Buy new application and loose my other.

I buy a new application and i install it when i synchronize i loose all my application i buy before.
I synchronize my ipod touch on another computer.
How can i restore my older applications and don't loose the new one i buy.
Sorry for my english.

Re-download the apps on the computer with which you plan to sync.

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    It might be that you have placed those files on the server in the theme directory.
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    Kees Vlek
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    kingblue wrote:
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    If the applications are on any computer, just sync the new iPhone with it. If not, connect the old iPhone to a computer, choose Transfer Purchases from the File menu in iTunes, and proceed as above.
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    Hi Leed,
    Would you please let us know current situation of this issue? Just check if SenneVL's suggestion can help you.
    In addition, for increasing the size of log files, please also refer to following articles.
    Set Maximum Log Size
    Set Log Retention Policy
    If any update, please feel free to let us know.
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,
    Justin Gu
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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    My actual gear is:
    Motherboard MSI Z87 G45
    NVIDIA GTX 650 2Gb
    Power supply 600W
    8 GB RAM
    1 TB HD
    thermaltake mk1 chaser
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    2. Which power supply will I need for all this?
    3. Would you make an other change to my PC?
    Thanks a lot for your help!
    Also sorry for my english, I did my best at this 

    Your PSU should be ok with GPU.
    Yes, RAM should be identical. But even if you buy 2 separate kits of same brand, name, model, timings etc etc it may not work fine.
    So preferably single kit. Like this:
    As if you buy 2 separate sticks (like this):
    Then you might have issues. In your case, you would be doing second option which is asking for trouble. For this, best to ask your RAM vendor for replacement once you buy another 8GB RAM stick.

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    Ask for assistance
    Contact Apple Support

  • MOVED: Help buying new GPU and power supply

    This topic has been moved to GAMING Motherboards.

    Your PSU should be ok with GPU.
    Yes, RAM should be identical. But even if you buy 2 separate kits of same brand, name, model, timings etc etc it may not work fine.
    So preferably single kit. Like this:
    As if you buy 2 separate sticks (like this):
    Then you might have issues. In your case, you would be doing second option which is asking for trouble. For this, best to ask your RAM vendor for replacement once you buy another 8GB RAM stick.

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    Can anyone tell me what else I can do??

    I have had the same problem with my 2G ipod touch (apps flashing open for a second). I also had a problem with not all videos playing. I resolved that with the following forum advice +'A technician from Apple helped me out with this. I had to delete the "Software Update" file from my Library folder. Then, I went back and restored my iPod Touch. I had to reset my personal settings and sync options, but it works beautifully now. Thank you Apple!'+ I did this too, you essentially go to Finder/library/itunes and trash the ipod software updates folder. Then connect up the ipod, click on its icon in itunes, click retsore on the overview page and treat it as a new ipod (not restore the old one) but you can give it the same name. All the songs will re sync, however having done this my films all played AND the apps all worked perfectly (as I write this my daughter is playing on balloon animals.

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