Buy ilife11 or buy Garageband, iphoto, imovie separately?

Hi there,
I'm running snowleopard, and old versions of:  garage band (version 3).  Imovie 6.3, iphoto 6.0.6.  I thinking I should update those to the latest versions.  So i could buy ilife11 (£46, with installation DVD from app UK), or I could buy gargage band, imovie, iphoto separtly for £10 i.e total £30).  Why would I pay extra for ilife11, are there some extra bits other than Garageband, Imoivie or Iphoto that come with it?
I'm happier downloadeing from the app store than waiting for disks in the post,
Any advice please?
Does anything additional come with iLife, and if so is it worth the extra £16?

I tried it from browser then I was forwarded to App Store, then I tried it directly from Dock with App Store icon.
No, I haven't iPhoto nor iMovie at the Purchase list.
Yes, my Apple ID is active I'm buying apps all the time but with this three I have problem.
I wrotte to Apple support so I will see.
Thanks again for your time and help, but I think we are to short for this :-(

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    Should be the account you registered your mac with, and/or the account you used during the setup assistant.

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    Did they send installation disks? If so, you should be able to install those apps; I believe there will be an "applications" or "optional installs" installer on the disks, so look for that; which you'll have will depend on which edition of the mini you purchased.
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    I tried it from browser then I was forwarded to App Store, then I tried it directly from Dock with App Store icon.
    No, I haven't iPhoto nor iMovie at the Purchase list.
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    I wrotte to Apple support so I will see.
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    The fact that they were preinstalled is why they are supposed to appear in the Purchased pane, in a temporary area labeled Purchases, for you to accept. Not doing so soon after you got the Mac has messed this process up.
    To get things back on track properly try these steps;
    Updating Pre-installed iLife apps -
    1 - Log out and quit iTunes and the Mac App Store (MAS)
    2 - Go to System Prefs/Users & Groups/~user/Password and enter the Apple ID connected to your iTunes/Mac App Store account. Close Sys Prefs
    3 - Delete /Mac HD/Library/Caches/
    4 - Reboot your Mac
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    Application Updates from the update icon currently cost nothing. Anything on the App Store that costs money will have a button to buy in Blue with the price in the button.

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    I fail to remember if the installer gave me an option to keep my applications.
    The Mountain Lion installer will not delete applications. It will only mark applications, that are not compatible with your current system with a "forbidden" sign in the icon. And you cannot launch them.
    Does your iPhoto icon in the Applications folder look like this?
    Then your iPhoto version is incompatible and cannot run with Mt. Lion. If it is iPhoto '11, with a versionnumber starting with 9.x.x., you can upgrade it by downloading a newer version from the Apple downloads site
    But if you have 8.x.x, you need to buy an upgrade.

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    I would certainly back up everything to an external drive, preferable a bootable clone using CarbonCopyCloner or SuperDuper! before installing Lion.
    You shouldn't have to reinstall yopur apps though.
    Colin R.

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    B Teo wrote:
    True enough, I got my set back after the third day, I was told that since I upgraded the OSx from Snow Leopard to Lion, I could no longer use the CDs for reinstallation.  
    That is completely incorrect.
    The store also told me that I could reinstall Lion on-line but then I found these applications iPhoto, iMovie and GrarageBand missing after the reinstallation.  Again the technician on duty reinstalled Lion several times but could not get these applications back.
    All you need to do to get these applications back is to insert disc 2 that originally came with your mac.  I know this for sure because I just did a fresh install of Lion and the applications were missing as well, so I inserted disc 2 that came with my mac and reinstalled them (my mac originally came with Snow Leopard). It has those applications on it as well as the Apple Hardware Test.  The people who you talked to have no idea what they are talking about.

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