BT Hubphone 2.1 ringtone differences ??

Got a hold a second Hubphone 2, did usual registered to hub left to charge everything fine. Can make calls fine sound quality for voice brill no grumble at all about that, but the ringtones appear a different quality between the two handsets. 
So checked the version numbers and the orginal phone software V1935 i006 f007 second phone  70.037.00, ah ah differnent versions I thought but  according to BT help website they're the same , but the ringtones on the new phone are tinny in comparision to the older phone.
I am missing something, obvious I would have thought the ring tones would be the same, but V1935  version is really good quaility and louder, not tinny like the 70.037 and its not just ringtone volume that makes them sound so different.
Not a problem happy enough just baffled as to why the quality is so different?

Has this issue been resolved?
Our phone has the same problem. We've stored 14 contacts, memory is at just 9%.
When saving a new contact, the phone confirms the process -- but the new number is missing.
Several of our stored numbers do not come up in the contact list and seem to have been deleted. The names of these contacts are  not shown on a missed call.
But when you dial a number which we previously saved (but which is now no longer on the contacts list), the name is displayed. So it must be stored somewhere.
Any ideas?

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    This solution comes from a different but related discussion on this forum:
    Just talked with tech support. If you kill ALL running apps (by double-clicking on the home button), including the phone app. Then do a soft reset by "powering off" / "powering on" your phone. This should change the default ringtone. IT WORKED
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    Good Luck!

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    HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
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    Error Accessing the html page
    Error Details
    - HTTP Error Code:500
    Message:java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 This error has been logged with the server,please try again later.
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    Hope this is enough info. I want to know if any other Telus clients have the issue or if any other carriers are having the same problem as well.
    Thanks for any help and suggestions

    Mobilekid, did you figure out your solution?
    Follow NurseBerry08 on Twitter

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    ping209 wrote:
    Yes it is> Does that make a difference?
    Yes, it has to be smaller than 35 seconds.
    Enjoy your ringtone.

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    I wanna know too!! I had no problem making ringtones before from songs on my computer and then adding them to itunes, but now it doesn't seem to work. I can actually make the ringtone and add it to itunes and it will play, but it won't sync to my phone (phone doesn't even recognize the ringtone when I try to plug it in and sync).
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    Inzwischen habe ich ca. fünf Stunden mit dem telefonischen Support verbracht. Die generelle Aussage war, dass es bisher noch nie ein vergleichbares Problem gegeben habe. Ich habe inzwischen herausgefunden, dass dieses Problem schon lange bekannt ist und ich bin deswegen sehr unzufrieden mit der Kundenbetreuung. Tatsächlich tauchen die Probleme regelmäßig bei Updates auf. Mit Google habe ich etliche Seiten zu diesem Thema gefunden.
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    Dies sind Diskussionen auf der Apple-Community. Etliche andere Links sind auf externen User-Foren
    This are just the discussons at the apple community. Lots of links could be found on user-portals. dden-volume-max.html
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    Es sieht nicht so aus, als seien die Geräte defekt. Vielleicht unterscheiden sich die Modelle nur gering in der Hardware und werden in der Softwareentwicklung nicht berücksichtigt.
    It doesn*t look like the devices are defective. I suspect minor differences in the hardware are not really considered in software development.
    All I could say is 'Get thy work done!'

  • Converting your MUSIC to a RINGTONE 'without GOOGLE help'

