I need to create a report to give the complete information of BW active users (executed atleaset one connection over last 3 months)
No of active Bw users by UNIT(country level)
No. of navigation by country level to be accessed by reporting domain (AR,AP,GL,PURCHASING,INVENTORY)
Top 20 BW users with name details and queries executed
I have tried for BW statistics cube. But these cubes are not giving complete info needed.
Can any one guide me if there is any procedure to retrieve all the information needed to build this queries.

See my answer at: Re: User Activity Table/Report
If ST03 doesn't fulfill your requirements, then activate the technical content and take it from there with BEX.
Assign points if useful,

Similar Messages


    I am able to manage the user statistics in the R/3 but not in the BI/BW, STAD/ST03n is working properly and they are giving the user statistics..."START BEX ANALYZE", "NO REPORT TITLE AVAILABLE" but not proving the specfic report executed by the users.
    How do i extract the user statistics report in the BW/BW ?
    Please advise us
    Anwer Waseem

    you don't. since most bi-systems work using a portal or bex-analyzer you do not get a 'name' like in an abap-systems where transactions, reports and so on are started within the system and not from 'without' or being called dynamically using services or rfc.

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    You need to check other details such as module info..etc.
    Most of the standard applications provide these kind of audits.

  • Wrong count of 'messages read' in user statistics

    I added up all the messages from all the forums. Total: 489 messages.
    According to 'my' statistics, so far I have already read: 2020 messages.
    Slight  discrepancy. Explain please.
    Looks like everytime I open a thread, the posts get added to my total. HUMBUG.
    Message Edited by RealBlackStuff on 12-06-2007 06:28 PM

    I agree. 
    The accounting for some of the stats may seem inflated - perhaps it is a setting, perhaps the way the software platform may give you credit for all the messages in a thread rather than just the incremental ones.   We will investigate.
    Hopefully most users will focus on the content, and won't get too wraped up in this aspect.  I suspect it catches your eye due to your particular specialty - you have a keen eye for how well the application itself runs.
    Keep kicking the tires.
    ThinkPads: S30, T43, X60t, X1, W700ds, IdeaPad Y710, IdeaCentre: A300, IdeaPad K1
    Mark Hopkins
    Program Manager, Lenovo Social Media (Services)
    twitter @lenovoforums
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  • BI User statistics

    How can we check the list of users whose Ids exist in BI but they have not been using the BI reports for last few months.

    Hello Nisha
    Use SU01/ SU01D tcode for the User whether he is active or not.
    But on BI statistics Cube you will be finding the Queries, if you execute the Queries you can find the Users who is accessign which queires on what time and date.
    SUIM -Tcode can give you the lsit of users assigned for the roles which they are assigned.

  • Report and user statistics display in Obiee report

    I have a requirement in OBIEE like i need to generate a report and that report has to display some valuable information dynamically.
    The report consist following column info...
    Report Name|Report Folder|Report Path|Description|Description ID|Owner|Subject Area
    Header 1
    Header 2
    Header 3
    Header 4
    Header 5
    Header 6
    Header 7
    Header 8
    Header 9
    Report Name
    Report Folder
    Report Path
    Unused ColumnIDs
    Column Created
    Report Creator (user)
    Report last modified
    like etc..........
    SO, the above said fields has to be update and provide dynamic data in the report. (Also those  field info is not available in Usage tracking table so we need get those information from Catalog manager also...........)
    For this I have one alternate idea like to get the solution by planning to get this solution by CSV file.If you would provide any solution like CSV get updated dynamically from Catalog manager it would be a great thing to me....Your help is highly appreciated.
    How to implement this requirement ............could you provide a right path to achieve this solution.
    I hope yours alternative solution.

    Thanks for the reply Yannick.
    We have install/configure WebCenter analytics and activity graph.
    Wehave added Login Metrics in our Group Space and we are getting default login count for specific time frame but when we define a filter under User Property of any property like city, department name, phone title etc after refreshing data it is giving error like
    WCS#2011. : Irresolvable error(s) occurred. You may want to contact Administrator with the error reference.
    Please help how to solve this.

