Bonjour Service is Back!

You can un-install (remove) the Bonjour service after installing iTunes 7.6 using the Add/Remove programs (XP) or Programs and Features (Vista) control panels if you don't want this service running on your local computer (it runs as a service and communicates on your network).
This package was at one time included in iTunes to support shared iTunes libraries feature. In version 7.6, it appears to be used to support new Apple TV featues. It is not used for any other purpose.
If you don't have Apple TV, then un-install Bonjour as described above to make your computer more secure and free up some CPU cycles and RAM use.
If you purchase an Apple TV in the future, then re-installing iTunes 7.6 will install the Bonjour DNS service and provide all of the available functionality.

None of that should have any relationship to the Bonjour service, which is related to iTunes Sharing (Bonjour is what your computer will use to automatically find and display other computers with iTunes Sharing turned on). Something else is almost certainly going on. Perhaps the information and suggestions in this Apple KnowledgeBase article will help:
iTunes for Windows: Troubleshooting unexpected quits, freezes, or launch failures
Hope it does.

Similar Messages

  • Apple TV 3 doesn't start Bonjour services after sleep since firmware upgraded to 6.0.2 (6646.81.1 build)

    I have upgraded my AppleTV 3 to firmware 6.0.2 for five weeks but always getting problem in Airplay my ipad2 and wired iMac to Apple TV3. Before that, the Apple TV3 in firmware 5.0 was fantastic in everything. Now, the all-time-sympton of my Apple TV3 waking up from sleep is:
    1) iPad2 in IOS6..1.3 can't find any airplay icon, same as my new iPhone 5s
    2) The wired iMac can't connect to AppleTV3 through Airplay, neither from Maverick's airplay icon nor from iTune's airplay icon.
    3) Further than that, the home sharing from AppleTV3 is found to be disconnected from iTune in iMac
    My port-scan towards ApplTV3 at this scenario is found all the Bonjour services are missing, including:
    *  Remote Audio Output  (port 5000)
    *  _airplay (port 7000)
    * _touch-able (port 3689)
    * Sleep Proxy Server  (port 57206)
    * _appletv-v2 (port 3689)
    My walk around at the moment is to restart AppleTV3, then all the Bonjour services come back and airplay, home sharing work again. However, this requires me to restart the box everytime I bring up the box from sleep. That means I have to turn on TV... quite fustrated.
    I'm wondering if there is any similar problem encounted and any fix.  Well, I can't find any formal description from Apple but their trouble-shooting document keeps saying to "restart Apple TV" as last resort.
    Tks in advance!

    I finally found the like-symptom causing the issue of missing airplay services on ATV box.
    Well, I have one airport express installed in my study room, which connects to the same LAN as ATV3 in living room. Today, I reset airport express to factory setting and reconfigured everything on AirportExpress, including its SSiD, wifi network key and device password. All of a sudden, my iPad, iPhone, iMac lost their airplay connection to ATV3. Port scanning found no airplay services on ATV3 box. It needed box restart to bring up airplay as my earlier walk around solution. I still performed reset -> restore for a "permanent fix".
    That said we might have airplay icon disappeared again if there were more than one airplay device on the same LAN that would interfere to each other. Working on one airplay device from ground start would cause airplay service of another box malfunction.
    My experience showed this twice. The first was happened when I put an airport express on the same LAN and I posted a thread here for help. The second was in this morning when i reset airport express to factory setting

  • I'm installing the newest itunes 64 bit on my win 7 64 bit professional os. using the itunes installer it loads itunes part way and then i get an error message saying that bonjour service failed to start. i cant get itunes any further. i have to back out

    I'm installing the newest version of Itunes over the last version on my laptop. win 7 pro os. it starts the install then a error msg comes up stating that Bonjour service failed to start. verify that i have sufficient priveleges to start system services. I can't retry, ignore only cancel which un-installs all that it has installed and reverts me to the last version which i had. any idea?

    it starts the install then a error msg comes up stating that Bonjour service failed to start. verify that i have sufficient priveleges to start system services.
    Sometimes we can get past that one by disabling the Bonjour Service prior to the install.
    In your Start menu, right-click Computer and select "Manage".
    Expand "Services & Applications".
    Open "Services". (Perhaps maximise the screen to better see what's going on.)
    Right-click the Bonjour Service and select "Properties".
    In the General tab, set the Startup type to "Disabled":
    ... and click OK.
    Restart the PC and try another iTunes install. Does it go through properly this time?

