Building a glossary

I want to add a simple glossary to my training--anyone have suggestions on how to start?  Ideally I'd like to be able to import a CSV with terms and definitions and have it autopopulate the content and a simple alphabetic navigation but I'm guessing that doesn't exist.  Been searching and can't find anything--anybody have a template or workaround?  We have the e-learning suite

Hi there
Unfortunately there isn't anything built into Captivate that will facilitate building a Glossary, but I suppose you could create a slide that has glossary terms and definitions and point to the slide.
I don't suppose you have a link or anything that you might be able to share that would allow us to see what you saw first hand? If so, we might be better equipped to provide more meaningful answers.
Cheers... Rick
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    Word.Application iWord = new Word.Application();
    Word.Document iDoc = iWord.Documents.Open(savePath);
    foreach (Word.Section wordSection in iDoc.Sections)
    Word.Range footerRange = wordSection.Footers[Word.WdHeaderFooterIndex.wdHeaderFooterPrimary].Range;
    But I can't seem to figure out the details of DoSomething().  
    Please note that it must be the dynamic field, equivalent to Design->Quick Parts->Document Property->Document ID Value, not simply text.

    The quickparts listed in the Document Property dropdown are either the standard ones (corresponding to standard builtin document properties such as Author), the "newer" Cover Page ones, or columns in a SharePoint document library. (If yours is
    something else, please let us know).
    So I assume that yours is a "SharePoint column." If not, the rest of this message is unlikely to help.
    If so, there is no simple facility in the Word Object Model to replicate exactly what happens when you insert that quick part from the Document Property menu. To do it in code, you have to 
     a. insert the right kind of content control (probably a plain text one in this case) and give it a suitable Title/Tag
     b. connect it to the correct element in the Custom XML data store.
    I have the starting point of some VBA code for that (see below). You'd obviously need to adapt it for C# and to insert at a range rather than the selection.
    The only other aproach I know would be
     a. manually insert a copy of the content control that you want and adjust its properties as required
     b. make a copy of that somewhere where you can retrieve and use it programmatically (e.g. create a new building block/glossary entry or some such)
     c. programmatically insert that wherever you need it
    However, in that case, you will need to be sure that the same namespace GUID is used for the property in all your documents. If, for example, someone has created a separate "Document ID" column in a number of different document libraries, each
    Document ID may have a different namespace GUID. If the Document ID column is a site column and all the documents are on the same site or have come from the same site, they may share a namespace GUID. 
    FWIW the code I have for getting Xpath and value information given a property name is as follows. It was orignally written to try to deal with a particular
    type of property that I hope you don't have to deal with :-)
    Sub TESTinsertCC()
    ' Put a property name in here instead of "col1text" and see if you
    ' get a viable Content Control at the Selection
    Debug.Print insertCC(Selection.Range, "col1text").XMLMapping.XPath
    End Sub
    Function insertCC(theRange As Word.Range, ContentTypeItemName As String) As ContentControl
    'Dim cc As Word.ContentControl
    Set insertCC = theRange.ContentControls.Add(wdContentControlText)
    With insertCC
    .XMLMapping.SetMapping getDIPPropXPath(theRange.Document, ContentTypeItemName)
    End With
    'Set cc = Nothing
    End Function
    Function getDIPPropXPath(TheDocument As Word.Document, _
    ContentTypeItemName As String) As String
    ' Attempts to retrieve the display value of a ContentTypeProperty that
    ' cannot be returned directly using the MetaProperty.Value property
    ' TheDocument is the Word document containing the properties
    ' ContentTypeItemName is the displayName of the item
    ' Assume we cannot get this item from the MetaAttribute Value
    ' because VBA does not recognise the Variant Type or content
    ' Two ways we could do it:
    ' a. get the Custom XML Part that contains the data and iterate
    ' through the nodes until we find the one we need.
    ' b. get the Custom XML part the contains the schema(s) and
    ' retrieve the XML Element name and Namespace name, then
    ' get the Custom XML part that contains the schema(s) and
    ' retrieve the 1st sub-element of the element.
    ' This attempts (b). Lots of assumptions, including
