Caller Identity problem on the 8900

Hi - can anyone help me fix this ?
Frequently - but mysteriously, not all the time - a call comes through with just the number displayed, even though the number is already in my contacts database. This happens randomly with different numbers.
Even weirder, after the call when I look on the sent and received calls list (pressing the green handset button), it has correctly identified the number as one of my contacts.
So why is my 8900 not displaying the contact name on my screen at the time when the call comes through ?
I am sure that others have experienced this fault, but I cant find the relevant threads. Thanks in advance for your help.

I have the same fault, the phone not displaying the callers name from my address book, but appearing correct in the call log.
Tried a re-boot, fixed the fault, but not permanatly, intermittantly works
The oly fix i have found to work is to swap the start of of the mobile number 07 with +447 (uk prefix)
Only tried this yesterday, and all good since, but watch this space

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