Business Model is duplicated after Merge

I've been pretty successful at merging repositories - thought I had it down. This time, after completing the merge, the logical model is duplicated along with the physical database folder.
Any thoughts on what is causing this?

Clarification: The problem was caused by different Upgrade ID's for same objects
Edited by: user10069456 on Feb 26, 2009 7:37 AM

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    I'm retracting my comments for now -- this may be due to a column ALIAS which isn't present.
    I will re-post after I investigate that a bit.
    --- Original ---
    Not sure if you had any difficulties in this method. When i try it, i get the following error below. I've checked my names - the names "Periods" and "PERIOD_ID" are identical in both my subject areas. They refer back to aliased tables which ultimately point back to the same physical table. It's unclear to me why i am getting the unresolved column error, but i'm still trying to sort that out.
    Odbc driver returned an error (SQLExecDirectW).
    Error Details
    Error Codes: OPR4ONWY:U9IM8TAC:OI2DL65P:OI2DL65P
    Location: saw.httpserver.processrequest, saw.rpc.server.responder, saw.rpc.server, saw.rpc.server.handleConnection, saw.rpc.server.dispatch, saw.threadpool, saw.threadpool, saw.threads
    State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 43113] Message returned from OBIS. [nQSError: 27005] Unresolved column: "Periods"."PERIOD_ID". (HY000)
    SQL Issued: {call NQSGetQueryColumnInfo('SELECT "Periods"."PERIOD_ID" FROM "BM11_Current"')}
    SQL Issued: SELECT "Periods"."PERIOD_ID" FROM "BM11_Current"
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    Hi JHS Team,
    When generating tree-forms with JHeadstart, we need two VO instances in the model for each node we want to present: one for rendering the Tree and another to show on the form, after the user selects a node.
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    Thanks a lot!

    Hi Steven,
    Many thanks for the explanation. I agree with you that the current implementation is easier to understand, but I think it is only from the point of view of a programmer who understand some concepts of ADF business model. When you're a beginner, it's more difficult and less intuitive (or at least it was for me some time ago :-))
    I can say that in our project we have 4 very large trees in the same Application Module (since they need to be present on the same project as they're all related), and in each level we have at least 3 or 4 "details" VOs we present in the form, so the final model is really huge and really difficult to maintain. It was surprisingly easy to change the UIXs to the other approach, however, so I asked myself if this was tried already. Thanks for warning me of the unpredictable problems, I'll see if we have any.

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    Morning all,
    I try to understand how can i schedule purging obiee cache.
    . OBIEE is used with Essbase database
    . one database for Australia, one for France and one for USA
    I want to purge cache for each region after daily loading process (scheduled at different time) but Call SAPurgeAllCache() seems too radical
    Can you explain me steps to use to purge Business Model cache ?
    Currently I have to connect to Administration => Manage Cache => Clear Cache by Business Model and is not automatic !!
    Thanks for your help

    hi Saichand,
    I am not sure that could work with essbase physical mapping.
    OBIEE documentation doesn't translate this information for Essbase database :
    create table UET (
    UpdateType Integer not null,
    UpdateTime date DEFAULT SYSDATE not null,
    DBName char(40) null,
    CatalogName varchar(40) null,
    SchemaName varchar(40) null,
    TableName varchar(40) not null,
    Other varchar(80) DEFAULT NULL
    In step 4 :
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       Most of us have felt deceived at some point in our lives, and as consumers we must realize that the corporations have no interest in spending time with making us aware. That really is our job, although as busy working people, we have grown to depend on the person on the other end to help us understand what we are agreeing to. Ushering us to the point of contract signing is the objective, if we forget or otherwise have limited time to ask the right question BEFORE agreeing to things, then legally we are responsible for what we agree to. However I assert that in spirit, FAIRNESS is what we expect and disclosure is what we hope for. Where things go really wrong though is, when we ask questions and are given inaccurate and even egregiously false information. No matter if it was slack training or missed opportunities (by reps to look up answers) in the long run it's we the customer who pays for mistakes, not corporate. Gone are the days when competition controls practice, because changing carriers is no more effective at empowering us than simple complaints. Education empowers us, educating ourselves prior to signing and educating ourselves after being treated badly, these are actions that have the best chance of results. Deception by omission. Deception by distraction. And yes deception by inaccuracy are all part of our experience at times. We never see confused and frustrated customers in the ads, nor will we. Becoming cynical is our normal reaction, but it does not fix anything. ALL major corporations engage in deception, because it works !  It works often enough to make money. Once we understand why they do it, we can move on to accomplish the goals we have for our own bottom line and to serve our interests. Let's learn from (education) and properly respond to (advocacy,activism) these problems in meaningful ways that combine expression and action.       