    ' - the namespace name of the schema and data parts are fixed
    ' and there is either only one Custom XML Part with that
    ' name or the first one is the one we want
    ' - the leaf element of the first sub-branch of the element
    ' But there are assumptions in (a), too, e.g. that there
    ' aren't two complex items in the DIP with the same name but
    ' different namespaces.
    ' Can almost certainly be improved by inspecting the other
    ' properties in the schema to identify precisely which type
    ' of property we are dealing with. Unfortunately, even this does
    ' not appear to be reliably available from the COntentTypeProperties
    ' info.
    Const SchemaPartNamespaceURI As String = _
    Const DataPartNamespaceURI As String = _
    ' Do everything step by step for explanation and debugging
    Dim cxnDataElement As Office.CustomXMLNode
    Dim cxnsDataElement As Office.CustomXMLNodes
    Dim cxnSchemaElement As Office.CustomXMLNode
    Dim cxnsSchemaElement As Office.CustomXMLNodes
    Dim cxpData As Office.CustomXMLPart
    Dim cxpSchema As Office.CustomXMLPart
    Dim cxpsData As Office.CustomXMLParts
    Dim cxpsSchema As Office.CustomXMLParts
    Dim strDataXPath As String
    Dim strElementName As String
    Dim strElementNamespaceURI As String
    Dim strPrefix As String
    Dim strResult As String
    Dim strSchemaXPath As String
    Debug.Print "TheDocument: " & TheDocument.FullName
    Debug.Print "ContentTypeItemName: " & ContentTypeItemName
    strResult = ""
    Set cxpsSchema = TheDocument.CustomXMLParts.SelectByNamespace(SchemaPartNamespaceURI)
    If cxpsSchema.Count = 0 Then
    MsgBox "Error: Schema CXP not found or does not have the expected Namespace URI"
    If cxpsSchema.Count > 1 Then
    Debug.Print "Warning: more than one CXP with the expected Schema Namespace URI." & _
    " Using the first."
    End If
    Set cxpSchema = cxpsSchema(1)
    'Debug.Print cxpSchema.XML
    strSchemaXPath = "//xsd:element[@ma:displayName='" & ContentTypeItemName & "']"
    Debug.Print "Schema XPath: " & strSchemaXPath
    Set cxnsSchemaElement = cxpSchema.SelectNodes(strSchemaXPath)
    If cxnsSchemaElement.Count = 0 Then
    MsgBox "Error: Could not find the schema element that defines the element."
    If cxnsSchemaElement.Count > 1 Then
    Debug.Print "Warning: more than one Schema Element that defines the element."
    End If
    Set cxnSchemaElement = cxnsSchemaElement(1)
    ' don't test for node existence at this point
    'Debug.Print cxnSchemaElement.XML
    strElementName = cxnSchemaElement.SelectSingleNode("@name").Text
    Debug.Print "Actual Element Name: " & strElementName
    strElementNamespaceURI = cxnSchemaElement.ParentNode.SelectSingleNode("@targetNamespace").Text
    Debug.Print "Element Namespace URI: " & strElementNamespaceURI
    Set cxnSchemaElement = Nothing
    End If
    Set cxnsSchemaElement = Nothing
    Set cxpSchema = Nothing
    ' Now look for the item in the Custom XML part that contains the data
    Set cxpsData = TheDocument.CustomXMLParts.SelectByNamespace(DataPartNamespaceURI)
    If cxpsData.Count = 0 Then
    MsgBox "Error: Data CXP not found or does not have the expected Namespace URI"
    If cxpsData.Count > 1 Then
    Debug.Print "Warning: more than one CXP with the expected Data Namespace URI." & _
    " Using the first."
    End If
    Set cxpData = cxpsData(1)
    'Debug.Print cxpData.XML
    ' Get the prefix for the Element's namespace.
    ' Note that this may be different from any prefix
    ' you may see if you inspect the Part's XML
    strPrefix = cxpData.NamespaceManager.LookupPrefix(strElementNamespaceURI)
    Debug.Print "Data Prefix: " & strPrefix
    ' retrieve any elements with that prefix and the internal XML
    ' property name
    ' not sure this "if" is ever needed or would be effective
    If strPrefix = "" Then
    strDataXPath = "//" & strElementName
    strDataXPath = "//" & strPrefix & ":" & strElementName
    End If
    Debug.Print "Data XPath: " & strDataXPath
    Set cxnsDataElement = cxpData.SelectNodes(strDataXPath)
    If cxnsDataElement.Count = 0 Then
    MsgBox "Error: Could not find the data element."
    If cxnsDataElement.Count > 1 Then
    Debug.Print "Warning: more than one Data Element. Using the first."
    End If
    Set cxnDataElement = cxnsDataElement(1)
    ' May need to drill down further
    'Debug.Print cxnDataElement.XML
    While cxnDataElement.HasChildNodes
    Set cxnDataElement = cxnDataElement.FirstChild
    strResult = cxnDataElement.Text
    Set cxnDataElement = Nothing
    End If
    Set cxpData = Nothing
    Set cxnsDataElement = Nothing
    End If
    Set cxpsData = Nothing
    End If
    Set cxpsSchema = Nothing
    'getDIPPropValue2 = strResult
    getDIPPropXPath = strDataXPath
    End Function
    Peter Jamieson

