Can 3rd Parties (Clients) upload files to CC?

I'm looking for a 4 Gig video file to be uploaded from a client to my Creative Cloud online storage,  the file is obviously too large for the free version of Drop Box.  So I thought I could use creative cloud for this but I can't find anyway to allow a guest access or provide an upload address.    Any advice?   Is this even possible?

You can not ask your client to upload the files into your creative cloud storage(2 GB for trial and 20 GB for subscribed users). You can only upload the files into the creative cloud if you are logged in to with your adobe ID and password.
However Creative Cloud is currently experiencing issues with a small number of file types. Previews and download conversions will be delayed for these files. We are working to resolve these issues as quickly as possible.
Kapil Malik

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    Hi paul
    If you want someone to share a file with you so yes it is posible. people can register there email ID as Adobe ID on and they can use upto 2GB of free spae for 1 month (Trial period) and upto 20Gb in case if they have purchased Creative Cloud membership and upto 100 in case they have Creative Cloud team account.
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    Did you read the document for the library?
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    Are you trying thru OOB or how..
    Please check the "maximum file size for sharepoint".
    refer below links for the same.
    Don't forget to mark it as an Answer if it resolves your problem or Vote Me if it useful.

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    Hi Tanya,
    At this stage this is not possible out of the box in Muse to add the articles, you only can edit them using the in browser editing. To be able to add something without involving Muse, you will need to use a CMS system like business catalyst, where you can setup modules like blogs or news items for your client and they can add them from the back-end itself, which will reflect instantly on the site.
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    To add to Sameer's reply, more information is at View and manage meeting content.

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    how are box or any other provider going to know who people are. They do not need an account with that provider to see the mail. That is the whole purpose. Anyone with the URL can open it. But only those with the URL, their is no browse process. (security by obscurity)
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    File u r uploding mightnot have set proper mime type property of IResource where as One u have created through portal will set it. Try to check mime type of resource you are uploding
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    Settings > General > Usage

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    I haven't tried this, but I believe what you could do is
    requestHeaders to the urlrequest object that you pass into
    the file.upload()
    method. The requestHeaders is an array of name/value pairs
    that would be
    included with your post. At least in theory, I believe that
    shoudl work.
    Good luck.
    "tantalo" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:e3q3mt$138$[email protected]..
    > Hi. Phil, how i commented in the forum the examples
    works ok, with a
    > little
    > changes to make a file Upload. Now i have another doubt,
    i need to make a
    > submit of a form with another fields and the file
    > I made a HHTP Service for that purpose with the tags
    Requests like:
    > <mx:HTTPService id="empleadoRequest"
    > url="
    > useProxy="false" method="POST">
    > <mx:request xmlns="">
    > <cedula>{cedula.text}</cedula>
    > <nombre>{nombre.text}</nombre>
    > <apellido>{apellido.text}</apellido>
    > <!--Falta Fecha de Nacimiento -->
    > <sexo>{}</sexo>
    > <extension>{extension.text}</extension>
    > </mx:request>
    > </mx:HTTPService>
    > I have the global variable called "file" that contains
    the file selected.
    > I
    > want to send this file variable in the HHTPservice call
    > can i
    > do that with a Request tag like another field? or the
    only way is trougth:
    > file.upload(upload.cfm) ?;
    > I want only make a one call to the server to submit the
    fields of the form
    > and
    > to upload the file at th e same time can you help me How
    can i do that?
    > Thanks.
    > Regards.
    > Andres.

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    Hi, can you tell exactly what requirements exist?
    I am having the same problem when I try to upload a file. My Admin has opened the site for me and I can access via browser, but not upload PDFs. I also cannot upload files for review from other Adobe products (RoboHelp or Acrobat).
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       File uploadedFile = (File) mp.getFile("filename");
                   FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filename);
                    byte[] uploadedFileBuf = new byte[(int) uploadedFile.length()];

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