  • What is bonjour service and how do I turn it back on?

    I somehow turned it off. and now I cant do anything in itunes. plus it wont recognize any of my devices. everytime I go into itunes store it says error
    -3212. I uninstalled itunes last night and downloaded it again this morning (I hadnt updated since last year so it was basically new version this time) but its still the same as if I hadnt done anything at all.
    I have windows vista.
    McAfee program.

    None of that should have any relationship to the Bonjour service, which is related to iTunes Sharing (Bonjour is what your computer will use to automatically find and display other computers with iTunes Sharing turned on). Something else is almost certainly going on. Perhaps the information and suggestions in this Apple KnowledgeBase article will help:
    iTunes for Windows: Troubleshooting unexpected quits, freezes, or launch failures
    Hope it does.

  • TS4123 This is not correct solution. I have fresh copy of Windows 7 64 bit and I have the same problem.  Autorun only shows the Bonjour service.  It started when try to sync more than one iphone.

    This is not correct solution. I have fresh/new copy of Windows 7 64 bit and I have the same problem. 
    Autorun only shows the Apple Bonjour service.  It started when try to sync more than one iphone over WiFi. I have two iphones and an iPad. I turned off syncing over WiFi and still has high CPU utilization. One of the CPU's is pegged at 100%.  It is the AppleMobileDeviceService.exe process.

    For the record, I then followed the suggestion of MarcDCMB in of just manually restarting the Apple Mobile Device service in Windows services.msc once each time after starting iTunes and the service no longer hogs CPU after that service restart.  Not too painful as a work-around, and apparently an effective one, but clearly not a solution to the problem.  Again, as above, all the other solutions didn't work for me and I have no conflicting software as far as I can tell. So you'd have to say this Apple's problem.
    Also FTR, I am still on the version of the Apple Mobile Device Support MSI and I don't know if that is relevant to this work-around working but my sense is that it is NOT relevant.  I'll report back on this thread if I re-upgrade and the problem returns in spite of the service-restart approach.

  • Trying to install the latest iTunes on my Gateway w/ Windows XP.  I keep getting the message "Service 'Bonjour Service' (Bonjour Service) failed to start.  Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services."

    Hi, I'm trying to re-install the latest iTunes on my Gateway w/ Windows XP.  I had to update it a while back to put songs on my brother's iPod, but my computer froze halfway through and nothing has worked right since. 
    I keep getting the message "Service 'Bonjour Service' (Bonjour Service) failed to start.  Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services."
    I looked through older discussions that told me to go to right click My Computer - Manage - Services and Applications - Services - Find Bonjour and restart it. 
    Well, the only option that I can click on is Start.  When I do, it says "Windows could not restart the Bonjour Service service on Local Computer.  Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified."
    Where do I go from here?  Help would be greatly appreciated, I've been trying to fix this for over a year now with no dice.  Also, I cannot do a factory reset (last effort) because it says the administor's account is disabled and I do not have the disc.

    Sorry if double posting is a no-no here, but I forgot to add that I've already tried disabling Spyware Doctor.

  • Cannot install itunes 9.2 - bonjour service failed to start

    Like in many of the other topics, i am unable to install itunes 9.2 on my computer.
    I have checked (and edited if needed) exceptions in firewall etc. I have disabled said security as well. I have even uninstalled all AV.
    I have tried the registry changes to grant the bonjour service full priviledges.
    I have tried giving the bonjour service administrator rights in the service itself.
    I have tried retrying at the error dialog extensively (although i did not put much hope into this one).
    I have tried installing airport for windows, which temporarily seemed to get bonjour working, but again it died during itunes 9.2 installation with the same error.
    I have also (almost obvious) tried to uninstall and reinstall itunes/quicktime/bonjour many times, both in my standard startup setup as well as in msconfig'ed startups enabling only specifics to said programs.
    Edit end
    The exact error from the event viewer=>Windows Logs=>System is as follows:
    The Bonjour Service service terminated with a service-specific error 6 (0x6).
    Now, i would very much like this to be fixed as soon as possible (as i'm sure the rest of the users would as well), so i can actually use my iphone for music i already own, manage it and so on and so forth.
    I have already spent more than 8 hours on this specific problem since yesterday, which is quite frankly ridiculous. Especially in the context of apple products, which in the past prided themself on being extremely stable and userfriendly unlike most other platforms. I do realize that this does not apply in the same sense regarding the crossover between platforms, but as far as i can tell this problem is an old injury attested by many people on many versions of itunes (and other software) in relation to bonjour.
    I am running 64bit (and ofcourse using the 64bit installers)
    Message was edited by: Tomzster
    Message was edited by: Tomzster

