Building on XP, need external Mac Xtras

Is there a place to download the Mac-format Xtra files or a
tool that will combine the .data and .rsrc forks into complete Mac
Working on Windows XP, I need to assemble Mac OSX Xtras for a
stub projector. I have found the XP folder containing the .data and
.rsrc files for the Mac xtras at
"C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Director MX
2004\Configuration\Cross Platform Resources"
But when placing those files in an Xtras folder on Mac OSX,
they do not recombine to form working xtras on Mac OSX. Running the
stub projector fails to recognize any of them. For launch speed, I
do not want to bundle the Xtras with the Mac projector.
Many thanks,
Tom B.

Sorry I wasn't clear on that.
I am trying to re-assemble these on a Mac (OSX Mac-Intel
mini) and was hoping for a Mac-based tool or download to build the
external Xtras folder.
Here is what I am doing that does not seem to work:
1) Build Mac OSX stub projector on XP with omit all Xtras
2) Copy all .data and .rsrc files for Mac OSX to an Xtras
folder on the Mac next to the stub projector.
3) When I launch the stub, it fails to recognize those as
Xtras. However, it does OK with the third-party Xtras I use (Buddy
API, Shockfiler).
Am I doing something wrong? I appreciate your help on this.
Many thx,
Tom B.

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  • Expert on PC, newbie on Mac - Xtras

    I develope director apllications on PC for over 10 years.
    Now my customer wants to port couple of applications, made
    for PC, on mac
    As I understand, the problem is to rewrite everything, wat is
    done with
    xtras and script, that contains relative pathes to external
    My questions concerns more to xtras field
    Under windows we have just one file *.x32 for an Xtra and
    call functions
    from ist or use its features
    But on Mac there are two different files for xtra - one for
    PowerMac and one
    for Intel Mac.
    My questions are:
    1) do I have to create a version of the project for each Mac
    platform, and
    place in xtras folder just specific version of xtra(PowerMac
    or Intel Mac)
    or can I create one version of project and copy both files
    into xtras folder
    and system will load need file during playback
    2) If there are no version of Intel Mac Xtra available - can
    the project be
    started just under Rosetta emulator?
    3) Can director application under Mac export and dynamically
    load JPG
    files(which Xtra can be used for this purpose under Mac)
    4) Under PC I use budapi xtra for checking if the director
    window is the toppest window and move it to top if it is not.
    funktions are available just for windows. How can be this
    realised under Mac
    Any Help will be appreciated
    Thank you in advance
    P.S. Please be indulgent if the questions are not correct or
    were answered
    100 times. I'm realy new to MAC but need information as soon
    as possible to
    make estimation of portation to this system

    It's probably not one for PPC and another for Intel - It's
    more likely one for OSX and one for OS 9x (or Classic). OS9 is
    pretty much obsolete now. Unless the client really wants it to work
    on 8 year old Macs you could probably do without it.
    1.) One projector will work with PowerMac and Intel Macs -
    they just both need to have OS X.
    If you download an xtra it should have a 'Cross platform
    resource' folder with the counterpart to your platforms version of
    the xtra and instructions of how to paste a line into the
    xtrainfo.txt file (which is in 'Macromedia
    DirectorMX2004\Configuration\'. Or if you're using openXlib to fire
    up your xtras I think you'll have to make a corresponding folder
    for the Mac xtras and choose which platforms extra to call by using
    the platform function - check whether it contains "mac" and then
    open the right file that way.
    2.) As the latest version of Director is MX2004, it pre-dates
    the Intel Macs so it's always considered as a PowerPC application -
    which run fine for me.
    3.) You can use buddyAPI to get file names and use regular
    lingo to generate new cast members and set the filenames/paths from
    the ones. Also I set the file path delimiter by checking the
    platform property.
    if the platform contains "mac" then
    end if
    set Files = baFileList( the moviepath&"graphics", "*.*"
    mymem=new(value(#bitmap), castLib("graphics"))
    prevdelim=the itemdelimiter[lname.item.count]
    This is just snipped from a bigger behavior I'm using, but
    the nuts and bolts are there. One thing to watch out for is
    filename lengths - Mac and Windows deal with long file names
    differently - to be on the safe side, keep your filenames under 33
    characters including the extension (I think thats the safe limit
    anyway). Otherwise you'll could try using Buddy again to figure out
    long and short file names.
    4.) Never tried it, but you could maybe do it with
    _player.frontwindow and movetofront()
    It can be a bit of a headache at first, but once you get used
    to what to look out for it gets easier.
    Hope this helps

  • Do I need external hard drive to back up my iMac before update to mountain lion? My is OS 10.6.8

    Do I need external hard drive to back up my iMac before update to mountain lion? My is OS 10.6.8.

