or somebody else does. Therefor, they don't allow it online in that market. The licensing is in limbo.
    Most American films I buy in China on DVD from Wal Mart, are distributed by a Chinese company and not the original American film studio. Also in USA, the price for a new DVD is about $20 USD, in China it is only $2 USD. So to limit everyone in USA from buying Chinese DVDs at a cheaper price to watch American movies, they put content restrictions on the media (ie. the DVD region codes) so the DVD won't play in an American player.
    The same goes for online rights. Your local government, copyright offices and local content license holders do not distribute the movie you want online. They distribute it on physical media or TV broadcast. But they have not secured permission or agreed on what price to sell the movies for online in your market. Apple has no say in this. In fast, the only store Apple controls in the US store. All other local iTunes stores are really virtual stores in place for locals to buy from local distributors.
    The Chinese people are in no hurry to download from the US iTunes store because it cost too much. But if the Americans could download from the Chinese iTunes store, they could buy any movie they like for less than $1 and all the money goes to China, and not the US. Hence the restriction.
    So copyright holders are just fighting over prices and rights and don't want to or legally can't release it online in your local store.

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