    Well, i called my telecom company and spoke with the same guy i spoke with earlier. He found a technician, but unfortunately he had no ideas for a solution. Instead i was told to reformat.
    Now, as i have quite a lot of stuff on my computer which i should back up but haven't yet, this is a very unappealing option to me. Also, from reading these forums there have been several examples of the installer failing in one way or the other even on fresh systems. And lastly, just because a piece of software works on one computer but not on another it doesn't mean i should reformat.
    Now, if i had been told the error 6 (0x6) meant something i couldn't rectify without doing a complete reinstall, then i would probably have been ok with it. So that's what i told the supporter. He however had been told by his boss to tell me off with that.
    So instead i asked to speak with his boss. We then spoke a little backwards and forwards about support responsibility, when it is ok to ask for a reformat and so on and so forth. I tried to tell him that it was clear to me that it wasn't really their responsibility (as it's a software problem unrelated to the iphone itself), but that it couldn't be my responsibility either to make that clear for apple.
    So after a while i was put on hold for a good 10-20 minutes. After which he told me that he understood my situation and that he would talk to their chief of the supporting division (or something) as that guy is in charge of the contact with apple.
    So all in all i didn't get any further, but i did get them to acknowledge the problem at hand and take it further towards a solution.
    I'm guessing that the next step will be communication with apple regarding bonjour and either direct apple support, or feedback from apple about what the bonjour error actually means for a start.
    Regardless, if i am not contacted mid next week, i will be calling and emailing them once more.

  • Service "Bonjour Service' failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services.

    Having a little problem installing Itunes 12. Upon trying to install the program, i'm confronted with this error: "Service "Bonjour Service' failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services". Nothing I've done seems to be able to get the program to be installed. It asks if i want to retry or cancel. Clicking Retry only prompts me again with the same error message. After i hit cancel the entire installation rolls back.
    I'm currently logged in as administrator ( I don't have any other accounts on this computer), I've tried uninstalling all the components relating to apple along with its folders and restarting+RT clicking>Run as Administrator. It still refuses to install. Very frustrating. Any ideas?

    Sorry if double posting is a no-no here, but I forgot to add that I've already tried disabling Spyware Doctor.

  • Cannot install itunes 7.7 with Vista due to bonjour service issues

    (I do have itunes version working fine with no issues on vista)Cannot install itunes 7.7 becoz vista doesnt let bonjour service to run, While trying to start the Bonjour service from the Windows Services console gives an other error: "Windows could not start the Bonjour service on Local Computer. For more information, review the System Event Log. If this is a non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor, and refer to service-specific error code -65549." Is there any way I can get Bonjour to install and run as a service? tried switching off windows defender and Norton Internet security along with norton firewall too, still it doesnt let me install ,even tried downloading the windows version of bonjour but it too doesnt get installed as the service cannot start
    Event report:
    - <Event xmlns="">
    - <System>
    <Provider Name="MsiInstaller" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="0">1013</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2008-07-11T12:32:31.000Z" />
    <Security UserID="S-1-5-21-216963075-3724653442-2767649758-1000" />
    - <EventData>
    <Data>Product: iTunes -- Service 'Bonjour Service' (Bonjour Service) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services.</Data>
    <Data />
    <Data /> <Binary>7B45463643343630302D333036442D344636412D413131392D433241383737443235423 4417D</Binary>
    The Bonjour Service service terminated with service-specific error 4294901747 (0xFFFEFFF3).
    Any comments and advice would be higly appreciated
    Message was edited by: Vistacrap
    Message was edited by: Vistacrap
    Message was edited by: Vistacrap

    Apple offer this advice which I guess is not much help to you as you have Norton:
    I wonder if it is worth looking in the your firewall configuration>>Programs and deleting any entry for Bonjour - in the hope that you will be prompted to allow it or not when you do the install, or maybe adding it back with permit all.
    But someone came up with another possible solution at the end of this thread:

