Bulk Printing?

I'm developing an application that requires a bulk print of all customer records. Each customer should have their own page that lists all of their orders. I have a database view that lists this information, ordered by customer then order, but I'm struggling with printing it off.
Using a vertical report template and breaking at the customer ID (which is the first column) I can kind of display the information one after the other, but it's not really what I want as some fields repeat that I don't want to.
What I really need is to have the first 9 columns to show once per page (customer details) then the remaining 5 columns to show that refer to the orders. Then this to repeat on the next page for the next customer and so on.
customer1 name
customer 1 address
customer1 order1
customer1 order2
customer1 order3
customer2 name
customer2 address
customer2 order1
Is this even possible with apex?

What I wound up doing is creating a package, so each data table basically had it's own procedure, and everything was kept all together.
The first procedure in my package just sets up all of the initial HTML and css code as follows:
PROCEDURE doc_start IS
htp.print('<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">');
htp.print('  <title>New Mineral Resource Data System (NewMRDS)</title>');
htp.print('  <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Style-Type" CONTENT="text/css">');
htp.print('  <STYLE TYPE="text/css" MEDIA="screen, print">');
htp.print('  BODY  { background: white; color: black; white-space: pre; font-size: 10pt; font-family: monospace }');
htp.print('  .pagedate  { background: white; color: black; white-space: pre }');
htp.print('  .depositnum  { background: white; color: black; white-space: pre }');
htp.print('  H2 { font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold }');
htp.print('  TABLE.common { border="0"; font-size: 10pt; font-family: monospace }');
htp.print('  TABLE.bord { border="3"; font-size: 10pt; font-family: monospace }');
htp.print('  TD.col-right { font-weight: bold; text-align: right; float: right; border="0" }');
htp.print('  TD.col-left { font-weight: normal; text-align: left; float: left; border="0" }');
htp.print('  TD.col-right-bord { font-weight: normal; text-align: right; float: right; border="2" }');
htp.print('  TD.col-left-bord { font-weight: normal; text-align: left; float: left; border="2" }');
htp.print('  TD.col-center { font-weight: normal; text-align: center; float: left; border="0" }');
htp.print('  TD.col-buffer { white-space: pre; border="0" }');
END doc_start;Nothing fancy, so it's easy (if you have a good css reference around) to modify it suit your needs.
The next prodecure simply grabs the data I need/want from my 'master/parent' data table, and then creates a HTML table, and then wraps the data values with the appropriate html table tags, as follows:
PROCEDURE deposit_info(dep_id_in IN NUMBER) IS
v_cursor depc;
v_rec    deposits%ROWTYPE;
v_sql    VARCHAR2(1000);
      || 'MRDS_ID '
      || 'FROM deposits WHERE 1=1';
dbms_session.set_context('THIS_CONTEXT', 'DEP_ID', dep_id_in);
v_sql := v_sql || ' and dep_id = sys_context(''THIS_CONTEXT'', ''DEP_ID'')';
OPEN v_cursor FOR v_sql;
  FETCH v_cursor INTO v_rec;
  htp.print('<h2>General Site Information:</h2>');
  htp.print('<table CLASS=common>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-right>Record Type:</td> ');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-left>'||v_rec.REC_TP||'</td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-buffer>      </td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-right>Deposit Type:</td> ');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-left>'||v_rec.DEP_TP||'</td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-right>Development Status:</td> ');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-left>'||v_rec.DEV_ST||'</td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-buffer>      </td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-right>Operation Type:</td> ');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-left>'||v_rec.OPER_TP||'</td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-right>Plant Type:</td> ');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-left>'||v_rec.PLANT_TP||'</td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-buffer>      </td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-right>Plant Identifier:</td> ');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-left>'||v_rec.PLANT_IDENT||'</td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-right>Mining Method:</td> ');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-left>'||v_rec.MIN_METH||'</td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-buffer>      </td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-right>Milling Method:</td> ');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-left>'||v_rec.MILL_METH||'</td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-right>Year of First Production:</td> ');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-left>'||v_rec.YFP_BA||v_rec.YR_FST_PRD||'</td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-buffer>      </td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-right>Year of Last Production:</td> ');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-left>'||v_rec.YLP_BA||v_rec.YR_LST_PRD||'</td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-right>Years of Production:</td> ');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-left>'||v_rec.PROD_YRS||'</td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-right>Year of Discovery:</td> ');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-left>'||v_rec.DY_BA||v_rec.DISC_YR||'</td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-buffer>      </td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-right>Discovery Method:</td> ');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-left>'||v_rec.DISC_METH||'</td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-right>Discoverer:</td> ');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-left>'||v_rec.DISCR||'</td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-right>Site Commodity Types:</td> ');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-left>'||v_rec.SITE_COMMOD_TYPE||'</td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-buffer>      </td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-right>Significant:</td> ');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-left>'||v_rec.SIG||'</td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-right>Record added:</td> ');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-left>'||v_rec.INSERT_DATE||'</td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-buffer>      </td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-right>Added By:</td> ');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-left>'||v_rec.INSERTED_BY||'</td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-right>Last Deposit Modification:</td> ');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-left>'||v_rec.LAST_DEP_MOD||'</td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-buffer>      </td>');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-right>Last Table Modified:</td> ');
  htp.print('<td CLASS=col-left>'||v_rec.LAST_DEP_TABLE||' - '||v_rec.LAST_DEP_ACTION||'</td>');
END deposit_info;Again, nothing fancy or convoluted. I then just simply loop through all of my child (and grand-child) tables to get all the data for each of them as well, and handle each of them similarly. It did get a little more convoluted with the child/grand-child relations, but that wasn't anything major, I just had to define the procedure for the grand-child before the child, since the child table had to loop through the grand-child table for each child record.
For your case, in each table's procedure, you can add some checks to see if the current value of a field is the same as the previous value, and not print it if it's same, so you can achieve the break formatting you want.
I ended the package with two other procedures, one that ensures I print all of the code needed to close a HTML document, and the last one simply call all of the procedure in the order I want, as follows:
END doc_end;
PROCEDURE print_doc(dep_id_in IN NUMBER) IS
END print_doc;It's fairly straightforward, and shouldn't be that difficult to adapt to your needs and data structure, if you know PL/SQL.
The 'stuff' in the deposit_info procedure about 'context' I ran across on a previous thread on here that had a link to the asktom site.
Hope this helps and gets you pointed in the right direction. Feel free to ask any questions.
Bill Ferguson

