Broadcom Location Sensor Update

Yesterday's Windows update gave me the optional "Broadcom Corporation - Location Sensor - Broadcom GNSS 4752 Geolocation Sensor" update. The link for information on the update was broken, but I installed it anyway. GPS still works Anybody know what the deal with this one is??

Well saw the same update & I now have drver 20.21.8778.18 dated 12/4/2014 but Localizer is working fine and not having any problems.
Documentation you want ? It is to laugh.

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  • Location sensors not found after 3-7 days work

    Good afternoon. I want a permanent job location sensors in my own program. Everything works fine about 3-7 days. But then SensorManager stops include location sensors. I make sure with it when I open any other program from windows Store using location sensor. Location sensors start working after the restart windows or off/on option "Turn on the windows Location platform" in Control Panel. There are other software developers on this tablet with this problem. Is there any way to restart sensor location software programmitically? Or newest drivers?
    sorry for my english device:Lenovo thinkpad 10
    Hardware ID: Sensors\BcmGNSSLocationSensor_LNV_4752_0000
    Driver: 20.18.1477.17Windows: 8.1 Bing 

    That driver version (20.18.1477.17) is the latest one listed on the Lenovo Support page:
    I am currently running the Technical Preview of Windows 10 (build 10166) on a ThinkPad 10, and I see that I have a newer version of the Broadcom 4752 driver: 20.22.405.18. That may be part of Windows 10.
    When I was running Windows 8.1 on the ThinkPad 10, I also occasionally saw the same issue: the location sensor would stop working. It might also be caused by the tablet being indoors, and losing contact with GPS satellites. Does the tablet restablish contact if taken outdoors, or is a reboot the only way to get the sensor working again?

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    the only thing that i have been able to figure is to use it with the installed ovi.
    if you have not done so already, run the booklet software updater.  it will update and add a widget that will be available.
    after it is done, you can right click on your desktop, then gadgets, then select the compas icon for the ovi maps and drag it to the desktop.
    once on your desktop, it doesnt matter if you are on wifi, or on the at&t network, so long as you are connected and the satalites can see you (at least 3) then the desktop gadget will automatically take hold and update your position with a red dot and then the map will load giving you a visibility of roughly 1/4 miles diameter.

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    Your reply suggests that you have moved Mail to a different location, which (as I said) will prevent it from being properly updated. You cannot use Mail 4.5 with any recent version of Mac OS X. Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) included Mail 5 and Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) includes Mail 6. I'm assuming that you have either Lion or Mountain Lion, but if that is incorrect, you will need to provide that information.
    At this point, you will need to reinstall your system. Hold down command-R at startup and reinstall the system right on top of the old one. This should not disturb any of your documents or applications, though you should have backups beforehand in case something goes wrong. And at this point, with your system in an uncertain state (I don't entirely know what you have done to it), something could go wrong.
    You will also want to delete the old copy of Mail 4.5, wherever that is. You can't use it.
    In the future, do not move any of the preinstalled applications. Leave them where they are.

  • Row cannot be located for updating. Some values may have been changed...

    I have a legacy application written in VB6 and using Oracle OLEDB Provider (version 9 and updated to the last ones from oracle site)
    I've a problem during insert of a record using recordset method (AddNew).
    The returned message is "Row cannot be located for updating. Some values may have been changed since it was last read. "
    I know that problem is caused by a Before Insert trigger that I CANNOT change.
    Trigger does not change any primary key values !!!. It put only some default values on other not rilevant columns.
    I tried to use the recordset Property option "Update Criteria" = adCriteriaKey without success !
    I had same problem with SQL Server but i solved putting into the trigger SET NOCOUNT ON.
    I think problem is related to the fact that ADO tries to calculate number of affected rows and for doing that it use a where clause built on the changed columns but using values it had on the client.
    Other important info:
    Cursor = adUseClient (and i cannot adUseServer)
    Provider= MSDAORA (version 9.2...)
    Oracle server = 9.1
    Trigger causing problem = BEFORE INSERT (for each row)
    Thanks in advance

    I have a legacy application written in VB6 and using Oracle OLEDB Provider (version 9 and updated to the last ones from oracle site)
    I've a problem during insert of a record using recordset method (AddNew).
    The returned message is "Row cannot be located for updating. Some values may have been changed since it was last read. "
    I know that problem is caused by a Before Insert trigger that I CANNOT change.
    Trigger does not change any primary key values !!!. It put only some default values on other not rilevant columns.
    I tried to use the recordset Property option "Update Criteria" = adCriteriaKey without success !
    I had same problem with SQL Server but i solved putting into the trigger SET NOCOUNT ON.
    I think problem is related to the fact that ADO tries to calculate number of affected rows and for doing that it use a where clause built on the changed columns but using values it had on the client.
    Other important info:
    Cursor = adUseClient (and i cannot adUseServer)
    Provider= MSDAORA (version 9.2...)
    Oracle server = 9.1
    Trigger causing problem = BEFORE INSERT (for each row)
    Thanks in advance