  • How do I create a glossary in Flash Catalyst CS5

    I can't seem to locate where I could implement such a SWF in catalyst.
    I've been intrigued by all the demos showing datalists when linked to display flash video's and images. I however cant find a quick demo on how to do it with basic text.
    Is there a way to could build a quick glossary SWF that may be inserted into Adobe Captivate 5 or other type of E-learning app.
    A data list of Term and Definition should be quite easy if all that you want to do is is display the terms in the data list and then on select change two text input sources to Definition and Term that were stored in the data list.

    Downloaded the Demo of Master Collection CS 5.5 which now has round tripping between Catalyst and Flash Builder. Looks like Catalyst still does not let me set text items based on selections in a datalist. Flash Builder 4.5 from CS 5.5 suite, however allows me to edit the project and make the change to the code to allow the datalist to change text.
    In the sequence I can edit the Richtext UIComponent to:
    s:SetAction property="text" value="{list1.selectedItem}"
    However now I've tried to insert the compiled project into Captivate 5. No go. The Final SWF generated from Captivate goes wonky when I insert the SWF Animation from Flex Builder (even if I use Animation Slide). I copied all the files from the Generated Flex Builder App and externalized all Animations in
    Captivate to see if that would solve the problem but still no go.
    Maybe I need to create a wrapper for Flex Builder SWF's ......

  • Simple glossary

    I am in need of a simple glossary .fla or component that I
    can insert into a demo I am creating - I just don't have the time
    to build one. Is there one out there that will load content from a
    .txt file ?
    Rob Childress

    > I am in need of a simple glossary .fla or component that
    > can insert into a demo I am creating - I just don't have
    > time to build one.
    The trouble is, what does a glossary look like? I flipped
    through a
    number of reference books just now, and the glossary of each
    is unique in
    certain respects.
    > Is there one out there that will load content from a
    .txt file ?
    Have you toyed around with loading text on your own? If you
    format your
    text as XML, you can load it at runtime. In fact, you can
    format your XML
    by using XHTML tags (check the simplified HTML support Flash
    has by looking
    up "supported HTML tags" in the Help), and in that way you
    can use a limited
    subset of CSS to style your text. Learning that might just
    take you less
    time than searching for an existing glossary Component.
    David Stiller
    Adobe Community Expert
    Dev blog,
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

  • Glossary in Japanese

    Using English version to build WebHelp in Japanese, I have
    .HHC, .HHK, .GLO files in Japanese, after opening the RoboHelp
    project, TOC and Index were displayed fine, but Definition of
    glossary term is unreadable. After generating WebHelp, some terms
    appeared as blank lines, and some definition remained in corrupted
    codes (strangely there were terms displayed OK in Japanese). Any
    hint to solve this problem?
    Thanks in advance,
    Jenny Hung

