Bsod/Blue screen / Black screen

          Hi. I just installed Windows 8.1 x64 on my laptop. The problem is : everytime I try to start a game I get a blue screen with error : "INTERNAL_POWER_ERROR"Mention: This is first time when i get blue screen on my laptop and the windows is fresh. What I can do now ? Thank you.

My Hp laptop blue screen want start with password

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    Is anyone else having this problem?  It started randomly after a fresh install where AE just crashes to bsod and writes a dump file.  After I reboot, I can go into it no problem but it tells me this error.
    "After Effects Warning: Error parsing properties list from file C:\users\joe\appdata\roaming\after effects\10.0\AIFEffectCache.xml.  It has been renamed to "AIFEffectCache.xml.old for backup.  Proceeding."
    I've tried disabling OPENGL, defaulted back to default prefs..  No idea why this is happening but it's only in AE.  No other application crashes my machine.
    Thoughts?  Please let me know.  Thanks!

    i am new here and just on this subject i had run in with similer problams in past as i build pcs for photo video editing co
    BSOD (blue screen of deth) normaly occurs due to hardware (or software trying to push hardware ) in your case if i am not wrong cpu or ram or hdd in my cases 1st one i had was cpu was not set at correct voltage and running at higher clock (bad overclocking)
    2nd time different machine i had hdd failure (it was secondory drive not os drive)
    3rd and recent i had problam with ram 8 gb ddr3 1600 wich motherboard decided to run at 1.4v insted of 1.65v and timing was set to 7-7-7-32 insted of 9-9-9-24.
    in short i have seen machines giving bsod jor just having faulty usb connector ( draining power ) to faulty psu but to trace it follow normal comman sence
    1 dose it happnes at peak cpu use  ?
    2 or memory use
    3 hdd use
    4 did it use to happen before or just happning now if yes then what changed scince last use ? (confliting programs, reg keys)
    5 if all above is fine  then dose it happen at random times or just under load  ?
    check bios and compare all the settings with hardware specs that it is configured right
    strip pc down to bare minimum and rum it if works start adding other bits till you get problem
    in most new build pc (self build) it is down to bios setting or not compatable parts (fully approved by mobo)
    old pc over heating confliting software or reg keys ( good clean heatsinks and clean install easiest solution)

  • Usb 6501 unresponsive causing BSOD(Blue Screen Error)

    There are a lot posts about the same issue but mine is a little peculiar so i decided to post it.
    I am using two usb DAQ in the same pc(usb-6501, usb-6001), connected to the usb port on the back. The usb-6501 is used to obtain digital inputs from read switches, Sensors through an ssr. The usb-6001 is used to control 2 double valve solenoid, 1 dc motor, 2 indicator lamps. usb-6001 is also used to read analog values of current(using hall effect sensor) and voltage(using potentiometer).
    At first i was facing problems with the usb-6001(the usb-6501 was working fine at this point) resetting during operation accompanied by BSOD. Then i learned it was due to my relay, which requires 30 mA of current to switch so i used the ULN2003a to interface the usb-6001 with the relays and after that the application was running perfectly for 4 days.
    Now the usb-6501 is having the same problem and when i perform "Self Test" from NI MAX it shows "Error Code:50405" and i am able to reset the device from NI MAX only sometimes, other times i would have to unplug the USB device then plug it back in. As the application is used for an automated test rig the customer is frustrated by this problem. Once the card becomes unresponsive(or after the card is reset) BSOD occours.
    I have checked all the device drivers and OS for any errors but they are fine. i have even tried changing the ram to solve the BSOD with no use.
    System Details:
    Windows 7 SP1
    NI MAX 14.0
    power saving is disabled 
    I have attached the latest mini dump files as they might help in finding out the reason behind this problem(File extensions changed for the purpouse of uploading).
    I need to know: Is there any permanent solution for this problem? and what is the reason for this problem.
    060115-12480-01.txt ‏315 KB
    053015-12324-01.txt ‏315 KB
    052615-17440-01.txt ‏315 KB

