Broken Phone/ need messages

My 3g phone is broke, screen cracked all over, white screen with lines comes on....It rings and beeps when i get messages but I can see screen...I will be getting new one soon....(It's BS that I have to pay DOUBLE!! because I only bought the darn thing 3 months ago)!!!!!
My Question is, Can i remotely check my text messages and voicemail?????
Thanks in advance

Access voicemail from a landline phone
Place a call to the wireless number and do not answer.
Interrupt the greeting by pressing the star key (*).
When prompted, enter voicemail password. 563
Don't know how to get texts from your iPhone to PC as I use a Mac, but I'm sure a google search will yield something.

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    Sorry to hear your phone is out of commission, giuntamom.  Unfortunately, Verizon does not set the policy when it comes to "upgrading" and iPhones - Apple does, and there are no early upgrades.  If you have another device you can activate in the interim, that would be the simplest solution.  When you become eligible, get the iPhone5.  That's still 4 months prior to your contract end, and you may be able to get it done a few days earlier, just not a whole month.
    If you go to another carrier, and want to keep your number, there will be an ETF for the final months of your contract with Verizon.  Even if you get a new number with the new carrier, you will either pay an ETF to cancel the contract with Verizon, or pay for service for the remaining months of your contract.
    Good luck, whatever you decide to do.

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    Transfer Purchases  = iTunes > File > Transfer Purchases

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    The iPhone and the Mac need to have the same Apple ID.
    This then links the iPhone number to the Apple ID.
    This in turn  means that iMessages sent to the iPhone are then also sent to any other device.
    It may pay to restart the set up.
    Make sure the Mac has the Apple ID in iMessages.
    On the iPhone remove the Apple ID and then place in Airplane mode to break with the servers.
    After a few minutes go back to the Settings > Messages.
    Check the app is On for iMessages and the iPhone number is ticked (it is always greyed out).
    Add the Apple ID to the settings.
    (Enable Send as SMS and the MMS settings if your want to make sure the iPhone will send something if you are not on WiFi or suitable 3G coverage)
    Now restart the App on the Mac.
    It should now get pop ups saying what the iPhone is using.
    You should accept these.
    This will add the iPhone Number to the "Receive At" list and tick it as active and place it in the "Start Conversations From" drop down at the bottom.
    I tend to have my Mac set to use the Apple ID as Send From and the iPhone as the Number.
    However it really is up to you (if you are sending to iPhone contacts then it pays to use the iPhone number if they don't know your email)
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    The Cannot Setup Sync message indicates that you don't have internet access. Check that you can get your phone online (3g or wifi) and then try to connect again.

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    Read here under "No Longer Have iOS Device":

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    We need a bit more information to help.
    Are you trying to update your iPhone using iTunes on your computer?  If so, did you make purchases through the iTunes Store or App Store on your iPhone, and fail to sync them with your computer?  That is the likely meaning of what you are seeing.  If this is true, the purchases would be added to iTunes in your computer before the upgrade proceeds.

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    Hi ulhas1frombanihal,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!  Because your account has been disabled, you will need to contact Apple ID account security to straighten this out.
    Contact Apple for help with Apple ID account security - Apple Support
    I hope this information helps ....
    - Judy

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    Anyone know the secret code to get timely help with a broken iPhone?
    iPhone crashed yesterday around 5:00. Wouldn't go past Apple logo. Using the recovery mode, I have:
    - Restored using my backup.
    - Deleted my backup and restored to a "new phone".
    - Re-downloaded and re-installed iTunes, deleted my backup, and restored to a new phone.
    - Uninstalled iTunes, deleted all ipsw files, redownloaded and reinstalled iTunes and restored to a "new phone"
    After each of these, the situation is the same. The phone works (albeit very slowly and unevenly) until I turn it off (off off, not standby). When I turn it back on, stuck at the apple logo again.
    So now I sit at the apple store, hoping someone will miss their appointment and I can sneak in off the standby list. What a joke. I'm definitely going to have to swing by the at&t store and see about switching to a phone that has adequate support when it breaks. I love the iPhone interface, but with a complete meltdown in the first 6 weeks of ownership and the long wait to see someone to get it replaced, it's just not reliable enough as a phone (not to mention the fact that the 3G really isn't ready for primetime). Sigh.

