Calendar Alarm Options

It seems that it is possible for the calander alarm to ring a maximum of 3 times before shutting off. Repeat notifications only give the option of  LED flashing or none.
I need my calendar alarm to keep ringing until I turn it off, or at least ring 8 or 9 times and reset itself to ring again in a few minutes.
Is this possible?
If not, is there another calendar program that will do this and still be able to sync with my Yahoo or Google calendar, or back up in some other way?

I linked you the whole ringtone pack @ Nokiausers mate.
Grayburn @ & say Hello!!!
If you appreciate ANY help from a member,then show it by clicking on the Blue Star button, cheers

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    You received the error because some security issue with the App Sandbox, basically the OS doesn't think your app is safe because it's not signed.  You can confirm this by opening the console.  Look for a message saying something like:
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    What forums? A google search turns up nothing but this thread.
    I have not seen this problem with the released versions of 10.8.

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    I have a Nokia 6085 cell phone. I was wondering if anybody knows how to change the ring tone for a calendar setting? I also don't know how to change the ring tone for the alarm setting either. Any suggestions?

    open your option.go to settings.see if there is calender it and change it
    for your clock and press options.then settings.then alarm and change it
    most of the phones have this same way see if it helps you

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  • Calendar Alarms at Dawn!

    I've just got a 5800. My first experience was of loading the disk that came with the handset and finding that the ‘Ovi’ applications together with Vista seemed reluctant to do anything. Loading even my basic info, e.g. phonebook onto my new handset was impossible. I still haven't managed to get the Music and Photo applications to boot up, let alone communicate with the handset. Others like the Ovi Suite boot up but won't communicate. After struggling for a day, a very helpful Nokia rep called back and pointed me towards PC Suite, which ran like a breeze. Getting past those immediate issues, I was drawn to the calendar interface on the home screen and loaded a few sample events to see how it behaved. The current day’s events show first as might be expected. Then the list continues, showing future events for which a reminder has been set. This means that I now have a constant reminder to buy Aunt Mavis a birthday card and post it over the next few days! It stays there until the event has past, so I am reminded also to phone her on the big day. On the strength of those excellent results, I synchronised my handset with Outlook. The following morning at 6am I was rudely awoken by all manner of chiming and buzzing. It wouldn't have been so bad, but the 'real alarm' was set to go off at 7:30. It seems that All Day Events, like Birthdays, tasks to renew to the insurance and reminders to buy milk are treated as urgent events which you must be awoken at 6am to deal with, even if, in the case of Aunt Mavis' card, the shops aren't open for another 3 hours. I dread to think what will happen at the weekend when I was hoping to have a lie-in.
    This seems like basic stuff, so I went in search of a basic solution and found the following: There don't seem to be any options in PC Suite for the handling of reminders. If there is a reminder set in Outlook, then, upon synchronisation, PC Suite converts this into an Alarm.
    I did find an option on the handset under Calendar Settings to set the Calendar Alarm Tone globally to “None”. The next morning, however, I was greeted by buzzing, which repeated incessantly every few minutes until I was awake enough to pick up the handset and cancel it! Turning to Outlook, I found a reminder sound is set for each appointment by default. I’ve never noticed it before.  I guess it hasn’t been an issue because All Day Event chimes must go off at midnight when the PC is usually switched off.  So I modified all my All Day Events to have no reminder sound. On synchronisation, it turns out this gets rid of the beeping but still leaves the buzzing as before. Looking at PC Suite again, it is possible to edit each appointment after synchronisation. Setting aside any concerns that manually editing entries is sure to cause future synchronisation headaches, there is an option for the Alarm to be changed to “Not Set”. It seems there is no way of doing this quickly as you have to edit each individually (100+ in my case). It turns out, however, that doing this not only removes the alarm but also the reminder itself – it no longer appears on the home screen as a future event. This means I don’t find out about Aunt Mavis until the day of her birthday - too late to send a card!
    I guess on the handset I could disable vibration completely in the profile settings, but I do rather rely on that for calls, messages and of course, the real alarm clock. I guess even then an alert would still come up on the screen at 6am every morning and have to be cancelled.
    Have I missed something obvious? Does anyone have a work around? Is this common to all Nokias? Can anyone come to my rescue as I am about to abandon this calendar feature as a beautifully conceived but fatally flawed!!!