    Additional info : i did an analysis of the dump files and this is the result
    0: kd> !analyze -v
    * Bugcheck Analysis *
    An attempt was made to access a pageable (or completely invalid) address at an
    interrupt request level (IRQL) that is too high. This is usually
    caused by drivers using improper addresses.
    If kernel debugger is available get stack backtrace.
    Arg1: fffff88009fe10b1, memory referenced
    Arg2: 0000000000000002, IRQL
    Arg3: 0000000000000000, value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
    Arg4: fffff8800657922e, address which referenced memory
    Debugging Details:
    READ_ADDRESS: GetPointerFromAddress: unable to read from fffff800032c30e8
    fffff880`0657922e 0fb650ff movzx edx,byte ptr [rax-1]
    PROCESS_NAME: System
    TRAP_FRAME: fffff80000b9c6b0 -- (.trap 0xfffff80000b9c6b0)
    NOTE: The trap frame does not contain all registers.
    Some register values may be zeroed or incorrect.
    rax=fffff88009fe10b2 rbx=0000000000000000 rcx=0000000000000000
    rdx=fffff80000b9c8e0 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000000
    rip=fffff8800657922e rsp=fffff80000b9c840 rbp=fffff88009fe10b1
    r8=0000000000000000 r9=0000000000000000 r10=0000000000000000
    r11=0000000000000000 r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000
    r14=0000000000000000 r15=0000000000000000
    iopl=0 nv up ei ng nz na po nc
    fffff880`0657922e 0fb650ff movzx edx,byte ptr [rax-1] ds:c8e0:fffff880`09fe10b1=??
    Resetting default scope
    LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from fffff80003091be9 to fffff80003092640
    fffff800`00b9c568 fffff800`03091be9 : 00000000`0000000a fffff880`09fe10b1 00000000`00000002 00000000`00000000 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
    fffff800`00b9c570 fffff800`03090860 : fffffa80`06adc250 fffffa80`05c3a060 fffffa80`06adc250 00000000`0000ffff : nt!KiBugCheckDispatch+0x69
    fffff800`00b9c6b0 fffff880`0657922e : fffff880`05d47468 fffff880`01d91f90 00000000`00000000 fffff880`09fe0770 : nt!KiPageFault+0x260
    fffff800`00b9c840 fffff880`05d47468 : fffff880`01d91f90 00000000`00000000 fffff880`09fe0770 fffff880`09fe17a0 : nifslk+0x822e
    fffff800`00b9c848 fffff880`01d91f90 : 00000000`00000000 fffff880`09fe0770 fffff880`09fe17a0 fffff880`09fe10b1 : 0xfffff880`05d47468
    fffff800`00b9c850 00000000`00000000 : fffff880`09fe0770 fffff880`09fe17a0 fffff880`09fe10b1 fffff800`00b9c8e0 : nipalk+0x75f90
    fffff880`0657922e 0fb650ff movzx edx,byte ptr [rax-1]
    SYMBOL_NAME: nifslk+822e
    FOLLOWUP_NAME: MachineOwner
    MODULE_NAME: nifslk
    IMAGE_NAME: nifslk.dll
    FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: X64_0xD1_nifslk+822e
    BUCKET_ID: X64_0xD1_nifslk+822e
    Can anyone help me with what this means?

  • Constant BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) on Windows 7 w/ Bootcamp 4

