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I assume you are talking about installing only iPhoto from the iLife disks - neither iPhoto nor iLife are available as downloads
I'm not sure if the installer offers installing only iPhoto or not, but if you can install only iPhoto you would do it using the custom install button during the install process

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    Yes, if the movie has been downloaded to the iPad, then you can watch it without Wi-Fi.

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    Have you tried this?
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    Now your Videos & Photos should be accessible in the iMovie App.

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    Connect the two Macs together (network, firewire target mode, etc)  or use an external hard drive formed Mac OS extended (journaled) and drag the iPhoto library intact as a single entity from the old Mac to the pictures folder of the new Mac - launch iPhoto on the new mac and it will open the library and convert it as needed and you will be ready move forward.

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    But it can go faster if the iPhone is held in the horizontal position, then on the left side listing tap Edit in the upper raight bar of that pane, and just tap each email to be deleted, then when you have a batch to delete, tap delete at the bottom left.  That is the fastest way I have found.

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    Contact App Store support. There's a link on the right hand side of the App Store Window. They're the only ones who can sort out account issues.

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    How old is your Mac? If it's very recent you need to update via the App Store
    If you purchased at the App Store you need to update via the App Store
    Otherwise you update via Softare Update
    -->  If you have moved iPhoto from the default location (i.e. into a Folder) then the updater won't find it. Move it back.
    -- > If you have renamed iPhoto, the updater won't find it. Change it back.

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    This is not a reply. I just want to elaborate on this problem.
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    thanks for help

    Just the Photos?
    Export them from iPhoto to a folder on the desktop
    Put that folder in the Users/Shared folder.
    Switch User.
    Drag the folder from the Shared folder to whereever you want it.
    Share the Library?
    For iPhoto 09 (version 8.0.2) and later:
    What you mean by 'share'.
    If you want the other user to be able to see the pics, but not add to, change or alter your library, then enable Sharing in your iPhoto (Preferences -> Sharing), leave iPhoto running and use Fast User Switching to open the other account. In that account, enable 'Look For Shared Libraries'. Your Library will appear in the other source pane.
    Any user can drag a pic from the Shared Library to their own in the iPhoto Window.
    Remember iPhoto must be running in both accounts for this to work.
    If you want the other user to have the same access to the library as you: to be able to add, edit, organise, keyword etc.
    Quit iPhoto in both accounts. Move the Library to the Users / Shared Folder (but note: some users find ongoing permissions issues with the Library in this location. It might be better to use an external HD set to ignore permissions, a Disk Image or even partition your Hard Disk.)
    In each account in turn: Double click on the Library to open it. (You may be asked to repair the Library Permissions.) From that point on, this will be the default library location. Both accounts will have full access to the library, in fact, both accounts will 'own' it.
    However, there is a catch with this system and it is a significant one. iPhoto is not a multi-user app., it does not have the code to negotiate two users simultaneously writing to the database, and trying will cause db corruption. So only one user at a time, and back up, back up back up.

  • Hi every one i am a new user of macbook pro i deleted my iPhoto from my mac, i don,t have any copy of it in the dvd or usb file, please tell me how can i reinstall iPhoto on my mac. thanks

    please tell me have can i reinstall iphoto on my mac. i don,t have any copy in the dvd or usb. i have deleted it from my mac.

    Did you go to the App Store, log in with your Apple ID and password and then click on the Purchases button?
    What system came preinstalled on your Mac.  Did you Mac come with any disks? If so what are their titles?

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    We're talking some photos? You can export them from iPhoto to a USB flash drive form the iMac and import them into iPhoto on the MBP. That's one way.

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