  • Bonjour service is running, but still trouble

    Hey guys,
    today i want to test Remote for iTunes DJ with my iPod touch.
    But I wasnt able to establish a connection between my iPod and iTunes. After a bit of research, try an error, I figured out, that the Problem must be Bonjour. So I uninstall it and reinstalled it.
    Hopefully waited. It fails.
    The Bonjour service on my Windows XP SP3 machine ist running, and mDNSResponder is also started.
    If I want to start the Bonjour-Printer Assistant, it tells me:
    "Bonjour Service not available" I surprised. It ist running!
    And in the settings of iTunes, it is told me to avtivate Bonjour.
    I searched a lot in Google, but didn't find an answer. Maybe Someone can helb me here
    Thank you
    (Sorry for my english, i am from Germany)

    Okay, next experiment. We're going to try uninstalling and reinstalling BonJour again. But this time we'll take a few additional explicit precations.
    Download and save a fresh copy of the BonJour installer to your hard drive. (Don't do the install on line, and don't start the install just yet:
    Quit iTunes, QuickTime and/or Safari if any of those application are open.
    Now head into your Add or Remove Programs control panel. Uninstall BonJour.
    Next, we'll clear away any leftover BonJour program files and folder.
    Go "Start > My Computer".
    In "My Computer", open "Local Disk C:" or whichever drive your *program files* are installed on.
    Open the "Program files" folder.
    Right-click on the "BonJour" folder (if it still exists) and select "delete".
    Go back into Local disk C: or whichever drive your *operating system* files are installed on.
    Open the "Windows" folder.
    Open the "system32" folder.
    Right-click on the dnssd.dll file (if it still exists) and select "delete".
    Right-click on the dns-sd.exe file (if it still exists) and select "delete".
    Empty your recycle bin and restart the PC.
    After the PC restarts, do not launch any applications. Disconnect from your network and/or the internet. Now switch off all your security software (firewall, antivirus, antispyware).
    Now start the BonJour reinstall by doubleclicking on the BonJourSetup.exe file you downloaded earlier.
    Reenable all security software prior to reconnecting to your network and/or the internet.
    Did the BonJour reinstall seem to go through okay? If so, do do you still get the iTunes trouble with the fresh copy of BonJour in place?

  • Bonjour Service Keeps Getting Disabled

    Ever morning when I return to my office computer and attempt to launch iTunes, I get an error message saying that the Bonjour service has been disabled. I have to manually re-enable it in services.msc. iTunes runs fine all day, but when I come back the next morning, the Bonjour service has been disabled again.
    This behavior started a couple of weeks ago while I was running iTunes 11, and has persisted since I upgraded to iTunes 12.
    Running Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit.
    Any suggestions? Thanks!

    That's what happened. Asked our department's IT guy, and he said the higher ups recently decided to disable the Bonjour service from privacy and copyright reasons. Something about people being able to see other people's music libraries.
    Guess I'll just have to do the manual restart every morning, or figure out a way to script it.

  • Can't Update to 10.0.1, Bonjour Service Won't Start--PLEASE help!

    All I want to do is update my iTunes but I cannot. It won't work from within iTunes, and when I try to do it manually it said "The Service Bonjour Service" won't start." In Services, I could not start it either, though I am admin.
    So I deleted Bonjour (from within the Control Panel), thinking that'd take care of it, but it did not. I still get ALL the same messages. I even tried re-installing Bonjour (bonjour64.msi), and I get the same "won't start" message. It's not my firewall--I set that to always allow.
    What is going on here? I've searched and searched, but to no avail (though they are plenty of Bonjour problems out there), and I really don't want to uninstall/reinstall iTunes, if that would even do it. I'm new to Apple, and this just makes no sense to me.
    Please, help?? THANKS in advance~

    There are remants of Bonjour in the program files, and I guess I could delete these to clean it up, but I doubt that would make the difference.
    Actually, that could make a difference. If there is leftover componentry from the previous version still on the PC when the new version tries to install, the version mismatch could cause trouble with the new service starting. That could then roll back the attempted install.
    There's a bunch of different stuff on 64-bit systems for BonJour (there's both 64-bit and 32-bit componentry stashed on a 64-bit system. We'll also try a cleaner version of an uninstall than the Apple instructions provide.
    In Computer, open your C drive (or whichever drive your program files are installed on).
    Open the "Program Files" folder.
    Right-click on the "BonJour" folder (if it still exists) and select "Delete".
    Go back into your C drive (or whichever drive your program files are installed on).
    Open the "Program Files (x86)" folder.
    Right-click on the "BonJour" folder (if it still exists) and select "Delete".
    Go back into your C drive (or whichever drive your operating system is installed on).
    Open the "Windows" folder.
    Open the "System32" folder.
    Right-click on the dnssd.dll and dns-sd.exe files (if they still exist), and select "Delete".
    Go back into the "Windows" folder.
    Open the "SysWOW64" folder.
    Right-click on the dnssd.dll and dns-sd.exe files (if they still exist), and select "Delete".
    Empty your recycle bin.
    Restart the PC and try another BonJour install. Any better luck restarting the service this time?