    Please see below for what comes up constantly while doing work on the Windows 7 side of my iMac while running Bootcamp 4.
    So here is my setup:
    Brand New 27" iMac (just got it new in August 2011)
    Intel core i5 2.7 Ghz
    8GB RAM
    AMD Radeon HD 6770M
    I am running Lion latest version on Mac OS X side.
    I installed Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 with Bootcamp 4.
    I loaded the drivers like I am so supposed to with my Mac Disk.
    When in Windows 7 Home Premium SP1, everything works fine for the most part, except sometimes it just freezes up and the BSOD pops up (see below for exact message)
    It's completely random. Sometimes I can play a hardcore 3D war game or an MMO for 6 hours with no problem, sometimes I am just watching a video on youtube for a minute and it just stops.
    I called Apple, they don't really care. They said to start from scratch and do a full clear and reinstall, so I did. I cleared my Bootcamp partition, then I made a new one and completeley reinstalled Windows 7 Home Premium.  I have done this 4 times. I have also tried to make new disks for the updated drivers for my installation on Windows side. The problem persists.
    Everything is completely updated and all the newest patches and versions are installed on both the Windows and Mac side. I am at a complete loss as to what to do with this.
    I cannot update my video card from within Windows - Apple must provide the updated drivers themselves. In fact, I can update NO drivers of the iMac hardware from the Windows side.

    If you haven't already I recommend reposting in the Boot Camp forum. That's where the Boot Camp guys tend to hang out.

  • Appletemp.sys + BSOD (blue screen of death) with Skype 4.1 using Bootcamp

    Hi There,
    I am using Skype on my Macbook Aluminum running Vista Business. Every time I run Skype I get a BSOD which is incredibly frustrating, especially if during calls. It doesn't happen straight away but after a few minutes. The error message on the BSOD is appletemp.sys.
    Anyone else experience this/ know a workaround? I am considering trying older versions of Skype to see if they are more compatible.
    After getting the audio working well this is the hopefully last problem I will be experiencing running what is really an awesome combo.

    Me too, exactly same issue, tried updating skype, the sound card drivers, video card drivers and no help, now I dont use skype in windows anymore which I hate because the windows version is a lot better.
    I also have a problem with msn messenger on video calls, I have everything working fine and suddenly the microphone volume goes to 0 by itself and I have to restart the application to get it working again.
    I hoping apple can fix this when the new bootcamp is released, whenever this is.

  • Will the BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) problem ever be fixed? iPhone5s

    I bought my iPhone5s in NYC. On the third day, BSOD came up, and restart. This continued for 2 days, making the phone impossible to use.5s because they said iPhone5s came out with this problem and many people experienced it.
    I Live in France and a couple of months ago, i had the same problem. Went to a Genius Bar in London and they changed my iPhone for a new one (again). I had to wait 2 weeks for it to arrive from NYC and had it shipped to France once it got to London.
    When I got my THIRD new iPhone5s, as soon as I opened the package and connected it to iTunes, BSOD and Restart problem continued.
    On Monday, I went to another Ganius Bar appointment in Nantes, France and they actually did nothing for me, they told me that the only thing they could do is give me another new iPhone by ordering it again from NYC. So now, i have to wait another 2 weeks for my FOURTH NEW iPhone5s and hope that i don't have the same problem again.
    Its actually unbelievable that loyal Apple customers (like me) who not only own an iPhone but a MAC, iPad and iPod are getting such a horrible customer service and product reliability. Whats goping on with Apple's product quality? I am really upset an frustrated because I seriously CAN'T be going to a Genius Bar every single time I have the SAME PROBLEM.
    4 iPhone5s and the same problem on EACH ONE. #Shameful

    This happens with jailbroken and physically abused phones (very rarely to defective phones under warranty).  The solution is to not jailbrake or allow physical damage.

  • Blue screen crash iPhone 6 Plus 16GB

    I bought an iPhone 6 Plus 16GB space gray, expecting that it would be exempt from any blue or red screen of death crashes.
    Alas after only a few days I have seen the first crash. I was running an app and the screen went solid blue in the top 2/3 and blue/black in the lower 1/3.
    Then it rebooted and a few seconds later I had the lock screen.
    I was under the impression that the crashes mentioned in the news were due to TLC flash.
    The 16GB phone is supposed to have a Hynix H2JTDG8UD1BMS part that is E2NAND3.0 technology. I have no idea if that is TLC or MLC or what.
    Has anyone else here seen the BSOD (blue screen of death) in the 16GB phone?

