Powering off issues

even after a factory reset the devise would not power off... than was told it woould cost 255.00 to fix an issue that it was corroded. when device was never in contact with liquid or moisture.   I am not a happy camper with Apple Products

Apple Products are very likely to come into contact with moisture while camping, which will certainly result in corrosion.

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  • Messages from iPad not Synching with MacBook Pro when Powered Off

    I have the new MacBook Pro (2 GHz, i7, purchased Feb 2014), 15" Retina running OSX 10.9.4.  I also had an iPad3 (Retina) but just upgraded to the new iPad Air 2 weeks ago.  I do not have an iPhone, but that's next.  I have used the same iCloud account for all devices.
    The issue:
    Messages (or message conversations) that I have when using my iPad Air are not synching with the MacBook under certain conditions.
    1) If my MacBook is on, there is no issue. Messages between devices (whether being composed on the iPad or MacBook) synch instantly between devices.
    2) If my MacBook is sleeping, most (but I do not think all) messages sent from my iPad will synch with the MacBook when it wakes up from sleep.
    3) If my MacBook was powered off and I had message conversations using my iPad while the MacBook was off, these messages do not synch with my MacBook after I turn it back on.  BUT, this depends:
         a) if I power on the MacBook shortly after (5-10 min) I had the message conversation on the iPad, sometimes these messages on the iPad will synch with my MacBook after I power it on.
         b) If my MacBook was powered off for several hours after I had a message conversation on my iPad, and then I power on the MacBook, these conversations are not synching on the MacBook at all.
         i.e Assume MacBook is powered off.  I have a message conversation on my iPad at 4:30 PM.  If I power on my MacBook at 4:35 PM, the message from my iPad synchs with the MacBook.  However, if I power on my MacBook say at 10 PM or the next day, then the message conversation I had on the iPad DOES NOT synch with my MacBook.
    Confused?  So am I.  To complicate matters, I did not have these issues while I had my old iPad 3.  I only starting noticing it when I bought the new iPad Air two weeks ago.  I do not know if this is related.
    Another issue:  SOME message conversations on my MacBook and iPad air now appear to get out of chronological order.  In fact, on my iPad air, I received a message at 10 AM (message A) and then had several other messages with this person throughout the day on my iPad (at 11 AM, and then 2 PM).  Later that evening around 10 PM, the original message (message A) was received again as a new message on my iPad (i.e. received a new message notification).  Now, message A appears out of order (it shows the timestamp of 10 AM, but it displays after the messages that came at 11 AM and 2 PM).  Since my MacBook was on, these messages synched with my MacBook, but were (and remain) in the proper chronological order.
    Other iCloud apps (calendar, mail, FaceTime notifications, notes, keychain, Photo-stream etc. seem to be synching fine between devices).  One last observation, when I bought the iPad air and restored it from the backup I made from the old iPad 3, everything restored fine from the backup except for Calendar.  For whatever reason, some old calendar entries did not restore on the new iPad.
    I have run a myriad of tests (sending messages to myself from both my new and old iPad (even created a new apple ID from the old iPad)) with my MacBook sleeping or powered off for varying amounts of time in order to provide the information above.  I also reinstalled the operating system on my MacBook but this did not resolve the issue.
    If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, I would be extremely grateful. I have been in contact by phone with Apple support and have them baffled as well, but they are doing their best to help.
    ps.  I may post to several communities so if you see this message in several communities, I am just trying to get the best coverage.

    The same thing is happening to me.
    And it's similar to this thread:
    Thought I'd cross-ref the two.

  • 40 GB iPod Battery drains when mac is powered off

    If I leave my iPod in the cradle ( connected via firewire) and the Mac is powered OFF, the battery will be drained in a few hours (or overnight). If I leave the iPod sitting wherever (not connected to anything), the battery will not be drained... normal.
    I assume then that the Mac (G4 867) is sucking the juice out of the battery when the Mac is powered off. Is this a Firewire port issue or ?
    I don't always leave my Mac on, and I don't always take the iPod out of its cradle... how can I stop this from happening?
    G4 867   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   iPod Click 40GB

    Is this a Firewire port issue or ?
    I remember a few people mentioning this problem last year, and I think the consensus was that it's a Firewire port issue, and the only solution really is to take the iPod out of the dock when the computer is turned off. (It might work to have an external powered Firewire hub, I don't know if the computer would shut that down or not).