  • Update from itunes 9.1 to 9.2 fail, can't start bonjour service, window 7.

    I am on windows 7
    I try to update from itune 9.1 to 9.2 with the update tool.
    When the install starts, after few steps, it trys to start the bonjour service and it fails.
    How do I solve this problem?

    Same problems here. Got an older itunes installed to activate my new iphone 3gs. Activated and updated the iphone's OS. After the update the iphone requires itunes 9.2 however.
    Tried installing 9.2. Bonjour service cannot start, install rolls back.
    (whenever i refer to bonjour "dying", i mean it cannot be started due to priviledges missing - i'm the admin lol - or service specific error 6 (0x6) in event viewer)
    Uninstalled and reinstalled itunes/quicktime/bonjour several times. Got bonjour working again a few times. During 9.2 installation however, it always dies.
    Tried the reloading thing (about 20 times), no go.
    Tried installing Airport 5.5.1 for windows which supposedly has a better bonjour installation. Seemed to work for bonjour. However, upon installation of itunes 9.2 bonjour still dies and the install rolls back.
    Tried registry changes to grant bonjour full permissions.
    Tried giving the bonjour service itself administrator rights to see if i could manually start the service, no go (could not log on).
    During all this i have also pilfered with windows firewall (setting exceptions or shutting it off completely), windows defender turned off, uninstalled AV and similar completely, used msconfig to make startups without anything but the itunes/quicktime/bonjour specifics, and still no go.
    I'm at my wits end and tired of searching for a solution. Heeeelp!
    Message was edited by: Tomzster

  • Could not start the Bonjour Service service on local computer. Error 6: The handle is invalid

    I have been trying to load teh new Itunes 10.5 for the last week and have been unsuccessful. When the load get to the Bonjour service it fails and puts up a message.
    I have Administrators rights on the machine. I have updated the OS to the latest patch level. I have turned off the Anti-virus and Firewall and still this service will not load. Is there any Ideas of what I can try?

    I thank everyone that responded to this post, I learned a lot from each of them.  After my first attemps with Sean and Shanky I put it asside for a bit and got back to it today. 
    I did what Lydia suggested and disabled the TCP/IP (the Named Pipes was already Disabled) and left only the Shared Memory Enabled and the SQL Server started with no errors.  I launched the software that was requiring the SQL DB and everything is working
    correctly, which I find odd because the software specifically says to check that TCP/IP is Enabled when there are issues with their instance of the SQL Server not starting.
    Since the software I needed the SQL for runs properly I will assume this is fixed.
    Thanks again for everyones help.
    PS - Sean, just to verify I did check and there was no forced encryption and verified that I had set the ports to different values for each instance of SQL Server.
    Thanks for your time on this.

  • Can't finish iTunes install. Message: Bonjour services failed to start..

    I already had iTunes on my PC, but my daughter got a new iPod as a gift and the directions said to install the latest iTunes software. Once I did that I got almost all the way through the install and got this message: "Bonjour services failed to start. Verify sufficient privileges to start system services." I spent 2 hours on the phone with Apple Support as they walked me through several uninstalls and installs. Nothing has worked. They are now saying that it must be a Microsoft problem. I am the only administrator on my PC.
    Can anyone help?

    I was getting the same message, after searching the net reading and trying different suggestions none of which worked.
    Download Revo Uninstaller pro 30 day trial
    Carry out a full back up of system.
    .Using revo,forced uninstall on menu bar uninstall all ref to
    1. i tunes,
    2.Quick Time
    4.and apple
    I then went to run>regedit>Computer>find enter one at a time
    1. i tunes,
    2.Quick Time
    4.and apple
    from the results of the find search i deleted any reference to search
    Checked control panel to make sure there was no reference to any of the deleted items
    Installed i tunes 10
    Worked ok now can use my i pod touch
    Carry out full back up.
    This worked for me hope this helps and that the above makes sense this is the first time i have posted

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