Bullet point alignment problem

Hi I am having a problem with the alignment when I use bullet points?
the body of the text is aligned so it does not exceed the screen width. But once I enter bullet points it exceeds the right hand side alignment. How do I make the alignment remain the same?
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blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah
I have written codes as
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  <p><strong>What is BioprimeTM  &ndash; and why do you need it?</strong><br />
BioprimeTM   is a simple, inexpensive soil conditioner which allows farmers to change  the nature of soil biology. It is a way to weed out the bad bugs and give the  good bugs a boost. The outcome is better soil health, better plant production  and better root disease management. 
  <p><br />
    <li>is made in Perth. </li>
    <li>is backed by trial data from work done in WA.</li>
    <li>does not cost a fortune (per liter and per  hectare it is probably the cheapest input you will use this season).</li>
    <li>does  not require a leap of faith to use, nor any rocket science to understand what  it is and why it works.</li>
  <p>BioprimeTM was originally developed about 15  years ago for vegetable producers as a way to control root disease. In those  days you couldn&rsquo;t actually prove what was going on, but growers kept buying it  because it did what it was intended to do &ndash; it stopped root disease.<br />

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  <p> </p>
<p><strong>What is Bioprime<sup>TM</sup>  &ndash; and why do you need it?</strong><br />
Bioprime<sup>TM</sup>   is a simple, inexpensive soil conditioner which allows farmers to change  the nature of soil biology. It is a way to weed out the bad bugs and give the  good bugs a boost. The outcome is better soil health, better plant production  and better root disease management.<br />
  <li>is made in Perth. </li>
  <li>is backed by trial data from work done in WA.</li>
  <li>does not cost a fortune (per liter and per  hectare it is probably the cheapest input you will use this season).</li>
  <li>does not require a leap of faith to use, nor any rocket science to understand what  it is and why it works.</li>
<p>Bioprime<sup>TM</sup> was originally developed about 15  years ago for vegetable producers as a way to control root disease. In those  days you couldn&rsquo;t actually prove what was going on, but growers kept buying it  because it did what it was intended to do &ndash; it stopped root disease.<br />
  In the last 10 years there have been many advances in  understanding what microbes are in soil, and what they are doing. This has  largely come about because of the so-called DNA revolution. By using this DNA  technology, we can now see exactly what changes occur in soil microbiology when  Bioprime<sup>TM</sup> is applied. <br />
<br> <strong>How is it made ?</strong> <strong></strong><br />
  Bioprime<sup>TM</sup>  is made by fermentation of molasses using  baker&rsquo;s yeast. This sounds really simple, but there are a number of factors involved  to make it work. <br />
  The amount of oxygen in the fermentation determines how much  alcohol, acid or CO2 is made from the sugar in molasses.  Bioprime<sup>TM</sup> is made with the amount  of air carefully controlled in order to make a maximum amount of both alcohols  and acids. These then condense to form esters.   Bioprime<sup>TM</sup> is full of esters.<br />
  With Bioprime<sup>TM</sup> we want lots of yeast, so  nutrients are added to make the yeast grow quickly. At the end of the process  we have a lot of biomass, because just like in Vegemite, yeast biomass contains  a lot of protein and vitamins.<br />
  The fermentation which makes Bioprime<sup>TM</sup> doesn&rsquo;t  stop completely, it slows down as it becomes pickled in its own acids. We then  arrest the process by bursting the yeast cells, making a stable, long-life  product. <br />
<br><strong>How does it work ?</strong><br />
  Looking at soil microbiology using DNA shows it is very  complex. There are tens of thousands of different species in each gram of soil.  There is no point in looking at any single species, for they all seem to come  and go with changing seasons and conditions.<br />
  Instead we look at the major groups and the diversity within  each group. We look at 5 major groups:</p>
  <li>Proteobacteria:   These are simple, fast growing bacteria (formerly called gram  negatives), can dominate anaerobic (no oxygen) environments, live off simple  organic matter &ndash; they generally don&rsquo;t do your soil much good.</li>