    Your phone is still covered under warranty. Contact Apple Support to get it serviced:
    iPhone - Contact Support - Apple Support

  • Getting Blue Screen error BCCode: 1a

    Sometimes mi PC with windows VISTA have espontaneus Blue Screen Error.Then after startup I would get this message,can someone tell me what I shshould do?
    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
    OS Version: 6.0.6002.
    Locale ID: 11274
    Additional information about the problem:
      BCCode: 1a
      BCP1: 00041790
      BCP2: C08020AC
      BCP3: 0000FFFF
      BCP4: 00000000
      OS Version: 6_0_6002
      Service Pack: 2_0
      Product: 768_1
    Files that help describe the problem:
    Read our privacy statement online:

    Bug Check 0x1A: The MEMORY_MANAGEMENT bug check has a value of 0x0000001A. This indicates that a severe memory management error occurred.
    You can refer to the link below for more details about this error:
    When you encounter a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) in Windows the computer will save information regarding the error message in a log file. This log file or minidump file is saved in the Minidump subdirectory under Windows (C:\Windows\MiniDump). Generally
    the information saved in this minidump file can help pinpoint the cause of the blue screen error message and help you in resolving the problem.
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Satellite L505-13W shows Blue screen error

    My laptop SATELLITE L505-13W Shows blue screen error.
    The os gets booted up and after some time it shows a blue screen error and restarts.
    On restart it asks for repair, even after succesfull repair it showed the same error.
    So i tried to recover using the recovery cd but it proved to be a tragedy.
    It eraced my full HDD to stone age and smiled at me saying recovery is not possible.
    please help me.......

    If the notebook cannot be recovered using the recovery disk, then all this smells like hardware problem.
    Are you sure that your recovery disk is OK?
    Did you try to install the OS using other installation disk?
    Maybe this would be useful to check if the issue might be related to the faulty recovery disk but if the BSOD (blue screen of death) appeared before the OS installation, then I would say the issue might be caused by internal hardware malfunction
    It would be necessary to check the RAM modules and the HDD.
    HDD can be checked using the HDD diagnostic software like Drive Fitness Test (freeware)
    RAM could be checked using a tools like memtest but you need a running systemso in this case you cannot check the RAM using a software I recommend removing one module and testing the notebook using one module in each slot

  • Blue Screen when waking PC up while iPod connected

    Can anybody help here? Often, when I wake my PC from a low-power state I get a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death). The cause is usbaapl.sys.
    Any ideas of what I can do?

    The external HDD may be conflicting with the iPod when the computer comes back out of sleep mode:

  • Blue screen of death desktop widows 7 Bit help!!!

    Hello so like a week ago on Monday I got home from school got on the PC and I  started playing BF3 and I was lagging a bit so I just did a reboot and when it started up it like came out of the blue and it came up with a blue screen of Death I haven't installed anything that I can remember the last thing I installed was Norten 360 version 6.0 so later on that week I found out from my friend that you can get a BSOD from having your wires unplugged or dust in the PC so I took everything out and cleaned it and put it back in and double checked it and it looked fine and still BSOD and when I start it up its BSOD same for normal mode all safe modes debugging mode I basically did all the f8 options and f12 and all the other f keys and still BSOD so before I got to my local best buy store for help I just came online for help first below is the blue screen of death that I get so help if you can and thanks for your time!                                                                        BSOD = blue screen of death
    A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.
    If this is your first time you've seen this stop error screen, 
    restart your computer. If this screen appears again follow 
    these steps: 
    Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed. 
    If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software manufacturer 
    for any Windows updates you might need.
    If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware 
    or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. 
    If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components, restart 
    your computer, press F8 to select advanced startup options, and then 
    select Safe mode. 
    Technical information:
    *** STOP: 0x0000006B (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000) 
    ill look back  later on today or tomorrow around 5Pm eastern time.