  • PC Powers off when downloading through iTunes

    This is totally weird, and 100% replicatable.
    I initially discovered this when I got support to help me recover some lost music. It showed up in my downloads section. It started to download, then instantly my PC is powered off.
    No blue screen, no error of any kind. One second, happy iTunes progress bars, the next second, powered off. This is a Laptop in a dock using AC power, so it's bypassing battery power too. It just clicks and is powered off.
    I reinstalled iTunes and was able to download everything. I assumed the issue was resolved until I bought something new and it happened again during the initial download of that new album. Now it's happening everytime I try to download, new or recovered purchases. I've yet to be able to download the last album I paid for.

    I initially discovered this when I got support to help me recover some lost music. It showed up in my downloads section. It started to download, then instantly my PC is powered off.
    Since you're getting that when doing Store stuff, if you've got a Radeon-based display adaptor or video card, I'd try updating your video drivers as per:
    [iTunes for Windows: System restarts, blue screen, or quits unexpectedly when accessing iTunes Store|http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3441]

  • My iMac20 powers off by itself and won't switch back on

    I'm sorry this is a bit of a saga but I'm at the end of my tether with so will be really grateful if anyone has any experience of this issue and can give me some help?
    The problem started in May when, after an hour or so of use, my iMac 20 suddenly started to turn itself off and wouldn't turn back on again until the following day. This happened around half a dozen times so I took the machine to the local Apple store and was told that it was probably the thermal trip and if I removed the power cord and left it disconnected for a while, it would power up again more quickly. That evening when it cut out, I followed the advice I was given and removed the power cord from the back of the machine but it made no difference and the machine would not restart until the following morning. Back to the Apple store I went and this time they took the machine in to the workshop; a day or two later I was told that they had cleaned out the fans and tweaked some software and had run it successfully on the bench for several hours with no problem. After paying £49, I collected the machine, took it home, ran it for an hour or so and off it went again and as before, refused to turn on. Back again to the Apple store; "Had I reloaded the operating system?" Well no, because I hadn't been told that I needed to. And anyway why would I... surely the thermal cut-out was a hardware issue? The response was that the problem was definitely software-based and nothing to do with overheating or a faulty power supply unit (which was/is my favourite candidate for villain of the piece). So off home I went, backed up my stuff and ran Disc One successfully and started running Disc Two. After about 20 minutes into Disc Two the machine did its usual trick and powered off, and I went looking for a bottle of wine.
    Back to the Apple store. The guy controlling the 'guest list' for the Genius Bar said that if I wanted to return the machine to the workshop that day it would be considered a new incident and there would be a further charge for any repair work. However, if I made a fresh appointment (for a couple of days later) then the work would be done as part of the previous 'repair'. Somebody at Apple really needs to look at the way the stores deal with dissatisfied customers.
    So, Saturday the 11th of July arrives and I head back to the Genius Bar for my free appointment. I explained to a very helpful guy that this is my fifth visit and I would like to get to the bottom of the problem. He referred to the tech person who dealt with the original workshop repair and she came out to explain that the issue is caused by 'something' lurking in my Library folder and that if I wipe my hard drive and re-install the OS from scratch but without the Library folder, the problem should be solved.
    I spent Sunday wiping the hard drive, running the OS discs and then reinstating my iTunes, photos etc and waiting for the machine to turn itself off - but it didn't! I left my external hard drive returning all my files and documents overnight and when I woke up on Monday, everything was still up and running... bliss!
    Then, this afternoon, after downing loading a music file in flac format, I found that it wouldn't go into iTunes without the help of Fluke software. I downloaded the Fluke stuff and then as I dragged the flac file into iTunes - boof! The machine went off and won't switch back on again.
    So finally... has anyone seen any similar behaviour with their iMac and was it caused by software or hardware? And if it is software that's causing the problem, why can't I switch the machine on again immediately?

    Amsys plc, the company Apple uses for off-site repairs returned my iMac20 today and the accompanying advice note states that the fault was resolved by replacing the power supply unit. I am really grateful to Apple for finally getting to the bottom of the problem, particularly as the repair was done free of charge, although I had already paid £49 for a useless workshop investigation at the Kingston store. The service given by Amsys was exemplary... the collection and return of the machine was carried out at the times promised and whenever I contacted the company by phone, each person I spoke to seemed to have knowledge of the repair without having to refer to the case notes (and none of the 'press 1 for service, 2 for sales...' rubbish).
    So once again BDAqua, many thanks for suggesting I call Apple... it's just a shame that the staff of the Kingston store refused to accept what was obvious to me.