  <li>Fermicutes: More complex, also fast growing  (formerly called gram positives), some are important pathogens, can be  anaerobic or aerobic, also don&rsquo;t do soil much good.</li>
  <li>Archea: These are tough and ancient life forms,  slow growing, but live in extreme environments (hot, salty, acidic etc). Their importance  in soil was only realised with DNA methods. They build up to significant  numbers in cultivated soil.</li>
  <li>Actinobacteria: These are quite complex bacteria  which are involved in soil carbon dynamics. They are slow growing but feisty,  as they are the chemical warfare specialists in soil. (Most of the antibiotics  and drugs we use come from this group). When there are plenty present, root pathogens  are suppressed.</li>
  <li>Fungi: These are more complex than bacteria, and  fall into two groups, the lower fungi are mainly moulds, and the higher fungi,  the Dikarya are the mushrooms and the mycorrhyza.</li>
<p>The more diverse a soil&rsquo;s microbial population, the  healthier it is. All the above five groups should be present, but because the  Actinobacteria and Fungi are beneficial to plant growth, high diversity in  these groups is particularly important.<br />
  When Bioprime<sup>TM</sup> is added to soil, the  Actinobacteria and Dikarya get a boost because they get a dose of vitamins. The  proteobacteria get suppressed, firstly because the way they communicate with  each other, a process called quorum sensing, is interrupted. Secondly, they can&rsquo;t  grow s easily on the complex esters, but higher bacteria and fungi can.<br />
  When we look at the way group diversity changes, we see short  term and longer term impacts. In the short term, anaerobic bacteria are quickly  suppressed. Then we see Dikarya and Actinobacteria start to build up numbers.<br />
  These changes mean the best time to use Bioprime<sup>TM</sup> is  when you sow your crop, then again once it is established &ndash; at the two to four  leaf stage. <br />
  In moist soil, grains take a few days to imbibe water and  start to germinate. During this time, the presence of proteobacteria can be  harmful, as they can feed on the exudates produced by a germinating seed and  make a local anaerobic zone in wet soil, slowing down emergence. On the other  hand, you want Dikarya active, for within this group are the mycorrhyzal fungi  which colonize roots and help plant phosphorous uptake.  There is plenty of competition in soil, so the  quicker they can colonise the root, the more likely they will persist.<br />
  There are a number of important pathogenic organisms which  lurk in soil, and they often go unnoticed until stress hits the plant. An  important control against pathogens is the Actinobacteria which feed on the  pathogens. They also antagonise the simple bacteria which mineralise nitrogen.<br />
  So Bioprime<sup>TM</sup> does quite a lot of things, all of  which are good for the ability of soil to support healthy plant growth.<br />
<br><strong>How much to use ?</strong><br />
  The optimal application rate depends on two important  factors, pH and soil organic matter.<br />
  Bioprime<sup>TM</sup> works best at a soil pH of 7 &ndash; and this  is the point of optimal plant nutrient availability. We always advise to lime  soil to get it to pH 7 &ndash; because we now we realise this is also the point of  maximum microbial diversity. <br />
  At a pH of 7, you only need to apply 3 liters per hectare at  each application to get a maximal response. If the pH is lower, you get a  better response by applying more &ndash; 5 liters per hectare at pH 4.5 &ndash; 5.5, and 4  liters per hectare at pH 5.5 &ndash; 6.5.<br />
  The amount of organic matter in soil also influences the  best application rate, but in a complex way. At low soil organic matter (under  0.5% organic carbon), a low rate works well (but adjusted for pH). If your soil  carbon is between 0.5 &ndash; 1.5%, it takes a bit more for maximal impact because  there is more background microbes living off that carbon, so you apply about  50% more. But if your soil carbon is very good (say 1.5 &ndash; 2.5%), you can drop the  rate back again. If organic carbon is above 2.5% - you are blessed, and you  soil is likely to already be very healthy and it is unlikely Bioprime<sup>TM</sup>  will give you a further benefit. The following  table summarises the best application rate.</p>
