Blurry Render - Motion & Final Cut

I'm trying to do a simple video project moving logos around for a charity event on Saturday night - but whether I render out of Motion or out of Final Cut, I keep getting a blurry product. Any ideas?
I'm son Final Cut Studio HD

IF you are watching your clips in Quicktime Player, that can be the reason why it appears blurry.
The default of QuickTime player when showing DV is to display 1 field and double height the image. This is to avoid interlace combing on the non-interlaced computer display.
IF you type cmd-j and bring up the info for your clip, thusly:
In the lower right corner you'll notice the High Quality flag:
Setting it will take you from this:
to this:
Alternatively, you can go into the QuickTime Player preferences and set the default there:
Make sense?

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    Go to menu toolbar and to Sequence>Render All and ensure that all the items you need rendered are checked.
    Good luck,

  • Blurry Final Product - Motion & Final Cut

    I'm trying to do a simple video project moving logos around for a charity event on Saturday night - but whether I render out of Motion or out of Final Cut, I keep getting a blurry product. Any ideas?
    I'm son Final Cut Studio HD

    Open the QuickTime movie in QuickTime Player 7 or earlier (not QuickTime X).
    The default of QuickTime player when showing DV is to display 1 field and double height the image. This is to avoid interlace combing on the non-interlaced computer display.
    IF you type ⌘j and bring up the info for your clip, thusly:
    In the lower right corner you'll notice the High Quality flag:
    Setting it will take you from this:
    to this:
    Alternatively, you can go into the QuickTime Player preferences and set the default there:
    Make sense?

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    There are some major differences in how video-editing programs works.
    Just to Start and get on with FinalCut is one of them. It doesn't store and keep material as iMovie any version.
    So a book on howto can be of Great Value - I used
    Diana Weynand
    • Final Cut Express, Video Editing for the Digital Enthusiast Apple Pro Training Series
    Tom Wolsky
    • Final Cut Express 4
    And enjoyed especially Tom Wolskys book
    Yours Bengt W

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    Rob Morgan at has some benchmarks that compare the 2600 XT to the 1900 XT in a 2.8 8 core machine. In his test the 2600 XT was only a hair slower with Motion. I have not noticed any performance hit with the 2600 XT. I plan on sticking with the 2600 XT.

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    G5 Dual    

    I was just wondering if you might want something looser (like a circle mask) if the effect tapered off as it got closer to you person.
    You can "roto" in motion. It is not the easiest application to do it with, but if its' only a little bit (of course there is no such thing as a little bit of roto) then draw a mask in motion and key frame it's position. Follow the general rules of roto and you can cut out just about anything.
    This is going to be easier in Shake and if learning how in Shake is worth the time taken to render a file of the quake from motion and then compositing it in Shake... You decide.

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    Have you rendered the clips on the timeline?
    Click on one of the source images in the browser and type Command + 9 to see the clip properties. Either take a screen shot of the Item Properties, and post that or report those properties here.
    Now do the same with your sequence, and either post a screen shot of the sequence properties or report those properties here.

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    Do you mean size format and time length? If not please explain for me.
    If so, the original file size, length and format that is going into Steamclip is 200mb, is an mp4 and goes for 2:12 minutes.
    Then after I convert this file it becomes a mov file and the size is increased to 1.02 GB does this seem like I am doing this right in MPEG Streamclip?
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    First of all, got a crash log? That'd help identify the problem...
    When you crash, you get the option of Reporting to Apple? Take that and copy the section of the log with the crashed thread:
    Command: Final Cut Pro
    Path: /Applications/Final Cut Pro Cut Pro
    Parent: WindowServer [117]
    Version: 5.1 (5.1)
    Build Version: 4
    Project Name: FCPApp
    Source Version: 602161028
    PID: 1460
    Thread: 0
    Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
    Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000004
    Thread 0 Crashed:
    0 ...lCutPro.Plugins.QTRtEffects 0x061eea90 KGSetQTRtResFile(unsigned char, short*) + 72
    1 ...lCutPro.Plugins.QTRtEffects 0x061f5b08 RTEffectComponentRegister() + 96
    2 ...lCutPro.Plugins.QTRtEffects 0x061e521c PluginStart + 2028
    3 0x001b23e0 DispatchRegisterMessage(void*, void*) + 104
    . - buncha info -
    25 0x002c10a8 main + 64
    26 0x00002c24 _start + 340
    27 0x00002acc start + 60
    Thread 1:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9002c128 semaphore_wait_signal_trap + 8
    That's the kinda thing we need...
    Second, what system are you running? What graphics card, how much memory, what kind of projects are you doing? Can you post one of the problematic projects?
    More info, please...

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    yes, that is correct. there is a section in the motion manual devoted to integration with fcp. on page 960 of the pdf manual it states, "When exporting to Motion, Final Cut Pro does not export properties omitted from the
    list above, such as filters, generators, and transitions. Time remapping and speed
    changes also are not exported."