    First, repair your hard drive and permissions:
    Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions
    Boot from your Snow Leopard Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the installer.
    If DU reports errors it cannot fix, then you will need Disk Warrior and/or Tech Tool Pro to repair the drive. If you don't have either of them or if neither of them can fix the drive, then you will need to reformat the drive and reinstall OS X.
    Second, make a bootable backup to an external drive using the Restore option of Disk Utility:
    Clone using Restore Option of Disk Utility
      1. Open Disk Utility in the Utilities folder.
      2. Select the destination volume from the left side list.
      3. Click on the Restore tab in the DU main window.
      4. Select the destination volume from the left side list and drag
           it to the Destination entry field.
      5. Select the source volume from the left side list and drag it to
          the Source entry field.
      6. Double-check you got it right, then click on the Restore button.
    Destination means the external backup drive. Source means the internal startup drive.
    Third, purchase and download Mountain Lion from the App Store. Be sure you meet the requirements for Mountain Lion:
    Upgrading to Mountain Lion
    To upgrade to Mountain Lion you must have Snow Leopard 10.6.8 or Lion installed. Purchase and download Mountain Lion from the App Store. Sign in using your Apple ID. Mountain Lion is $19.99 plus tax. The file is quite large, over 4 GBs, so allow some time to download. It would be preferable to use Ethernet because it is nearly four times faster than wireless.
         OS X Mountain Lion - System Requirements
           Macs that can be upgraded to OS X Mountain Lion
             1. iMac (Mid 2007 or newer) - Model Identifier 7,1 or later
             2. MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer) - Model Identifier 5,1 or later
             3. MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer) - Model Identifier 3,1 or later
             4. MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer) - Model Identifier 2,1 or later
             5. Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer) - Model Identifier 3,1 or later
             6. Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer) - Model Identifier 3,1 or later
             7. Xserve (Early 2009) - Model Identifier 3,1 or later
    To find the model identifier open System Profiler in the Utilities folder. It's displayed in the panel on the right.
         Are my applications compatible?
             See App Compatibility Table - RoaringApps.
         For a complete How-To introduction from Apple see Upgrade to OS X Mountain Lion.

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    Boot in recovery repaired disk permission...all repaired but one warning...I've tried to reinstall lion (without losing data) and it Got all the way to one minute to be done and then the time change back two hours and kept doing this all night long.  I haven't done a back up due to no external for time machine.
    I hope someone can please help me I've been going crazy for a week now trying to figure this out.  I use my computer for school and I'm currently very behind from in my school work  thank you
    Also I've checked my available space  424.91 free of 750 gigs....disk is verified

    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    Try holding the Shift key while your Mac is starting to start into safe mode. Then, after starting in safe mode, open Finder, select Go menu (on the menu bar) > Go to Folder, and type /Library/StartupItems. Then, empty this folder and restart the Mac.
    If your Mac starts after doing this, it was a problem with a third-party app that starts automatically when you turn on the computer. It won't start automatically anymore after doing that

  • Need v11.5 Xtras for e-mail, saving list variables

    Hi all,
    I'm working on a new DVD project that needs to run on the latest Windows and Mac platforms, but am having trouble finding Xtras that have been updated for Director 11.5 and have been recompiled for Intel-based Macs.
    Specifically, I am looking for Xtras with these features:
    1. Ability to send e-mails. DirectEMail appears to be the most-recommended, but the newest version I see is dated 2004. StarSoft has an Xtra that only lists Windows platforms as compatible. Is there anything good out there for Director 11.5 for both platforms?
    2. Ability to save/retrieve Lingo variables (specifically lists) to/from a disk file. I've looked at both PropSave (appears to be very outdated - 2002?) and vList (newest version is 11.5-compatible, but appears to be discontinued - no obvious way to order from their web site). Can anyone suggest anything?
    Many thanks in advance!

    May be using flash ? here is an example :
    Brahim AYI
    De : WHairston [email protected]
    Envoyé : mercredi 21 septembre 2011 13:52
    À : brahim_ayi
    Objet : Need v11.5 Xtras for e-mail, saving list variables
    Re: Need v11.5 Xtras for e-mail, saving list variables
    created by WHairston <>  in Basics - View the full discussion <

  • [svn] 3158: -integrate AIR build 20080905ap for windows and mac

    Revision: 3158
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-09-09 12:16:23 -0700 (Tue, 09 Sep 2008)
    Log Message:
    -integrate AIR build 20080905ap for windows and mac
    -update air-config.xml to target Player 10: bug:
    -fix air-config.xml; modified the external library-path: bug:
    -fix build.xml so the web installers are included in the sdk package, no bug
    -update frameworks/projects/airframework/build.xml for AIR to target player 10
    -updaet build_framework.xml for AIR to target player 10
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:
    flex/sdk/trunk/in/air/mac/AIR Integration Kit.tbz2
    flex/sdk/trunk/in/air/win/AIR Integration