    I like your thinking el-loco! And thanks to au-N97 and radical 24 for taking it a stage further.
    Calendar alarms certainly 'feel' like they should be profile related – in some situations active, in others disabled. I went to test out the Warning tones option and found I had already set it to off a few days ago whilst getting rid of the power on/off jingle that had come preloaded on the phone. (It was annoying me!)
    Following el-loco’s principle though, it is possible to turn off vibration instead. The Calendar Alarm Tone would have to be set globally to “None” as it is not a profile option. No beeps or buzzing at dawn now; that would just leave the screen lighting up every few minutes – the alert repeats endlessly on an automatic ‘snooze cycle’ until the user intervenes and “Stop” is pressed on the handset.
    In the meantime guess I will have to resort to powering off the phone completely overnight. Just a thought - is possible to do a timed / automatic power off / power on of the handset – say powering off at 05:59 and on again at 06:01 to get around it??
    Sorry about the examples I used in my original post, by the way – I was only trying to get the point across. Fundamentally, I see the issue as follows:
    If I understand correctly, the phone has 4 possible notification methods for each calendar event:
    Alarm tone
    Alarm vibrate
    Alarm screen alert
    Home screen list
    The first 3 are ‘interrupts’ they alert the user and have to be dealt with or cancelled immediately.
    The fourth is method is ‘informative’ - available for the user to check at any time, but does not demand immediate intervention.
    Reminders can fall into either category
    –interrupts, where you need to go somewhere or do something at a specific scheduled time, e.g. set off to a meeting , or
    -advisory, non scheduled and / or non time specific events. This category is much broader and includes all the other things you have get done when you have a minute, ad hoc meetings to arrange, issues to resolve, tasks to complete etc. It might also include designated days, i.e. contract deliveries, a client presentation, leave days, renewals, anniversaries etc for which you have to contribute, e.g. a reminder two days before the contract delivery date so you can check everything is in order and deal with any outstanding issues, or a reminder 5 days before a client presentation so you can a start getting your material together and make the necessary travel arrangements etc. NB: Outlook deals with this very well – in that latter example, it will quietly sit in your reminder list constantly until your presentation, or you can cancel it early if you have completed all the prep. The phone’s Home screen list appears to have the same capability, albeit I have experienced some erratic results (see confusion in previous post).
    The problem seems to be that the handset does not distinguish between the two categories – it is not possible to have an advisory reminder without also having and interrupt alarm. If there is no specific time applicable to an event/reminder, the handset overrides this and sets an interrupt alarm for 6am. This makes no sense as it is effectively demanding my attention at a time of its own choosing!!! (If you follow, that is the cause of my rude awakening each morning.)
    If there is no other solution, it ‘feels’ like a synchronisation settings issue. Perhaps the user could choose how alarms and reminders are dealt with on the phone for time specific and non-time specific appointments?
    The profile setting touched upon at the start goes hand in hand. There are many circumstances that it might not be appropriate for your phone to start beeping / vibrating and / or flashing, irrespective of whether they are time or non- time specific events. To name but two, in my workplace, a phone going off in a meeting is frowned upon unless it is a genuine emergency. Also, when on leave, I don’t think many people would be pleased about their phones going off for meetings / events that are happening back at work!
    A finale angle I can explore is from a usability perspective:
    Layer 0
    Other than by switching the phone off altogether, at the moment there seems to be no easy way to suppress or control when or where calendar alarms go off. If you don’t want interrupt alarms, you can’t synch your calendar.
    Layer 1
    If it were possible to suppress interrupts (tone, vibrate and screen alert), the calendar would become useful as a reference tool. When someone asks if I am free for a meeting at 2pm next Tuesday, or available for dinner at 8pm, I would at least be able to check on the handset and confirm.
    If suppressing interrupts were possible by profile, I would in addition have a useful alarm tool for important events, and be able to use the automated switchover workaround as described by the other contributors.
    Adding synchronising options to allow time and non-time specific reminders to be handled differently. No switchover workaround would be necessary. Resolving the erratic operation of the Home screen list would add maximum value.
    Well those are my thoughts, what does everyone else think?