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    this sort of thing happens all the time. Of course you really have to lock down the audio before spending too much time on the pictures, but even with the best intentions it happens.
    You could try to edit the v/o in fcp against the preexisting pictures first, to try and get it to work better. But then your only option is to send audio to the motion projects.
    Its too late now but it might be useful to think about in the future. Rather than sending clips to motion, i export it frrom fcp, could be audio, could be pictures, could be both. I bring that clip into a motion project and work on it. If it needs updating, I re-exeport from fcp and relink the media in the motion file.

  • Tips&Tricks How to use Final Cut and Color !

    Hello ,
    Final Cut - Color - Back to Final Cut
    After many days of trying to get this combination working I have found a non-Color-Final Cut way :
    1)After you final cut picture edit is locked you have to clean as much as possible the timeline . That means you will have to stick all your image clips to a sigle video timeline and remove all attributes from each clip . Delete all empty video tracks and audio tracks .
    Make sure you don't have any gaps in the timeline .
    All clips should have the same compression type and frame rates .
    2)Send it to Color , grade all the scenes and render it out .
    3)Go in finder to the render folder and create an automator work flow adding as source the render folder from color.
    Add the find finder option and set it up to look after .mov files .
    Add a move finder option and move all the .mov files from Render Color Folder to a new empty folder .
    Having done this you should have all the files from the render color folder moved to a new folder .
    4)Go back in Final Cut drag&drop all the clips from that new folder on a new timeline , go ahead and check if the new timeline is identical with the old one .
    Copy and paste all the attributes from the old sequence to the one from color and re-render in Final Cut . That's it you should be able now to put it back on a tape as a master movie.
    In my case Color 1.02 and Final Cut 6.02 I couldn't get the material out from color using another way .
    Please post your detailed work flow here and also post if you find this post useful and/or bugs you find about this workflow .
    I hope Apple will fix this issue in their next update .

    I use external drives as backup. But I don't trust them. And in case of fire or what ever...It is of no use...
    But I agree on your comment about DropBox. It would have been the perfect solution though.
    What else is there?
    I have a 2TB HD but these projects are huge and still growing - so I have to move my projects to several external drives. So maybe I should just work directly from external drives and skip the partition of the computers main drive? I am thinking of the disadvantage of reducing the total storage of the disk.

  • HELP! Convert .mts files for Final Cut Pro 6

    Please help!
    I am a broadcast/video production teacher in California and we are struggling.
    I just bought some Canon R10s to go with our F200s. We edit on FInal Cut Pro and we have 20 G5, PowerPC Macs.
    How do we convert the video so we can edit in Final Cut?
    I bought an MST converter. Log and transfer doesn't work (we don't have Intel computers), I have tried to change the sequence presets. Some things work, but converting takes forever, we have to render everything, Final Cut crashes, and the video will skip right before the frame starts.
    When using the MTS converter, we convert using the settings: h.264, 30fps, 1500 bit rate.
    What should we change? What can we do?
    We put together a weekly 20 minute show, and if this continues, I will start to lose the kids.
    Thanks for the help,
    [email protected]

    Welcome to the forum,
    Okay, as a starting point, if you're running G5s, you DO NOT want to transcode to h.264 for editing with. It IS NOT a working codec, it is a delivery codec, and/or an acquisition codec for many cameras. H.264 has a complex algorithm and is built on the mpeg4 format.
    Without meaning to sound like a grumpy old man, the amount of times we see people on a daily basis coming to this forum with problems caused by editing in h.264, is just ridiculous.
    I reiterate; Do not edit in h.264. You will grind your computers to a halt, and be rendering forever.
    If you have the hard-drive space, you should transcode to ProRes and use that in FCP.

  • Final Cut Pro X folders to exclude from backups?

    I'm trying to get to the list of files/folders created by Final Cut to exclude from offsite backup.  Basically, anything extremely large that can be easilly re-generated.    Especially things that Final Cut should regenerate on its own if it is missing.  The reason for excluding is not space, it's the backup speed.  I'm not shipping physical disks back and forth, I'm transferring bytes over network.  I do want to backup my original files, but things that smell like Final Cut will simply regenerate if missing, I want to exclude if they are huge or temporary in nature.
    So far my list contains:
    Final Cut Events/*/Render Files
    Final Cut Events/*/Transcoded Media
    Final Cut Projects/*/Render Files
    These sound like things that Final Cut might easilly regenerate from orginal media files.  Am I right or wrong?  Anything additional to add to this list?
    The reason for this is that while working with Final Cut, it will generate tons of temporary files.  E.g. I have one project where only "Transcoded Media" is on the order of 200GB.  These take days to be transferred to offsite backup, and it's something that Final Cut should easilly regenerate from original media files (will it is another question).  Some of these can be deleted from disk by Final Cut itself (e.g. by selecting Delete Project/Event Render Files, and docs seem to indicate Final Cut will regenerate these if needed, unless I'm wrong here).

    Events: Analysis Files, Backups, Old Verisons
    Project: Backups, Old Versions, Shared Items

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