<p align="center">
<table border="4" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="50%">
<td>Application Rates</td>
<td colspan="3">Organic Carbon   </td>
<td>pH Range</td>
<td>0 - 0.5%</td>
<td>0.5 - 1.5%</td>
<td>1.5 - 2.5%</td>
<td>4.5 - 5.5</td>
<td>5 L/ha</td>
<td>7.5 L/ha</td>
<td>5 L/ha</td>
<td>5.5 - 6.5</td>
<td>4 L/ha</td>
<td>6 L/ha</td>
<td>4 L/ha</td>
<td>6.5 - 7.5</td>
<td>3 L/ha</td>
<td>4.5 L/ha</td>
<td>3 L/ha</td>
<p align="left">
<p><strong>How to apply Bioprime<sup>TM</sup> </strong><br />
  If you have a liquid system on your drill rig, it is best to  apply Bioprime<sup>TM</sup> as a spray into the drill row after the press  wheel. Simply dilute the volume you need in sufficient water to get even  spread.<br />
  Application with a boom spray just before seeding is an  acceptable alternative. Again, simply dilute Bioprime<sup>TM</sup> with water  to get even spread.<br />
  Once your crop is up and established, the second application  can be with a boom spray. Bioprime<sup>TM</sup> is acidic and completely water  soluble, so it is compatible with most chemicals (but check first with a jar  test).<br />
<br><strong>Bad Start ?</strong><br />
  Sometimes the seasons are unkind &ndash; sow dry and no rain  comes, or too much rain comes and paddocks waterlog.  Bioprime<sup>TM</sup> opens an opportunity  window for about 3 weeks. If you dry sow and it hasn&rsquo;t rained in the first  three weeks, it is probably worth another application once it rains. Likewise  if things get too wet and the crop starts to get stressed and yellow, another  application of Bioprime<sup>TM</sup> will help it get back on its feet.<br />
<br><strong>Seeing Bioprime<sup>TM</sup>  at work</strong><br />
  We always encourage you to sow a bit of your crop without  Bioprime<sup>TM</sup> so you can see it at work. You should see earlier  emergence, and once the crop is established, compare the root structure between  treated and untreated areas. If you believe root structure is important, you  will be impressed.<br />
  If you want to get into detail, Bioscience provides an assay  of soil microbial diversity which is a world first. Send us a 50 g sample of  soil (sampled properly from the top 150 mm, and put into a refrigerator and  send it to us on ice). We extract the DNA, then measure how many types of  microbes are present in significant numbers in each of the 5 major groups. From  this we can derive a biodiversity index and a health index. If you are  interested in soil biology and soil health, this leading-edge assay can show  you how your soil changes from year to year, guiding you with information on  what treatments work and what doesn&rsquo;t.<br />
<br><strong>Is there anything  else like Bioprime<sup>TM</sup> ?</strong><br />
  There are a number of products which come and go which make  claims about improving soil health. They never come with a technical  description of what they are, and they never come with field trial data.  Usually there are lots of testimonials from someone in Utah or New Delhi, and  there are pictures of a guy holding big onions in one hand and small onions in  the other.<br />
  We take notice when farmers start talking positively about  getting a good response from a product, so we go out and buy some and pull it  apart in our lab.  There are only two we  have found which are somewhat similar. TM21, made by Best in Canada is  fermented molasses, but it is lot thinner, and poorly stabilised &ndash; smells a bit  putrid compared to Bioprime<sup>TM</sup> .  Vitazyme is  made in the USA, but it is fermented corn syrup rather than molasses, but for  some odd reason they add vitamin D to it (even though there is no known  function for Vitamin D in anything other than higher vertebrates!<br />
  But the huge difference is the price. <br />
<br><strong>What does</strong> <strong>Bioprime<sup>TM</sup> Cost and How Do I Get  It ?</strong><br />
  Getting Bioprime<sup>TM</sup> is easy. You buy it online  direct from the manufacturer. It is only sold in 1000L IBC&rsquo;s for $2 per liter (FOB). <br />
If you have your own IBC&rsquo;s, drop them off and we will fill  them up. If you don&rsquo;t, you will have to pay $150 for a serviceable second hand  one.</p>
<p align="justify"> </p>
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    CWTSSquareMatrix< WIENER_FREQ_SAMPLES> Phi_freq;
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    Its fine when I preview in browser, only once it's been uploaded do the marks become jumbled. Why?