  • Windows (7/8/8.1) moves everything to primary monitor after they are powered off.

    When using multiple monitors Windows moves all open windows and apps to the primary monitor after they have either gone to sleep or been powered off. I have been looking for 2 months now trying to find a solution. My current setup is running Windows 8.1
    with an AMD Radeon R9 285X and the drivers are current. However I just switched from Windows 7 a month ago, and I changed from an NVidia card 3 months ago, all with the same result.
    This is getting ridiculous Microsoft. This issue has been reported since 2009 and I have not seen a proper fix yet.  Please don't bother telling me to update the drivers, I've done that, with both cards and in both OSs. The only solutions I've read
    about involve using questionable hardware measures in order to fix a "feature" Microsoft is imposing on people. With more and more industries moving to multiple monitor setups this seems like a poor decision on Microsoft's part. Somehow, forcing
    people to leave their monitors on constantly in order to make them work properly seems a violation of energy star compliance.
    The following are just some of the threads that relate to this topic in one way or another, all run my Microsoft and none with a proper fix, only MS saying its a feature, or update the drivers, or some other none helpful answer.

    As mentioned in this link (and this has been already mentioned in the link posted above)
    When you disconnect the additional monitor, the original display settings are restored to your primary display. In addition, all open files and program windows are moved to the primary display. The next time  that you connect the same monitor, Windows
    automatically applies the display settings that you used the last time that you connected this monitor. (same in OS Windows 7\8\8.1)
    According to your description, the monitor is automatically disconnected when it has either gone to sleep or been powered off that causes the annoying issue, If possible, I suggest you check whether there's a "source detection settings"
    (or something like this) for the monitor,  set the monitor always active as a alternative solution.
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Mac Mini crashes when HDMI-connected AV receiver powered off

    This issue concerns a Mac Mini, mid 2011, running Yosemite. It is connected to a Yamaha AV receiver using HDMI and under normal circumstances works normally. However, whenever I power off the AV receiver, the Mac Mini crashes (spontaneously restarts).
    I can't find any trace of a kernel panic, and there is no message after startup to say that the system has restarted unexpectedly.
    For example, the system log from last night shows that is was performing a backup, and then there's the boot message at the time I shut the AV receiver down:
    1/24/15 10:18:29.000 PM kernel[0]: hfs: mounted Recovery HD on device disk0s3
    1/24/15 10:18:29.810 PM mds[32]: (Volume.Normal:2464) volume:0x7f8775141000 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:0 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/Recovery HD
    1/24/15 10:18:29.854 PM fseventsd[20]: Logging disabled completely for device:1: /Volumes/Recovery HD
    1/24/15 10:18:29.000 PM kernel[0]: hfs: unmount initiated on Recovery HD on device disk0s3
    1/24/15 10:18:29.982 PM com.apple.backupd[5261]: Starting post-backup thinning
    1/24/15 10:19:17.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1422130757 0
    1/24/15 10:19:19.000 PM syslogd[16]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.AccountPolicyHelper" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    1/24/15 10:19:19.000 PM syslogd[16]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.authd" sharing output destination "/var/log/asl" with ASL Module "com.apple.asl".
    Output parameters from ASL Module "com.apple.asl" override any specified in ASL Module "com.apple.authd".
    I have swapped out the HDMI cable in case it is faulty, but this has not changed anything. This issue is easily reproducible but I haven't been able to find any possible solutions. It started after the Yosemite upgrade. Also, the AV receiver need not be displaying the Mac Mini video for this to occur. It will crash regardless of what channel the receiver is showing.
    Any help would be much appreciated!

    I have a similar issue after recently buying a receiver (Sony STR-DN1050) and wiring my mac mini through it.
    Some observations that seems to be linked.
    1. When I power up the receiver with another hdmi input than the mac mini, the mac mini switches fast between displays, from the TV name to unknown (observed through Remote Desktop), and sometimes log out the user.
    2. Then, when switching to the mac mini hdmi input, everything works fine, as the mac will recognise the TV.
    3. When switching off the receiver, the remote desktop disconnects and usually the mac mini will log off user or restart- not sure which.
    Edit: Right now, when I powered off the receiver, the mac stayed on... no idea why, as it usually disconnects as mentioned above.
    Edit2: As I look in the Display settings, the mac now recognizes my receiver as Display when it is turned off, presumably because I turned off HDMI pass-through on the receiver settings.
    However, I still have problem 1 above: When I turn on the receiver with any other input than the Mac Mini, the mac will start switching displays and log out the user.