    Hi, Thanks for contacting me. I'll tell you right now that if it wasn't for my daughter, I would drop verizon today and not look back. Their free phones that I tried out but did not like and sent back have cost me 65.00 a piece so far. Their customer service was terrible and I am basically done with them. I will keep them so that my daughter can enjoy her phone for now but given the opportunity I will drop them. and once this is over I will never get anything from verizon again and I will never sign up for another contract thru any carrier. I'm fed up with their lack of respect , them making up their own rules as they go along, their lack of respect and their deceptive business practices. Thanks , Vito
      Verizon Wireless Community
        Re: DECEPTION is the current business model         Re: DECEPTION is the current business model    Re: DECEPTION is the current business model    Re: DECEPTION is the current business model    Re: DECEPTION is the current business model
          Re: DECEPTION is the current business model
        created by commonsense101 in My Verizon - View
        the full discussion
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  • The new business model?

    The new business model is inflexible. It might be suitable for many scenarios, but I will be looking for alternatives to Photoshop and the Premiere, wherever possible. This subscription model could be a boon to some businesses; Adobe will ultimately loose both long-term customers, as well as potential new users. A bad move overall.

    [email protected] wrote: A bad move overall
    Dcolive wrote:
    compared to tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of product users.
    I'm quite sure the user base is in the millions.  And I can't find the reference now because of the flood of buzz about the announcement, but it seems to me I read that the number of Creative Cloud subscribers is already quite huge.  I'm not sure your personal opinions are correct, given the wild success of the program already.  Stockholders have noticed.
    The short and simple fact is this:  Adobe's got the goods; professionals want the goods, and will pay for them.
    Yes, it's more expensive for a casual photographer to subscribe than it has been to upgrade to every other version of Photoshop Standard, and there is the limitation that you don't get to keep using an old version of Photoshop once you've terminated a subscription, but it's a professional product suite, and people who truly need it pay for it.
    Perhaps Photoshop Elements is worth another look.
    Yes, it may sting to learn that you can no longer afford the top-of-the-line graphics editing tool, but...  How many of us can afford top-of-the-line anything?  Do you have the top-of-the-line camera from your favorite manufacturer?  How about your computer?  Your car?
    I think something that would help ease a lot of minds is a reasonable exit strategy.  One that shows some appreciation by Adobe for your having been a cloud subscriber.
    What if, for example, after 2 years of keeping your subscription current you were allowed to continue to use any released revision of Photoshop 2 years old or older upon terminating your subscription?

  • How can I use Server level variables in a business model based report

    hi gems..
    I have declared one server level variable in the BI Analytics repository.
    Now I have made one business model based report.
    In one column I want to use that server level varible.
    I go to the formula tab of that column and then clicked on variable--> session --> put the name of the variable and click ok.
    But when i viewed the report, it is not showing the dates, rather it is showing the date format I chosed i.e DD-MMM-YYYY.
    please help..

    actually the previous problem got resolved...
    Now when I am trying to apply a filter on a particular column using that server variable, then it is showing that the varible has no value definition.
    I have clicked on the filter tab of that column-->add-->variables-->session variables-->then I put the name of the variable-->click OK.
    the following error is comming-
    Error Codes: YQCO4T56:OPR4ONWY:U9IM8TAC:OI2DL65P
    Odbc driver returned an error (SQLExecDirectW).
    State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 23005] The repository variable, Variable_name, has no value definition. (HY000)
    I have made that server variable from manage-->variables-->(right click) create new initialisation block-->gave the name and wrote the query and aslo gave the connection pool name and test that and it worked fine..

  • PDF file size after merging

    I use Preview to merge PDF files. I have noticed that the resulting files are a lot larger than the sum of the single PDFs. An example: I have 3 files with the following file sizes: 70 KB, 120 KB, 1.3 MB. The resulting PDF after merging those files in one is over 5 MB.
    Does anyone know why this is the case and how I can avoid it?
    Any help is highly appreciated!

    Yes, I also have this problem.
    Several PDFs with a combined size of ~13 MB, when merged are over 40 MB, making it unsendable by e-mail.
    Very annoying!
    This results from using Preview's "drag and drop" onto the sidebar to merge PDFs. DOn't know why.

  • OBIEE 10g repository - Business model - logical table to physical table, column mapping is empty

    Hi, I am really new to OBIEE 10g.
    I already set up a SQL Server 2005 database in Physical and import a view vw_Dim_retail_branch.
    The view has 3 columns: branch_id, branch_code, branch_desc.
    Now I want to set up the Business model to map this physical table (view).
    I created a new Business model
    Added new logical table Dim_retail_branch
    In the sources, added the vw_Dim_retail_branch as source table.
    But in the Logical table source window,  column mapping tab, it's blank. I thought it should be able to identify all the columns from vw_Dim_retail_branch, but not. The show mapped columns is ticked.
    What should I do here? Manually type each column?