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    Please help me on this matter. 

    Hi Taufiq,
    From your description, I recommend you follow the steps below to use Outlook safe mode to determine whether the issue is related to add-ins.
    Run -> Type Outlook.exe /safe -> Click OK
    Hope this can be helpful to you.
    Best regards,
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Calendar Alarm Open FIle not working in Mountain Lion

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    I thought I was on to something, but then I re-read your post and saw that you've successfully tested your scripts in Calendar.  So, all I've got left to offer is a silly question: has the calendar been set to ignore alerts?  I ask because just within the last few days I created an Automator calendar alarm, tested it successfully (in the same fashion as you), and set it off to run on its merrily-scheduled way, only to discover it wasn't firing on its own.  Like you, I double-checked my Energy Saver settings and it looked like things should work just fine.  What I finally found was that at some point during all my testing and fiddling I'd ticked the "Ignore alerts" box for the calendar,  and that's what was keeping my script from firing.

  • How can I extend the calendar alarm sound on my iPhone?

    Before I got my iPhone I used my mobile phones (dumb, android, Symbian) to set an alarm with the calendar. I'm having a hard time properly doing so on my iPhone. My brain is lined with teflon and I forget a lot of stuff - up until now my mobile phones have been vital in remedying this.
    Say that I have an important appointment at 14:00 two weeks from now, I punch it in the calendar on my iPhone and let it alert me an hour before the event. When the time comes my iPhone lets out a measly "beep" that no one hears and I miss the appointment - I can go entire work days without looking at my phone (and phone usage is strongly discouraged at my workplace) so this is really a big problem for me. So far I've missed a couple of important meetings, left important stuff undone and forgot to pick my kid up from kindergarten (my wife usually does, but there are those rare, calendar reminder occasions when I have to)!
    On all the other phones I've owned I'd be able to set the calendar alarm so that it would go on and on and on until I reacted, thus minimizing the odds of me missing the alarm. I have no idea how to make my iPhone do this.
    Sure there are workarounds like making the calendar alarm go off a day before to remind me to create an actual alarm clock alarm for the day after but that really seems to be an uneccesary hazzle and a major design flaw - also, what if I'm really busy when the early reminder goes off and I forget to set the alarm? Or perhaps I should attempt to tame myself to constantly check my iPhone for possible alerts? I really love my iPhone, but if it becomes a handicap i'll throw it away in a heartbeat.

    I was not aware of the fact one could use ringtones as alarms, this will suffice! Although I foresee some very awkward times as the sound does not stop once I respond to the reminder (it keeps going for good five - ten seconds after I "stop" the reminder), but it's better than missing it altogether!
    Thank you very much!
    Regarding the Alarmed app, doesn't it have to be running to actually remind you?
    -Modular747: I don't know anyone who actually reads the terms of service agreement, those things are usually up to thirty, small print pages full of legal jargon. Rules, I do read - not the legal documents (also they often contradict the laws in my country, but that's a whole different story).
    I agree with you - the average customer support consultant mostly cares about keeping his job and earning his salary (don't we all?) and thus racking up completted tasks (i.e. getting rid of customers as fast as possible - in a good mood). The "threat" none the less is real, if a cell phone causes me more trouble than it is worth, I will indeed throw it away (I have done so before) - and recommend a different brand to anyone willing to listen.
    Don't get me wrong, I love Apple and I've been faithfully using and recommending their producs for twenty years now, not because of fanboyism, but because they earned it. This calendar issue, however, is like a toaster that doesn't automatically eject the toast at the set time. I see it as a major flaw and after googling around a bit I see that it's been around since at least 2007 (THAT'S SEVEN YEARS!!) so I strongly believe they are aware of this problem by now, but are choosing to ignore it for some mysterious reason and it really ****** me off.
    I will send the feedback but based on my observations I suspect the Send button is merely a cleverly disguised Delete button.