    Here's a way if your used to hand coding and are using tables instead of Floating Boxes/Layers/DIVs...
    Set your text up in tables, 1 row for each Japanese term with translate and close links and a row under it for the translation. In the "translation" row, set the cell to have a unique id, like so...
    < td id="firstterm">Text you want to appear on page load, or blank if you want nothing to appear< /td>
    Then in your "Translate" link you will use GetElementID javascripting like so...
    < a href="#" onclick="javascript:document.getElementById('firstterm').innerHTML='Text you want to pop up on click goes here'">Translate< /a>
    Your close link...
    < a href="#" onclick="javascript:document.getElementById('firstterm').innerHTML='Original text from the cell or blank'">Close< /a>
    Each "Translation" row will have a different ID and each GetElementId will reference that ID where you see 'firstterm' above. The page will appear to grow in length when you click the Translate link, and shrink back up when you click the Close link. (remove the space after each < to get the code to work)

  • A glossary in Flash

    I am trying to make a glossary in flash. The page will look
    as follows:
    on top I have the alphabet
    on the left I have a scrolling dynamic textfield with
    hundreds of
    technical words in alphabetical order.
    on the right a panel for the explanation.
    by hovering on the technical word the explanation should
    appear on the right
    1. Is there a tutorial for something like that ?
    2. Is there a way to "link" inside the text (like an anchor
    in HTML) ?
    What I would like is, when clicked on a letter of the
    alphabet (on
    top), the left panel will scroll immediately to that letter.

    Downloaded the Demo of Master Collection CS 5.5 which now has round tripping between Catalyst and Flash Builder. Looks like Catalyst still does not let me set text items based on selections in a datalist. Flash Builder 4.5 from CS 5.5 suite, however allows me to edit the project and make the change to the code to allow the datalist to change text.
    In the sequence I can edit the Richtext UIComponent to:
    s:SetAction property="text" value="{list1.selectedItem}"
    However now I've tried to insert the compiled project into Captivate 5. No go. The Final SWF generated from Captivate goes wonky when I insert the SWF Animation from Flex Builder (even if I use Animation Slide). I copied all the files from the Generated Flex Builder App and externalized all Animations in
    Captivate to see if that would solve the problem but still no go.
    Maybe I need to create a wrapper for Flex Builder SWF's ......

  • Create a glossary/element index in WebCenter Portal

    I need to create a glossary/element index like this in WebCenter Portal. Do you know if exists any ADF/Trinidad element to do this?
    Thank you

    There aren't components similar in ADF/Trinidad. You can try to build your own .

  • Glossary Markers FM9 to RH7

    I hope I'm posting this in the correct place!
    I am learning FM9 Structured and slowly building new templates/EDD for our large existing company user documentation.  The plan is to use RH to publish it to html, pdf, etc.
    I'm trying to figure out how the glossary markers work in FM9 and how to set them up properly to be imported into RH.  No one in the FM discussion groups seems to be able to help me.  My main confusion is that I can't figure out how to mark something within FM itself.  The way I'm understanding the documentation it goes like this:
    I put my cursor on the term I want to mark (for example: name)
    I open the Marker pod, and select Add New.
    The documentation says that what I type in the Marker Text window becomes what I think of as the term name and the paragraph that the marker is in becomes the definition.
    I click New Marker and voila!
    However, no matter what I try, when I create a List of Markers (glossary), all I get is whatever is in the Marker Text window and the page number. There is no Term - Definition.
    There's one other thing I don't understand - but maybe this will answer itself if I could get the above to work?  My understanding of a glossary is one definition that can be linked to from many places throughout the documentation.  For example: I define Name the first time it is used, and then I can put a "name" marker anywhere else and have a pop-up or link to the name definition.  If the definition has to be in the text at every point that you insert a marker - then what would be the point?
    I feel like I'm going around and around in the documentation and I apparently have some kind of mental block, because it's just not making sense.  I would REALLY appreciate it if someone could explain to me either what the process is or what I'm mis-understanding about what the process actually does.  I've tried to include the relevant info, but if you need anything else from me -please don't hesitate to ask!

