C5580 Powerering On Issues

HP expert,
I have a question associated with my C5580 all in one.  I am using Windows 7 Home (64 bit). Thank you in advance for your assistance. 
1. My c5580 never turns on properly.  Generally i receive an error code (b8000198).  Howevever, often it will also either freeze in the 'turn on mode' as in I see the HP logo on the read-out but it never gets to the main menu (that lists the options such as copy, photo, scan, and reprints).  I generally finally get it to "boot" propererly after unplugging the cord from the back of the device, unplugging the brick and unplugging the power supply to the wall.  If I do this 2-3 times it generally boots to the main menu and eventually works fine.  However, sometimes it will being flashing multiple lights (the orange one to the right of the "OK" button, print photos and red eye removal lights and the power on/off lights).  Again, if I unplug and reconnect several times I generally get it to work.  
Note, this is a used printer.  I read that I should verify I have the correct power supply (as in the same number on the power brick that is also listed in the instructions).  I downloaded the instructions and I cannot find any mention of the power supply number.

Hi I hope you are donig well and sorry that you are facing this issue;
If you are still experience this issue I will do my best to assist you.
update the printers  firmware Go here to get latest for your Operating system.  
Please can you run this utility GO HERE  please share any mistakes that the utility identifies.
If you are not experiencing this issue any longer you may disregard this post, although I will appreciate if you can take I little bit of your time and let me know.
Hope that I can be of help!
You can say THANKS by clicking the KUDOS STAR. If my suggestion resolves your issue Mark as a "SOLUTION" this way others can benefit Thanks in Advance!

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    There are several other threads of people who have this issue.  Take a look and you will find the Number to call for support as well as Lenovos email address.   The fix they reccomended was a factory reset.  Since I did it, i've not had any issues w/ the Tablet powering off and needed a Long Press to power back up again.

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    If you do have a GPU issue with your MBP here is the Apple support article concening the problem and several discussions on the subject which are easy to access on the Apple Support Community discussions. 
    Naturally there are many more bur they essentially say the same thing.

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    Hello kiminanakaka, Welcome to the HPalm Support Community.
    This issue has been reported before.  Check out this post:
    I am a Volunteer here, not employed by HP.
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    If my post has helped you, click the Kudos Thumbs up!
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    Moved for greater exposure

    Did you take the Battery out whikle it was powered up at the red eye??  Try that first ... and leave battery out for like 2 mins. Try again.
    If that doesn't work, see if you can boot it into SAFE MODE
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    Quote from: chenying on 20-December-12, 04:56:31
    Is there any way to determine the issue with the laptop? I would like to salvage it if possible.
    answer is: not that easily.
    unless you have the professional testing hardware you cannot do that testing and Another way would be to simply swap the existing processor, graphics card, etc with similar ones which this way you could narrow out your test result.
    Is your system is under warranty, if so, try sending it for repair. Even if it is not, the repair cost would not be more than the cost of the new laptop itself, unless it is really really old.

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    Apple Products are very likely to come into contact with moisture while camping, which will certainly result in corrosion.

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    this is a symptom of the sudden shutdown issue others have reported (including myself-i had the exact same problem) Eventually, even holding the power button down for 5 seconds will not work. My advice is to back up your important data, and take it in for repair.

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    Checkout the properties of your network driver.
    There is a setting in there to make the system awake on network-traffic, turn that off and the system should stay off after shutdown.
    This is not a BIOS matter but a networkcard setting in Windows.
    Something like the picture below.

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    You may have a similar problem I do with my T430.
    My Solution Center just updated itself and it seems that they put back an old bug from last year where it does not recognise some of the smaller power cords.  As a result, it simply refuses to accept power from these cords.  In order for it to charge, I have to trick it by putting it in airplane mode: this way it is expecting a weaker charge.
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    Quote from: ihatetn931 on 01-May-10, 04:15:00
    I have tried 2 diffrent Power supplys and it still did the same thing, I also tried that PSU in another computer and it worked fine so i don't belive it's the PSU
    Weird then...
    It turns on for about 3-5 seconds then shuts it self off. The time it is on it dosen't show a post screen.
    Have you done >>Clear CMOS Guide<< with power cord removed?
    Have you re seated the CPU and CPU Heatsink [apply new thermal paste, remove any dust if there is any, and ensure that they are properly installed]

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    You might try resetting the SMC:
    Good luck!