    Took me a while to work this out and after much hair pulling and ‘without’ the help of Google or a 3rd party program see below.
    Good luck:-
    • Open I Tunes
    • Find the song you want as a ringtone
    • Double Click the song to play it and make a note of the start time where you want the ringtone to start. The counter is shown at the top of I Tunes in the centre just to the left.
    • Stop the song
    • Right click on the song and click ‘Get Info’
    • Click on ‘Options’ Tab
    • In the drop down, put the start time in the ‘Start Time’ box
    • Put the stop time in the ‘Stop Time’ box. Stop time must be no more than 30 seconds after the start time otherwise ITunes will not see it. i.e. start 0:10 stop 0:40, start 0:12 stop 0:42 and so on
    • Click ‘Ok’
    • Right click on the song again
    • Left Click on ‘Create AAC Version’ this will create a second version with a time of only 30 seconds.
    • On the original song you first clicked right click on the song and click ‘Get Info’
    • Click on ‘Options’ Tab
    • Remove the tick from the ‘Start Time’/Stop Time box.
    • Click ok. This is important as if you don’t every time you play that song it will only play the 30 seconds you have chosen. Sort of resets the counter and tidy ups I Tunes.
    • Now on the song that was created (the 30 second time song) right click on it and click ‘show in windows explorer’
    • This will open the location in windows explorer where the track is stored and highlight it for you. (leave it ITunes open)
    • The song should say its name then just after it in the same box .m4a
    • If there is no .m4a on the end of the song name, no problem. At the top of the windows explorer windows box where it says file, edit, view, favourites etc click ‘Tools’. A list will drop down then click ‘Folder Options’ This will open a window. Click the ‘View’ Tab. This will show a load of boxes with ticks in. Un-tick the box that says ’Hide Extensions For Known File Types’. Click ‘Apply’ then ‘Ok’ you should now see the .m4a at the end of the song name.
    If you have any issues doing the above, i.e. if you have Windows Vista I downloaded a foc for 45 days program that edits file types.
    • Right click on the song then change the .m4a to an .m4r. i.e. just change the a to an r This will change the file ‘Type’ from ‘m4a File’ to ‘Ringtone’
    • Leave the windows explorer window open.
    • Go back into I tunes and close it.
    • In the windows explorer window that was left open double click the ringtone you created. This should now open I Tunes and start playing the song. Be patient as sometimes it takes a minute or so.
    • In the list on the left in I Tunes will be a file called ‘Ringtones’ with a bell to the left of it. Click this file. This will open the ringtones file. In there will be the ring tone you created.
    • Now in the list on the left in I Tunes click ‘Music’ then find the original song you copied originally in the list. You will find that there are two. One of full song length and the other of 30 second length. The 30 second one will have right on the left a ! Symbol. It you double click on the song it will say it can’t find it. DO NOT click locate. Click cancel otherwise it will go off and hunt for it.
    • Right click on the song with the ! Symbol by it then click delete. This will delete it. Don’t worry this is just to tidy up your I Tunes and will not delete the song as its only a path to the song that is no longer there. The song is now a ringtone and found through the ringtones file.
    • Now last but not least plug in your phone and sync it. Once done the ringtone will appear in the ‘settings’, ‘sounds’, ‘ringtone’ section.

    What's the difference between looking up instructions on Google or looking them up here, or anywhere else?
    Why does it matter where the instructions come from?

  • 5530 - some incoming ringtones don't work but othe...

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    Go to Solution.

    have a look at this it may help, post by pat c
    If  i have helped at all a click on the white star below would be nice thanks.
    Now using the Lumia 1520

  • Song doesn't show I can buy ringtone.

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    If you're using a Mac and have GarageBand you can do it yourself. Just import a song from itunes to garageband and, from there, edit the song as you would in the itunes store. Here's the link to the page that I found on how to do it. d-apple-way-334073.php
    The difference I've noticed between the one that I bought from itunes and the ones I've made through garageband is that garageband seems to automatically adjust the equalizer levels to a better setting for the iphone speaker, I guess mainly the bass. The ones I've made sound clear as a bell but DON'T sound like they're about to shatter that tiny little speaker with overdriven bass like the one I purchased (the original iphone ad song, 'Perfect Timing' by Orba Squara).

  • C5 - Ringtone sound deformation problem :(

    I have huge problem with Ringtones sound in my C5.
    It runs under 031.022 firmware, which is the latest version available in Polish Ovi Suite.
    Background info:
    -> MP3 tracks play normally. Both on earphones and C5's speaker.
    -> SMS alarms have normal sound when messages are coming and inside settings section.
    -> Ringtones in settings section play normally.
    What's the problem:
    -> When someone calls, ANY ringtone is totally messed up. Original Nokia ones or my MP3's, it doesn't make a difference.
    It sounds like it has some flanger effect on it. It's broken and unbearable to listen.
    I suppose it's a problem with a software, not with a hardware, because C5's speakers work fine while playing MP3's, SMS alarms or even Ringtones in settings section.
    I've reinstalled firmware using Ovi Suite. This operation went fine, but it didn't help a bit.
    Is there any solution?

    back up your data and try reset
    type in *#7370# security code is 12345
    If  i have helped at all a click on the white star below would be nice thanks.
    Now using the Lumia 1520

  • Thunderbolt Notification/ringtone issue after 2.11.605.9 Update

    I know that this latest update was supposed to fix the bug where the wrong ringtones were being played when a custom ringtone had been set; however, now I am seeing a different issue with ringtones/notification sounds.   After receiving the update on 12/21, I have noticed that my ringtones and notifications sounds no longer stay set.   I noticed it when my email notification sound started playing some mp3 that I had on my phone and as I was looking further, all of my contacts that I had given custom ring tones were now set to some other ringtone.   I reset all of custom ringtones on my contacts and notifications sounds that I had noticed had changed.   This morning....many of them were set to something else again.  Including the gmail app notification sound (again).    Is anyone else experiencing this issue.