  • HT4060 Battery drains with iPad powered  off

    Battery drains even with ipad 2 powered off. And batterys since i use IO7 drains a lot faster even in airplane mode etc,etc.
    What can you tell me?

    Could be the charger, cable or iPad. Plug the USB cable into your computer. It may say "Not Charging", however, it is charging slowly and will verify that the cable is good.
    Try this first - Reset the iPad by holding down on the Sleep and Home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons. (This is equivalent to rebooting your computer.)
    The quickest way (and really the only way) to charge your iPad is with the included 10W or 12W (5W on Mini) USB Power Adapter. iPad will also charge, although more slowly, when attached to a computer with a high-power USB port (many recent Mac computers) or with an iPhone Power Adapter (5W). When attached to a computer via a standard USB port (2.5W, most PCs or older Mac computers) iPad will charge very slowly (but iPad indicates not charging). Make sure your computer is on while charging iPad via USB. If iPad is connected to a computer that’s turned off or is in sleep or standby mode, the iPad battery will continue to drain.
    Apple recommends that once a month you let the iPad fully discharge & then recharge to 100%.
    How to Calibrate Your Mac, iPhone, or iPad Battery
    At this link http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/galaxy-tab-android-tablet,3014-11.html , tests show that the iPad 2 battery (25 watt-hours) will charge to 90% in 3 hours 1 minute. It will charge to 100% in 4 hours 2 minutes. The new iPad has a larger capacity battery (42 watt-hours), so using the 10W charger will obviously take longer. If you are using your iPad while charging, it will take even longer. It's best to turn your new iPad OFF and charge over night. Also look at The iPad's charging challenge explained http://www.macworld.com/article/1150356/ipadcharging.html
    Also, if you have a 3rd generation iPad, look at
    Apple: iPad Battery Nothing to Get Charged Up About
    http://allthingsd.com/20120327/apple-ipad-battery-nothing-to-get-charged-up-abou t/
    Apple Explains New iPad's Continued Charging Beyond 100% Battery Level
    http://www.macrumors.com/2012/03/27/apple-explains-new-ipads-continued-charging- beyond-100-battery-level/
    New iPad Takes Much Longer to Charge Than iPad 2
    http://www.iphonehacks.com/2012/03/new-ipad-takes-much-longer-to-charge-than-ipa d-2.html
    Apple Batteries - iPad http://www.apple.com/batteries/ipad.html
    iPhone: Hardware troubleshooting (Power/Battery section also applies to iPad)
    Extend iPad Battery Life (Look at pjl123 comment)
    iOS 7 Battery Life Draining Too Fast? It’s Easy to Fix
    New iPad Slow to Recharge, Barely Charges During Use
    http://www.pcworld.com/article/252326/new_ipad_slow_to_recharge_barely_charges_d uring_use.html
    iPad: Charging the battery
    Best Practices for iPad Battery Charging
    http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/articles/comments/best-practices-for-ipad-batte ry-charging/
    Tips About Charging for New iPad 3
    http://goodscool-electronics.blogspot.com/2012/04/tips-about-charging-for-new-ip ad-3.html
    How to Save and Prolong the battery life of your new ipad
    Prolong battery lifespan for iPad / iPad 2 / iPad 3: charging tips
    iPhone, iPod, Using the iPad Charger
    Install and use Battery Doctor HD
    To Extend a Device’s Battery Life, Get to Know It Better
    iPad Battery Replacement
    In rare instances when using the Camera Connection Kit, you may notice that iPad does not charge after using the Camera Connection Kit. Disconnecting and reconnecting the iPad from the charger will resolve this issue.
     Cheers, Tom

  • WRT54G V8 randomly disconnects/"powers off"

    Well, I'm having an issue here. I got a WRT54G V8 two days ago, so it's brand new. Anyway, I have this problem where the router randomly "powers off". By that, I mean that the power LED (orange light) goes off for a few seconds, then comes back on. The other lights stay on. When this happens, everything will get disconnected from the internet - my computer, my Wii, etc. However, everything go back to normal quickly after. I also had to disconnect/reconnect it once because nothing would be able to connect on the internet anymore, and the Linksys EasyLink software seemed to be convinced that I changed the router. After that happened, I decided to upgrade it to the latest firmware version. While this last problem didn't happen ever since, the power led still goes off randomly and I still get disconnected from the internet. Other than that, everything works like a charm and XP never gives me any network errors or anything of the sort. It's just that this issue is quite annoying when you're gaming and makes me wonder if I bought a defective one...
    Any help?
    Oh, and in case you need more information... the computer has a wired connection to it, as my PS2, my Wii uses a wireless connection, and so does my DS when I use it. When the power light goes off, everything gets disconnected, wired or not. Also, I'm on a cable internet connection, the modem is a Motorola SURFboard SB5100.
    Message Edited by Kelmster on 02-07-2008 12:45 PM