    I would just like to follow up on deusexmachina's solution and explain how to delete that file without booting from the drive.
    Boot from a Windows 7 disc/USB and after it loads press SHIFT+F10 to bring up the command line.  From here, you can navigate to the "C:\Windows\System32\codeintegrity\" directory and delete the "bootcat.cache" file and reboot.
    If you do not have Windows 7 bootable media to boot from then you can download the ISO from here and burn to a disc or use a USB drive:​p1-iso-from-digital-river/
    Another option would be to pull the physical drive from the computer and access it using another desktop or laptop to manually delete the "bootcat.cache" file as well.
    Afterwards, please upgrade to Service Pack 1, so this issue cannot repeat itself.

  • ITunes Blue Screen of Death when starting

    Since iTunes 4.7, half the time when I enter iTunes, I get a stop error 0x00000050 or PAGEFAULT_IN_NONPAGEDAREA
    Sometimes when iTunes starts, it will run just fine, but most of the time it just crashes instantly. When I reboot, the computer says its recovered from a serious error, most likely caused by a device driver. I dont know how to isolate the error, because the error result isnt that specific. The only changes I've made to the system before these errors is installing or reinstalling iTunes.
    I used to not care as much because I normally use winamp, but now that I recently bought an ipod, I use it a lot more often. Thanks in advance for the help.

    i am new here and just on this subject i had run in with similer problams in past as i build pcs for photo video editing co
    BSOD (blue screen of deth) normaly occurs due to hardware (or software trying to push hardware ) in your case if i am not wrong cpu or ram or hdd in my cases 1st one i had was cpu was not set at correct voltage and running at higher clock (bad overclocking)
    2nd time different machine i had hdd failure (it was secondory drive not os drive)
    3rd and recent i had problam with ram 8 gb ddr3 1600 wich motherboard decided to run at 1.4v insted of 1.65v and timing was set to 7-7-7-32 insted of 9-9-9-24.
    in short i have seen machines giving bsod jor just having faulty usb connector ( draining power ) to faulty psu but to trace it follow normal comman sence
    1 dose it happnes at peak cpu use  ?
    2 or memory use
    3 hdd use
    4 did it use to happen before or just happning now if yes then what changed scince last use ? (confliting programs, reg keys)
    5 if all above is fine  then dose it happen at random times or just under load  ?
    check bios and compare all the settings with hardware specs that it is configured right
    strip pc down to bare minimum and rum it if works start adding other bits till you get problem
    in most new build pc (self build) it is down to bios setting or not compatable parts (fully approved by mobo)
    old pc over heating confliting software or reg keys ( good clean heatsinks and clean install easiest solution)

  • IPhone Crashes PC (Blue Screen) Because Of Pictures in Roll Film

    A previous thread has been locked...but I have a similar I have copied this in the hope that someone has solved this...
    My query is regarding the synchronization of the iPhone with a PC.
    When I connect my iphone to my PC the message appears on a pop up "Digital Camera" then a few seconds later the BSOD blue screen appears and my PC crashes.
    I have done some research into this and found out that it is when you have pictures in the 'camera roll' folder. So I took advice and deleted all my pictures in the 'camera roll' folder and sure enough the pop up didn't appear and my PC didn't crash and it synced with itunes perfectly.
    I have tried as on the apple website they recommended, I looked for all other imaging software and drivers installed on my PC and uninstalled them. This didn't resolve my problem it still popped up saying "digital camera" and then my PC crashed.
    At the moment i have managed to stop my PC crashing when pictures are in the 'camera roll' folder and stopped my PC recognizing it as a digital camera. I did this by:
    1. Open up the manage section of 'My Computer'
    2. Clicking on device manager
    3. Plugging the iphone into the dock
    4. Waiting for it to appear under 'cameras and scanners' section in the device manager.
    5. Wen it appears right clicking the iPhone and choosing disable
    The icon that appears and i disable in this section is the 'windows scanner and camera wizard' which makes me think it could be this which is causing it.
    I don't know how to get my photo's off the iPhone since i have disabled the thing i would use to get them.
    Please try and tell me what i can do to either fix this problem or another method to get the pictures off my iPhone.
    From the previous thread, this seems to be a problem primarily with the ACER laptops.
    Please can anyone advise??
    Mazza 386-selectedIndex=2&7ac3-selectedIndex=1&f3bf-selectedIndex=1&c985-selectedIndex =1
    Mine worked! I downloaded the Acer Orbicam (Logitech) File and installed it and when the iphone is plugged in it comes up as iphone #2.. and doesn't crash.. Works great! The link above is for my model laptop.. not sure which one you have but this file worked for me..