    Thanks Zak..The server host said that the jumbled marks are appearing as binary code while the rest of the text is appearing as "text".
    They believe that the problem may be occurring at the FTP. The server host is configured to host binary and unicode.
    They advised me to upload a zipped folder containing the site and they will try and open it at their end. Also, not sure if this is unique
    to Adobe font kits. Its from Adobe Font kit.

  • Braille display not showing bullet points in pages.

    I'm trying to help out a blind friend of mine. She has a mac, and needs to use a word processor on a daily basis. The problem is that her braille display doesn't show bullet points, and text properties such as italic or bold. She has tried openoffice, but there, VoiceOver doesn't say anything, probably because it uses a different UI kit.

    I would recommend trying TextEdit and Nisus Writer as well, as sometimes these are superior to Pages.

  • Reverse Entry of Bullet Points

    Bit of context.... Every week I host a pub quiz which has two projected elements onto screens in the bar. One is a ten-question round of pictures, the other is a leader-board where the positions of the teams get ranked.
    Up to now everything has been done in Powerpoint, but because Keynote effects are that much prettier (I mean... wow!) I've decided to switch over.
    Trouble is, for the leader-board I can't find a way to display the placings of the teams in reverse order - i.e. start with the team (or teams) in last place showing at the bottom of the slide and then bring in the next team (or teams) in third, second, etc above them.
    It's the one thing I've found so far that's a doddle to do in Powerpoint but I can't see a way of doing it in Keynote.
    My only thought is to do separate and multiple text boxes with their own builds, but that's a bit more fiddly than I'd like. (For one thing I don't know how many I'd need before the start of marking, whereas bullets auto-number.)
    So... for my first post here I thought I'd ask if anyone had any brilliant ideas? Or am I cursed to use Keynote and Powerpoint at the same time?

    Hi Rob,
    I wouldn't use Powerpoint again... that way lies madness.
    I don't think there's a way to do exactly what you're asking. I just fiddled around with the builds myself and couldn't get a numbered list to reverse-build. But there are a couple of things you could consider doing. Firstly, have you thought about making your list with the last-place team at the top of the slide and building down? I'm sure you've thought of it, but it seems a minor design change to me.
    The second, more complicated thing you could do is that you could set each bullet point as its own separate text box, and then you could build them in in any order you'd like. This will require a bit of setup the first time, but I'm sure you're just using the same template and typing over the information anyway. I'd make Arrange > Align Objects my best friend if I did that.
    Hope that helps!

  • How to adjust bullet points in Adobe Edge Animate?

    How to adjust bullet points in Adobe Edge Animate?
    when a bullet point is long and does not fit in one line it apears in the next line unaligned.

    Hi Elaine,
    Yes, the only way I have discovered so far is using HTML and force it on stage based on my text width size, otherwise bullet list won't be align vertically. This is how currently I do it:
    sym.$("text1").html("<br>● Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit<br>&#160;&#160;&#160;Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit <br>● Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit")
    Thank you for your help in advance.

  • Why don't I see the delivery "by bullet point" option any more?

    Using Keynote 6.2.2 and have used the "delivery by bullet point" option w/out problems in the past. Now when I go to the "delivery" drop down all I see is "all at once" "by paragraph" "by paragraph group" and "by highlighted paragraph"
    What am I doing wrong? It feels like I'm going through the same steps I always do, and yet I can  no longer find the "bullet" option.

    but is the formatting set as a bulleted list?
    if delivery is set to:   "by paragraph"  the effect will still run properly

  • Bullet points in my website

    I'm in the middle of doing a website in Dreamweaver CS5, and i'm trying to get the bullet points to look nice.
    Unfortunately, it looks all out of whack. The problem is with the forth point (see snapshot), as there's 3 lines of text.
    I've created the points using padding and margins in the CSS definition rule box, which seems fine, until I have a point
    with more than 1 line of text. The points bunch up together.
    Can someone please tell me how to fix this? Attached is how it looks now (wrong!) and the second has been create in InDesign,
    and how i'd like it to look.
    please help!!

    My guess is that you're using a background image and it is repeating.
    Use an unordered list and a list style image.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <title>Unordered Lists</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    ul li {
    width: 200px;
    padding: 6px 0 6px 0;
    li {list-style: url(your_bullet_img.gif);}
    <li>list item </li>
    <li>list item that is much longer than the other list items</li>
    <li>list item </li>
    <li>list item </li>
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists 

  • Has anyone worked out Bullet Point Indentation?

    Lets say i have four bullet point list of text. Some of the text goes on for two or three lines how do you sort this issue of getting them aligned?
    • Sample text here
    • Sample text here
    • Sample text here. This text goes on to
    the second line. So it is not aligned as it should be.
    • Sample text here
    The only way i cold achieve this was to create a second text box which only contains the bullet points and place that next to it. But there has to be an easier way. Anyone?

    I am not at a computer so I cannot look at your files at the moment and typing code on a smartphone is no fun!So I would do it this way:
    sym.$("button").bind('mouseenter', function(){
    I will look at your files tomorrow. I usually group buttons' code so it is more compact.
    On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 7:34 PM, majedsahi <[email protected]>

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