  • Sensors updates aborting

    I noticed that the last couple of days I was not getting sensor updates.  When trying to manually download the updates I got the following error message:
       "Specified user is not authorized for downloading file  Operation aborted."
    Because of this I am not getting specific updates.
    I have been able to download successfully in the past.  Any ideas why this is happening?
    Update:  I also noticed that it seems to be downloading all the .zip files again after I already have them and is literally taking hours to do.  Not sure why this is happening.

    Yes, I can manually download the signature package via my CCO login.
    The issues is my daily auto updates via my CSM.  They aren't auto  downloading, applying and deploying, so I'm pretty sure it's not an issue with  my IPS devices, however, this is my show stat host info:
    General Statistics
       Last Change To Host Config (UTC) = 09-Sep-2010  02:13:21
       Command Control Port Device = Management0/0
    Network  Statistics
        = ma0_0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr  00:00:00:00:00:00
        =           inet addr:x.x.x.x  Bcast:x.x.x.x   Mask:x.x.x.x
        =           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500   Metric:1
        =           RX packets:802887 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0  frame:0
        =           TX packets:325807 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0  carrier:0
        =           collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
        =           RX  bytes:108895522 (103.8 MiB)  TX bytes:124033185 (118.2 MiB)
        =            Base address:0xbc80 Memory:fcce0000-fcd00000
    NTP Statistics
        =       remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
         =  x.x.x.x   CHU_AUDIO(1)     2 u  947 1024    0    0.000    0.000  4000.00
        = *LOCAL(0)        x.x.x.x      5 l   10   64  377    0.000     0.000   0.001
        = ind assID status  conf reach auth condition  last_event  cnt
        =   1 60484  e000   yes   yes   ok     reject
        =   2 60485   9624   yes   yes  none  sys.peer   reachable  2
       status = Not  Synchronized
    Memory Usage
       usedBytes = 1891184640
       freeBytes =  2209161216
       totalBytes = 4100345856
    CPU Statistics
       Usage over last  5 seconds = 5
       Usage over last minute = 3
       Usage over last 5 minutes =  3
       Usage over last 5 seconds = 0
       Usage over last minute = 1
        Usage over last 5 minutes = 1
    Memory Statistics
       Memory usage (bytes) =  1891184640
       Memory free (bytes) = 2209161216
    Auto Update  Statistics
       lastDirectoryReadAttempt = N/A
       lastDownloadAttempt =  N/A
       lastInstallAttempt = N/A
       nextAttempt = N/A
    Auxilliary  Processors Installed
    I removed the ip/mac address info.  It's also not only signatures but all packages associated with IPS
    Message was edited by: George Nussbaum

  • Location sensor drivers

    Hi I used the lenovo troubleshooter to resolve a problem and 1 thing it showed was that the location sensor in device manger was not working properly unable to load driver, I unistalled it using device manager as I was advised that on next boot it would auto reinstall. However it is now missing from device manager and google search suggests that the device drivers from machine manufacturer need to be reinstalled. Can anyone tell me please which drivers actually install the sensor drivers? Thanks
    Go to Solution.

    Um, the closest thing this has to a location sensor is the wireless card. This computer does not have built in GPS.
    Open charms bar> Settings> Change PC Settings> Privacy> Location> On (personally I keep it off).

  • Xperia Weather widget GPS location automatic update issue

    Having an issue with Xperia Weather widget location automatic update. It just stays whatever I set manually before even selecting "use my current GPS location".It finds location OK, but should it follow then automatically or it works only in  "manual mode" ?
    GPS settings are activated OK.
    On other weather app this feature works fine.
    Anybody experiencing the same problem?

    That "use my current GPS feature" is just to set the location. It doesn't works as automatic mode to update your location on it's own.
    You will have to do it manually again if you wish to change the location.
    Discussion guidelines.
    Message me or any other moderator to seek help regarding moderation.