  • IPhone Crashes PC (Blue Screen)

    My query is regarding the synchronization of the iPhone with a PC.
    When I connect my iphone to my PC the message appears on a pop up "Digital Camera" then a few seconds later the BSOD blue screen appears and my PC crashes.
    I have done some research into this and found out that it is when you have pictures in the 'camera roll' folder. So I took advice and deleted all my pictures in the 'camera roll' folder and sure enough the pop up didn't appear and my PC didn't crash and it synced with itunes perfectly.
    I have tried as on the apple website they recommended, I looked for all other imaging software and drivers installed on my PC and uninstalled them. This didn't resolve my problem it still popped up saying "digital camera" and then my PC crashed.
    At the moment i have managed to stop my PC crashing when pictures are in the 'camera roll' folder and stopped my PC recognizing it as a digital camera. I did this by:
    1. Open up the manage section of 'My Computer'
    2. Clicking on device manager
    3. Plugging the iphone into the dock
    4. Waiting for it to appear under 'cameras and scanners' section in the device manager.
    5. Wen it appears right clicking the iPhone and choosing disable
    The icon that appears and i disable in this section is the 'windows scanner and camera wizard' which makes me think it could be this which is causing it.
    I don't know how to get my photo's off the iPhone since i have disabled the thing i would use to get them.
    Please try and tell me what i can do to either fix this problem or another method to get the pictures off my iPhone.
    iPhone & Windows XP Pro

    The issue is not a conflict with imaging software but with older webcam, camera drivers. Most of the time older logitech drivers are causing this.
    This article describes the issue

  • IPhone Crashes PC (Blue Screen) Because Of Pictures

    My query is regarding the synchronization of the iPhone with a PC.
    When I connect my iphone to my PC the message appears on a pop up "Digital Camera" then a few seconds later the BSOD blue screen appears and my PC crashes.
    I have done some research into this and found out that it is when you have pictures in the 'camera roll' folder. So I took advice and deleted all my pictures in the 'camera roll' folder and sure enough the pop up didn't appear and my PC didn't crash and it synced with itunes perfectly.
    I have tried as on the apple website they recommended, I looked for all other imaging software and drivers installed on my PC and uninstalled them. This didn't resolve my problem it still popped up saying "digital camera" and then my PC crashed.
    At the moment i have managed to stop my PC crashing when pictures are in the 'camera roll' folder and stopped my PC recognizing it as a digital camera. I did this by:
    1. Open up the manage section of 'My Computer'
    2. Clicking on device manager
    3. Plugging the iphone into the dock
    4. Waiting for it to appear under 'cameras and scanners' section in the device manager.
    5. Wen it appears right clicking the iPhone and choosing disable
    The icon that appears and i disable in this section is the 'windows scanner and camera wizard' which makes me think it could be this which is causing it.
    I don't know how to get my photo's off the iPhone since i have disabled the thing i would use to get them.
    Please try and tell me what i can do to either fix this problem or another method to get the pictures off my iPhone.
    iPhone & Windows XP Pro

    Did you ever have a logitech web camera or built-in webcamera on this computer?
    If so, download the latest driver from logitech and install it.
    Essentially the driver, which may have been left behind when you uninstalled the applications in Add/remove programs, is attempted to tell your computer to treat the iPhone like a device it isn't.
    Hope this helps,
    Nathan C.

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