    Tamara wrote:
    Make an appointment at the Genius Bar - . You can also do it in store on any of the Macs there. It beats sitting around hopping a slot will open up.
    I did both - I scheduled the earliest available appointment, but it was hours away and I needed my phone, so I tried waiting for a hour or so as well.
    deggie wrote:
    See my answer to your last post.
    Are you some sort of VIP that I don't know about? Why should you get to just walk in and have your problem solved when others made a Genius Bar appointment and showed up for it.
    I don't think I'm better than anyone else. I think anyone with a broken phone should be able to get immediate assistance. I wasn't looking for training in how to use my phone, or assistance with some obscure functionality - the freaking thing wouldn't turn all the way on and couldn't be used for it's primary purpose, that of a mobile phone.
    Tenacious MC wrote:
    I suppose you do the same thing when walking into a doctor's office without making an appointment and expect him to see you about your cholesterol being high? You'd go into an ER for an emergency like a broken arm but you're gonna have to wait in line just like everyone else unless it's a life-threatening condition.
    See my response above. If my phone wasn't "feeling well", I could live with waiting to talk to someone. But my phone was in a persistent vegitative state and deserving of urgent care.
    The one time I had a problem with my Motorola RAZR, I walked into an at&t store and the next available person helped me out (by replacing the nonfunctional phone). I didn't have to make an appointment with a special subset of the staff. I would expect Apple, the actual manufacturer (and, in my case, vendor) of the phone to at least meet the standard that at&t sets for phones they don't even manufacture.
    And I hope for the sake for Apple's enterprise penetration plans that they don't share your misconception that this is just a matter of "hampering my lifestyle". It's a matter of interrupting mission critical infrastructure functionality.

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    Dear DonRI,
    I am sorry about the inconvenience and confusion.  Please tell me exactly what you need.  Is your phone being ported?  Do you have Fios service?  Did you move from one location to another?  When you say "move on my old phone number message" what do you mean? 
    Verizon Telecom
    Fiber Solution Center
    Notice: Content posted by Verizon employees is meant to be informational and does not supercede or change the Verizon Forums User Guidelines or Terms or Service, or your Customer Agreement Terms and Conditions or Plan. Follow us on Twitter™!

  • Don't see photos from icloud.  Replaced broken 4s w/new phone.  Help! How do I get photos back? They don't show up on icloud online but phone says broken phone was backed up yesterday under manage storage.  How do I use this backup?

    Please help.  Replaced broken phone w/new 4s.  I did as the genius bar guy said and did reset>erase all content and settings at home because he said it would take too long in the store.  Last time I had to replace my phone, all the photos and video were there.  Now they're not.  I had set up icloud but when i typed in "my restore from icloud", nothing came up.  I NEED those pictures and videos.  They're the last photos and videos I have of my mother who passed away recently.  Please I need them back.  I feel like I've lost her all over again.  Please someone help.  I went to icloud>storage & backup>manage storage and i see that those pictures were backed up yesterday yet I don't see any pictures or picture icon in  Please someone help me get those pictures back.  They're priceless and they're the last I have left of my mother.

    If this is your first sync and there is already data on the phone, perform the steps listed below.  This will transfer your apps and other media purchased from the iTunes store to your iTunes library, perform a manual backup and restore, then sync the iTunes media back to the phone from your iTunes library.  This will not transfer media from other sources such as music from your ripped CDs.  As you said you never synced before, I assume all of your apps, music and other media was purchased from the iTuens and App stores.  If this is correct, you won't lose anything.
    Download and install iTunes:
    Launch iTunes, go to the View menu and click to check Show Sidebar.
    Go to iTunes>Preferences>Devices (Edit>Preferences>Devices if using Windows) and check "Prevent...from syncing automatically".
    Go to Store>Authorize This Computer and authorize all Apple IDs used to purchase apps and other iTunes media (music, podcasts, movies, tv shows, etc.) on your phone.
    On her phone, go to Settings>iCloud>Storage & Backup and turn iCloud Backup to Off.
    Connect her phone to your computer and in iTunes go to File>Devices>Transfer Purchases to transfer your purchased media to your iTunes library.
    Right-click on the name of the phone on the left side of iTunes and click "Reset Warnings".
    Right-click on the name of the phone again and click "Back Up" to back up the phone.
    Right-click again and choose "Restore from Backup...", select the backup you just made to restore from and restore the backup to your phone.  If prompted to back up again, decline.
    Go to the Info tab and make sure nothing is checked so you aren't syncing calendars, contacts, etc. with iTunes.
    Go to the Summary tab and select This Computer under Automatically Back Up.
    Check the other tabs to confirm that your sync settings are the way you want them.
    Click Apply at the bottom to sync your phone.

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    From: Nancy O.
    Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 5:33 PM
    To: CeliaThaxter
    Subject: Broken link error message
          Re: Broken link error message
          created by Nancy O. in Dreamweaver - View the full discussion

  • Broken phone, early upgrade

    i currently have a smartphone, my NE2 is in August. My current phone has a cracked screen and is hardly working. In order to get a replacement through the insurance it is $100. I would rather try and upgrade early to get a completely different phone rather than pay $100 now then only have it for a few months and pay another $100-$200 for a new upgraded phone. Is this possible?

        Amd0704, I know broken phones can be upsetting and that you need a replacement phone as soon as possible. Since upgrades are already 4 months before the end of your contract, upgrading at discount 6 months early would not be feasible. If you have other lines on your account, I would suggest checking those as well. It is great that you have insurance though and can save a huge amount versus paying full retail for a new phone. Insurance would be your best option. You can make a claim at
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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