  • Any app in OS X Mavericks unable to detect location after updating

         I'm using MacBook Air (late 2013) & OS X Maverick 10.9.3 on it. I'm facing to this problem since I updated to 10.9.2 from 10.9.1.
         Like no any app from Maps, Twitter, Facebook is able to detect location. Earlier it was able to. Mean, when I click on Current Location button nothing happens on Menu bar earlier there used to appear sign like this (➤). I connect to internet strictly through the WiFi so not any problem with that. In Systm Prefrences Location service is also enabled. So very frustrated, Please help me.

    2 things you could try.
    1. If you go to Google Maps, is that able to locate your location?
    2. Do you have access to another computer or smartphone that can use your wireless network to determine your location, without relying on cell towers? For example, if you have an iPhone, if you put the phone into airplane mode and then turn the Wi-Fi back on, it will only search thru your wi-fi network. Can it determine your location by that means? If so, at least the Wi-Fi router can be discounted as part of the problem.

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    I am looking for a way to mass update the content location at the site level. Right now, we can do the mass update at the folder level. We have about 80 folders or so. Is there a way we can mass update the starting url at the site level?
    Environment: Oracle iLearning 5.2.1

    If you are mass updating the content location, you need to inspect the following three tables in the ILEARN schema.
    Table Columns Description
    content_server host, physical_directory Content Server Definition
    rco starting_url Self Explanatory
    host_adapter adapter_path CMI Adapter
    You might not have to change all of them, if you are only changing the path and not the host.

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    In a BAM Report I could see the inserted Data Object, but when I am expecting the update information it only appear several "unknown runtime exception" in red text in the foot of the report. But when I make a manual refresh or reopen the report, I could see the dataobject with the updated info OK.
    Also, in the Architect I always see the data object with the info OK.
    I think that are some problem with the Report Engine, but in the log don`t have info about this exception.
    Anybody has any idea about this error?

    I think the Report had some problem. I made the report from the scratch with the same data object and the exception disapear.

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    Automatic update of signatures is possible with FTP or SCP. You will have to first download the updates from Cisco on to the FTP or SCP server. The sensor will automatically install them.
    See here for more inforamtion on Auto upadte feature:

  • Backup location during update iOS5?

    Hello community.
    What a nightmare. Trying to update iOS5, keeps internal error, can't connect server error. After every time it fails, the long torturing backup starts again. When it gets through and starts to install, error 3004 and then nothing. Restart my iphone, itunes tells me it has to restore my iphone to factory setting before anything else can be done and wipes my iphone out. My music!!!!
    Does anybody know, where is that 10 minutes + backup during the iOS update is loacted in a Mac? I want to find it out and do something. Thanks!!!

    OS? Database version? On 10g and higher use 'catalog backuppiece' to move the metadata information about backups to another location.

  • Server Monitor shows blank locations after update

    This a refurb xserve 2.8 single processor, 16 gigs of RAM, no raid, LOM firmware 1.1.2.
    If I reset LOM to "factory defaults" and erase and install Server OS 10.5.4. LOM shows the various locations under "Memory", "Drives","Power","Network", "Temperature", and "Blowers".
    As it should.
    However once I upgrade the OS to 10.5.7 using the "combo updater", Server Monitor no longer displays any locations under Power, Network, Temperature, and Blowers.
    I have deleted the plists for Server Monitor and the BMC cache file but still no locations.
    I have gone round and round with this and have been able to duplicate it. It seems to hinge on the 10.5.7 update and updating directly from 10.5.4.
    I have found if I install the Server Admin Tools 10.5.6v1.1 after the combo 10.5.7 update then Server Monitor displays correctly. I can then install the Server Admin Tools 10.5.7 and have full functionality of Server Monitor.

    OK, I get it..... You need a Lights Out Management port to run Server Monitor, and there's no way to set that up on our little experimental Intel Mini running Snow Leopard Server.
    So this shouldn't be an issue when we install Snow Leopard Server on our production Xserve 8-core Xeon. Good to know.

  • Webservices soap address location url update

    Is there any way to change the soap address location in the wsdl?
    I tried by changing the frontendport and host,But I don't have any option for updating the protocol(http/https) option in weblogic.
    advance thanks

    Thank you very much,
    I followed the same document for updation of endpoint,these settings only updating the host and port ,not the frontend access protocol. End points are generated properly if both the proxy and internal app server mapping uses the same protocol.
    Weblogic always using the application server protocol instead of proxy protocol.
    Example:wsdl accessed from proxy with https and the internal mapping is http.
    https://proxy:443/xxx/xxx?wsdl--->http://appserver:7001/xxx/xxx?wsdl--->web servies end point is http://proxy:80/xxx/xxx?wsdl but the expected endpoint is
    thanks for providing any other advices

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