    Technical Communication Suite allows you to mark Glossary terms and definitions in FrameMaker source content, import them in RoboHelp and finally publish them to various ouput formats generated through RoboHelp.
    If you are using TCS 2 or TCS 3, here are the steps to achieve it.
    Marking Glossary Term and Defintion in FrameMaker
    1. Place the cursor at the beginning of the paragraph in FM document which is to be marked as Glossary definition
    2. Open the marker Pod (Special->Marker)
    3. Select the Marker Type as "Glossary"
    4. Add the Glosary term as Marker Text
    5. Save the FM document
    Please note that generating "List of Makers" creates a list of marker text with each term linked to paragarph it points to.
    Importing FM content to RoboHelp and publishing it
    1. Create a RoboHelp project
    2. Link/Import the FM document to RoboHelp project
    3. Mark "Convert Glossary" option in Import Wizard or Linked document properties(Edit->Properties) dialog
    4. Finally update/import the content.
    5. The generated glossary(term-definition pairs) can be viewed in Glossary pod by opening the glossary from Project Manager Pod
    6. If you wish to link glossary terms instances with the glossary definition within the content, you may like to use Glossary Hotspot Wizard (Tools->Glossary hotspot wizard).
    7. Finally, the content can be published to various formats from Single Source Layouts pod by choosing the appropriate glossary in the SSL dialog.
    I hope this helpful. Please let me know in case you need any further elaboration of any step.

  • CP8 Glossary in HTML5 output problems

    When publishing a SWF file that includes the glossary interaction, the glossary obeys the stacking order of objects when the file is viewed. When the file is published as HTML5, the glossary appears above items that were above it in the stacking order. In the image below you can see that I've added images above the glossary widget so I can make some appearance changes since you can't modify the widget's shape, and in the SWF output the widget appears below the images. In the HTML5 output the widget is being placed above the objects.
    The other problem I'm seeing is that the glossary interaction doesn't even appear when viewing the published file in Chrome. So I have 2 questions:
    1) How do you get the glossary widget to obey the stacking order in HTML5 output?
    2) How do you get the glossary widget to appear at all in Chrome.?

    In regards to your first question I've had exactly the same problem. I've created elements to appear over the top of the widget which work fine in SWF but I've had no luck getting the sort order correct in HTML5. I've tried a number methods to try and find a solution but without any luck and so I would love to hear if anyone else has been able to do this.
    What version of CP are you using? I do not have problems with the glossary widget appearing in Chrome using HTML8 and I'm using the latest build of CP 8. I did have problems with older versions but found that when I upgraded a project that had a glossary widget I also had to remove the old widget from the project and reinsert it again. Hope this point helps.

  • Getting the Glossary tab to appear?

    For our localization process we decompile our English
    RH-built HtmlHelp file (.chm) into it's respective components and
    ship it off for localization. When it comes back, I recompile the
    project outside of RH, using FAR HTML instead. The problem is that
    the Glossary tab doesn't ever appear. From what the help file says
    the HHActiveX.dll has to be registered for the Glossary tab to
    appear, but I'm thinking I probably have to build the file within
    RoboHelp to get this functionality. Is this true or is there a way
    to enable it outside of RH?
    Usually we've just recreated the .glo as an .htm with
    headings and paragraphs and have that translated and then link to
    it, but would like to get the tabbed functionality working to
    streamline our process a little better.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Jared
    Yes, I believe the file has to be compiled using RoboHelp in
    order to make the Glossary Tab work. I'm not sure why or what is
    special about it, but as I understand it that's the case. And it's
    also the case that each of your end users will not only have to
    have the HHActiveX.DLL present, but it has to also be properly
    registered with Windows in order for it to work.
    I see from your signature line that you are using RoboHelp 7,
    so I'm wondering if you have tried the command line compile as
    opposed to the other method.
    Cheers... Rick

  • Glossary tab in .chm

    RoboHelp HTML ver 8, Vista machine (seemed like a good idea at the time).  I have done all the updates to RH8.
    I want to include the glossary in the .chm build.  I have created a glossary (with terms and definitions) and chosen it in the SSL Microsoft HTML Help (the primary layout) properties.  But alas, there is no Glossary tab in the Help when I compile and view it.  All other settings from the Property screen of the SSL are ok.
    I have hunted around through the RH8 help, this forum, and poked and prodded the program itself – still have not found what I am doing wrong.  What am I missing?!?!
    Thanks much fo the help!