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    Hi ashura,
    When you print, check to see which presets and defaults are selected. It could be a stored preference to only print every other.
    In order to reset these preferences in Firefox:
    *[[Fix printing problems in Firefox]]
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    I guess, below steps may help you to close the thread.
    1) Go to transaction code SPAD
    2) Select Full administration
    3) goto Device Type (tab), click display
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    Reset After Exit
    # reset
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    Please try the following link for a solution and let me know if it works.

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    Hi all,
    Regarding the digital signatures:
    You can add a signature field to your form from the standard library in Adobe Designer.
    You can then check the details when the form is submitted using the <a href="https://help.sap.com/javadocs/NW04S/current/wd/com/sap/tc/webdynpro/clientserver/adobe/pdfdocument/api/IWDPDFDocumentSignature.html">IWDPDFDocumentSignature interface</a> which is part of the PDFDocument API.
    Hope that helps.

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    Hi Naseer,
    Please find below link for your reference.
    Service Management - Define Shop Papers, Forms and Output Programs
    Service Management - Define Printer
    Service Management - Basic Settings - Print Control - Define Shop Papers, Forms and Output Programs
    In case if you still have doubts, please create a new thread with your query.

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    @Paul Riggott,
    Thanks for taking the time to write the script, I really appreciate it. However, I seem to be using it incorrectly since its not renaming my files.
    here is what I did.
    1. Launched Adobe ExtendScript & Pasted your code in
    2. Saved out script file to desktop
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    5. Select source file containing PSDs to rename
    Below shows the results.
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    Hello @jksathish,
    I understand your concerns. Unfortunately, for this type of printer, I need to direct you to our Enterprise Business Community Forums. This will be the right section to troubleshoot this issue. Good luck.
    I worked on behalf of HP.

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    2.Although I can define which address I want to print on each label or envelope, I can't find a way of defining which field should be used for the first (name) line. It always consists of the First and Last names as recorded on each card. This is not what I want. For different mailings, I want to use different first lines, as in many cases each card is the address of a family group, the First and Last names simply recording the names of the parents e.g., John and Mary Smith. But for my Christmas mailing I want to print 'The Smith Family', whereas for my charity mailshots I want to print 'Mrs Mary Smith', as she is the charity supporter, not her husband or children.
    3.The address layout seems to be fixed, with each element on a separate line. This is not how I want to print, as in some cases it makes for too many lines, particularly on labels. I want to put the zip/post-code on the same line as the county or state, separated by about ½”. But I can't see how to dictate the layout at all. On labels there is a further problem, in that I can't define a vertical and/or horizontal off-set for the text.
    4.The Country does not print at all on labels, making the application quite useless for foreign mailings, and I can't find a way of overcoming this. Over half our mailing addresses are affected by this.
    5. And another problem really puts the final cherry on the icing of this cake: There is no way I can find of exporting the data from the address book in a format, e.g. a csv file, that I can bring into a word processor where I could do these mailings how I want them. Not only does the box fail to do what I need, it is also locked.
    I don't understand why, having set up Address Book on the database principle that one should have have to record each contact only once no matter how many ways one needs to use the data, it seems it has then been implemented in a way that prevents it being used in one of the most obvious ways, to print addresses in a format of the user's choice.
    The Applecare adviser tells me the problems I have can't be overcome. Is that right, or is she, and I missing something? Please help.

    noondaywitch wrote:
    "It's Christmas card time again and the fact that Address Book is useless for this purpose is really frustrating."
    While I sympathise with the functionality of Address Book, I'm old-fashioned enough to write my cards and envelopes by hand (shock! horror!) and get quite p***-off to receive bulk-printed stuff.
    Just a thought, peeps.
    It'd be all too easy to follow that up with a cheapshot making reference to how many Christmas cards you have to send, but I'll rise above that and explain that some of us might want to use this for business contacts and have 300+ cards to address.
    It is a shame that the printing feature from Address Book is so close, yet so far from performing this simple task. It is a shame that Pages can run mail merge, but only for one record per page (which is useless for label printing). It is also a shame that MS Word for Mac does proper labels but doesn't recognise Address Book as a datasource.
    These things are all a shame because with Apple's software, you rather expect things to "just work", as per their advertising, and when very simple things don't "just work", it difficult not to feel cheated.

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    i want to go for mass printing of excise invoice in the order of 40-50 invoices.
    is there any report or any transaction code which can help me do mass printing of excise invoices on fortnight basis.
    please do help me on this issue.
    j1ip only enables me to print one excise invoice at a time.
    wat i want is multiple printing of excise invoices.

    Dear Siddharth
    For information, in j1ip itself, you have the option of giving multiple excise invoices.  Assume you have some 30 excise invoices to be printed out from sl.no.1 to 30, in j1ip, against the field "Excise Invoice", in the first box enter 1 next to "to" tab, enter 30.  If you execute now, you will get bulk print outs.
    Alternatively, you can also select the "Excise Invoice Date" field where also you define "From - To" date.
    G. Lakshmipathi

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    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Srinivas,
    You can do this but it will be combination of ECMA and JS. First you need to get selected file name by ECMA script then call a java script function to print documents.
    Here is script to print all docs: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7187400/printing-multiple-pdf-files-using-javascript
    Hope it could help
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