  • Iphone 4 Calendar Alarm Issue

    I have a problem with the calendar/alarm in the iPhone 4.
    When I book an event with alarm, the alarm alerts you with a lag of 8 hours (vs the time of my location, i.e. Portugal).
    Does anyone know how to solve this issue???
    Strangely I never had this problem in iPhone 3Gs.

    Gerir Fuso Horário/Time Zone Support
    Off/On Phone

  • Blackberry Q5 OS Version Calendar Alarm rings for 2 seconds only

    Please rectify the problem related to Calendar Notification as rings for just 2 seconds and I completely reply on It.
    Blackberry Q5 Model No SQR100-3 OS Version Software Release :: Calendar Alarm rings for 2 seconds only.
    Please help.
    Rks India

    BlackBerry is aware of this issue.
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  • Cannot add a new email account, and hence icloud account. When i go into Settings - Mail, accounts, calendars,  the option to add a new account cannot be clicked (ghosted). I also have iCloud Settings ghosted (unclickable). Cannot change in itunes also.

    Cannot add a new email account, and hence i have no way of creating an iCloud account (very frustrating). I had the same problem with iOS 4.3 but i had no email account to create as i set both up when i bought the iPhone 4. After adding a company email and a gmail account (both wok perfectly) i noticed that the option to create more email accounts had been ghosted (unclickable). This didn't worry me at the time. However, iCloud needs me to create one in here so i can access the cloud which i desperately want the ability to do. When i go into Settings -> Mail, accounts, calendars,  the option to add a new account cannot be clicked (ghosted). I also have iCloud in the iPhone Settings ghosted (unclickable). I have same problem in itunes on Mac OSX. Surely restoring isn't the solution as i restored my iphone when changing from iOS 4.3 -> 5. Please help?

    Go to
    Restrictions, type in your Restriction Password,
    Accounts, tick Allow Changes.
    Press the back key a few times till you're back in Settings, you should see iCloud is now highlight able, now go to Mail Contacts and Calenders and add your email account as per norm.
    Hope this helps.

  • Desktop direct sync resets calendar alarms

    I am not setup on BES and I am sync'ing my 8320 direclty to my PC wiht BlackBerry Desktop Manager.
    My problem is that after each sync, all of my calendar alarms for the last 24-48hours get reset and I get a burst of alarms from Outlook when the sync is complete.  The hand held does not show the burst of alarms.
    Setting the switch in the BBDM for Synchronization>Calendar>Setup... "Remove alarm from past items" does not change the behavior.
    HW: 8320 - T-mobile
    phone: v4.5.0.81
    Outlook: 2003 SP3 11.8206.8221
    Please let me know if anyone knows how to clean this up.  Thanks!

    Have you seen any resolution?
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  • E66 - set calendar alarm date and time

    in previous phone - E60, a was able to set both date&time for calendar alarm.
    In E66 I can only set value from limited list - 0-30 min, 1-8, 12 hours, 1-2 days, one week. But for older events, which I've moved from e60, two fields are displayed when editing - time and date.
    How can I set both time and date for new calendar alarm?

    I also need a calendar like this and would appreciate anybody pointing me in the right direction. Thanks.

  • Any way to adjust Calendar alarm sound?

    Is there any way to adjust the Calendar alarm sound from it's default "Time Passing" setting? Would prefer one of the other ones, but can't see where to change it...

    After going to the Apple store I found out that it is not possible even though the manual says it is.
    I don't know if they inteded to have this feature and "forgot" if they never intended it and just copied and pasted wrong.
    It's my biggest peeve with the itouch....hoping they fix it soon...I can't hear the stoopid thing. I also want it to keep sounding the alarm--like it does on the alarm clock so I can make sure I'm actually reminded.

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