    Okay, now I'm getting quite a bit annoyed. The problem keeps coming back randomly. Sometimes, it'll happen once or twice in a day and fixes itself quickly. But other times, like today, I feel like throwing it out of the window. Plus, I've been reading a lot of topics in here, and a lot of people seem to have the same issue as me. The orange light doesn't go off anymore, but the internet connection is being dropped randomly with no warnings, and the internet light does stay on. Power is not flashing, everything seems well when I look at the router. When the internet goes off, I can still access the router. I tried pretty much everything I saw in here, from disconnecting it and the modem for like a half hour to changing the IPs (gave everything on my network a static IP, even tried changing the router's IP), but that only fixes it for a couple of minutes, then bam, the problem comes back. Also did a factory reset, and yes the firmware is updated, but sadly, the problem is still there. It was there from day 1 and it won't go away.  I have no idea if it has to do with my Wii accessing the internet wirelessly while it's on WiiConnect24 (it connects randomly to check for updates). It would make sense if it did that everytime, but sometimes I play online on the Wii and the internet connection still works on my wired PC.
    Seriously, is there anyone with a clue? I'm seriously thinking of returning it. I bought it to replace a noisy no-name wired router that seemed to like to make me mad. However, the Linksys one is giving me MORE problems! Is this a firmware or hardware issue here? Because I see a lot of people with the same issue, which makes me wonder if exchanging it for another one will actually change anything! I usually figure out problems by myself, but I have to say that this one has me clueless here. And, so far, in many, if not all, the cases where I was clueless about a problem, it was because of faulty hardware/software. The no-name router never dropped connections, and yet I always feared that it would explode in my face. But seriously, this is getting ridiculous. At this point, I actually wish that the problem is something stupid I forgot about, some setting that's hiding from me and that I have to activate/deactivate... I just wonder if exchanging it will fix the problem here.
    Is there anyone who actually managed to fix that issue? If so, how did you do it? If you didn't, post here too, we need to make Linksys aware of that issue. Disconnecting the power every half hour or so is not a good solution. I hope it's just a firmware issue that could be fixed soon...

  • Computer spontaneously powers off

    About a year ago, I had problems with my MacBook spontaneously powering off (several times a day). The battery life indicator could read as high as 90%+ when this could occur. It would happen while both plugged in and not. I visited the genius bar on a couple of occasions and the techs witnessed it occur, but could not locate any problems in the diagnostics - including a test on the battery. After considering replacing the somewhat new laptop, I decided to try a new battery as a last resort $$$. This cured the problem!! Unfortunately though, here I am about eight months later with the same symptoms starting up again. This time, I know that a new battery will help (a pricey fix every few months), but I'm wondering what might be corrupting my batteries. Has anyone else had these issues? Does anyone know what might be causing this corruption? Thanks!

    If you have the late-2008 unibody MBP, your battery's original full charge capicty was about 4600mAh, so the capacity is OK, especially if you haven't calibrated it lately. If I were you, I'd reset the SMC:
    If that doesn't change anything, and the battery's anomalous behavior doesn't allow you to calibrate it, following this article to the letter...
    ...then the battery would seem to be defective and should be replaced under warranty.

  • Phone Powers Off 10+ times a day

    So I've been reading that the phone powers off by itself, and occasional power downs didn't really bother me.  It is starting to do it now while I'm on the phone, surfing the net, or using apps.  This is bothersome as today I've counted 11 turnoffs. 
    I also had the text failure problem - but that seems to be ok now.  What I did to "fix" this was delete the thread and start a new text thread.  I like having records of texts so this was a pretty big issue for me. 
    I worked through HTC for help and they were not very helpful.  I guess I should have started with Verizon.  I bought the phone in December of 2012 and I think I am approaching my one year mark. 
    Is there anything I can do?  This is getting too painful and inconvenient.  Thanks!