    This is from a tester describing what happens on a Mac:
    No the program does not launch properly on the Mac
    What happens is this.
    I open my applications folder
    I open the App Folder and see another folder labeled Program V2.1
    I open that folder and see the Program blue icon which click to launch
    The folder disappears and the blue Program icon appears in my dock along side other applications looking ready for launching.
    This is where the problem starts
    If I click on the blue Program icon which is in my dock along side all of my other application icons they all drop off the screen. like the screen resolution changed suddenly or something,
    The menu along the top of the screen also moves off the screen . in the same manner
    so my desktop which usually has a visible dock at the bottom and a menu bar on the top now doesn't show either of those elements.
    I do have a couple of document icons on my desktop , you know text files or what ever they never move
    If I now click my mouse anywhere on the screen all of the icons return including the blue Program icon still sitting in by dock, if I click it again same sequence of actions.
    I deleted and reinstalled the latest version of Adobe Air and got the same result
    I also want to mention
    The top menu on the mac tells me what application is active, you know "finder" "Open office" "Firefox" what ever is program is running and active shows there
    Program has never show up as being active in the top menu so I'm guessing never fully launched

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    Since this is a user to user help forum, not Adobe support or sales, nobody here will be able to help... you must talk directly to Adobe
    Information for anyone else with a similar problem
    Adobe contact information -
    Help for Download & Install & Setup & Activation
    Next link has a "Chat Now" button near the bottom

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    Anything else I should consider?

    You may hear otherwise from wiser heads, but right now I would work on the basis that it has to be Mac-specific. All other reference to such cards I have seen has required Mac specific. However, some cards are non-Mac cards which have had their firmware flashed to be Mac specific. I don't know about that card but from many years ago I recall that sometimes there could still be compatibility issues with flashed cards. On the other hand I have also seen such cards suggested here as suitable so I may be out of date on this. Just so you don't rush out and buy the card before getting other feedback.

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    Chris Leh

    Order an Adobe product platform swap or language swap

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    I have no idea what to try next.

    When DW starts acting weird, the first thing to try is Deleting Corrupted Cache in DW. Be sure to turn on hidden files & folders in your Mac Finder.
    If that doesn't help, try Restore Preferences
    If all else fails, use the CC Cleaner Tools below followed by a software re-install.
    Nancy O.

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    i need make mac browsers with windows compatibility, because if i try to se priview from Dw to all browsers on windows PC it will look fine, but same file i trying to see on mac all browsers it will not showing proper..... Please help me for that.

    ASk in the DW firum and be much more specific. Web page rendering issues are specific to specific versions of browsers and you may simply be using some bad code that messes up your page.

  • Do you need a .mac account to use Mail?

    I'm not able to use Mail, even though I'd like to. I don't have, or intend to get, a .mac account.
    Is the program otherwise usable?
    I have a yahoo account. It would be nice to use Mail in order to send email using Yahoo. Is this possible?

    Maxply wrote:
    I'm not able to use Mail, even though I'd like to. I don't have, or intend to get, a .mac account.
    Is the program otherwise usable?
    I have a yahoo account. It would be nice to use Mail in order to send email using Yahoo. Is this possible?
    You do not need a .Mac account.
    It works with any POP or IMAP email server.
    Yahoo mail's settings: See
    It must be true. I read it on the Internet!

  • I made an error asking to receive Windows product of Adobe Element 13 and Premiere while I needed the Mac Version.  How is it possible to correct this error ? and what do I have to do if you accept ?

    I made an error asking to receive Windows product of Adobe Element 13 and Premiere while I needed the Mac Version.  How is it possible to correct this error ? and what do I have to do if you accept ?

    Normally an Elements license is valid for both Windows and Mac systems.  So you might only need to download the Mac versions of the applications and use your serial number to activate them.

  • The "enter" key on the numeric keypad of my external mac keyboard has stopped working. Help!

    The "enter" key on the numeric keypad of my external mac keyboard has stopped working with my Macbook pro.  If I plug the keyboard into any other computer, that entier key works fine. I'm using a standard Mac wired keyboard, & it's worked fine for 2 years now. Help!
    This is the keyboard I am using:
    Not sure what I might have accidentily done to disable the enter key. (The normal enter key works fine, just the one on the numeric keypad.)
    Thank you for your help.

    Hi there,
    Do you have any resolution to this problem in the end? Because it happened to me an exact same thing.
    Please share if you have found a solution to your problem. I also cannot think of what I did wrong to disable the Enter key.
    Best Regards,

  • Hi I have made a the mistake of purchasing the windows version of elements 13 and need the mac version to download

    On the phone i was told to request help online, I need the Mac version download of the windows purchase i have made, not sure if this means that i must return and re purchase of if there is another way you can help me, thank you.

    you just need your mac serial number.
    Downloads available:
    Suites and Programs:  CC 2014 | CC | CS6 | CS5.5 | CS5 | CS4 | CS3
    Acrobat:  XI, X | 9,8 | 9 standard
    Premiere Elements:  13 |12 | 11, 10 | 9, 8, 7
    Photoshop Elements:  13 |12 | 11, 10 | 9,8,7
    Lightroom:  5.7| 5 | 4 | 3
    Captivate:  8 | 7 | 6 | 5
    Contribute:  CS5 | CS4, CS3
    Download and installation help for Adobe links
    Download and installation help for Prodesigntools links are listed on most linked pages.  They are critical; especially steps 1, 2 and 3.  If you click a link that does not have those steps listed, open a second window using the Lightroom 3 link to see those 'Important Instructions'.
    window using the Lightroom 3 link to see those 'Important Instructions'.

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