Can I do a geometric correction in Aperture?

I have a photo, taken of a house, which was take from too low a point on the ground, looking slightly 'up'. The result is that the house appears to be 'leaning backward', not sitting straight up. Is there something among the powerful tools provided by Aperture that can assist me in correcting this? I dont want to shoot a negative and get out my enlarger and set up a dark room to take care of this simple problem.
Message was edited by: jeffd55

Or you could purchase a plug-in for Aperture. See the link: I use PT Lens for lens correction. It works extremely well and has the benefit of keeping your workflow within Aperture. There are scores of plug-ins available. I have also found Noise Ninja to be very effective at reducing noise.

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    Best regards,
    RusComRus Team
    13.03.2013, в 13:03, Wenlan_Du <[email protected]> написал(а):
    Re: I can't print the form correctly in Russian
    created by Wenlan_Du in FormsCentral - View the full discussion
    It still prints well for me from Chrome on Win XP. Are you able to print out Russian text from apps other than FormsCentral, such as MS Word, other web sites in Chrome or other browsers?
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    Quit Mail. Force quit if necessary.
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    Right click on a word  in an editable area.
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  • How  can i run this code correctly?

    hello, everybody:
        when  i run the code, i found that it dons't work,so ,i  hope somebody can help me!
        the Ball class is this :
        package {
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        [SWF(width = "550", height = "400")]
        public class Ball extends Sprite {
            private var radius:Number;
            private var color:uint;
            private var vx:Number;
            private var vy:Number;
            public function Ball(radius:Number=40, color:uint=0xff9900,
            vx:Number =0, vy:Number =0) {
                this.radius= radius;
                this.color = color;
                this.vx = vx;
                this.vy = vy;
            private function init():void {
    and the Chain class code is :
    package {
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        [SWF(width = "550", height = "400")]
        public class Chain extends Sprite {
            private var ball0:Ball;
            private var ball1:Ball;
            private var ball2:Ball;
            private var spring:Number = 0.1;
            private var friction:Number = 0.8;
            private var gravity:Number = 5;
            //private var vx:Number =0;
            //private var vy:Number = 0;
            public function Chain() {
            public function init():void {
                ball0  = new Ball(20);
                ball1 = new Ball(20);
                ball2 = new Ball(20);
                addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
            private function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void {
                moveBall(ball0, mouseX, mouseY);
                moveBall(ball1, ball0.x, ball0.y);
                moveBall(ball2, ball1.x, ball1.y);
                graphics.moveTo(mouseX, mouseY);
                graphics.lineTo(ball0.x, ball0.y);
                graphics.lineTo(ball1.x, ball1.y);
                graphics.lineTo(ball2.x, ball2.y);
            private function moveBall(ball:Ball,
                                      targetY:Number):void {
                ball.vx += (targetX - ball.x) * spring;
                ball.vy += (targetY - ball.y) * spring;
                ball.vy += gravity;
                ball.vx *= friction;
                ball.vy *= friction;
                ball.x += vx;
                ball.y += vy;
    thanks every body's help!

    ok, thanks for your reply ! I run this code in the Flex builder 3!and the Ball class and the Chain class are all in the same AS project!
      and i changed the ball.pv property as public in the Ball class, and  the Chain class has no wrong syntactic analysis,but the AS code don't this is the problem.
    发件人: Ned Murphy <[email protected]>
    发送时间: 2010-04-20 23:01
    主 题: how  can i run this code correctly?
    收件人: fang alvin <[email protected]>
    I don't see that the Ball class has a pv property, or that you even try to access a pv property in the Chain class.  All of the properties in your Ball class are declared as private, so you probably cannot access them directly.  They would need to be public.  Also, I still don't see where you import Ball in the chain class such that it can use it.

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