    After reading several posts, I decided to take out the SIM card and then put it back in.  This (so far) has greatly improved the system stability.  I haven't had a shut down, or any of the other issues that I was experiencing in the past. 
    Lets hope this works. 

  • TS1702 My iPad2 will not download and install iOS6!!!!! I have tried over 4 times, powered off, etc

    My iPad2 will not download and install iOS6!!!!! I have tried over 4 times, powered off, etc HELP!!!!!

    OTA or iTunes? Yesterday I used iTunes to update the wifey's with no issues. What are the symptoms?

  • Powering off the iPhone

    Okay, so I feel like a big idiot posting this, but I figured if I could save someone else the pain, I could redeem myself. Did you know you should power off the phone at least once a day for 30 seconds? You hold the top button down for 10 seconds and then a slide bar pops up to power off. I was having major issues with my phone the last week or so. Dropped calls, not getting voicemails, emails, couldn't get on Edge, etc. After THREE separate calls to AT&T customer service, third one was a charm. She asked, very politely, have you been powering off your phone? Uhhh...no. Well let's try that, shall we? Uhhh....okay.
    All better!
    I love my iPhone again!!

    before i bought the iphone, i would get very poor reception at times and sometimes none at all...i'm in a pretty dead area at my house. after talking to att, they told me to start powering off my phone at night because they said they send signal updates from time to time and if my phone is on, it will not be able to receive the updates.
    this sounded like bull to me but i tried it and sure enough my reception improved. not a huge amount but enough to make a difference. this became habit for me and i continue it now with the iphone.
    also, i power down my mac at night and leaving the iphone in a connected dock when the computer is off will drain the battery i'm told. so since the computer is off at night anyway, i turn the iphone off at night as well.
    take it for what it's worth.
    Message was edited by: carl flamm

  • Problem with connecting ipad 2 with crestron cp2e...help plss its urgent... I hv a ipad 2 with mobile pro g connected with cp2e. when i pressed any button in ipad its connet with cp2e but after 4-5 sec one error comes (warning wifi was powered off while t

    problem with connecting ipad 2 with crestron cp2e...help plss its urgent...
    I hv a ipad 2 with mobile pro g connected with cp2e. when i pressed any button in ipad its connet with cp2e but after 4-5 sec one error comes (warning wifi was powered off while the device was in auto -lock(sleep)press connect to reconnect) when i pressed again its connected with cp2e. i am using netgear wireless access point . i also has been changed access point as well as updated ipad firmware bt problem is as it is .. pls help.

    Hi have you solved the issue ?
    Cause I have the same problem.

  • My Imac 2.0 GHz Intel Core Duo keeps powering off

    Hi all,
    I have a 20inch 2.0 GHz Intel Core Duo (Imac 4.1), Over the last few weeks the Mac would just power off on the odd occasion when using Apeture, I put this down to being the just overworked for processing picture. This seems to have been getting worse and kept occurring more and more often. Light Internet browsing was fine..
    I decided after some time to replace the 2gb memory i had to see if that would fix the issue, this seemed to work for a few days then the same issues returned.
    I now seeing this issue occured just by opening Safari and decided to rebuild the Imac, I completed the Snowleopard install and all seemed ok for a day then it re-occurred again and seemed to be worse, I then removed the 2gb memory and just kept with the 512mb as when bought... Still it keeps powering off. I have moved to different power sockets and still see the same issues.
    Please note in order to power the Imac backup up I have to leave the power out for about 20-30 minutes, If i leave the power plugged in it never boots backup up.
    I now decided to even revert back to Lion OS, but it just powers off during the install...
    I thinking it sounds like a Power supply issue but would like confirmation before I take it to a repair shop..

    As old as your iMac is, have you cleaned out the dust? Dust buildup can lead to over heating issues. Remove any and all things plugged into it including the power cord, Remove the RAM access grille. Vacuum all openings starting with the RAM access area (air intake). Vacuum all ports and plugs, DVD slot and the opening across the top of the rear of the body. Blow compressed air through all your openings and vacuum again to remove any dust you loosend. Reinstall the RAM grille. Plug in the keyboard and mouse if not blue tooth. Insert power cord...
    You are now in a perfect position to do a
    Shut down the computer.
    Unplug the computer's power cord and ALL peripherals.
    Wait 15 seconds.
    Attach the computers power cable.
    Wait another 5 seconds and press the power button to turn on the computer.
    It is the 5 second timing that initiates the reset.
    Here is a link to a Widget to monitor your temps and other operations:

Maybe you are looking for