    Just you can drag and drop the columns from physical layer to BMM layer.
    Select the 3 columns and drag and drop it to the created logical column in BMM layer.
    for more reference : http:\\

  • How to add a stand alone table from Physical layer to Business Model

    I have tables from 2 different database sources in my Physical Layer.
    My Business model currently uses only tables from one database. from my second database in teh physical layer I need only one table and that will be a stand alone table, to my Presentation layer.
    1. Does it have to go through my Business layer or can it be directly added to the Presentation layer. What are the steps?
    2. Can I restrict the permissions on that stand alone table only to the administrator?
    Thank you.

    1)create a view with single column using the sql (select 1 from dual) in physical layer and join it with the table using complex join in physical layer (1=1).
    Move that to BMM, set the column as key in both physical and bmm layer.
    2) You can restrict the access for the table presentation layer
    Double click the presentation layer table -> Permission -> there you can restrict the access by user or group

  • Business Model and Mapping layer

    I am trying to create a logical dimension table by dragging the corresponding table from the physical layer. However, in the business model layer it shows up with a yellow icon indicating it is a logical fact table. Please help me how I create a logical dimension table in the business model layer. Not sure what I am doing wrong here.

    Hello Saichand,
    No I did not. Do I have to create joins even when I am dragging this object from the physical layer? Let me read and learn how to create the joins. I will get back if I will have more questions.
    But, thanks for the quick response. As you can see this is the first time I am trying to modify the business model layer.

  • Link Join Concept In Physical and Business Model Layer

    As we know that we could make join relationship in physical layer and also business model layer in obiee 10g. This is what makes me confuse.
    First of all, I tried to follow the tutorial in the oracle learning library center with schema SH as an example.
    In the beginning, it is stated that we must make join relationship first in physical layer for all imported tables which are consist of dimension tables and fact tables.
    Then, in the business model layer, the tutorial said that we must also make join relationship for the logical dimension table and logical fact table.
    So, what's the purpose actually we must make join relationship in business model layer ?
    All objects in business model layer are actually mapped from physical layer. So automatically the relationship in business model layer should be available automatically as they are mapped from physical layer.
    Maybe for you guys who know the concept well about this difference of relationship, could tell me so I could get the idea of what it is actually about.

    Physical layer does represent datamodel joins as is in almost all cases.
    Federated queries are a best example why joins are implemented in both (Physical & BMM layer) places.
    Business model mapping layer is modelled according to your business requirements.
    This is where your model MUST be a simple star schema, also where you model your hierarchies based on logical tables in bmm layer, & do appropriate aggregate navigation.
    Hope the view points presented will put you in right direction.
    mark answers promptly.
    Edited by: bifacts on Dec 16, 2010 9:19 PM

  • Probelm Addind new Table in Physical Layer, Create Dim in Business Model ..

    I have completed a task for a dash board, that is running sucessfully.
    Now I added a new table in "physical layer", (file->import->from database), table added successfully
    Now, I droped this table in "business model", but when I want to create its dimension, there is no any option (when I right click on this table)
    there are two cases
    case 1:
    I did not added modified fact table (with foreign key of new table) in "physical layer" and not in "business model and mapping"
    case 2:
    I added new table and modified "fact table (with foreign key of new table)" in "physical layer" and "business model and mapping"
    but in both cases there is no "create dimension" button to create dimension
    Please let me know the how to solve this problem, kindly define it in steps

    Hi thr,
    Create Dimensions is only available if the selected logical table is a dimension table (defined by 1:N logical joins) and no dimension has been associated with this table.
    In you case, once you have imported the table successfully in physical layer, then join your table to fact table. Drag n drop in BMM under a new logical table and then join it to BMM Logical fact using complex join. Now, if you right click, you see the last option as 'Create Dimension'
    Hope you find it useful..

  • Changes In Business Content and Extractors after r/3 upgrade

    Hi All,
    We are in the process of upgrading from R/3 4.0b to ECC 6.0.
    with the BW system bein upgraded to BI 7.0
    What changes would occur for the business content and extractors after the R/3 upgrade.
    Thanks in advace.

    Hi Nikhil
    The datasources remain same, U can migrate them in BI side from 3.5 to 7.0 using RSDS -tcode.
    All extractors remains same, Well it again depends on the service packs u r using.
    Now the latest for BI is service pack 17 and for Business content patch is Patch 10.
    U can find new datasources like 0FI_GL_14 and 0FI_GL_40 and many other queries.
    In BI side
    1.If you have update rules you will have to create transformations and there is no shortcut here ..if there are routines you will have to write them as well and change the syntax as some of the old syntax of 3.x is no more valid in BI 7.
    2.Data loading concept changes as you can bypass the Infosource(but in few places you will need it actually like when you are directly loading from datasource to target and you want to read master data).
    3.DTPs will be required..changes in the Process chains for the same.
    4.Datasources need migration(first emulate them and test whether the Bi 7 loaidng is working or not otherwise if you migrate you will loose your transfer rule.
    Reward if helped

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