  • Concurrent User Statistics Information

    does anybody know how to get the information of peek concurrent user number (like the last line of SM04) everyday? I would like to review it monthly.
    Any help is appreciated.
    Best Regards,

    The SM04 information gives the number of users logged in that instance at that particular time when you execute the transaction,
    I not sure whether this information is captured in some table,
    But I think you can use the below as a work around:
    You can schedule report "RSUSR000" to run daily at peak time, i.e when you expect  maximum numbers of users, and you can review all the background job run during the month,by checking the spool list, to get the information.
    But you should set the job for Reorg jobs so that it keeps the jobs for a whole month.
    Hope this work around helps.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Vijay Banala.

  • User statistics

    As a bit of a brag to a Gentoo user I just counted the number of users on the Arch forums. That basically involved counting how many users there were per page (50), checking if the users on the last page was 50 (it wasn't, it was 8), calculating 50 * ($page_count - 1) (388), and adding 8 to that (the number of users on the last page).
    The result? 19,408.
    But that's not all that good of an estimate. That doesn't account for users with 0 posts.
    So, a similar procedure later, I selected 'Sort by: No. of posts', found the first page with users with >0 posts on it (page 103 today, 2008-Dec-06), did a bit more math, and...
    14,253 users have more than 0 posts here.
    I think that's pretty cool.
    I was just wondering, though, if the forum admins ever feel bored maybe they could write a quick PHP script that queries the DB table for its user count - perhaps every 3 months - and posts the results here automatically

    dav7 wrote:
    ....I was just wondering, though, if the forum admins ever feel bored maybe they could write a quick PHP script that queries the DB table for its user count - perhaps every 3 months - and posts the results here automatically
    stonecrest wrote:
    Err, your 19,000 number is right on the homepage.
    Total number of registered users: 19420
    ........ on second thought........ maybe those forum admins just work REALLY FAST

  • Financial Reporting - user statistics

    Hi All,
    I have the version 9.3.1 .
    I would like to know how many persons look, launch a report in my workspace environment.
    Is there a workaround to have this information?
    For example if it is possible in a repository store the "view-tracking".
    Thanks in advance.
    Best regards

    Try provisioning the FR_GROUP with Explorer role. Just in case here is the whole list of Reporting and Analysis Roles:

  • BI statistics by user and / or reports

    I search in BI or in the portal somethings (transaction, report,...) to have the statistics of the connection : statistics for the reports, statistic s for the connection user, statistics for the user connection by reports (how many time, ...) I don't find something.
    Thanks for your help.
    Best regards.
    Raphaël VINSON

    The BI statistics functionality is completely re-designed for 7.0.  You have to activate the technical content even to use the "BI system load" feature of transaction ST03.  Note that the RSDDSTAT table is obsolete in 7.0.
    Here is some helpful info:
    Thanks for any and all points you choose to assign.  Points are the way of saying "thanks" on SDN.
    Best Regards -
    Ron Silberstein

  • Is there User Group and Role Reporting in SAP Enterprise Portal?

    I want to know if there is a way to pull users statistics our of SAP Enterprise Portal like you can out of the R3 backend systems.
    I would like functionality similar to the SUIM transaction. I know through user administration you can access any user, even a list of all users, and you can do similar lists with roles and groups. You can then access any of these things individually and look at their assignments. However, I want to do this on a large scale. I want to know for example every group that has a user assigned to it. Evergroup that has roles assigned to it. Or groups that have no user or role assignments. We have approximately 1904 groups in our Production Portal system and I am trying to clean up the groups that have no user assignment, but I don't want to look through them one by one.

    Hi Chris,
    There is no standard report available for this purpose. However all this information is stored in table UME_STRINGS.
    You can write your own SQL queries to generate such reports. However please note that this table is not normalized, and it's a master UME table. You should use it strictly for READ ONLY purpose.
    For a sample code you which i wrote some time back, you might refer:

  • Statistics Analysis on Tables that are often empty

    Right now I'm dealing with a user application that was originally developed in Ora10g. Recently the database was upgraded to Ora11g, and the schema and data was imported successfully.
    However, since the user started using Ora11, some of their applications have been running slower and slower. I'm just wondering if the problem could be due to statistics.
    The application has several tables which contains temporary data. Usually these tables are empty, although when a user application runs they are populated, and queried against, and then at the end the data is deleted. (Its this program that's running slower and slower.)
    I'm just wondering if the problem could be due to a problem with user statistics.
    When I look at the 'last_analyzed' field in user_tables, the date goes back to the date of last import. I know Oracle regularly updates statistics, so what I suspect is happening is that, by luck, Oracle has only been gathering statistics when the tables are empty. (And since the tables are empty, the statistics are of no help in optimizing the DB.)
    Am I on the right track?
    And if so, is there a way to automatically trigger a statistics gather job when a table gets above a certain size?
    System details:
    Oracle: 11gR2 (64 bit) Standard version
    File System: ASM (GRID infrastructure)

    Usually these tables are empty, although when a user application runs they are populated, and queried against, and then at the end the data is deletedYou have three options (and depending on how the data changes, you might find that not all temporary tables work best with the same option) :
    1. Load representative data into the temporary table, collect statistics (including any histograms that you identify as necessary) and then lock the statistics
    2. Modify the job to re-gather statistics immediately after a temporary table is populated
    3. Delete statistics and then lock the statistics and check the results (execution plan and performance) when the optimizer uses dynamic sampling
    Note : It is perfectly reasonable to create indexes on temporary tables -- provided that you DO create the correct indexes. If jobs are querying the temporary tables for the full data set (all rows) indexes are a hindrance. If there are many separate queries against the temporary table, each query retrieiving a small set of rows, an index or two may be beneficiial. Also some designs do use unique indexes to enforce uniqueness when the tables are loaded.
    Hemant K Chitale

  • A question about tracing users' connections

    Dear all,
    I would like to know, whether there is a report in SAP
    providing information about users connection. What we
    are looking for in terms of information is:
    1) How many times each user connected to the system?
    (for example how many times during each day or each week)
    2) How long each session lasted?
    3) What standard transactions did each user execute during
    each connection?
    Is there any report providing such information?
    Thanks in advance,
    Kind Regards,

    Hi Dariyoosh,
    1) How many times each user connected to the system?
    SM20 (Information security audit logs ) In USER Statistics and Terminal statistics , you can get enough information .
    In ST03N (Workload distirbution monitor ) you can  find ,what is the workload of individual users and which actions users performed ?
    2) How long each session lasted?
    In  tcode - SM20,you can find  detaild activites about users in Users statistics  field . Secondly For transcation details ,Please select Transactions statisitcs field .It
    will  provide  you enough information
    AL08 Shows you Tcodes using by user time ,external & internalsessions  .Also  with tcode  SM04  You can find list of users .There is USER TAB on top left hand side
    You can click on that and select  " Techincal Information , you will get informatoin   STATE , MODES ,MEMORY  COnsumption etc .
    3) What standard transactions did each user execute during
    each connection?
    Pleae use these tcodes :SM20, SM04(users overview) , AL08
    Thanks in advance,
    Kind Regards,

  • Bw statistics- technical cubes

        I hav a question on BW Statistics. I wud like to know as we hav 6 basic cubes , is it necessary to install all of the basic cubes or we can install only few among them. if so plz let me know as which cubes r most important.
    2) i wud like to know if  we install all of the cubes, wether it needs lot of resources to maintain them.
    3) my client has asked me to design technical specs as which cubes might be useful,and which reports r necessary.
    so , can anyone help me on dis....
    Thanks in advance..

    The most important cubes are: 0BWTC_C02 and 0BWTC_C03 and the multi provider 0BWTC_C10, as they provide basic user statistics.
    But my suggestion would be to activate all the statistics content at once, as the installation of objects itself doesn't take much resources. After installation, you can choose not to load data to certain cubes, if you find it not relevant.
    hope this helps.

  • Web Monitor - Statistics available from

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    I've set the "Maximum Report Size" to the max allowed limit of 65535 and saved and reactivated the configuration but I'm still having the same issue.
    Am i missing a trick somewhere?
    Any help appreciated.

    The log tells us NOTHING about why the stats arent working.
    In the admin interface we get the following error mesage when trying to view the stats
    Failure obtaining statistics from Web Cache cache server: bad response code received.
    Please check that the cache server is up and running.
    BUT the cahce IS running and we can access pages and the "LOGS" DO show activity.
    Any idea WHY the admin page won't display the statistics

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