    I don't use a glossary or RH8, but one thought is that maybe it needs to be set in the Window definition as well as the SSL?

  • Glossary of XI Terms

    HI I am trying to build up my glossary of XI Terms and was wandering if someone could give me the meanings (exactly what they are and do) and maybe an example of the following. I will reward top points for answers thank you:
    Custom Mapping
    Value Mapping
    Advanced Optimisation
    Performance Tuning
    Streamlining Processes
    Cut Over
    Integration Testing
    Integration Engine Tuning
    Advanced Queue Processing
    Proof of Concept
    I know these are relatively simple but I just want to make sure I understand them better and whats involved....

    Hi Alex,
    i can help you for some terms:
    > Custom Mapping
    Mapping done without Message Mapping Tool, but with Java Mapping, ABAP Mapping or XSLT Mapping
    > Acknowledgements
    There are 2 type of ackowledgements:
    transport acknowledgements to confirm that the message has been successfully delivered.
    System Acknowledgements: to confirm that the message has been delivered and successfully processed by the target system.
    For idoc acknowledgement take a look to this document:
    > Performance Tuning
    Tuning of the application server for performance optimization:
    for J2EE tuning take a look to Note 723909 - Java VM settings for J2EE 6.30/6.40/7.0
    Hppe this help

  • Glossary Tab - No Contents

    Weird problem. Using RH 9 and Win 7 64-bit.
    I build a HtmlHelp output, and if I double-click on the chm within Windows Explorer, the Glossary tab appears, but it's just a gray empty tab. No glossary contents are displayed.
    However, if I go into RH, right-click on the build layout and choose View from the context menu, the chm file opens again (the exact same chm), but for some reason, when accessing it from within RH, the glossary contents are properly displayed.
    Help? Not sure why it's doing this nor what to do to get contents to appear when simply double-clicking on the chm.

    Hi Jared
    When you have a Glossary tab or Browse Sequences, the CHM will need to use the HHActiveX.dll file to do its magick.
    When you run a CHM by double-clicking it in Windows 7 64 bit, you are launching the 64 bit version of HH.EXE. This will also look for the 64 bit version of the HHActiveX.dll. When RoboHelp launches the CHM it uses the 32 bit version of HH.EXE.
    Sounds like you haven't managed to register the 64 bit version of the DLL.
    You should find this version of the DLL in the following folder:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe RoboHelp 9\Redist\x64
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    RoboHelp Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Begin learning RoboHelp HTML 7, 8 or 9 within the day!
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    SorcerStone Blog
    RoboHelp eBooks

  • Generation of a glossary of functions used in a Labview project

    I am writing a report which must include screen shots of every VI and sub VI in a labview project that i have created. I am looking for a way to generate a glossary of functions that were used in the project. I need this so people who are not familar with Labview can understand my code.
    It this possible?
    Thank you
    Message Edited by MAC_D on 09-24-2008 03:50 AM

    Lynn's suggestion will not be able to go as far as giving you the documentation for Build Array, for example. Don't really know of a way to do that. Might be able to do that with scripting, but that's another story. 
    Speaking on a personal level, if someone gave me documentation that included all of that gory detail I would think they're just trying to "fluff up" the documentation. I see little point in documenting something that has already been documented quite extensively by NI, like I said. You can list the functions, but that's of little use since it doesn't document how you used them, now does it?
    On a side-note, I think Build Array is quite self-explanatory, even if you don't know LabVIEW. And if you don't understand the basic terms "build" and "array", then you have no business reading the documentation or criticizing it in the first place. But that's just my opinion. 

Maybe you are looking for