    Same issue as many have described above.
    After update to 2.11.605.9 my custom ringtones and notifications change every time the device is power cycled.   The vast majority of the time my txt notification sound is changed to "Facebook Pop" (which I don't actually remember being an option prior to the update to Gingerbread).  That sound is nearly inaudible, not to mention it's not the custom notification sound I've selected, and contiune to select.
    About 25% of the time after reboot the device selects an mp3 file saved on my phone, one that isn't even listed within my notification ringtone selections list.   It's pretty bizarre, not to mention more than a little frustrating. 
    It makes no difference if the phone it just restarted, or shtudown completely and then started up once more - notification & ringtone selctions are not saved.

  • Why does the ringtone sound worse AFTER I download it?

    Hi guys,
    I'm having an odd issue. I just bought three ringtones direct on my iPhone 4S from the iTunes 'Tones' section, and when I set them as ringtones and preview them on the phone they sound really crappy. When I previewed them in the 'Tones' section and streamed them the sound was full and clear. Any ideas?
    Much appreciated,

    I have exactly the same problem, the best way of describing the problem is that the ringtones sound very tinny, possibly distorted like they've completely lost the bass and much of the lower midrange.
    Like Sacha I've purchased 2 ring tones from the iTunes store within my iPhone 4S (Nicki Minay - Super Bass, and The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Star Trek the Motion Picture), within the store they sound great but as soon as their assigned to ring tones they sound awful.  At first I assumed that the downloads must have been poorly compressed or something but I've since confirmed they play great on my PC. 
    I've also noticed something even more odd, if I use the ringtone as a text message tone on the iPhone one of them sounds great as it should but the other ones won't even play, very strange!  I've had a look at the tones on my PC and both are 30 seconds long, and both are compressed to 256kbps at 44.1khz so no obvious differences.  I've recompressed them to alternative bit rates but nothing seems to make a difference to the sound quality as a ring tone.
    I've since tried both ringtones on my Wifes iPhone 4 and her's exhibits the same problems so not a handset or iPhone 4s specific issue.  It sounds to me like a software bug in iOS5?

  • A legit question about ringtones

    Ok I do wish there were still were 3rd party apps but there not so here we go, I like ringtones and assign one to most of my contacts so I immediately know who is calling, I have submitted to apple and began buying ringtones from them (one as of right now). Most of the songs I want to make ringtones don't have bells by them which of course makes me upset but through posts I've read its a bunch of copyright issues and mumbo jumbo that I understood that kept certain songs from being available from Apple. Now I actually been looking around to other cell carriers to see what they were selling like verizion and guess what they are selling a lot of ringtones that itunes doesn't have huh? Then I went and looked on AT&T's media mall and guess what they to are selling them to, so my questions are 1. why isn't apple selling such ringtones? 2. Are carriers such as AT&T selling them illegally? 3. If I bought one from our service provider (ATT&T) would it be considered 3rd party even though their part of the party? 4. Does anyone that sells ringtones have to get their own approval to sell even if someone else is arleady selling them? I'm not complaining or ranting just want some insight on something I don't understand.

    it takes time to work out ringtone deals.. just because another network has them doesnt mean they are automattic considering the price difference and they dont expire
    We created a redtape society now we ;must live in it

  • How to Make iPhone Ringtone From DVD Music/Music/Video?

    People want to show their individuality anytime and anywhere with their inimitable hairstyle, clothing, and other things. Your phone's ringtone is also really important to show your difference from others. So how to make your own unique ringtone for your incoming calls, clock alarms, clock timer becomes a really important thing.
    Today I will show you how to make your own iPhone ringtones from your DVD/video/music. Someone will say that you can buy them on itunes. Yes, everybody can buy it. It is not unique and special. Let's make our own iPhone ringtone together.
    Things you need:
    1. DVD/video/audio files that contains the music you want
    2. Ringtone Maker
    3. Computer(Windows/Mac)
    Step 1: Load File/DVD
    Load your video/audio files or DVD to this iPhone Ringtone Maker
    Step 2: Choose music
    You need to choose which part you want to convert as your iPhone ringtone or you want to make the whole files as your iPhone ringtone. Just drag the bar to set the begin point and end point
    Step 3: Pre-listening
    You can pre-listening the ringtone, if you do not like it you can adjust the length of your ringtone.
    Step 4: Make Ringtone
    After you have done all the tings above, you can click “Generate” button to start the conversion.
    Soon you will get your own ringtone.
    1. if you want to put your ringtone directly to your iPhone, please check the box before “import to iPhone”.
    2. if you want to manage your ringtone, you can click “manage ringtone” button to do it easily.
    For Mac users, you can use Ringtone Maker for Mac to do this easily with the same operation as windows one.
    To help you to make your iPhone and iPod more enjoyable here I also recommend you this to iPod Converter, to iPhone Converter and Transfer

    Removed post. Banned user due to spamming.

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