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    At that point it's been more than a week of waiting, i asked around if somebody by chance would have an IBM tech phone number (since they're the people doing the repair). Someone kindly sent me one and it worked. I called him next day and he answered.
    Talking to the IBM tech, he first told me they had absolutely no communication issue and after looking at my case/call, immediatly mentionned it was locked. He wrote something to IBM and told me to call him back the next day. So i did and since nothing changed, he kindly did what the CS is supposed to do, he set and appointment.
    A tech came next day (that's what Day+1 is supposed to be). Guess what? They sent wrong fan again. Hard to believe it's a mistake again. Anyways, the motherboard replacement took place without much trouble. I then waited for the tech to come back with the fan. But the CS is still being what it is :
    Just before the tech came for the MB replacement, i called CS just to make sure they know what's going on. The lady said "great, hope all works for you after!" so i thought hell's over. But after the tech did his work and left, having a little issue (now resolved) i called back CS and this time the lady was again like "WAIT" she didn't even know the tech came!
    You never know when if they're lying. But i guess they do a lot. After the MB was replaced, i noticed trackpad/touchpad had issues. But that quickly came back. I also noticed the GPU was overheating (temps were already high before). The new fan was making more annoying noise. I just asked them to change it. But no, their super IT decided to change the CPU..
    I told them over and over it was the GPU overheating, not CPU. But they insisted; Tech came with new CPU which WASN'T brand new (it's supposed to be). It was refurbished.. Wait, it said "certified reutilized" no idea what that means..? Unfortunatly the issue with ultranav came back and this time stayed dead, the fingerprint was also dead. So the tech came back.. Whilh testing, he did reset the bios, which sets graphics to optimus. I always use discrete only.
    That's when we discovered a new issue : the integrated graphic is totally defective, screen flash on/off every 5sec or so and then system freeze..! So in the end, ALL parts they replaced were having much worse trouble then original one! And replacing the CPU for a defective one may be intentional.. Since the warranty end, they may think i'll buy a new one after this one dies.. Sorry but you're wrong!
    What the hell Lenovo, you can't even communicate with your collegues..? It's shocking when the IBM tech talk to them, it's like they don't believe what he says. Or don't understand.. Since their level is SO LOW. My warranty now got only 10 days remaining.
    I don't know if/when they're going to decide to do something. They now regularly ask me to send back the whole unit to them. No way, i won't do that. Thinkpads are great but warranty is crap, be careful when buying expensive on site extensions.
    As you know, parts are guaranteed 3 months after they get changed, even your warranty ends before. But seeing how they act, I'm now very worried, it seems i can only rely to the IBM tech, which unfortunatly have no power/rights here.
    I know there are some Lenovo staff here, hope they'd say a word. Even though i'm in Europe, this is global lenovo forum... There is apparently NOT A SINGLE WAY to complain to a higher level in this company.

    Thanks - we have escalated your case to our regional customer relations team and I have confidence that they will be able to help you bring this regrettable saga to a positive resolution.
    I understand your concern on the timing of this.
    Best regards, 
    ThinkPads: S30, T43, X60t, X1, W700ds, IdeaPad Y710, IdeaCentre: A300, IdeaPad K1
    Mark Hopkins
    Program Manager, Lenovo Social Media (Services)
    twitter @lenovoforums
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  • Any idea what unknown error 2005 is?

    My iphone is bricked after trying to update to 2.01 and I'm getting the same error on my attempts to restore that I was getting on my Touch update.
    I tried to update and there was a failure, when I try to restore, it extracts the software and starts the preparing iphone for restore when I get the unknown error 2005.
    My usb cable is plugged into one of the 3 ports on the back of my Mac Pro, so it's not a powered USB issue. I removed and reinstalled itunes with no luck.
    I eventually got my touch updated by using another computer, but this is not a long term solution to this problem so it'd be great if anyone else has seen this error and knows how to fix it.

    done all that.
    I always use the original usb cable, plugged either into the front or the rear of the mac pro.
    I've created a new account and tried that, no joy.
    I've reinstalled itunes with no luck
    my only other thought is that it might network related. My mac is connected to a switch, then to my router. I'm upgrading everything to gigabit next month and trying to get rid of the switch, so maybe that will take care of the problem.
    It's just annoying to have a code assigned to an 'unknown' error!

Maybe you are looking for